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The "SvnMergeTheory" page has been changed by JulianFoad:

Add "Origin of a Branch" section

  = Appendices =
+ == Origin of a Branch ==
+ As indicated in the quote Brane at the top of this page, it shouldn't make 
any difference in theory whether you branched B from A or A from B.  And indeed 
Subversion doesn't care.  When tracing the youngest common ancestor of two 
branches (in terms of branching/copying, that it, not in terms of merges) 
Subversion follows the "copy history" of each branch which means it follows 
through both renames and branching.  The only thing that matters is that the 
two branches have some common ancestor; one doesn't have to be a direct 
ancestor of the other.
+ TODO: graphs showing branching B from A and A from B.
+ Therefore in most of the graphs here, the common ancestor is shown as not 
being directly on branch A nor on B.
+ TODO: graph showing an indicative/abstract ancestor "O".
  == The Two Sides of a Merge ==
  TODO: Explain the idea that the result of a 3-way merge from branch A to B, 
committed as B3, can be seen either as a change on B consisting of the addition 
of some stuff from A, or can be seen equally validly as the change A2:B3 
consisting of the merging of recent changes on B into the context of A.  The 
fact that the result was committed on branch B does not matter; the same result 
could have been committed on branch A, or on both branches.

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