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The "InheritedProperties" page has been changed by pburba:

Add some notes

  {{{#!wiki note
    [JAF] What do the keys of 'inherited_prop_hash' represent if 'path' is a 
working copy path but some of the inherited properties are set on repository 
paths that are above the WC root?
+ {{{#!wiki note
+   [PTB] JAF - It's a bit awkward, but I was thinking WC relative paths for 
props inherited from WC parents and URLs for props inherited from the 
repository (via the inherited prop cache).  We obviously can't use WC keys in 
all cases, but using URLs in all cases won't work either because a WC parent 
might not exist in the repository due to local changes.
+ }}}
+ {{{#!wiki note
+   [PTB] Instead of using a hash mapping parent "paths" to a hash of 
properties, it probably makes more sense to use an array of structures which 
contain the path/URL and the property hash as members.  The array would be 
sorted by the depth of the path/URL and would allow the caller to easily 
determine the nearest parent of PATH if that is all that it needs (think of a 
property with a svn:mergeinfo-like straight override model of inheritance where 
all that ever matters is the nearest parent).
+ }}}
  Rev svn_client_proplist3 to svn_client_proplist4, adding the argument 
svn_boolean_t '''get_target_inherited_props''':

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