Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 616be29c7 -> 3689beb98

[SPARK-10979][SPARKR] Sparkrmerge: Add merge to DataFrame with R signature

Add merge function to DataFrame, which supports R signature.

Author: Narine Kokhlikyan <>

Closes #9012 from NarineK/sparkrmerge.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3689beb98b6a6db61e35049fdb57b0cd6aad8019
Parents: 616be29
Author: Narine Kokhlikyan <>
Authored: Mon Oct 26 15:12:25 2015 -0700
Committer: Shivaram Venkataraman <>
Committed: Mon Oct 26 15:12:25 2015 -0700

 R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R              | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R |  37 ++++++++-
 2 files changed, 169 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R b/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
index 2acbd08..c894445 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
@@ -1457,15 +1457,147 @@ setMethod("join",
-#' @rdname merge
 #' @name merge
 #' @aliases join
+#' @title Merges two data frames
+#' @param x the first data frame to be joined
+#' @param y the second data frame to be joined
+#' @param by a character vector specifying the join columns. If by is not
+#'   specified, the common column names in \code{x} and \code{y} will be used.
+#' @param by.x a character vector specifying the joining columns for x.
+#' @param by.y a character vector specifying the joining columns for y.
+#' @param all.x a boolean value indicating whether all the rows in x should
+#'              be including in the join
+#' @param all.y a boolean value indicating whether all the rows in y should
+#'              be including in the join
+#' @param sort a logical argument indicating whether the resulting columns 
should be sorted
+#' @details  If all.x and all.y are set to FALSE, a natural join will be 
returned. If
+#'   all.x is set to TRUE and all.y is set to FALSE, a left outer join will
+#'   be returned. If all.x is set to FALSE and all.y is set to TRUE, a right
+#'   outer join will be returned. If all.x and all.y are set to TRUE, a full
+#'   outer join will be returned.
+#' @rdname merge
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' sc <- sparkR.init()
+#' sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
+#' df1 <- jsonFile(sqlContext, path)
+#' df2 <- jsonFile(sqlContext, path2)
+#' merge(df1, df2) # Performs a Cartesian
+#' merge(df1, df2, by = "col1") # Performs an inner join based on expression
+#' merge(df1, df2, by.x = "col1", by.y = "col2", all.y = TRUE)
+#' merge(df1, df2, by.x = "col1", by.y = "col2", all.x = TRUE)
+#' merge(df1, df2, by.x = "col1", by.y = "col2", all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
+#' merge(df1, df2, by.x = "col1", by.y = "col2", all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
+#' merge(df1, df2, by = "col1", all = TRUE, suffixes = c("-X", "-Y"))
+#' }
           signature(x = "DataFrame", y = "DataFrame"),
-          function(x, y, joinExpr = NULL, joinType = NULL, ...) {
-            join(x, y, joinExpr, joinType)
-          })
+          function(x, y, by = intersect(names(x), names(y)), by.x = by, by.y = 
+                   all = FALSE, all.x = all, all.y = all,
+                   sort = TRUE, suffixes = c("_x","_y"), ... ) {
+            if (length(suffixes) != 2) {
+              stop("suffixes must have length 2")
+            }
+            # join type is identified based on the values of all, all.x and 
+            # default join type is inner, according to R it should be natural 
but since it
+            # is not supported in spark inner join is used
+            joinType <- "inner"
+            if (all || (all.x && all.y)) {
+              joinType <- "outer"
+            } else if (all.x) {
+              joinType <- "left_outer"
+            } else if (all.y) {
+              joinType <- "right_outer"
+            }
+            # join expression is based on by.x, by.y if both by.x and by.y are 
not missing
+            # or on by, if by.x or by.y are missing or have different lengths
+            if (length(by.x) > 0 && length(by.x) == length(by.y)) {
+              joinX <- by.x
+              joinY <- by.y
+            } else if (length(by) > 0) {
+              # if join columns have the same name for both dataframes,
+              # they are used in join expression
+              joinX <- by
+              joinY <- by
+            } else {
+              # if by or both by.x and by.y have length 0, use Cartesian 
+              joinRes <- join(x, y)
+              return (joinRes)
+            }
+            # sets alias for making colnames unique in dataframes 'x' and 'y'
+            colsX <- generateAliasesForIntersectedCols(x, by, suffixes[1])
+            colsY <- generateAliasesForIntersectedCols(y, by, suffixes[2])
+            # selects columns with their aliases from dataframes
+            # in case same column names are present in both data frames
+            xsel <- select(x, colsX)
+            ysel <- select(y, colsY)
+            # generates join conditions and adds them into a list
+            # it also considers alias names of the columns while generating 
join conditions
+            joinColumns <- lapply(seq_len(length(joinX)), function(i) {
+              colX <- joinX[[i]]
+              colY <- joinY[[i]]
+              if (colX %in% by) {
+                colX <- paste(colX, suffixes[1], sep = "")
+              }
+              if (colY %in% by) {
+                colY <- paste(colY, suffixes[2], sep = "")
+              }
+              colX <- getColumn(xsel, colX)
+              colY <- getColumn(ysel, colY)
+              colX == colY
+            })
+            # concatenates join columns with '&' and executes join
+            joinExpr <- Reduce("&", joinColumns)
+            joinRes <- join(xsel, ysel, joinExpr, joinType)
+            # sorts the result by 'by' columns if sort = TRUE
+            if (sort && length(by) > 0) {
+              colNameWithSuffix <- paste(by, suffixes[2], sep = "")
+              joinRes <-"arrange", c(joinRes, colNameWithSuffix, 
decreasing = FALSE))
+            }
+            joinRes
+          })
+#' Creates a list of columns by replacing the intersected ones with aliases.
+#' The name of the alias column is formed by concatanating the original column 
name and a suffix.
+#' @param x a DataFrame on which the
+#' @param intersectedColNames a list of intersected column names
+#' @param suffix a suffix for the column name
+#' @return list of columns
+generateAliasesForIntersectedCols <- function (x, intersectedColNames, suffix) 
+  allColNames <- names(x)
+  # sets alias for making colnames unique in dataframe 'x'
+  cols <- lapply(allColNames, function(colName) {
+    col <- getColumn(x, colName)
+    if (colName %in% intersectedColNames) {
+      newJoin <- paste(colName, suffix, sep = "")
+      if (newJoin %in% allColNames){
+        stop ("The following column name: ", newJoin, " occurs more than once 
in the 'DataFrame'.",
+          "Please use different suffixes for the intersected columns.")
+      }
+      col <- alias(col, newJoin)
+    }
+    col
+  })
+  cols
 #' UnionAll
diff --git a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
index 67d8b23..540854d 100644
--- a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
+++ b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
@@ -1105,11 +1105,40 @@ test_that("join() and merge() on a DataFrame", {
   expect_equal(count(joined9), 4)
   expect_true(, joined9$age))$age[2]))
-  merged <- select(merge(df, df2, df$name == df2$name, "outer"),
-                   alias(df$age + 5, "newAge"), df$name, df2$test)
-  expect_equal(names(merged), c("newAge", "name", "test"))
+  merged <- merge(df, df2, by.x = "name", by.y = "name", all.x = TRUE, all.y = 
   expect_equal(count(merged), 4)
-  expect_equal(collect(orderBy(merged, merged$name))$newAge[3], 24)
+  expect_equal(names(merged), c("age", "name_x", "name_y", "test"))
+  expect_equal(collect(orderBy(merged, merged$name_x))$age[3], 19)
+  merged <- merge(df, df2, suffixes = c("-X","-Y"))
+  expect_equal(count(merged), 3)
+  expect_equal(names(merged), c("age", "name-X", "name-Y", "test"))
+  expect_equal(collect(orderBy(merged, merged$"name-X"))$age[1], 30)
+  merged <- merge(df, df2, by = "name", suffixes = c("-X","-Y"), sort = FALSE)
+  expect_equal(count(merged), 3)
+  expect_equal(names(merged), c("age", "name-X", "name-Y", "test"))
+  expect_equal(collect(orderBy(merged, merged$"name-Y"))$"name-X"[3], 
+  merged <- merge(df, df2, by = "name", all = T, sort = T)
+  expect_equal(count(merged), 4)
+  expect_equal(names(merged), c("age", "name_x", "name_y", "test"))
+  expect_equal(collect(orderBy(merged, merged$"name_y"))$"name_x"[1], "Andy")
+  merged <- merge(df, df2, by = NULL)
+  expect_equal(count(merged), 12)
+  expect_equal(names(merged), c("age", "name", "name", "test"))
+  mockLines3 <- c("{\"name\":\"Michael\", \"name_y\":\"Michael\", \"test\": 
+                  "{\"name\":\"Andy\", \"name_y\":\"Andy\", \"test\": \"no\"}",
+                  "{\"name\":\"Justin\", \"name_y\":\"Justin\", \"test\": 
+                  "{\"name\":\"Bob\", \"name_y\":\"Bob\", \"test\": \"yes\"}")
+  jsonPath3 <- tempfile(pattern="sparkr-test", fileext=".tmp")
+  writeLines(mockLines3, jsonPath3)
+  df3 <- jsonFile(sqlContext, jsonPath3)
+  expect_error(merge(df, df3),
+               paste("The following column name: name_y occurs more than once 
in the 'DataFrame'.",
+                     "Please use different suffixes for the intersected 
columns.", sep = ""))
 test_that("toJSON() returns an RDD of the correct values", {

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