diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a80d29c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser
+import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAttribute, _}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
+import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval
+ * Test basic expression parsing. If a type of expression is supported it 
should be tested here.
+ *
+ * Please note that some of the expressions test don't have to be sound 
expressions, only their
+ * structure needs to be valid. Unsound expressions should be caught by the 
Analyzer or
+ * CheckAnalysis classes.
+ */
+class ExpressionParserSuite extends PlanTest {
+  import CatalystSqlParser._
+  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
+  def assertEqual(sqlCommand: String, e: Expression): Unit = {
+    compareExpressions(parseExpression(sqlCommand), e)
+  }
+  def intercept(sqlCommand: String, messages: String*): Unit = {
+    val e = intercept[ParseException](parseExpression(sqlCommand))
+    messages.foreach { message =>
+      assert(e.message.contains(message))
+    }
+  }
+  test("star expressions") {
+    // Global Star
+    assertEqual("*", UnresolvedStar(None))
+    // Targeted Star
+    assertEqual("a.b.*", UnresolvedStar(Option(Seq("a", "b"))))
+  }
+  // NamedExpression (Alias/Multialias)
+  test("named expressions") {
+    // No Alias
+    val r0 = 'a
+    assertEqual("a", r0)
+    // Single Alias.
+    val r1 = 'a as "b"
+    assertEqual("a as b", r1)
+    assertEqual("a b", r1)
+    // Multi-Alias
+    assertEqual("a as (b, c)", MultiAlias('a, Seq("b", "c")))
+    assertEqual("a() (b, c)", MultiAlias('a.function(), Seq("b", "c")))
+    // Numeric literals without a space between the literal qualifier and the 
alias, should not be
+    // interpreted as such. An unresolved reference should be returned instead.
+    // TODO add the JIRA-ticket number.
+    assertEqual("1SL", Symbol("1SL"))
+    // Aliased star is allowed.
+    assertEqual("a.* b", UnresolvedStar(Option(Seq("a"))) as 'b)
+  }
+  test("binary logical expressions") {
+    // And
+    assertEqual("a and b", 'a && 'b)
+    // Or
+    assertEqual("a or b", 'a || 'b)
+    // Combination And/Or check precedence
+    assertEqual("a and b or c and d", ('a && 'b) || ('c && 'd))
+    assertEqual("a or b or c and d", 'a || 'b || ('c && 'd))
+    // Multiple AND/OR get converted into a balanced tree
+    assertEqual("a or b or c or d or e or f", (('a || 'b) || 'c) || (('d || 
'e) || 'f))
+    assertEqual("a and b and c and d and e and f", (('a && 'b) && 'c) && (('d 
&& 'e) && 'f))
+  }
+  test("long binary logical expressions") {
+    def testVeryBinaryExpression(op: String, clazz: Class[_]): Unit = {
+      val sql = (1 to 1000).map(x => s"$x == $x").mkString(op)
+      val e = parseExpression(sql)
+      assert(e.collect { case _: EqualTo => true }.size === 1000)
+      assert(e.collect { case x if clazz.isInstance(x) => true }.size === 999)
+    }
+    testVeryBinaryExpression(" AND ", classOf[And])
+    testVeryBinaryExpression(" OR ", classOf[Or])
+  }
+  test("not expressions") {
+    assertEqual("not a", !'a)
+    assertEqual("!a", !'a)
+    assertEqual("not true > true", Not(GreaterThan(true, true)))
+  }
+  test("exists expression") {
+    intercept("exists (select 1 from b where b.x = a.x)", "EXISTS clauses are 
not supported")
+  }
+  test("comparison expressions") {
+    assertEqual("a = b", 'a === 'b)
+    assertEqual("a == b", 'a === 'b)
+    assertEqual("a <=> b", 'a <=> 'b)
+    assertEqual("a <> b", 'a =!= 'b)
+    assertEqual("a != b", 'a =!= 'b)
+    assertEqual("a < b", 'a < 'b)
+    assertEqual("a <= b", 'a <= 'b)
+    assertEqual("a > b", 'a > 'b)
+    assertEqual("a >= b", 'a >= 'b)
+  }
+  test("between expressions") {
+    assertEqual("a between b and c", 'a >= 'b && 'a <= 'c)
+    assertEqual("a not between b and c", !('a >= 'b && 'a <= 'c))
+  }
+  test("in expressions") {
+    assertEqual("a in (b, c, d)", 'a in ('b, 'c, 'd))
+    assertEqual("a not in (b, c, d)", !('a in ('b, 'c, 'd)))
+  }
+  test("in sub-query") {
+    intercept("a in (select b from c)", "IN with a Sub-query is currently not 
+  }
+  test("like expressions") {
+    assertEqual("a like 'pattern%'", 'a like "pattern%")
+    assertEqual("a not like 'pattern%'", !('a like "pattern%"))
+    assertEqual("a rlike 'pattern%'", 'a rlike "pattern%")
+    assertEqual("a not rlike 'pattern%'", !('a rlike "pattern%"))
+    assertEqual("a regexp 'pattern%'", 'a rlike "pattern%")
+    assertEqual("a not regexp 'pattern%'", !('a rlike "pattern%"))
+  }
+  test("is null expressions") {
+    assertEqual("a is null", 'a.isNull)
+    assertEqual("a is not null", 'a.isNotNull)
+    assertEqual("a = b is null", ('a === 'b).isNull)
+    assertEqual("a = b is not null", ('a === 'b).isNotNull)
+  }
+  test("binary arithmetic expressions") {
+    // Simple operations
+    assertEqual("a * b", 'a * 'b)
+    assertEqual("a / b", 'a / 'b)
+    assertEqual("a DIV b", ('a / 'b).cast(LongType))
+    assertEqual("a % b", 'a % 'b)
+    assertEqual("a + b", 'a + 'b)
+    assertEqual("a - b", 'a - 'b)
+    assertEqual("a & b", 'a & 'b)
+    assertEqual("a ^ b", 'a ^ 'b)
+    assertEqual("a | b", 'a | 'b)
+    // Check precedences
+    assertEqual(
+      "a * t | b ^ c & d - e + f % g DIV h / i * k",
+      'a * 't | ('b ^ ('c & ('d - 'e + (('f % 'g / 'h).cast(LongType) / 'i * 
+  }
+  test("unary arithmetic expressions") {
+    assertEqual("+a", 'a)
+    assertEqual("-a", -'a)
+    assertEqual("~a", ~'a)
+    assertEqual("-+~~a", -(~(~'a)))
+  }
+  test("cast expressions") {
+    // Note that DataType parsing is tested elsewhere.
+    assertEqual("cast(a as int)", 'a.cast(IntegerType))
+    assertEqual("cast(a as timestamp)", 'a.cast(TimestampType))
+    assertEqual("cast(a as array<int>)", 'a.cast(ArrayType(IntegerType)))
+    assertEqual("cast(cast(a as int) as long)", 
+  }
+  test("function expressions") {
+    assertEqual("foo()", 'foo.function())
+    assertEqual("", Symbol("").function())
+    assertEqual("foo(*)", 'foo.function(star()))
+    assertEqual("count(*)", 'count.function(1))
+    assertEqual("foo(a, b)", 'foo.function('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("foo(all a, b)", 'foo.function('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("foo(distinct a, b)", 'foo.distinctFunction('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("grouping(distinct a, b)", 'grouping.distinctFunction('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("`select`(all a, b)", 'select.function('a, 'b))
+  }
+  test("window function expressions") {
+    val func = 'foo.function(star())
+    def windowed(
+        partitioning: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty,
+        ordering: Seq[SortOrder] = Seq.empty,
+        frame: WindowFrame = UnspecifiedFrame): Expression = {
+      WindowExpression(func, WindowSpecDefinition(partitioning, ordering, 
+    }
+    // Basic window testing.
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over w1", UnresolvedWindowExpression(func, 
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over ()", windowed())
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (partition by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (distribute by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (cluster by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (order by a desc, b asc)", windowed(Seq.empty, 
Seq('a.desc, 'b.asc )))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (sort by a desc, b asc)", windowed(Seq.empty, 
Seq('a.desc, 'b.asc )))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (partition by a, b order by c)", windowed(Seq('a, 
'b), Seq('c.asc)))
+    assertEqual("foo(*) over (distribute by a, b sort by c)", windowed(Seq('a, 
'b), Seq('c.asc)))
+    // Test use of expressions in window functions.
+    assertEqual(
+      "sum(product + 1) over (partition by ((product) + (1)) order by 2)",
+      WindowExpression('sum.function('product + 1),
+        WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('product + 1), Seq(Literal(2).asc), 
+    assertEqual(
+      "sum(product + 1) over (partition by ((product / 2) + 1) order by 2)",
+      WindowExpression('sum.function('product + 1),
+        WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('product / 2 + 1), Seq(Literal(2).asc), 
+    // Range/Row
+    val frameTypes = Seq(("rows", RowFrame), ("range", RangeFrame))
+    val boundaries = Seq(
+      ("10 preceding", ValuePreceding(10), CurrentRow),
+      ("3 + 1 following", ValueFollowing(4), CurrentRow), // Will fail during 
+      ("unbounded preceding", UnboundedPreceding, CurrentRow),
+      ("unbounded following", UnboundedFollowing, CurrentRow), // Will fail 
during analysis
+      ("between unbounded preceding and current row", UnboundedPreceding, 
+      ("between unbounded preceding and unbounded following",
+        UnboundedPreceding, UnboundedFollowing),
+      ("between 10 preceding and current row", ValuePreceding(10), CurrentRow),
+      ("between current row and 5 following", CurrentRow, ValueFollowing(5)),
+      ("between 10 preceding and 5 following", ValuePreceding(10), 
+    )
+    frameTypes.foreach {
+      case (frameTypeSql, frameType) =>
+        boundaries.foreach {
+          case (boundarySql, begin, end) =>
+            val query = s"foo(*) over (partition by a order by b $frameTypeSql 
+            val expr = windowed(Seq('a), Seq('b.asc), 
SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType, begin, end))
+            assertEqual(query, expr)
+        }
+    }
+    // We cannot use non integer constants.
+    intercept("foo(*) over (partition by a order by b rows 10.0 preceding)",
+      "Frame bound value must be a constant integer.")
+    // We cannot use an arbitrary expression.
+    intercept("foo(*) over (partition by a order by b rows exp(b) preceding)",
+      "Frame bound value must be a constant integer.")
+  }
+  test("row constructor") {
+    // Note that '(a)' will be interpreted as a nested expression.
+    assertEqual("(a, b)", CreateStruct(Seq('a, 'b)))
+    assertEqual("(a, b, c)", CreateStruct(Seq('a, 'b, 'c)))
+  }
+  test("scalar sub-query") {
+    assertEqual(
+      "(select max(val) from tbl) > current",
+      ScalarSubquery(table("tbl").select('max.function('val))) > 'current)
+    assertEqual(
+      "a = (select b from s)",
+      'a === ScalarSubquery(table("s").select('b)))
+  }
+  test("case when") {
+    assertEqual("case a when 1 then b when 2 then c else d end",
+      CaseKeyWhen('a, Seq(1, 'b, 2, 'c, 'd)))
+    assertEqual("case when a = 1 then b when a = 2 then c else d end",
+      CaseWhen(Seq(('a === 1, 'b.expr), ('a === 2, 'c.expr)), 'd))
+  }
+  test("dereference") {
+    assertEqual("a.b", UnresolvedAttribute("a.b"))
+    assertEqual("`select`.b", UnresolvedAttribute("select.b"))
+    assertEqual("(a + b).b", ('a + 'b).getField("b")) // This will fail 
+    assertEqual("struct(a, b).b", 'struct.function('a, 'b).getField("b"))
+  }
+  test("reference") {
+    // Regular
+    assertEqual("a", 'a)
+    // Starting with a digit.
+    assertEqual("1a", Symbol("1a"))
+    // Quoted using a keyword.
+    assertEqual("`select`", 'select)
+    // Unquoted using an unreserved keyword.
+    assertEqual("columns", 'columns)
+  }
+  test("subscript") {
+    assertEqual("a[b]", 'a.getItem('b))
+    assertEqual("a[1 + 1]", 'a.getItem(Literal(1) + 1))
+    assertEqual("`c`.a[b]", UnresolvedAttribute("c.a").getItem('b))
+  }
+  test("parenthesis") {
+    assertEqual("(a)", 'a)
+    assertEqual("r * (a + b)", 'r * ('a + 'b))
+  }
+  test("type constructors") {
+    // Dates.
+    assertEqual("dAte '2016-03-11'", Literal(Date.valueOf("2016-03-11")))
+    intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
+      parseExpression("DAtE 'mar 11 2016'")
+    }
+    // Timestamps.
+    assertEqual("tImEstAmp '2016-03-11 20:54:00.000'",
+      Literal(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-11 20:54:00.000")))
+    intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
+      parseExpression("timestamP '2016-33-11 20:54:00.000'")
+    }
+    // Unsupported datatype.
+    intercept("GEO '(10,-6)'", "Literals of type 'GEO' are currently not 
+  }
+  test("literals") {
+    // NULL
+    assertEqual("null", Literal(null))
+    // Boolean
+    assertEqual("trUe", Literal(true))
+    assertEqual("False", Literal(false))
+    // Integral should have the narrowest possible type
+    assertEqual("787324", Literal(787324))
+    assertEqual("7873247234798249234", Literal(7873247234798249234L))
+    assertEqual("78732472347982492793712334",
+      Literal(BigDecimal("78732472347982492793712334").underlying()))
+    // Decimal
+    assertEqual("7873247234798249279371.2334",
+      Literal(BigDecimal("7873247234798249279371.2334").underlying()))
+    // Scientific Decimal
+    assertEqual("9.0e1", 90d)
+    assertEqual(".9e+2", 90d)
+    assertEqual("0.9e+2", 90d)
+    assertEqual("900e-1", 90d)
+    assertEqual("900.0E-1", 90d)
+    assertEqual("9.e+1", 90d)
+    intercept(".e3")
+    // Tiny Int Literal
+    assertEqual("10Y", Literal(10.toByte))
+    intercept("-1000Y")
+    // Small Int Literal
+    assertEqual("10S", Literal(10.toShort))
+    intercept("40000S")
+    // Long Int Literal
+    assertEqual("10L", Literal(10L))
+    intercept("78732472347982492793712334L")
+    // Double Literal
+    assertEqual("10.0D", Literal(10.0D))
+    // TODO we need to figure out if we should throw an exception here!
+    assertEqual("1E309", Literal(Double.PositiveInfinity))
+  }
+  test("strings") {
+    // Single Strings.
+    assertEqual("\"hello\"", "hello")
+    assertEqual("'hello'", "hello")
+    // Multi-Strings.
+    assertEqual("\"hello\" 'world'", "helloworld")
+    assertEqual("'hello' \" \" 'world'", "hello world")
+    // 'LIKE' string literals. Notice that an escaped '%' is the same as an 
escaped '\' and a
+    // regular '%'; to get the correct result you need to add another escaped 
+    // TODO figure out if we shouldn't change the ParseUtils.unescapeSQLString 
+    assertEqual("'pattern%'", "pattern%")
+    assertEqual("'no-pattern\\%'", "no-pattern\\%")
+    assertEqual("'pattern\\\\%'", "pattern\\%")
+    assertEqual("'pattern\\\\\\%'", "pattern\\\\%")
+    // Escaped characters.
+    // See:
+    assertEqual("'\\0'", "\u0000") // ASCII NUL (X'00')
+    assertEqual("'\\''", "\'")     // Single quote
+    assertEqual("'\\\"'", "\"")    // Double quote
+    assertEqual("'\\b'", "\b")     // Backspace
+    assertEqual("'\\n'", "\n")     // Newline
+    assertEqual("'\\r'", "\r")     // Carriage return
+    assertEqual("'\\t'", "\t")     // Tab character
+    assertEqual("'\\Z'", "\u001A") // ASCII 26 - CTRL + Z (EOF on windows)
+    // Octals
+    assertEqual("'\\110\\145\\154\\154\\157\\041'", "Hello!")
+    // Unicode
+    assertEqual("'\\u0087\\u0111\\u0114\\u0108\\u0100\\u0032\\u0058\\u0041'", 
"World :)")
+  }
+  test("intervals") {
+    def intervalLiteral(u: String, s: String): Literal = {
+      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString(u, s))
+    }
+    // Empty interval statement
+    intercept("interval", "at least one time unit should be given for interval 
+    // Single Intervals.
+    val units = Seq(
+      "year",
+      "month",
+      "week",
+      "day",
+      "hour",
+      "minute",
+      "second",
+      "millisecond",
+      "microsecond")
+    val forms = Seq("", "s")
+    val values = Seq("0", "10", "-7", "21")
+    units.foreach { unit =>
+      forms.foreach { form =>
+         values.foreach { value =>
+           val expected = intervalLiteral(unit, value)
+           assertEqual(s"interval $value $unit$form", expected)
+           assertEqual(s"interval '$value' $unit$form", expected)
+         }
+      }
+    }
+    // Hive nanosecond notation.
+    assertEqual("interval 13.123456789 seconds", intervalLiteral("second", 
+    assertEqual("interval -13.123456789 second", intervalLiteral("second", 
+    // Non Existing unit
+    intercept("interval 10 nanoseconds", "No interval can be constructed")
+    // Year-Month intervals.
+    val yearMonthValues = Seq("123-10", "496-0", "-2-3", "-123-0")
+    yearMonthValues.foreach { value =>
+      val result = Literal(CalendarInterval.fromYearMonthString(value))
+      assertEqual(s"interval '$value' year to month", result)
+    }
+    // Day-Time intervals.
+    val datTimeValues = Seq(
+      "99 11:22:33.123456789",
+      "-99 11:22:33.123456789",
+      "10 9:8:7.123456789",
+      "1 0:0:0",
+      "-1 0:0:0",
+      "1 0:0:1")
+    datTimeValues.foreach { value =>
+      val result = Literal(CalendarInterval.fromDayTimeString(value))
+      assertEqual(s"interval '$value' day to second", result)
+    }
+    // Unknown FROM TO intervals
+    intercept("interval 10 month to second", "Intervals FROM month TO second 
are not supported.")
+    // Composed intervals.
+    assertEqual(
+      "interval 3 months 22 seconds 1 millisecond",
+      Literal(new CalendarInterval(3, 22001000L)))
+    assertEqual(
+      "interval 3 years '-1-10' year to month 3 weeks '1 0:0:2' day to second",
+      Literal(new CalendarInterval(14,
+        22 * CalendarInterval.MICROS_PER_DAY + 2 * 
+  }
+  test("composed expressions") {
+    assertEqual("1 + r.r As q", (Literal(1) + 
+    assertEqual("1 - f('o', o(bar))", Literal(1) - 'f.function("o", 
+    intercept("1 - f('o', o(bar)) hello * world", "mismatched input '*'")
+  }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23f05ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser
+import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BooleanType, IntegerType}
+class PlanParserSuite extends PlanTest {
+  import CatalystSqlParser._
+  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
+  def assertEqual(sqlCommand: String, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
+    comparePlans(parsePlan(sqlCommand), plan)
+  }
+  def intercept(sqlCommand: String, messages: String*): Unit = {
+    val e = intercept[ParseException](parsePlan(sqlCommand))
+    messages.foreach { message =>
+      assert(e.message.contains(message))
+    }
+  }
+  test("case insensitive") {
+    val plan = table("a").select(star())
+    assertEqual("sELEct * FroM a", plan)
+    assertEqual("select * fRoM a", plan)
+    assertEqual("SELECT * FROM a", plan)
+  }
+  test("show functions") {
+    assertEqual("show functions", ShowFunctions(None, None))
+    assertEqual("show functions foo", ShowFunctions(None, Some("foo")))
+    assertEqual("show functions", ShowFunctions(Some("foo"), 
+    assertEqual("show functions 'foo\\\\.*'", ShowFunctions(None, 
+    intercept("show functions", "SHOW FUNCTIONS unsupported name")
+  }
+  test("describe function") {
+    assertEqual("describe function bar", DescribeFunction("bar", isExtended = 
+    assertEqual("describe function extended bar", DescribeFunction("bar", 
isExtended = true))
+    assertEqual("describe function", DescribeFunction("", 
isExtended = false))
+    assertEqual("describe function extended", DescribeFunction("", 
isExtended = true))
+  }
+  test("set operations") {
+    val a = table("a").select(star())
+    val b = table("b").select(star())
+    assertEqual("select * from a union select * from b", Distinct(a.union(b)))
+    assertEqual("select * from a union distinct select * from b", 
+    assertEqual("select * from a union all select * from b", a.union(b))
+    assertEqual("select * from a except select * from b", a.except(b))
+    intercept("select * from a except all select * from b", "EXCEPT ALL is not 
+    assertEqual("select * from a except distinct select * from b", a.except(b))
+    assertEqual("select * from a intersect select * from b", a.intersect(b))
+    intercept("select * from a intersect all select * from b", "INTERSECT ALL 
is not supported.")
+    assertEqual("select * from a intersect distinct select * from b", 
+  }
+  test("common table expressions") {
+    def cte(plan: LogicalPlan, namedPlans: (String, LogicalPlan)*): With = {
+      val ctes = {
+        case (name, cte) =>
+          name -> SubqueryAlias(name, cte)
+      }.toMap
+      With(plan, ctes)
+    }
+    assertEqual(
+      "with cte1 as (select * from a) select * from cte1",
+      cte(table("cte1").select(star()), "cte1" -> table("a").select(star())))
+    assertEqual(
+      "with cte1 (select 1) select * from cte1",
+      cte(table("cte1").select(star()), "cte1" ->
+    assertEqual(
+      "with cte1 (select 1), cte2 as (select * from cte1) select * from cte2",
+      cte(table("cte2").select(star()),
+        "cte1" ->,
+        "cte2" -> table("cte1").select(star())))
+    intercept(
+      "with cte1 (select 1), cte1 as (select 1 from cte1) select * from cte1",
+      "Name 'cte1' is used for multiple common table expressions")
+  }
+  test("simple select query") {
+    assertEqual("select 1",
+    assertEqual("select a, b",'a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("select a, b from db.c", table("db", "c").select('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual("select a, b from db.c where x < 1", table("db", "c").where('x 
< 1).select('a, 'b))
+    assertEqual(
+      "select a, b from db.c having x < 1",
+      table("db", "c").select('a, 'b).where(('x < 1).cast(BooleanType)))
+    assertEqual("select distinct a, b from db.c", Distinct(table("db", 
"c").select('a, 'b)))
+    assertEqual("select all a, b from db.c", table("db", "c").select('a, 'b))
+  }
+  test("reverse select query") {
+    assertEqual("from a", table("a"))
+    assertEqual("from a select b, c", table("a").select('b, 'c))
+    assertEqual(
+      "from db.a select b, c where d < 1", table("db", "a").where('d < 
1).select('b, 'c))
+    assertEqual("from a select distinct b, c", Distinct(table("a").select('b, 
+    assertEqual(
+      "from (from a union all from b) c select *",
+      table("a").union(table("b")).as("c").select(star()))
+  }
+  test("transform query spec") {
+    val p = ScriptTransformation(Seq('a, 'b), "func", Seq.empty, table("e"), 
+    assertEqual("select transform(a, b) using 'func' from e where f < 10",
+      p.copy(child = p.child.where('f < 10), output = Seq('key.string, 
+    assertEqual("map a, b using 'func' as c, d from e",
+      p.copy(output = Seq('c.string, 'd.string)))
+    assertEqual("reduce a, b using 'func' as (c: int, d decimal(10, 0)) from 
+      p.copy(output = Seq(', 'd.decimal(10, 0))))
+  }
+  test("multi select query") {
+    assertEqual(
+      "from a select * select * where s < 10",
+      table("a").select(star()).union(table("a").where('s < 
+    intercept(
+      "from a select * select * from x where a.s < 10",
+      "Multi-Insert queries cannot have a FROM clause in their individual 
SELECT statements")
+    assertEqual(
+      "from a insert into tbl1 select * insert into tbl2 select * where s < 
+      table("a").select(star()).insertInto("tbl1").union(
+        table("a").where('s < 10).select(star()).insertInto("tbl2")))
+  }
+  test("query organization") {
+    // Test all valid combinations of order by/sort by/distribute by/cluster 
+    val baseSql = "select * from t"
+    val basePlan = table("t").select(star())
+    val ws = Map("w1" -> WindowSpecDefinition(Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 
+    val limitWindowClauses = Seq(
+      ("", (p: LogicalPlan) => p),
+      (" limit 10", (p: LogicalPlan) => p.limit(10)),
+      (" window w1 as ()", (p: LogicalPlan) => WithWindowDefinition(ws, p)),
+      (" window w1 as () limit 10", (p: LogicalPlan) => 
WithWindowDefinition(ws, p).limit(10))
+    )
+    val orderSortDistrClusterClauses = Seq(
+      ("", basePlan),
+      (" order by a, b desc", basePlan.orderBy('a.asc, 'b.desc)),
+      (" sort by a, b desc", basePlan.sortBy('a.asc, 'b.desc)),
+      (" distribute by a, b", basePlan.distribute('a, 'b)),
+      (" distribute by a sort by b", basePlan.distribute('a).sortBy('b.asc)),
+      (" cluster by a, b", basePlan.distribute('a, 'b).sortBy('a.asc, 'b.asc))
+    )
+    orderSortDistrClusterClauses.foreach {
+      case (s1, p1) =>
+        limitWindowClauses.foreach {
+          case (s2, pf2) =>
+            assertEqual(baseSql + s1 + s2, pf2(p1))
+        }
+    }
+    val msg = "Combination of ORDER BY/SORT BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/CLUSTER BY is not 
+    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a sort by a", msg)
+    intercept(s"$baseSql cluster by a distribute by a", msg)
+    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a cluster by a", msg)
+    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a distribute by a", msg)
+  }
+  test("insert into") {
+    val sql = "select * from t"
+    val plan = table("t").select(star())
+    def insert(
+        partition: Map[String, Option[String]],
+        overwrite: Boolean = false,
+        ifNotExists: Boolean = false): LogicalPlan =
+      InsertIntoTable(table("s"), partition, plan, overwrite, ifNotExists)
+    // Single inserts
+    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s $sql",
+      insert(Map.empty, overwrite = true))
+    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s if not exists $sql",
+      insert(Map.empty, overwrite = true, ifNotExists = true))
+    assertEqual(s"insert into s $sql",
+      insert(Map.empty))
+    assertEqual(s"insert into table s partition (c = 'd', e = 1) $sql",
+      insert(Map("c" -> Option("d"), "e" -> Option("1"))))
+    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s partition (c = 'd', x) if not 
exists $sql",
+      insert(Map("c" -> Option("d"), "x" -> None), overwrite = true, 
ifNotExists = true))
+    // Multi insert
+    val plan2 = table("t").where('x > 5).select(star())
+    assertEqual("from t insert into s select * limit 1 insert into u select * 
where x > 5",
+      InsertIntoTable(
+        table("s"), Map.empty, plan.limit(1), overwrite = false, ifNotExists = 
+        InsertIntoTable(
+          table("u"), Map.empty, plan2, overwrite = false, ifNotExists = 
+  }
+  test("aggregation") {
+    val sql = "select a, b, sum(c) as c from d group by a, b"
+    // Normal
+    assertEqual(sql, table("d").groupBy('a, 'b)('a, 'b, 
+    // Cube
+    assertEqual(s"$sql with cube",
+      table("d").groupBy(Cube(Seq('a, 'b)))('a, 'b, 'sum.function('c).as("c")))
+    // Rollup
+    assertEqual(s"$sql with rollup",
+      table("d").groupBy(Rollup(Seq('a, 'b)))('a, 'b, 
+    // Grouping Sets
+    assertEqual(s"$sql grouping sets((a, b), (a), ())",
+      GroupingSets(Seq(0, 1, 3), Seq('a, 'b), table("d"), Seq('a, 'b, 
+    intercept(s"$sql grouping sets((a, b), (c), ())",
+      "c doesn't show up in the GROUP BY list")
+  }
+  test("limit") {
+    val sql = "select * from t"
+    val plan = table("t").select(star())
+    assertEqual(s"$sql limit 10", plan.limit(10))
+    assertEqual(s"$sql limit cast(9 / 4 as int)", plan.limit(Cast(Literal(9) / 
4, IntegerType)))
+  }
+  test("window spec") {
+    // Note that WindowSpecs are testing in the ExpressionParserSuite
+    val sql = "select * from t"
+    val plan = table("t").select(star())
+    val spec = WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('a, 'b), Seq('c.asc),
+      SpecifiedWindowFrame(RowFrame, ValuePreceding(1), ValueFollowing(1)))
+    // Test window resolution.
+    val ws1 = Map("w1" -> spec, "w2" -> spec, "w3" -> spec)
+    assertEqual(
+      s"""$sql
+         |window w1 as (partition by a, b order by c rows between 1 preceding 
and 1 following),
+         |       w2 as w1,
+         |       w3 as w1""".stripMargin,
+      WithWindowDefinition(ws1, plan))
+    // Fail with no reference.
+    intercept(s"$sql window w2 as w1", "Cannot resolve window reference 'w1'")
+    // Fail when resolved reference is not a window spec.
+    intercept(
+      s"""$sql
+         |window w1 as (partition by a, b order by c rows between 1 preceding 
and 1 following),
+         |       w2 as w1,
+         |       w3 as w2""".stripMargin,
+      "Window reference 'w2' is not a window specification"
+    )
+  }
+  test("lateral view") {
+    // Single lateral view
+    assertEqual(
+      "select * from t lateral view explode(x) expl as x",
+      table("t")
+        .generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), 
+        .select(star()))
+    // Multiple lateral views
+    assertEqual(
+      """select *
+        |from t
+        |lateral view explode(x) expl
+        |lateral view outer json_tuple(x, y) jtup q, z""".stripMargin,
+      table("t")
+        .generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), 
+        .generate(JsonTuple(Seq('x, 'y)), join = true, outer = true, 
Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
+        .select(star()))
+    // Multi-Insert lateral views.
+    val from = table("t1").generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, 
Some("expl"), Seq("x"))
+    assertEqual(
+      """from t1
+        |lateral view explode(x) expl as x
+        |insert into t2
+        |select *
+        |lateral view json_tuple(x, y) jtup q, z
+        |insert into t3
+        |select *
+        |where s < 10
+      """.stripMargin,
+      Union(from
+        .generate(JsonTuple(Seq('x, 'y)), join = true, outer = false, 
Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
+        .select(star())
+        .insertInto("t2"),
+        from.where('s < 10).select(star()).insertInto("t3")))
+    // Unsupported generator.
+    intercept(
+      "select * from t lateral view posexplode(x) posexpl as x, y",
+      "Generator function 'posexplode' is not supported")
+  }
+  test("joins") {
+    // Test single joins.
+    val testUnconditionalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
+      assertEqual(
+        s"select * from t as tt $sql u",
+        table("t").as("tt").join(table("u"), jt, None).select(star()))
+    }
+    val testConditionalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
+      assertEqual(
+        s"select * from t $sql u as uu on a = b",
+        table("t").join(table("u").as("uu"), jt, Option('a === 
+    }
+    val testNaturalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
+      assertEqual(
+        s"select * from t tt natural $sql u as uu",
+        table("t").as("tt").join(table("u").as("uu"), NaturalJoin(jt), 
+    }
+    val testUsingJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
+      assertEqual(
+        s"select * from t $sql u using(a, b)",
+        table("t").join(table("u"), UsingJoin(jt, Seq('a.attr, 'b.attr)), 
+    }
+    val testAll = Seq(testUnconditionalJoin, testConditionalJoin, 
testNaturalJoin, testUsingJoin)
+    def test(sql: String, jt: JoinType, tests: Seq[(String, JoinType) => 
Unit]): Unit = {
+      tests.foreach(_(sql, jt))
+    }
+    test("cross join", Inner, Seq(testUnconditionalJoin))
+    test(",", Inner, Seq(testUnconditionalJoin))
+    test("join", Inner, testAll)
+    test("inner join", Inner, testAll)
+    test("left join", LeftOuter, testAll)
+    test("left outer join", LeftOuter, testAll)
+    test("right join", RightOuter, testAll)
+    test("right outer join", RightOuter, testAll)
+    test("full join", FullOuter, testAll)
+    test("full outer join", FullOuter, testAll)
+    // Test multiple consecutive joins
+    assertEqual(
+      "select * from a join b join c right join d",
+      table("a").join(table("b")).join(table("c")).join(table("d"), 
+  }
+  test("sampled relations") {
+    val sql = "select * from t"
+    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(100 rows)",
+      table("t").limit(100).select(star()))
+    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(43 percent) as x",
+      Sample(0, .43d, withReplacement = false, 10L, 
+    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 4 out of 10) as x",
+      Sample(0, .4d, withReplacement = false, 10L, 
+    intercept(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 4 out of 10 on x) as x",
+      "TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET x OUT OF y ON id) is not supported")
+    intercept(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 11 out of 10) as x",
+      s"Sampling fraction (${11.0/10.0}) must be on interval [0, 1]")
+  }
+  test("sub-query") {
+    val plan = table("t0").select('id)
+    assertEqual("select id from (t0)", plan)
+    assertEqual("select id from ((((((t0))))))", plan)
+    assertEqual(
+      "(select * from t1) union distinct (select * from t2)",
+      Distinct(table("t1").select(star()).union(table("t2").select(star()))))
+    assertEqual(
+      "select * from ((select * from t1) union (select * from t2)) t",
+      Distinct(
+    assertEqual(
+      """select  id
+        |from (((select id from t0)
+        |       union all
+        |       (select  id from t0))
+        |      union all
+        |      (select id from t0)) as u_1
+      """.stripMargin,
+      plan.union(plan).union(plan).as("u_1").select('id))
+  }
+  test("scalar sub-query") {
+    assertEqual(
+      "select (select max(b) from s) ss from t",
+    assertEqual(
+      "select * from t where a = (select b from s)",
+      table("t").where('a === 
+    assertEqual(
+      "select g from t group by g having a > (select b from s)",
+      table("t")
+        .groupBy('g)('g)
+        .where(('a > ScalarSubquery(table("s").select('b))).cast(BooleanType)))
+  }
+  test("table reference") {
+    assertEqual("table t", table("t"))
+    assertEqual("table d.t", table("d", "t"))
+  }
+  test("inline table") {
+    assertEqual("values 1, 2, 3, 4", LocalRelation.fromExternalRows(
+      Seq(',
+      Seq(1, 2, 3, 4).map(x => Row(x))))
+    assertEqual(
+      "values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c') as tbl(a, b)",
+      LocalRelation.fromExternalRows(
+        Seq(', 'b.string),
+        Seq((1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")).map(x => Row(x._1, x._2))).as("tbl"))
+    intercept("values (a, 'a'), (b, 'b')",
+      "All expressions in an inline table must be constants.")
+    intercept("values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b') as tbl(a, b, c)",
+      "Number of aliases must match the number of fields in an inline table.")
+    intercept[ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException](parsePlan("values (1, 'a'), (2, 
'b', 5Y)"))
+  }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297b193
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser
+import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
+class TableIdentifierParserSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  import CatalystSqlParser._
+  test("table identifier") {
+    // Regular names.
+    assert(TableIdentifier("q") === parseTableIdentifier("q"))
+    assert(TableIdentifier("q", Option("d")) === parseTableIdentifier("d.q"))
+    // Illegal names.
+    intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier(""))
+    intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier("d.q.g"))
+    // SQL Keywords.
+    val keywords = Seq("select", "from", "where", "left", "right")
+    keywords.foreach { keyword =>
+      intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier(keyword))
+      assert(TableIdentifier(keyword) === parseTableIdentifier(s"`$keyword`"))
+      assert(TableIdentifier(keyword, Option("db")) === 
+    }
+  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1963fc3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
- * Test various parser errors.
- */
-class ErrorParserSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
-  def intercept(sql: String, line: Int, startPosition: Int, messages: 
String*): Unit = {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException](CatalystSqlParser.parsePlan(sql))
-    // Check position.
-    assert(e.line.isDefined)
-    assert(e.line.get === line)
-    assert(e.startPosition.isDefined)
-    assert(e.startPosition.get === startPosition)
-    // Check messages.
-    val error = e.getMessage
-    messages.foreach { message =>
-      assert(error.contains(message))
-    }
-  }
-  test("no viable input") {
-    intercept("select from tbl", 1, 7, "no viable alternative at input", 
-    intercept("select\nfrom tbl", 2, 0, "no viable alternative at input", 
-    intercept("select ((r + 1) ", 1, 16, "no viable alternative at input", 
-  }
-  test("extraneous input") {
-    intercept("select 1 1", 1, 9, "extraneous input '1' expecting", 
-    intercept("select *\nfrom r as q t", 2, 12, "extraneous input", 
-  }
-  test("mismatched input") {
-    intercept("select * from r order by q from t", 1, 27,
-      "mismatched input",
-      "---------------------------^^^")
-    intercept("select *\nfrom r\norder by q\nfrom t", 4, 0, "mismatched 
input", "^^^")
-  }
-  test("semantic errors") {
-    intercept("select *\nfrom r\norder by q\ncluster by q", 3, 0,
-      "Combination of ORDER BY/SORT BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/CLUSTER BY is not 
-      "^^^")
-    intercept("select * from r where a in (select * from t)", 1, 24,
-      "IN with a Sub-query is currently not supported",
-      "------------------------^^^")
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 32311a5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{UnresolvedAttribute, _}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval
- * Test basic expression parsing. If a type of expression is supported it 
should be tested here.
- *
- * Please note that some of the expressions test don't have to be sound 
expressions, only their
- * structure needs to be valid. Unsound expressions should be caught by the 
Analyzer or
- * CheckAnalysis classes.
- */
-class ExpressionParserSuite extends PlanTest {
-  import CatalystSqlParser._
-  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
-  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
-  def assertEqual(sqlCommand: String, e: Expression): Unit = {
-    compareExpressions(parseExpression(sqlCommand), e)
-  }
-  def intercept(sqlCommand: String, messages: String*): Unit = {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException](parseExpression(sqlCommand))
-    messages.foreach { message =>
-      assert(e.message.contains(message))
-    }
-  }
-  test("star expressions") {
-    // Global Star
-    assertEqual("*", UnresolvedStar(None))
-    // Targeted Star
-    assertEqual("a.b.*", UnresolvedStar(Option(Seq("a", "b"))))
-  }
-  // NamedExpression (Alias/Multialias)
-  test("named expressions") {
-    // No Alias
-    val r0 = 'a
-    assertEqual("a", r0)
-    // Single Alias.
-    val r1 = 'a as "b"
-    assertEqual("a as b", r1)
-    assertEqual("a b", r1)
-    // Multi-Alias
-    assertEqual("a as (b, c)", MultiAlias('a, Seq("b", "c")))
-    assertEqual("a() (b, c)", MultiAlias('a.function(), Seq("b", "c")))
-    // Numeric literals without a space between the literal qualifier and the 
alias, should not be
-    // interpreted as such. An unresolved reference should be returned instead.
-    // TODO add the JIRA-ticket number.
-    assertEqual("1SL", Symbol("1SL"))
-    // Aliased star is allowed.
-    assertEqual("a.* b", UnresolvedStar(Option(Seq("a"))) as 'b)
-  }
-  test("binary logical expressions") {
-    // And
-    assertEqual("a and b", 'a && 'b)
-    // Or
-    assertEqual("a or b", 'a || 'b)
-    // Combination And/Or check precedence
-    assertEqual("a and b or c and d", ('a && 'b) || ('c && 'd))
-    assertEqual("a or b or c and d", 'a || 'b || ('c && 'd))
-    // Multiple AND/OR get converted into a balanced tree
-    assertEqual("a or b or c or d or e or f", (('a || 'b) || 'c) || (('d || 
'e) || 'f))
-    assertEqual("a and b and c and d and e and f", (('a && 'b) && 'c) && (('d 
&& 'e) && 'f))
-  }
-  test("long binary logical expressions") {
-    def testVeryBinaryExpression(op: String, clazz: Class[_]): Unit = {
-      val sql = (1 to 1000).map(x => s"$x == $x").mkString(op)
-      val e = parseExpression(sql)
-      assert(e.collect { case _: EqualTo => true }.size === 1000)
-      assert(e.collect { case x if clazz.isInstance(x) => true }.size === 999)
-    }
-    testVeryBinaryExpression(" AND ", classOf[And])
-    testVeryBinaryExpression(" OR ", classOf[Or])
-  }
-  test("not expressions") {
-    assertEqual("not a", !'a)
-    assertEqual("!a", !'a)
-    assertEqual("not true > true", Not(GreaterThan(true, true)))
-  }
-  test("exists expression") {
-    intercept("exists (select 1 from b where b.x = a.x)", "EXISTS clauses are 
not supported")
-  }
-  test("comparison expressions") {
-    assertEqual("a = b", 'a === 'b)
-    assertEqual("a == b", 'a === 'b)
-    assertEqual("a <=> b", 'a <=> 'b)
-    assertEqual("a <> b", 'a =!= 'b)
-    assertEqual("a != b", 'a =!= 'b)
-    assertEqual("a < b", 'a < 'b)
-    assertEqual("a <= b", 'a <= 'b)
-    assertEqual("a > b", 'a > 'b)
-    assertEqual("a >= b", 'a >= 'b)
-  }
-  test("between expressions") {
-    assertEqual("a between b and c", 'a >= 'b && 'a <= 'c)
-    assertEqual("a not between b and c", !('a >= 'b && 'a <= 'c))
-  }
-  test("in expressions") {
-    assertEqual("a in (b, c, d)", 'a in ('b, 'c, 'd))
-    assertEqual("a not in (b, c, d)", !('a in ('b, 'c, 'd)))
-  }
-  test("in sub-query") {
-    intercept("a in (select b from c)", "IN with a Sub-query is currently not 
-  }
-  test("like expressions") {
-    assertEqual("a like 'pattern%'", 'a like "pattern%")
-    assertEqual("a not like 'pattern%'", !('a like "pattern%"))
-    assertEqual("a rlike 'pattern%'", 'a rlike "pattern%")
-    assertEqual("a not rlike 'pattern%'", !('a rlike "pattern%"))
-    assertEqual("a regexp 'pattern%'", 'a rlike "pattern%")
-    assertEqual("a not regexp 'pattern%'", !('a rlike "pattern%"))
-  }
-  test("is null expressions") {
-    assertEqual("a is null", 'a.isNull)
-    assertEqual("a is not null", 'a.isNotNull)
-    assertEqual("a = b is null", ('a === 'b).isNull)
-    assertEqual("a = b is not null", ('a === 'b).isNotNull)
-  }
-  test("binary arithmetic expressions") {
-    // Simple operations
-    assertEqual("a * b", 'a * 'b)
-    assertEqual("a / b", 'a / 'b)
-    assertEqual("a DIV b", ('a / 'b).cast(LongType))
-    assertEqual("a % b", 'a % 'b)
-    assertEqual("a + b", 'a + 'b)
-    assertEqual("a - b", 'a - 'b)
-    assertEqual("a & b", 'a & 'b)
-    assertEqual("a ^ b", 'a ^ 'b)
-    assertEqual("a | b", 'a | 'b)
-    // Check precedences
-    assertEqual(
-      "a * t | b ^ c & d - e + f % g DIV h / i * k",
-      'a * 't | ('b ^ ('c & ('d - 'e + (('f % 'g / 'h).cast(LongType) / 'i * 
-  }
-  test("unary arithmetic expressions") {
-    assertEqual("+a", 'a)
-    assertEqual("-a", -'a)
-    assertEqual("~a", ~'a)
-    assertEqual("-+~~a", -(~(~'a)))
-  }
-  test("cast expressions") {
-    // Note that DataType parsing is tested elsewhere.
-    assertEqual("cast(a as int)", 'a.cast(IntegerType))
-    assertEqual("cast(a as timestamp)", 'a.cast(TimestampType))
-    assertEqual("cast(a as array<int>)", 'a.cast(ArrayType(IntegerType)))
-    assertEqual("cast(cast(a as int) as long)", 
-  }
-  test("function expressions") {
-    assertEqual("foo()", 'foo.function())
-    assertEqual("", Symbol("").function())
-    assertEqual("foo(*)", 'foo.function(star()))
-    assertEqual("count(*)", 'count.function(1))
-    assertEqual("foo(a, b)", 'foo.function('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("foo(all a, b)", 'foo.function('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("foo(distinct a, b)", 'foo.distinctFunction('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("grouping(distinct a, b)", 'grouping.distinctFunction('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("`select`(all a, b)", 'select.function('a, 'b))
-  }
-  test("window function expressions") {
-    val func = 'foo.function(star())
-    def windowed(
-        partitioning: Seq[Expression] = Seq.empty,
-        ordering: Seq[SortOrder] = Seq.empty,
-        frame: WindowFrame = UnspecifiedFrame): Expression = {
-      WindowExpression(func, WindowSpecDefinition(partitioning, ordering, 
-    }
-    // Basic window testing.
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over w1", UnresolvedWindowExpression(func, 
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over ()", windowed())
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (partition by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (distribute by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (cluster by a, b)", windowed(Seq('a, 'b)))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (order by a desc, b asc)", windowed(Seq.empty, 
Seq('a.desc, 'b.asc )))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (sort by a desc, b asc)", windowed(Seq.empty, 
Seq('a.desc, 'b.asc )))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (partition by a, b order by c)", windowed(Seq('a, 
'b), Seq('c.asc)))
-    assertEqual("foo(*) over (distribute by a, b sort by c)", windowed(Seq('a, 
'b), Seq('c.asc)))
-    // Test use of expressions in window functions.
-    assertEqual(
-      "sum(product + 1) over (partition by ((product) + (1)) order by 2)",
-      WindowExpression('sum.function('product + 1),
-        WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('product + 1), Seq(Literal(2).asc), 
-    assertEqual(
-      "sum(product + 1) over (partition by ((product / 2) + 1) order by 2)",
-      WindowExpression('sum.function('product + 1),
-        WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('product / 2 + 1), Seq(Literal(2).asc), 
-    // Range/Row
-    val frameTypes = Seq(("rows", RowFrame), ("range", RangeFrame))
-    val boundaries = Seq(
-      ("10 preceding", ValuePreceding(10), CurrentRow),
-      ("3 + 1 following", ValueFollowing(4), CurrentRow), // Will fail during 
-      ("unbounded preceding", UnboundedPreceding, CurrentRow),
-      ("unbounded following", UnboundedFollowing, CurrentRow), // Will fail 
during analysis
-      ("between unbounded preceding and current row", UnboundedPreceding, 
-      ("between unbounded preceding and unbounded following",
-        UnboundedPreceding, UnboundedFollowing),
-      ("between 10 preceding and current row", ValuePreceding(10), CurrentRow),
-      ("between current row and 5 following", CurrentRow, ValueFollowing(5)),
-      ("between 10 preceding and 5 following", ValuePreceding(10), 
-    )
-    frameTypes.foreach {
-      case (frameTypeSql, frameType) =>
-        boundaries.foreach {
-          case (boundarySql, begin, end) =>
-            val query = s"foo(*) over (partition by a order by b $frameTypeSql 
-            val expr = windowed(Seq('a), Seq('b.asc), 
SpecifiedWindowFrame(frameType, begin, end))
-            assertEqual(query, expr)
-        }
-    }
-    // We cannot use non integer constants.
-    intercept("foo(*) over (partition by a order by b rows 10.0 preceding)",
-      "Frame bound value must be a constant integer.")
-    // We cannot use an arbitrary expression.
-    intercept("foo(*) over (partition by a order by b rows exp(b) preceding)",
-      "Frame bound value must be a constant integer.")
-  }
-  test("row constructor") {
-    // Note that '(a)' will be interpreted as a nested expression.
-    assertEqual("(a, b)", CreateStruct(Seq('a, 'b)))
-    assertEqual("(a, b, c)", CreateStruct(Seq('a, 'b, 'c)))
-  }
-  test("scalar sub-query") {
-    assertEqual(
-      "(select max(val) from tbl) > current",
-      ScalarSubquery(table("tbl").select('max.function('val))) > 'current)
-    assertEqual(
-      "a = (select b from s)",
-      'a === ScalarSubquery(table("s").select('b)))
-  }
-  test("case when") {
-    assertEqual("case a when 1 then b when 2 then c else d end",
-      CaseKeyWhen('a, Seq(1, 'b, 2, 'c, 'd)))
-    assertEqual("case when a = 1 then b when a = 2 then c else d end",
-      CaseWhen(Seq(('a === 1, 'b.expr), ('a === 2, 'c.expr)), 'd))
-  }
-  test("dereference") {
-    assertEqual("a.b", UnresolvedAttribute("a.b"))
-    assertEqual("`select`.b", UnresolvedAttribute("select.b"))
-    assertEqual("(a + b).b", ('a + 'b).getField("b")) // This will fail 
-    assertEqual("struct(a, b).b", 'struct.function('a, 'b).getField("b"))
-  }
-  test("reference") {
-    // Regular
-    assertEqual("a", 'a)
-    // Starting with a digit.
-    assertEqual("1a", Symbol("1a"))
-    // Quoted using a keyword.
-    assertEqual("`select`", 'select)
-    // Unquoted using an unreserved keyword.
-    assertEqual("columns", 'columns)
-  }
-  test("subscript") {
-    assertEqual("a[b]", 'a.getItem('b))
-    assertEqual("a[1 + 1]", 'a.getItem(Literal(1) + 1))
-    assertEqual("`c`.a[b]", UnresolvedAttribute("c.a").getItem('b))
-  }
-  test("parenthesis") {
-    assertEqual("(a)", 'a)
-    assertEqual("r * (a + b)", 'r * ('a + 'b))
-  }
-  test("type constructors") {
-    // Dates.
-    assertEqual("dAte '2016-03-11'", Literal(Date.valueOf("2016-03-11")))
-    intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
-      parseExpression("DAtE 'mar 11 2016'")
-    }
-    // Timestamps.
-    assertEqual("tImEstAmp '2016-03-11 20:54:00.000'",
-      Literal(Timestamp.valueOf("2016-03-11 20:54:00.000")))
-    intercept[IllegalArgumentException] {
-      parseExpression("timestamP '2016-33-11 20:54:00.000'")
-    }
-    // Unsupported datatype.
-    intercept("GEO '(10,-6)'", "Literals of type 'GEO' are currently not 
-  }
-  test("literals") {
-    // NULL
-    assertEqual("null", Literal(null))
-    // Boolean
-    assertEqual("trUe", Literal(true))
-    assertEqual("False", Literal(false))
-    // Integral should have the narrowest possible type
-    assertEqual("787324", Literal(787324))
-    assertEqual("7873247234798249234", Literal(7873247234798249234L))
-    assertEqual("78732472347982492793712334",
-      Literal(BigDecimal("78732472347982492793712334").underlying()))
-    // Decimal
-    assertEqual("7873247234798249279371.2334",
-      Literal(BigDecimal("7873247234798249279371.2334").underlying()))
-    // Scientific Decimal
-    assertEqual("9.0e1", 90d)
-    assertEqual(".9e+2", 90d)
-    assertEqual("0.9e+2", 90d)
-    assertEqual("900e-1", 90d)
-    assertEqual("900.0E-1", 90d)
-    assertEqual("9.e+1", 90d)
-    intercept(".e3")
-    // Tiny Int Literal
-    assertEqual("10Y", Literal(10.toByte))
-    intercept("-1000Y")
-    // Small Int Literal
-    assertEqual("10S", Literal(10.toShort))
-    intercept("40000S")
-    // Long Int Literal
-    assertEqual("10L", Literal(10L))
-    intercept("78732472347982492793712334L")
-    // Double Literal
-    assertEqual("10.0D", Literal(10.0D))
-    // TODO we need to figure out if we should throw an exception here!
-    assertEqual("1E309", Literal(Double.PositiveInfinity))
-  }
-  test("strings") {
-    // Single Strings.
-    assertEqual("\"hello\"", "hello")
-    assertEqual("'hello'", "hello")
-    // Multi-Strings.
-    assertEqual("\"hello\" 'world'", "helloworld")
-    assertEqual("'hello' \" \" 'world'", "hello world")
-    // 'LIKE' string literals. Notice that an escaped '%' is the same as an 
escaped '\' and a
-    // regular '%'; to get the correct result you need to add another escaped 
-    // TODO figure out if we shouldn't change the ParseUtils.unescapeSQLString 
-    assertEqual("'pattern%'", "pattern%")
-    assertEqual("'no-pattern\\%'", "no-pattern\\%")
-    assertEqual("'pattern\\\\%'", "pattern\\%")
-    assertEqual("'pattern\\\\\\%'", "pattern\\\\%")
-    // Escaped characters.
-    // See:
-    assertEqual("'\\0'", "\u0000") // ASCII NUL (X'00')
-    assertEqual("'\\''", "\'")     // Single quote
-    assertEqual("'\\\"'", "\"")    // Double quote
-    assertEqual("'\\b'", "\b")     // Backspace
-    assertEqual("'\\n'", "\n")     // Newline
-    assertEqual("'\\r'", "\r")     // Carriage return
-    assertEqual("'\\t'", "\t")     // Tab character
-    assertEqual("'\\Z'", "\u001A") // ASCII 26 - CTRL + Z (EOF on windows)
-    // Octals
-    assertEqual("'\\110\\145\\154\\154\\157\\041'", "Hello!")
-    // Unicode
-    assertEqual("'\\u0087\\u0111\\u0114\\u0108\\u0100\\u0032\\u0058\\u0041'", 
"World :)")
-  }
-  test("intervals") {
-    def intervalLiteral(u: String, s: String): Literal = {
-      Literal(CalendarInterval.fromSingleUnitString(u, s))
-    }
-    // Empty interval statement
-    intercept("interval", "at least one time unit should be given for interval 
-    // Single Intervals.
-    val units = Seq(
-      "year",
-      "month",
-      "week",
-      "day",
-      "hour",
-      "minute",
-      "second",
-      "millisecond",
-      "microsecond")
-    val forms = Seq("", "s")
-    val values = Seq("0", "10", "-7", "21")
-    units.foreach { unit =>
-      forms.foreach { form =>
-         values.foreach { value =>
-           val expected = intervalLiteral(unit, value)
-           assertEqual(s"interval $value $unit$form", expected)
-           assertEqual(s"interval '$value' $unit$form", expected)
-         }
-      }
-    }
-    // Hive nanosecond notation.
-    assertEqual("interval 13.123456789 seconds", intervalLiteral("second", 
-    assertEqual("interval -13.123456789 second", intervalLiteral("second", 
-    // Non Existing unit
-    intercept("interval 10 nanoseconds", "No interval can be constructed")
-    // Year-Month intervals.
-    val yearMonthValues = Seq("123-10", "496-0", "-2-3", "-123-0")
-    yearMonthValues.foreach { value =>
-      val result = Literal(CalendarInterval.fromYearMonthString(value))
-      assertEqual(s"interval '$value' year to month", result)
-    }
-    // Day-Time intervals.
-    val datTimeValues = Seq(
-      "99 11:22:33.123456789",
-      "-99 11:22:33.123456789",
-      "10 9:8:7.123456789",
-      "1 0:0:0",
-      "-1 0:0:0",
-      "1 0:0:1")
-    datTimeValues.foreach { value =>
-      val result = Literal(CalendarInterval.fromDayTimeString(value))
-      assertEqual(s"interval '$value' day to second", result)
-    }
-    // Unknown FROM TO intervals
-    intercept("interval 10 month to second", "Intervals FROM month TO second 
are not supported.")
-    // Composed intervals.
-    assertEqual(
-      "interval 3 months 22 seconds 1 millisecond",
-      Literal(new CalendarInterval(3, 22001000L)))
-    assertEqual(
-      "interval 3 years '-1-10' year to month 3 weeks '1 0:0:2' day to second",
-      Literal(new CalendarInterval(14,
-        22 * CalendarInterval.MICROS_PER_DAY + 2 * 
-  }
-  test("composed expressions") {
-    assertEqual("1 + r.r As q", (Literal(1) + 
-    assertEqual("1 - f('o', o(bar))", Literal(1) - 'f.function("o", 
-    intercept("1 - f('o', o(bar)) hello * world", "mismatched input '*'")
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4206d22..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BooleanType, IntegerType}
-class PlanParserSuite extends PlanTest {
-  import CatalystSqlParser._
-  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
-  import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
-  def assertEqual(sqlCommand: String, plan: LogicalPlan): Unit = {
-    comparePlans(parsePlan(sqlCommand), plan)
-  }
-  def intercept(sqlCommand: String, messages: String*): Unit = {
-    val e = intercept[ParseException](parsePlan(sqlCommand))
-    messages.foreach { message =>
-      assert(e.message.contains(message))
-    }
-  }
-  test("case insensitive") {
-    val plan = table("a").select(star())
-    assertEqual("sELEct * FroM a", plan)
-    assertEqual("select * fRoM a", plan)
-    assertEqual("SELECT * FROM a", plan)
-  }
-  test("show functions") {
-    assertEqual("show functions", ShowFunctions(None, None))
-    assertEqual("show functions foo", ShowFunctions(None, Some("foo")))
-    assertEqual("show functions", ShowFunctions(Some("foo"), 
-    assertEqual("show functions 'foo\\\\.*'", ShowFunctions(None, 
-    intercept("show functions", "SHOW FUNCTIONS unsupported name")
-  }
-  test("describe function") {
-    assertEqual("describe function bar", DescribeFunction("bar", isExtended = 
-    assertEqual("describe function extended bar", DescribeFunction("bar", 
isExtended = true))
-    assertEqual("describe function", DescribeFunction("", 
isExtended = false))
-    assertEqual("describe function extended", DescribeFunction("", 
isExtended = true))
-  }
-  test("set operations") {
-    val a = table("a").select(star())
-    val b = table("b").select(star())
-    assertEqual("select * from a union select * from b", Distinct(a.union(b)))
-    assertEqual("select * from a union distinct select * from b", 
-    assertEqual("select * from a union all select * from b", a.union(b))
-    assertEqual("select * from a except select * from b", a.except(b))
-    intercept("select * from a except all select * from b", "EXCEPT ALL is not 
-    assertEqual("select * from a except distinct select * from b", a.except(b))
-    assertEqual("select * from a intersect select * from b", a.intersect(b))
-    intercept("select * from a intersect all select * from b", "INTERSECT ALL 
is not supported.")
-    assertEqual("select * from a intersect distinct select * from b", 
-  }
-  test("common table expressions") {
-    def cte(plan: LogicalPlan, namedPlans: (String, LogicalPlan)*): With = {
-      val ctes = {
-        case (name, cte) =>
-          name -> SubqueryAlias(name, cte)
-      }.toMap
-      With(plan, ctes)
-    }
-    assertEqual(
-      "with cte1 as (select * from a) select * from cte1",
-      cte(table("cte1").select(star()), "cte1" -> table("a").select(star())))
-    assertEqual(
-      "with cte1 (select 1) select * from cte1",
-      cte(table("cte1").select(star()), "cte1" ->
-    assertEqual(
-      "with cte1 (select 1), cte2 as (select * from cte1) select * from cte2",
-      cte(table("cte2").select(star()),
-        "cte1" ->,
-        "cte2" -> table("cte1").select(star())))
-    intercept(
-      "with cte1 (select 1), cte1 as (select 1 from cte1) select * from cte1",
-      "Name 'cte1' is used for multiple common table expressions")
-  }
-  test("simple select query") {
-    assertEqual("select 1",
-    assertEqual("select a, b",'a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("select a, b from db.c", table("db", "c").select('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual("select a, b from db.c where x < 1", table("db", "c").where('x 
< 1).select('a, 'b))
-    assertEqual(
-      "select a, b from db.c having x < 1",
-      table("db", "c").select('a, 'b).where(('x < 1).cast(BooleanType)))
-    assertEqual("select distinct a, b from db.c", Distinct(table("db", 
"c").select('a, 'b)))
-    assertEqual("select all a, b from db.c", table("db", "c").select('a, 'b))
-  }
-  test("reverse select query") {
-    assertEqual("from a", table("a"))
-    assertEqual("from a select b, c", table("a").select('b, 'c))
-    assertEqual(
-      "from db.a select b, c where d < 1", table("db", "a").where('d < 
1).select('b, 'c))
-    assertEqual("from a select distinct b, c", Distinct(table("a").select('b, 
-    assertEqual(
-      "from (from a union all from b) c select *",
-      table("a").union(table("b")).as("c").select(star()))
-  }
-  test("transform query spec") {
-    val p = ScriptTransformation(Seq('a, 'b), "func", Seq.empty, table("e"), 
-    assertEqual("select transform(a, b) using 'func' from e where f < 10",
-      p.copy(child = p.child.where('f < 10), output = Seq('key.string, 
-    assertEqual("map a, b using 'func' as c, d from e",
-      p.copy(output = Seq('c.string, 'd.string)))
-    assertEqual("reduce a, b using 'func' as (c: int, d decimal(10, 0)) from 
-      p.copy(output = Seq(', 'd.decimal(10, 0))))
-  }
-  test("multi select query") {
-    assertEqual(
-      "from a select * select * where s < 10",
-      table("a").select(star()).union(table("a").where('s < 
-    intercept(
-      "from a select * select * from x where a.s < 10",
-      "Multi-Insert queries cannot have a FROM clause in their individual 
SELECT statements")
-    assertEqual(
-      "from a insert into tbl1 select * insert into tbl2 select * where s < 
-      table("a").select(star()).insertInto("tbl1").union(
-        table("a").where('s < 10).select(star()).insertInto("tbl2")))
-  }
-  test("query organization") {
-    // Test all valid combinations of order by/sort by/distribute by/cluster 
-    val baseSql = "select * from t"
-    val basePlan = table("t").select(star())
-    val ws = Map("w1" -> WindowSpecDefinition(Seq.empty, Seq.empty, 
-    val limitWindowClauses = Seq(
-      ("", (p: LogicalPlan) => p),
-      (" limit 10", (p: LogicalPlan) => p.limit(10)),
-      (" window w1 as ()", (p: LogicalPlan) => WithWindowDefinition(ws, p)),
-      (" window w1 as () limit 10", (p: LogicalPlan) => 
WithWindowDefinition(ws, p).limit(10))
-    )
-    val orderSortDistrClusterClauses = Seq(
-      ("", basePlan),
-      (" order by a, b desc", basePlan.orderBy('a.asc, 'b.desc)),
-      (" sort by a, b desc", basePlan.sortBy('a.asc, 'b.desc)),
-      (" distribute by a, b", basePlan.distribute('a, 'b)),
-      (" distribute by a sort by b", basePlan.distribute('a).sortBy('b.asc)),
-      (" cluster by a, b", basePlan.distribute('a, 'b).sortBy('a.asc, 'b.asc))
-    )
-    orderSortDistrClusterClauses.foreach {
-      case (s1, p1) =>
-        limitWindowClauses.foreach {
-          case (s2, pf2) =>
-            assertEqual(baseSql + s1 + s2, pf2(p1))
-        }
-    }
-    val msg = "Combination of ORDER BY/SORT BY/DISTRIBUTE BY/CLUSTER BY is not 
-    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a sort by a", msg)
-    intercept(s"$baseSql cluster by a distribute by a", msg)
-    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a cluster by a", msg)
-    intercept(s"$baseSql order by a distribute by a", msg)
-  }
-  test("insert into") {
-    val sql = "select * from t"
-    val plan = table("t").select(star())
-    def insert(
-        partition: Map[String, Option[String]],
-        overwrite: Boolean = false,
-        ifNotExists: Boolean = false): LogicalPlan =
-      InsertIntoTable(table("s"), partition, plan, overwrite, ifNotExists)
-    // Single inserts
-    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s $sql",
-      insert(Map.empty, overwrite = true))
-    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s if not exists $sql",
-      insert(Map.empty, overwrite = true, ifNotExists = true))
-    assertEqual(s"insert into s $sql",
-      insert(Map.empty))
-    assertEqual(s"insert into table s partition (c = 'd', e = 1) $sql",
-      insert(Map("c" -> Option("d"), "e" -> Option("1"))))
-    assertEqual(s"insert overwrite table s partition (c = 'd', x) if not 
exists $sql",
-      insert(Map("c" -> Option("d"), "x" -> None), overwrite = true, 
ifNotExists = true))
-    // Multi insert
-    val plan2 = table("t").where('x > 5).select(star())
-    assertEqual("from t insert into s select * limit 1 insert into u select * 
where x > 5",
-      InsertIntoTable(
-        table("s"), Map.empty, plan.limit(1), overwrite = false, ifNotExists = 
-        InsertIntoTable(
-          table("u"), Map.empty, plan2, overwrite = false, ifNotExists = 
-  }
-  test("aggregation") {
-    val sql = "select a, b, sum(c) as c from d group by a, b"
-    // Normal
-    assertEqual(sql, table("d").groupBy('a, 'b)('a, 'b, 
-    // Cube
-    assertEqual(s"$sql with cube",
-      table("d").groupBy(Cube(Seq('a, 'b)))('a, 'b, 'sum.function('c).as("c")))
-    // Rollup
-    assertEqual(s"$sql with rollup",
-      table("d").groupBy(Rollup(Seq('a, 'b)))('a, 'b, 
-    // Grouping Sets
-    assertEqual(s"$sql grouping sets((a, b), (a), ())",
-      GroupingSets(Seq(0, 1, 3), Seq('a, 'b), table("d"), Seq('a, 'b, 
-    intercept(s"$sql grouping sets((a, b), (c), ())",
-      "c doesn't show up in the GROUP BY list")
-  }
-  test("limit") {
-    val sql = "select * from t"
-    val plan = table("t").select(star())
-    assertEqual(s"$sql limit 10", plan.limit(10))
-    assertEqual(s"$sql limit cast(9 / 4 as int)", plan.limit(Cast(Literal(9) / 
4, IntegerType)))
-  }
-  test("window spec") {
-    // Note that WindowSpecs are testing in the ExpressionParserSuite
-    val sql = "select * from t"
-    val plan = table("t").select(star())
-    val spec = WindowSpecDefinition(Seq('a, 'b), Seq('c.asc),
-      SpecifiedWindowFrame(RowFrame, ValuePreceding(1), ValueFollowing(1)))
-    // Test window resolution.
-    val ws1 = Map("w1" -> spec, "w2" -> spec, "w3" -> spec)
-    assertEqual(
-      s"""$sql
-         |window w1 as (partition by a, b order by c rows between 1 preceding 
and 1 following),
-         |       w2 as w1,
-         |       w3 as w1""".stripMargin,
-      WithWindowDefinition(ws1, plan))
-    // Fail with no reference.
-    intercept(s"$sql window w2 as w1", "Cannot resolve window reference 'w1'")
-    // Fail when resolved reference is not a window spec.
-    intercept(
-      s"""$sql
-         |window w1 as (partition by a, b order by c rows between 1 preceding 
and 1 following),
-         |       w2 as w1,
-         |       w3 as w2""".stripMargin,
-      "Window reference 'w2' is not a window specification"
-    )
-  }
-  test("lateral view") {
-    // Single lateral view
-    assertEqual(
-      "select * from t lateral view explode(x) expl as x",
-      table("t")
-        .generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), 
-        .select(star()))
-    // Multiple lateral views
-    assertEqual(
-      """select *
-        |from t
-        |lateral view explode(x) expl
-        |lateral view outer json_tuple(x, y) jtup q, z""".stripMargin,
-      table("t")
-        .generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, Some("expl"), 
-        .generate(JsonTuple(Seq('x, 'y)), join = true, outer = true, 
Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
-        .select(star()))
-    // Multi-Insert lateral views.
-    val from = table("t1").generate(Explode('x), join = true, outer = false, 
Some("expl"), Seq("x"))
-    assertEqual(
-      """from t1
-        |lateral view explode(x) expl as x
-        |insert into t2
-        |select *
-        |lateral view json_tuple(x, y) jtup q, z
-        |insert into t3
-        |select *
-        |where s < 10
-      """.stripMargin,
-      Union(from
-        .generate(JsonTuple(Seq('x, 'y)), join = true, outer = false, 
Some("jtup"), Seq("q", "z"))
-        .select(star())
-        .insertInto("t2"),
-        from.where('s < 10).select(star()).insertInto("t3")))
-    // Unsupported generator.
-    intercept(
-      "select * from t lateral view posexplode(x) posexpl as x, y",
-      "Generator function 'posexplode' is not supported")
-  }
-  test("joins") {
-    // Test single joins.
-    val testUnconditionalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
-      assertEqual(
-        s"select * from t as tt $sql u",
-        table("t").as("tt").join(table("u"), jt, None).select(star()))
-    }
-    val testConditionalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
-      assertEqual(
-        s"select * from t $sql u as uu on a = b",
-        table("t").join(table("u").as("uu"), jt, Option('a === 
-    }
-    val testNaturalJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
-      assertEqual(
-        s"select * from t tt natural $sql u as uu",
-        table("t").as("tt").join(table("u").as("uu"), NaturalJoin(jt), 
-    }
-    val testUsingJoin = (sql: String, jt: JoinType) => {
-      assertEqual(
-        s"select * from t $sql u using(a, b)",
-        table("t").join(table("u"), UsingJoin(jt, Seq('a.attr, 'b.attr)), 
-    }
-    val testAll = Seq(testUnconditionalJoin, testConditionalJoin, 
testNaturalJoin, testUsingJoin)
-    def test(sql: String, jt: JoinType, tests: Seq[(String, JoinType) => 
Unit]): Unit = {
-      tests.foreach(_(sql, jt))
-    }
-    test("cross join", Inner, Seq(testUnconditionalJoin))
-    test(",", Inner, Seq(testUnconditionalJoin))
-    test("join", Inner, testAll)
-    test("inner join", Inner, testAll)
-    test("left join", LeftOuter, testAll)
-    test("left outer join", LeftOuter, testAll)
-    test("right join", RightOuter, testAll)
-    test("right outer join", RightOuter, testAll)
-    test("full join", FullOuter, testAll)
-    test("full outer join", FullOuter, testAll)
-    // Test multiple consecutive joins
-    assertEqual(
-      "select * from a join b join c right join d",
-      table("a").join(table("b")).join(table("c")).join(table("d"), 
-  }
-  test("sampled relations") {
-    val sql = "select * from t"
-    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(100 rows)",
-      table("t").limit(100).select(star()))
-    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(43 percent) as x",
-      Sample(0, .43d, withReplacement = false, 10L, 
-    assertEqual(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 4 out of 10) as x",
-      Sample(0, .4d, withReplacement = false, 10L, 
-    intercept(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 4 out of 10 on x) as x",
-      "TABLESAMPLE(BUCKET x OUT OF y ON id) is not supported")
-    intercept(s"$sql tablesample(bucket 11 out of 10) as x",
-      s"Sampling fraction (${11.0/10.0}) must be on interval [0, 1]")
-  }
-  test("sub-query") {
-    val plan = table("t0").select('id)
-    assertEqual("select id from (t0)", plan)
-    assertEqual("select id from ((((((t0))))))", plan)
-    assertEqual(
-      "(select * from t1) union distinct (select * from t2)",
-      Distinct(table("t1").select(star()).union(table("t2").select(star()))))
-    assertEqual(
-      "select * from ((select * from t1) union (select * from t2)) t",
-      Distinct(
-    assertEqual(
-      """select  id
-        |from (((select id from t0)
-        |       union all
-        |       (select  id from t0))
-        |      union all
-        |      (select id from t0)) as u_1
-      """.stripMargin,
-      plan.union(plan).union(plan).as("u_1").select('id))
-  }
-  test("scalar sub-query") {
-    assertEqual(
-      "select (select max(b) from s) ss from t",
-    assertEqual(
-      "select * from t where a = (select b from s)",
-      table("t").where('a === 
-    assertEqual(
-      "select g from t group by g having a > (select b from s)",
-      table("t")
-        .groupBy('g)('g)
-        .where(('a > ScalarSubquery(table("s").select('b))).cast(BooleanType)))
-  }
-  test("table reference") {
-    assertEqual("table t", table("t"))
-    assertEqual("table d.t", table("d", "t"))
-  }
-  test("inline table") {
-    assertEqual("values 1, 2, 3, 4", LocalRelation.fromExternalRows(
-      Seq(',
-      Seq(1, 2, 3, 4).map(x => Row(x))))
-    assertEqual(
-      "values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c') as tbl(a, b)",
-      LocalRelation.fromExternalRows(
-        Seq(', 'b.string),
-        Seq((1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c")).map(x => Row(x._1, x._2))).as("tbl"))
-    intercept("values (a, 'a'), (b, 'b')",
-      "All expressions in an inline table must be constants.")
-    intercept("values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b') as tbl(a, b, c)",
-      "Number of aliases must match the number of fields in an inline table.")
-    intercept[ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException](parsePlan("values (1, 'a'), (2, 
'b', 5Y)"))
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0874322..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
-class TableIdentifierParserSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
-  import CatalystSqlParser._
-  test("table identifier") {
-    // Regular names.
-    assert(TableIdentifier("q") === parseTableIdentifier("q"))
-    assert(TableIdentifier("q", Option("d")) === parseTableIdentifier("d.q"))
-    // Illegal names.
-    intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier(""))
-    intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier("d.q.g"))
-    // SQL Keywords.
-    val keywords = Seq("select", "from", "where", "left", "right")
-    keywords.foreach { keyword =>
-      intercept[ParseException](parseTableIdentifier(keyword))
-      assert(TableIdentifier(keyword) === parseTableIdentifier(s"`$keyword`"))
-      assert(TableIdentifier(keyword, Option("db")) === 
-    }
-  }

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