Den tis 3 maj 2022 kl 22:39 skrev Daniel Sahlberg <>:

> Den mån 2 maj 2022 23:01Daniel Shahaf <> skrev:
>> Daniel Sahlberg wrote on Mon, 02 May 2022 20:12 +00:00:
>> > Thanks to everyone for discussing this and moving it forward! I'm sorry
>> I
>> > wasn't able to be more active last week but life got in the way.
>> >
>> > One small point below...
>> >
>> > Den lör 30 apr. 2022 kl 00:04 skrev <>:
>> > [...]
>> >
>> >> +<li><p>LTS releases are supported for <b>four years</b> from the date
>> of
>> >> their
>> >> +initial release.  For instance, 1.15.x will supported until four years
>> >> after
>> >> +the announcement of 1.15.0.</p>
>> >>
>> >
>> > Should we really declare 1.15 an LTS release at this stage?
>> No.  Deciding whether 1.15 should be LTS or Regular deserves a thread of
>> its own.  As far as this thread is concerned, the documentation should
>> reflect the status quo: that it has not been decided yet whether 1.15
>> will be LTS or Regular.
>> Good catch.
>> If someone could please update the text staging/ that would be great.
> r1900528
>> > I would also suggest to remove the "Transition to LTS and Regular
>> > Releases"
>> > section (
>> >
>> )
>> > since it seems to concern the fixed-time release schedule. I can do
>> > this,
>> > just wanting to check that I don't missread something.
>> The description of what we backport is "general backports and thereafter
>> high priority fixes" in this section, and "high priority issues such as
>> … and sometimes also other issues" in the section above.  We might want
>> to clarify the "other issues" part of the latter sentence when we delete
>> this section.
> Oh. I read this too quick and skipped over this part of the mail in the
> commit above. I'll circle back on this tomorrow.

r1900561. I mostly copied from the old text describing why to do regular
releases, while reusing the old rules what kind of backports should go into
"lastest" and "older" releases.

>> Also, might want to explicitly spell out that 1.10 is now EOL: someone
>> might think that 1.10 would be supported with security fixes until the
>> LTS _after 1.14_ is released, as that would have been the case under our
>> pre-1.11 policy if there hadn't been Regular releases at all.
> Did we reach consensus on this yet? Of course it follows the new policy,
> on the other hand 1.10 predates even the fixed time release policy.
>> Also, to answer your question in the OP, we'll want to remove 1.10 from
>> the download page and from dist/release/.
> Will do, after some input on the point above.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel

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