Author: amiloslavskiy
Revision: 1882522
Modified property: svn:log

Modified: svn:log at Wed Jan 27 23:39:20 2021
--- svn:log (original)
+++ svn:log Wed Jan 27 23:39:20 2021
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ This crash is demonstrated by the follow
 [in subversion/bindings/javahl]
 * native/OperationContext.cpp
   (callCloseTunnelCallback): Extract function to facilitate changes in
-                             further commits.
-  (openTunnel):              Add NewGlobalRef() for kept jobject.
+    further commits.
+  (openTunnel): Add NewGlobalRef() for kept jobject.
   (callCloseTunnelCallback): Add a matching DeleteGlobalRef().
+  (closeTunnel): Remove early return. This becomes necessary in next commit
+    to make sure that every object is cleaned up regardless of errors in other
+       objects. Removing early return in this commit reduces patch sizes. Extra
+       JNIUtil calls are merely a very small performance change in an unlikely
+       scenario.

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