Author: rpluem
Revision: 1845204
Modified property: svn:log

Modified: svn:log at Wed Oct 31 06:37:55 2018
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Wed Oct 31 06:37:55 2018
@@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ Hence replace the value of (const char*)
   (dav_svn__translate_name): Replace value of (const char*)1 with "1"
    in apr_table_setn calls for r->notes table for keys NO_MAP_TO_STORAGE_NOTE
    to set a value with an valid address.
+[U:server] mod_dav_svn, mod_authz_svn: Fix segfault under mod_http2 (SVN-4782)

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