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ruifengz pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new c39a82593c3 [SPARK-44965][PYTHON] Hide internal functions/variables 
from `pyspark.sql.functions`
c39a82593c3 is described below

commit c39a82593c3b85e507d6431966bc840ba8c06d60
Author: Ruifeng Zheng <>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 29 09:29:22 2023 +0800

    [SPARK-44965][PYTHON] Hide internal functions/variables from 
    ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
    Hide internal functions/variables from `pyspark.sql.functions`
    ### Why are the changes needed?
    internal functions/variables should not be exposed to end users:
    Welcome to
          ____              __
         / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
        _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
       /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.4.1
    Using Python version 3.10.12 (main, Jul  5 2023 15:02:25)
    Spark context Web UI available at http://localhost:4040/
    Spark context available as 'sc' (master = local[*], app id = 
    SparkSession available as 'spark'.
    In [1]: from pyspark.sql.functions import *
    In [2]: ??to_str
    Signature: to_str(value: Any) -> Optional[str]
    def to_str(value: Any) -> Optional[str]:
        A wrapper over str(), but converts bool values to lower case strings.
        If None is given, just returns None, instead of converting it to string 
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return str(value).lower()
        elif value is None:
            return value
            return str(value)
    File:      ~/.dev/bin/spark-3.4.1-bin-hadoop3/python/pyspark/sql/
    Type:      function
    `to_str` here is a internal helper function
    ### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
    ### How was this patch tested?
    ### Was this patch authored or co-authored using generative AI tooling?
    Closes #42680 from zhengruifeng/py_func_all.
    Authored-by: Ruifeng Zheng <>
    Signed-off-by: Ruifeng Zheng <>
 python/pyspark/sql/            | 430 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 python/pyspark/sql/tests/ |  33 +++
 2 files changed, 463 insertions(+)

diff --git a/python/pyspark/sql/ b/python/pyspark/sql/
index 5d5557cb916..43b82d31368 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/sql/
+++ b/python/pyspark/sql/
@@ -79,6 +79,436 @@ if has_numpy:
 # since it requires making every single overridden definition.
+__all__ = [
+    "abs",
+    "acos",
+    "acosh",
+    "add_months",
+    "aes_decrypt",
+    "aes_encrypt",
+    "aggregate",
+    "any_value",
+    "approxCountDistinct",
+    "approx_count_distinct",
+    "approx_percentile",
+    "array",
+    "array_agg",
+    "array_append",
+    "array_compact",
+    "array_contains",
+    "array_distinct",
+    "array_except",
+    "array_insert",
+    "array_intersect",
+    "array_join",
+    "array_max",
+    "array_min",
+    "array_position",
+    "array_prepend",
+    "array_remove",
+    "array_repeat",
+    "array_size",
+    "array_sort",
+    "array_union",
+    "arrays_overlap",
+    "arrays_zip",
+    "asc",
+    "asc_nulls_first",
+    "asc_nulls_last",
+    "ascii",
+    "asin",
+    "asinh",
+    "assert_true",
+    "atan",
+    "atan2",
+    "atanh",
+    "avg",
+    "base64",
+    "bin",
+    "bit_and",
+    "bit_count",
+    "bit_get",
+    "bit_length",
+    "bit_or",
+    "bit_xor",
+    "bitmap_bit_position",
+    "bitmap_bucket_number",
+    "bitmap_construct_agg",
+    "bitmap_count",
+    "bitmap_or_agg",
+    "bitwiseNOT",
+    "bitwise_not",
+    "bool_and",
+    "bool_or",
+    "broadcast",
+    "bround",
+    "btrim",
+    "bucket",
+    "call_function",
+    "call_udf",
+    "cardinality",
+    "cast",
+    "cbrt",
+    "ceil",
+    "ceiling",
+    "char",
+    "char_length",
+    "character_length",
+    "coalesce",
+    "col",
+    "collect_list",
+    "collect_set",
+    "column",
+    "concat",
+    "concat_ws",
+    "contains",
+    "conv",
+    "convert_timezone",
+    "corr",
+    "cos",
+    "cosh",
+    "cot",
+    "count",
+    "countDistinct",
+    "count_distinct",
+    "count_if",
+    "count_min_sketch",
+    "covar_pop",
+    "covar_samp",
+    "crc32",
+    "create_map",
+    "csc",
+    "cume_dist",
+    "curdate",
+    "current_catalog",
+    "current_database",
+    "current_date",
+    "current_schema",
+    "current_timestamp",
+    "current_timezone",
+    "current_user",
+    "date_add",
+    "date_diff",
+    "date_format",
+    "date_from_unix_date",
+    "date_part",
+    "date_sub",
+    "date_trunc",
+    "dateadd",
+    "datediff",
+    "datepart",
+    "day",
+    "dayofmonth",
+    "dayofweek",
+    "dayofyear",
+    "days",
+    "decode",
+    "degrees",
+    "dense_rank",
+    "desc",
+    "desc_nulls_first",
+    "desc_nulls_last",
+    "e",
+    "element_at",
+    "elt",
+    "encode",
+    "endswith",
+    "equal_null",
+    "every",
+    "exists",
+    "exp",
+    "explode",
+    "explode_outer",
+    "expm1",
+    "expr",
+    "extract",
+    "factorial",
+    "filter",
+    "find_in_set",
+    "first",
+    "first_value",
+    "flatten",
+    "floor",
+    "forall",
+    "format_number",
+    "format_string",
+    "from_csv",
+    "from_json",
+    "from_unixtime",
+    "from_utc_timestamp",
+    "get",
+    "get_json_object",
+    "getbit",
+    "greatest",
+    "grouping",
+    "grouping_id",
+    "hash",
+    "hex",
+    "histogram_numeric",
+    "hll_sketch_agg",
+    "hll_sketch_estimate",
+    "hll_union",
+    "hll_union_agg",
+    "hour",
+    "hours",
+    "hypot",
+    "ifnull",
+    "ilike",
+    "initcap",
+    "inline",
+    "inline_outer",
+    "input_file_block_length",
+    "input_file_block_start",
+    "input_file_name",
+    "instr",
+    "isnan",
+    "isnotnull",
+    "isnull",
+    "java_method",
+    "json_array_length",
+    "json_object_keys",
+    "json_tuple",
+    "kurtosis",
+    "lag",
+    "last",
+    "last_day",
+    "last_value",
+    "lcase",
+    "lead",
+    "least",
+    "left",
+    "length",
+    "levenshtein",
+    "like",
+    "lit",
+    "ln",
+    "localtimestamp",
+    "locate",
+    "log",
+    "log10",
+    "log1p",
+    "log2",
+    "lower",
+    "lpad",
+    "ltrim",
+    "make_date",
+    "make_dt_interval",
+    "make_interval",
+    "make_timestamp",
+    "make_timestamp_ltz",
+    "make_timestamp_ntz",
+    "make_ym_interval",
+    "map_concat",
+    "map_contains_key",
+    "map_entries",
+    "map_filter",
+    "map_from_arrays",
+    "map_from_entries",
+    "map_keys",
+    "map_values",
+    "map_zip_with",
+    "mask",
+    "max",
+    "max_by",
+    "md5",
+    "mean",
+    "median",
+    "min",
+    "min_by",
+    "minute",
+    "mode",
+    "monotonically_increasing_id",
+    "month",
+    "months",
+    "months_between",
+    "named_struct",
+    "nanvl",
+    "negate",
+    "negative",
+    "next_day",
+    "now",
+    "nth_value",
+    "ntile",
+    "nullif",
+    "nvl",
+    "nvl2",
+    "octet_length",
+    "overlay",
+    "overload",
+    "parse_url",
+    "percent_rank",
+    "percentile",
+    "percentile_approx",
+    "pi",
+    "pmod",
+    "posexplode",
+    "posexplode_outer",
+    "position",
+    "positive",
+    "pow",
+    "power",
+    "printf",
+    "product",
+    "quarter",
+    "radians",
+    "raise_error",
+    "rand",
+    "randn",
+    "rank",
+    "reduce",
+    "reflect",
+    "regexp",
+    "regexp_count",
+    "regexp_extract",
+    "regexp_extract_all",
+    "regexp_instr",
+    "regexp_like",
+    "regexp_replace",
+    "regexp_substr",
+    "regr_avgx",
+    "regr_avgy",
+    "regr_count",
+    "regr_intercept",
+    "regr_r2",
+    "regr_slope",
+    "regr_sxx",
+    "regr_sxy",
+    "regr_syy",
+    "repeat",
+    "replace",
+    "reverse",
+    "right",
+    "rint",
+    "rlike",
+    "round",
+    "row_number",
+    "rpad",
+    "rtrim",
+    "schema_of_csv",
+    "schema_of_json",
+    "sec",
+    "second",
+    "sentences",
+    "sequence",
+    "session_window",
+    "sha",
+    "sha1",
+    "sha2",
+    "shiftLeft",
+    "shiftRight",
+    "shiftRightUnsigned",
+    "shiftleft",
+    "shiftright",
+    "shiftrightunsigned",
+    "shuffle",
+    "sign",
+    "signum",
+    "sin",
+    "sinh",
+    "size",
+    "skewness",
+    "slice",
+    "some",
+    "sort_array",
+    "soundex",
+    "spark_partition_id",
+    "split",
+    "split_part",
+    "sqrt",
+    "stack",
+    "startswith",
+    "std",
+    "stddev",
+    "stddev_pop",
+    "stddev_samp",
+    "str_to_map",
+    "struct",
+    "substr",
+    "substring",
+    "substring_index",
+    "sum",
+    "sumDistinct",
+    "sum_distinct",
+    "tan",
+    "tanh",
+    "timestamp_micros",
+    "timestamp_millis",
+    "timestamp_seconds",
+    "toDegrees",
+    "toRadians",
+    "to_binary",
+    "to_char",
+    "to_csv",
+    "to_date",
+    "to_json",
+    "to_number",
+    "to_timestamp",
+    "to_timestamp_ltz",
+    "to_timestamp_ntz",
+    "to_unix_timestamp",
+    "to_utc_timestamp",
+    "to_varchar",
+    "transform",
+    "transform_keys",
+    "transform_values",
+    "translate",
+    "trim",
+    "trunc",
+    "try_add",
+    "try_aes_decrypt",
+    "try_avg",
+    "try_divide",
+    "try_element_at",
+    "try_multiply",
+    "try_subtract",
+    "try_sum",
+    "try_to_binary",
+    "try_to_number",
+    "try_to_timestamp",
+    "typeof",
+    "ucase",
+    "udf",
+    "udtf",
+    "unbase64",
+    "unhex",
+    "unix_date",
+    "unix_micros",
+    "unix_millis",
+    "unix_seconds",
+    "unix_timestamp",
+    "unwrap_udt",
+    "upper",
+    "url_decode",
+    "url_encode",
+    "user",
+    "var_pop",
+    "var_samp",
+    "variance",
+    "version",
+    "weekday",
+    "weekofyear",
+    "when",
+    "width_bucket",
+    "window",
+    "window_time",
+    "xpath",
+    "xpath_boolean",
+    "xpath_double",
+    "xpath_float",
+    "xpath_int",
+    "xpath_long",
+    "xpath_number",
+    "xpath_short",
+    "xpath_string",
+    "xxhash64",
+    "year",
+    "years",
+    "zip_with",
+    "pandas_udf",
+    "PandasUDFType",
 def _get_jvm_function(name: str, sc: SparkContext) -> Callable:
     Retrieves JVM function identified by name from
diff --git a/python/pyspark/sql/tests/ 
index c484e10ec1a..0633b8c4341 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/sql/tests/
+++ b/python/pyspark/sql/tests/
@@ -92,6 +92,39 @@ class FunctionsTestsMixin:
             expected_missing_in_py, missing_in_py, "Missing functions in 
pyspark not as expected"
+    def test_public_function(self):
+        inspected_list = {name for (name, value) in getmembers(F, isfunction) 
if name[0] != "_"}
+        public_list = set(F.__all__)
+        # check alias: both function 'pow' and its alias 'power' should be 
+        self.assertTrue("pow" in inspected_list)
+        self.assertTrue("power" in inspected_list)
+        self.assertTrue("pow" in public_list)
+        self.assertTrue("power" in public_list)
+        inspected_execuded_list = {
+            "get_active_spark_context",  # internal helper function
+            "try_remote_functions",  # internal helper function
+            "to_str",  # internal helper function
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(
+            inspected_list - public_list,
+            inspected_execuded_list,
+            "Inspected functions NOT exposed!",
+        )
+        public_execuded_list = {
+            "PandasUDFType",  # type, not a function
+        }
+        self.assertEqual(
+            public_list - inspected_list,
+            public_execuded_list,
+            "Non-existent functions exposed!",
+        )
     def test_explode(self):
         d = [
             Row(a=1, intlist=[1, 2, 3], mapfield={"a": "b"}),

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