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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Formats
-== Tamaya Formats (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-Tamaya Formats is an extension module. Refer to the 
link:modules.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
-Tamaya Formats provides an abstraction for configuration formats provding the 
following benefits:
-* Parsing of resources in can be implemented separately from interpreting the 
different aspects/parts parsed. As an
-  example a file format can define different sections. Depending on the 
company specific semantics of the sections
-  a different set of +PropertySource+ instances must be created.
-* Similarly the configuration abstraction can also be used as an interface for 
integrating Tamaya with alternate
-  frameworks that provide logic for reading configuration files, such as 
Apache commons.configuration.
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from dynamic value resolution you only must add the corresponding 
dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-formats</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== The Idea
-Formats should be reusable, meaning you should have to write a format parser 
only once and then be able to map the data read into whatever
-data structure (in our cases: property sources).
-==== ConfigurationData
-Configuration formats can be very different. Some are simple key/value pairs, 
whereas other also consist of multiple sections (e.g. ini-files) or
-hierarchical data (e.g. yaml, xml). This is solved in Tamaya by mapping the 
configuration read into a normalized intermediary format called
-public final class ConfigurationData {
-    public ConfigurationFormat getFormat();
-    public String getResource();
-    public Set<String> getSectionNames();
-    public Map<String,String> getSection(String name);
-    public boolean hasDefaultProperties();
-    public Map<String,String> getDefaultProperties();
-    public Map<String,String> getCombinedProperties();
-    public boolean isEmpty();
-In detail the data read from a file is organized into _sections_ as follows:
-* with +getResource()+ and +getFormat()+ the underlying resource and the 
format that read this data can be accessed.
-* properties can be owned by
-  ** named sections
-  ** an (unnamed) default section
-* each section section contains a map of properties. Hereby the same key can 
be part of the default section and multiple
-  named sections, depending on the configuration format.
-* The method +getSectionNames()+ returns a set of all section names.
-* With +getSection(String name)+ a named section can be accessed.
-* With +getDefaultSection()+ the 'default' section can be accessed. This is a 
convenience method.
-* With +getCombinedProperties()+ a flattened entry map can be accessed built 
up (by default) out of
-  ** all entries from the default section, without any changes.
-  ** all entries from named sections, where the key for each entry is prefix 
with the section name and a '::' separator.
-* The configuration format used determines the mapping of configuration data 
read into this structure. The format
-  implementation can as well provide alternate implementations of how the data 
read should be mapped into the
-  combined properties map.
-==== ConfigurationFormat
-A ConfigurationFormat is basically an abstraction that reads a configuration 
resource (modelled by an InputStream) and
-creates a corresponding +ConfigurationData+ instance.
-public interface ConfigurationFormat {
-    String getName();
-    boolean accepts(URL url);
-    ConfigurationData readConfiguration(String resource, InputStream 
-=== How to tranform ConfigurationData into a PropertySource
-For for the conversion of +ConfigurationData+ into a +PropertySource+ 
different approaches can be useful:
-. The +ConfigurationFormat+ that reads the data can provides all properties 
read either as sectioned properties
-  or/and as default properties. The most simple cases is, where all properties 
have been added as 'default'
-  properties. In this case the default properties can be used as the property 
sources properties without any change.
-. If the format did also add section based properties, the combined properties 
returned can be used, hereby
-  replacing the '::' separator with a '.' separator.
-. In all other cases a custom mapping is useful, which can be acomplished by 
using the +MappedConfigurationDataPropertySource+
-  and overriding the +Map<String,String> populateData(ConfigurationData data)+ 
-In most cases the usage of a +FlattenedDefaultPropertySource+, is a good 
choice to start. This class
-provides a convenient default mapping and also allows to customized the 
mapping easily:
-ConfigurationData data = ...;
-FlattenedDefaultPropertySource ps = new FlattenedDefaultPropertySource(data){
-  protected Map<String, String> populateData(ConfigurationData data) {
-    ...
-  }
-Nevertheless, depending on the context, where a configuration source was read 
(classloader, time, source etc.) the
-resulting properties can have different semnatics, especially different 
priorities. Also section
-names may be mapped into different ordinals instead of using them as key 
prefixes (e.g. imagine configuration formats
-with a 'default', 'main', and 'overrides' sections). For such more complex or 
custom cases no simple mapping
-can be defined. Consequently the functionality mapping the normalized 
+ConfigurationData+ read to the
-appropriate collection of +PropertySource+ instances must be implemented.
-=== Examples
-==== Mapping ini-Files
-Consider the following ini-file:
-This file content coud be mapped to the following structure:
-.Mapping of Example.ini
-Nevertheless from the +ConfigurationData+ instance a more complex algorithm 
can access all the different parts:
-* the_default_ properties (a, a.b)
-* the section +section1+, with properties +aa, aa.b.c+
-* the section +section2+, qith properties +a+
-==== Mapping xml-Files
-The same concept can also be applied to xml-files. Consider the following 
configuration file:
-  <default>
-    <a>valA</a>
-    <a.b>valB</a.B>
-  </default>
-  <section id="section1">
-    <param id="aa">sectionValA</aa>
-    <param id="aa.b.c">SectionValC</aa.b.c>
-  </section>
-  <section id="section2">
-    <param id="a">val2Section2</aa>
-  </section>
-This file basically describes the same configuration as the ini-based version 
we have seen before. The formats
-module hereby ships with 3 format classes:
-* +PropertiesFormat+ providing support for .properties files.
-* +PropertiesXmlFormat+ providing support for files.
-* +IniConfiguratonFormat+ providing support for files.
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Functions
-== Tamaya Functions (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-Tamaya Functions is an extension module. Refer to the 
link:modules.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
-Tamaya Functions provides several functional extensions using the 
+ConfigOperator,ConfigQuery+ extension points. Most
-functional extension are accessible from the +ConfigurationFunction+ 
singleton. When importing its methods statically
-one can use the methods to achieve some interesting effects, e.g.
-import static org.apache.tamaya.functions.ConfigurationFunctions.*;
-Set<String> sections = 
-The expression above returns all fully qualified section names that are child 
sections of the root section 'a'.
-So given the entries +a.b.entry1, a.b.entry2, a.a.entry3, a.b.c.entry4+ the 
reult would be +a, a.a, a.b, a.b.c+.
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-For using the functionality shown in this document you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-functions</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== The Provided Functions
-==== Functions on +ConfigurationFunctions+
-The following sections explain the provided functions defined by 
+ConfigurationFunctions+ singleton.
-* *ConfigOperator filter(PropertyMatcher matcher)* creates a +ConfigOperator+ 
that creates a +Configuration+
-  containing only keys that are selected by the given _matcher predicate_. The 
+PropertyMatcher+ hereby allows to evaluate not only
-  the _key_, but also the _value_.
-* *ConfigOperator map(KeyMapper keyMapper)* creates a +ConfigOperator+ that 
maps the keys as defined
-  by the given _keyMapper_.
-* *ConfigOperator section(String section)* creates  a +ConfigOperator+ that 
creates a +Configuration+ containing only
-  entries that are direct or indirect members of the given section.
-* *ConfigOperator section(String areaKey, boolean stripKeys)* creates  a 
+ConfigOperator+ that creates a +Configuration+
-  containing only entries that are direct or indirect members of the given 
section. Hereby _stripKeys_ allows to determine
-  if the returned entries should be relative to the search criteria 
{{stripKeys=true}} or absolute keys.
-* *isKeyInSection(String section, String sectionKey)* allows to easily 
determine if a given _key_ is a direct or indirect member
-  of a given section.
-* *boolean isKeyInSections(String key, String... sectionKeys)* allows to 
easily determine if one key of given
-  _key_ is a direct or indirect member of at least one of the given 
-* *ConfigQuery<Set<String>> sections()* allows to query all the contained 
fully qualified section names (the ones that
-  also have parameters present).
-* *ConfigQuery<Set<String>> transitiveSections()* allows to query all the 
contained fully qualified section names,
-  including the transitive closure of sections.
-* *ConfigQuery<Set<String>> sections(final Predicate<String> predicate)* 
allows to query all the contained fully
-  qualified section names that are selected by the given _predicate_.
-* *ConfigQuery<Set<String>> sections(final Predicate<String> predicate)* 
allows to query all the contained fully
-  qualified section names that are selected by the given _predicate_, 
including the transitive closure of sections
-  identified.
-* *ConfigOperator sectionsRecursive(String... sectionKeys)* provides a 
+ConfigOperator+ that filters all sections identified
-  by the given _sectionKeys_ and its child sections.
-* *ConfigOperator sectionRecursive(final boolean stripKeys, final String... 
sectionKeys)* provides a +ConfigOperator+
-  that filters all sections identified by the given _sectionKeys_ and its 
child sections. _stripKeys_ allows to
-  determine if the resulting configuration should be relative to the selected 
areas ({{stripKeys=true}}) or
-  absolute (filtering only).
-* *ConfigQuery<String> jsonInfo()* returns a query that converts a 
+Configuration+ into a JSON formatted +String+
-  representation.
-==== Functions on +PropertySourceFunctions+
-The following sections explain the provided functions defined by 
+PropertySourceFunctions+ singleton.
-* *PropertySource addMetaData(PropertySource propertySource, 
Map<String,String> metaData)* Creates a new +PropertySource+
-  with the given metadata added.
-* *boolean isKeyInSection(String key, String sectionKey)* Checks if the given 
_key_ is a direct or indirect member of
-  one of the given _sectionKey_.
-* *boolean isKeyInSections(String key, String... sectionKeys)* Checks if the 
given _key_ is a direct or indirect member of
-   one of one of the given _sectionKeys_.
-* *Set<String> sections(Map<String, String> properties)* Extracts the sections 
from the given properties.
-* *Set<String> transitiveSections(Map<String, String> properties)* Extracts 
the transitive sections from the given
-  properties.
-* *Set<String> sections(Map<String, String> properties, final 
Predicate<String> predicate)* Extracts the sections
-  from the given properties, also filtering with the given predicate.
-* *Set<String> transitiveSections(Map<String, String> properties, 
Predicate<String> predicate)* Extracts the transitive
-  sections from the given properties, also filtering with the given predicate.
-* *Map<String,String> sectionsRecursive(Map<String, String> properties, 
String... sectionKeys)* Creates w +PropertySource+
-  only containing the sections that a direct or indirect children of the given 
-* *Map<String,String> sectionRecursive(Map<String, String> properties, boolean 
stripKeys, String... sectionKeys)* Creates w +PropertySource+
-  only containing the sections that a direct or indirect children of the given 
_sectionKeys_. With _stripKeys_ one can
-  select of the returned values should be relative to its selection of be 
fully qualified.
-* *String stripSectionKeys(String key, String... sectionKeys)* This function 
strips away the matching section key as given
-  in _sectionKeys_ from a given _key_.
diff --git a/content/extensions/mod_injection.adoc 
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Injection
-== Tamaya Injection (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-Tamaya Injection is an extension module. Refer to the 
link:modules.html[extensions documentation] for further details
-about modules.
-Tamaya Injection provides functionality for injecting configured values into 
beans, or creating configuration
-template instances.
-Inversion of Control (aka IoC/the Hollywood Principle) has proven to be very 
useful and effective in avoiding boilerplate
-code. In Java there are different frameworks available that all provide IoC 
mechanisms. Unfortunately IoC is not a
-built-in language feature. So for a portable solution that works also in Java 
SE Tamaya itself has to provide the
-according injection services. This module adds this functionality to Tamaya.
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-Basically Tamaya's injection API is deployed as API artifact:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-injection-api</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-To use injection with Java SE you must add the corresponding dependency to 
your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-injection</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-Similarly there are other injection implementations available, targetig 
platforms such as
-* Spring, Spring Boot
-* Java EE/CDI
-* OSGI, Apache Felix/Apache Karaf
-=== Core Concepts
-Basically you annotate fields or methods in your beans with +@Config+ to 
enable configuration injection. Tamaya
-additionally defines further annotations that allo you to define additional 
aspects such as default values, custom
-converters etc. The following example illustrates the basic functionality:
-code snippet:
-.Annotated Example Class
-public class ConfiguredClass {
-    // resolved by default, using property name, class and package name:
-    private String testProperty;
-    // Trying to resolve mutiple keys, with a default value, if none could be 
-    @Config({"a.b.c.key1","a.b.legacyKey",area1.key2"}, defaultValue="The 
current \\${JAVA_HOME} env property is ${env:JAVA_HOME}.")
-    String value1;
-    // Typical case
-    @Config("a.b.c.key2")
-    private int value2;
-    // resolved by default as
-    // Using a (default) String -> URL converter
-    @Config(defaultValue="";)
-    private URL accessUrl;
-    // Config injection disabled for this property
-    @NoConfig
-    private Integer int1;
-    // Overriding the String -> BigDecimal converter with a custom 
-    @Config("BD")
-    @WithPropertyConverter(MyBigDecimalRoundingAdapter.class)
-    private BigDecimal bigNumber;
-    ...
-When configuring data or configuration classes it is also possible to 
auto-inject the fields identified. For activating
-this feature a class must be annotated with +@ConfigAutoInject+:
-[source, java]
-. An autoinjected bean class
-package a.b;
-public final class Tenant {
-  private int id;
-  private String name;
-  private String description;
-  @NoConfig // prevents auto injection for this field
-  private String id2;
-  public int getId(){
-    return id;
-  }
-  public String getName(){
-    return name;
-  }
-  public String getDescription(){
-    return description;
-  }
-These examples do not show all possibilities provided. Configuring instance of 
-class using Tamaya is very simple: Just pass the instance to Tamaya to let
-Tamaya inject the configuration (or throw a +ConfigException+, if this is not 
-.Configuring the +ConfiguredClass+ Instance
-ConfiguredClass classInstance = new ConfiguredClass();
-Tenant tenant = new Tenant();
-NOTE: Configuration injection works similarly, when used with other 
integration modules, e.g. when Tamaya is used
-with CDI, Spring or within an OSGI container. For further details refer also 
to the corresponding integration module's
-=== The Annotations in detail
-==== The ConfigurationInjector
-The +ConfigurationInjector+ interface provides methods that allow any kind of 
instances to be configured
-by passing the instances to +T 
ConfigurationInjector.getInstance().configure(T);+. The classes passed
-hereby must not be annotated with +@Config+ for being configurable. By default 
-tries to determine configuration for each property of an instance passed, 
using the following resolution policy:
-Given a class +a.b.MyClass+ and a field +myField+ it would try to look up the 
following keys:
-[source, listing]
-So given the following properties:
-[source, properties]
-Tenant.description=Any kind of tenant.
-==== Accessing Supplier instances
-In many cases you want to create a supplier that simply creates instances that 
are correctly configured as defined
-by the current context. This can be done using +Suppliers+:
-[source, java]
-Supplier<Tenant> configuredTenantSupplier = 
-  new Supplier<Tenant>(){
-     public Tenant get(){
-       return new Tenant();
-     }
-With Java 8 it's even more simple:
-[source, java]
-Supplier<Tenant> configuredTenantSupplier = 
-  Tenant::new);
-Hereby this annotation can be used in multiple ways and combined with other 
annotations such as
-+@WithLoadPolicy+, +@WithConfigOperator+, +@WithPropertyConverter+.
-==== Minimal Example
-To illustrate the mechanism below the most simple variant of a configured 
class is given:
-.Most simple configured class
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @Config
-  private String aValue;
-When this class is configured, e.g. by passing it to 
-the following is happening:
-* The current valid +Configuration+ is evaluated by calling +Configuration cfg 
= ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();+
-* The current property value (String) is evaluated by calling 
+cfg.get("aValue");+ for each possible key (mutliple
-  keys are possible).
-* if not successful, an error is thrown (+ConfigException+)
-* On success, since no type conversion is involved, the value is injected.
-==== Using @DefaultValue
-In the next example we explicitly define the property value:
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @Config(value={"aValue", "a.b.value","a.b.deprecated.value"}, 
-  private String aValue;
-==== Inject a DynamicValue Property
-Within this example we evaluate a dynamic value. This mechanism allows you to 
listen for configuration changes and to
-commit new values exactly, when convenient for you.
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @Config(value={"aValue", "a.b.value","a.b.deprecated.value"}, 
-  private DynamicValue aValue;
-The +DynamicValue+ provides you the following functionality:
-public interface DynamicValue<T> {
-    enum UpdatePolicy{
-        IMMEDIATE,
-        EXPLCIT,
-        NEVER,
-    }
-    T get();
-    T getNewValue();
-    T evaluateValue();
-    T commitAndGet();
-    void commit();
-    void discard();
-    boolean updateValue();
-    void setUpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicy updatePolicy);
-    UpdatePolicy getUpdatePolicy();
-    void addListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
-    void removeListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
-    boolean isPresent();
-    T orElse(T other);
-    // Enabled with Java 8
-    // T orElseGet(ConfiguredItemSupplier<? extends T> other);
-    // <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(ConfiguredItemSupplier<? extends X> 
exceptionSupplier) throws X;
-Summarizing this class looks somehow similar to the new +Optional+ class added 
with Java 8. It provides
-a wrapper class around a configured instance. Additionally this class provides 
functionality that gives
-active control, to manage a configured value based on a ++LoadingPolicy+:
-* +IMMEDEATE+ means that when the configuration system detects a change on the 
underlying value, the new value
-  is automatically applied without any further notice.
-* +EXPLICIT+ means that a new configuration value is signalled by setting the 
+newValue+ property. if +getNewValue()+
-  returns a non null value, the new value can be applied by calling 
+commit()+. You can always access the newest value,
-  hereby implicitly applying it, by accessing it via +commitAndGet()+. Also it 
is possible ti ignore a change by calling
-  +discard()+.
-* +NEVER+ means the configured value is evaluated once and never updated. All 
changes are silently discarded.
-* +LOG_AND_DISCARD+ similar to +NEVER+, but changes are logged before they are 
-Summarizing a +DynamicValue+ allows you
-* to reload actively updates of configured values.
-* update implicitly or explicitly all changes on the value.
-* add listeners that observe changes of a certain value.
-Dynamic values also allow on-the-fly reevaluation of the value by calling 
+evaluateValue()+. Hereby the value of the
-instance is not changed.
-==== Ommitting Injection using @NoConfig
-Adding the @NoConfig annotation prevents a field or method to be auto-injected 
-configuration. This is especially useful, if a type is annotated as 
@ConfigAutoInject with auto-confiuration
-turned on as follows:
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @NoConfig
-  private transient int sum;
-  private String a;
-  private String b;
-  Private String c;
-In this case the fields +a,b,c+ are configured, whereas the field +sum+ is 
ignored regarding
-==== Adding custom operators using @WithConfigOperator
-The @WithConfigOperator annotation allows you define a class of type 
+ConfigOperator+, to being applied
-to the final +Configuration+, BEFORE the value is injected. This can be used 
for various use cases, e.g.
-filtering or validating the visible properties for a certain use case.
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @Config
-  private String a;
-==== Adding custom property converters using @WithPropertyConverter
-The @WithPropertyConverter annotation allows you to define a class of type 
+PropertyConverter+, to be applied
-on a property configured to convert the String value to the expected injected 
type. This can be used for
-various use cases, e.g. adding custom formats, config models, decryption.
-pubic class ConfiguredItem{
-  @WithPropertyConverter(MyPropertyConverter.class)
-  @Config
-  private String a;
-==== Defining the loading policy to be applied to configured values using 
-The @WithLoadPolicy annotation allows to define the loading behaviour to be 
applied. The +LoadPolicy+
-enum hereby defines the various loading modes.
-pubic class BootTimeStableConfig{
-  @WithPropertyConverter(MyPropertyConverter.class)
-  @Config
-  private String a;
-=== Configuration Events
-Similar to CDI Tamaya publishes Configuration events, when instances were 
configured. It depends on the effective
-event backend in use, if and how events are published:
-* when you have the CDI extension active events are published using the 
default CDI event mechanism.
-* in all other scenarios events are delegated to the +tamaya-events+ module, 
if available,
-* if no event delegation is available no events are published.
-The event published is very simple:
-public interface ConfiguredType {
-    Class getType();
-    String getName();
-    Collection<ConfiguredField> getConfiguredFields();
-    Collection<ConfiguredMethod> getConfiguredMethods();
-    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
-public interface ConfiguredField {
-    Class<?> getType();
-    Collection<String> getConfiguredKeys();
-    String getName();
-    String getSignature();
-    Field getAnnotatedField();
-    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
-public interface ConfiguredMethod {
-    Collection<String> getConfiguredKeys();
-    Class<?>[] getParameterTypes();
-    Method getAnnotatedMethod();
-    String getName();
-    String getSignature();
-    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: JodaTime
-== Tamaya JodaTime (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-Tamaya JodaTime is an extension module to support the usage of[Joda-Time]
-in conjunction with Tamaya. Tamaya JodaTime defines some additional property
-converters to retrieve Joda-Time types from a given configuration.
-Refer to the link:modules.html[extensions documentation] for further details
-about modules.
-tools to locate resources in your classpath or file system based on descriptive
-ant-styled resource patterns. To use this module add the following dependency:
-[source, listing]
-  <grooupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-jodatime</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-After adding this dependency to your project you can retrieve
-Joda-Time based values directly from a given configuration.
-Configuration configuration = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();
-DateTime pit = configuration.get("pointInTime", DateTime.class)
-=== Specifying date and time values
-To be written.
-=== Specifing periods and durations
-To be written.
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-:jbake-status: published
-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Builder
-== Tamaya JSON (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya json module provides support for reading configuration using JSON 
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-json</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-This extension also transitively requires the +tamaya.formats+ module.
-=== Reading configuration in JSON
-For reading JSON based onfiguration most easily a +JSONFormat+ can be provided:
-[source, java]
-ConfigurationData dataRead = ConfigurationFormats.readConfig(
-    getClassLoader().getResource("myFileConfig.json"), new JSONFormat()));
-=== Examples
-The JSON module adds instances of +ConfigurationFormat+ so JSON configuration 
can be read and mapped to the
-according property maps. E.g. the following file is a simple and correct JSON 
-  "a" : "A",
-  "b" : "B",
-  "c" : "C",
-  "d" : {
-      "o" : "O",
-      "p" : "P"
-    }
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: JMX Management Access
-== Tamaya Management (JMX Support) (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya management module provides support for registering a JMX management 
bean for accessing configuration.
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-management</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== The ManagedConfigMBean bean
-The management model defines the MBean of type +ManagedConfigMBean+ as follows:
-public interface ManagedConfigMBean {
-    String getJsonConfigurationInfo();
-    String getXmlConfigurationInfo();
-    Map<String, String> getConfiguration();
-    Map<String, String> getSection(String area, boolean recursive);
-    Set<String> getSections();
-    Set<String> getTransitiveSections();
-    boolean isSectionExisting(String area);
-    default boolean isSectionEmpty(String area);
-* +getJsonConfigurationInfo,getXmlConfigurationInfo+ return a JSON or XML 
representation of the
-current configuration.
-* +getConfiguration+ access the current configuration properties.
-* +getSection+ allows to extract all entries below a certain subkey. With 
_recursive_ the query
-  will not only return direct children, but also recursively walk down all 
subsection of the
-  given section key.
-* +getSections+ returns all current known section names.
-* +getTransitiveSections+ return all sections, but also adds all transitive 
subsection as single
-  entries to the set as well.
-* +isSectionExisting+ and +isSectionEmpty+ allow for quering if entries are 
present under the given
-  section keys.
-=== Registering the ManagedConfigMBean
-For registering the current +ManagedConfigMBean+ instance to the current MBean 
platform server, the
-following static methods are available:
-public final class ConfigManagementSupport{
-    private JMXSupport(){}
-    public static ObjectName registerMBean();
-    public static ObjectName registerMBean(String context);
-    public static ObjectName unregisterMBean();
-    public static ObjectName unregisterMBean(String context);
-* +registerMBean+ creates a new +ManagedConfigMBean+ instance using the 
-  and registers it. Optionally an additional _context_ parameter can be 
passed, which allows
-  to register the management bean for different classloaders, e.g. for 
-  ears.
-* +unregisterMBean+ does the oppsite than registering obviously.
-NOTE: The instance of +ManagedConfigMBean+ to be created and registered is 
evaluated by use og the
-      +ServiceContextManager+. So you can replace the bean implementation by 
registering your
-      overriding implementation using the current +ServiceContext+ (by default 
-      +java.util.ServiceLoader+ and +@Priority+ annotation.
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Staged PropertySources
-== Tamaya Metamodel: Staged PropertySources (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya Staged PropertySources extension provides a base class and default 
implementation for loading
-multistaged configuration easily from a common configuration location.
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from Tamaya CDI integration you only must add the corresponding 
dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext.metamodels</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-metamodel.staged</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-The component will not register any components. The component basically 
provides the following options:
-* Use it as default configuration extension. Hereby you should define your 
stages in use by setting the
-  +env.STAGE+ system property with the stages to be loaded in order of 
precedence (most significant last),
-  e.g. +sys-env,DEFAULTS,TEST,DEVELOPMENT. _Additionally_ you must register
-  +org.apache.tamaya.staged.StagedConfigPropertiesProvider+ as in
-  |_org.apache.tamaya.spi.PropertySourceProvider
-Tamaya will then load .properties files from +System.getenv(),, and
-* For more advanced requirements, such as alternate locations, patterns or 
formats, you can also extend one of the
-  provided classes (+org.apache.tamaya.staged.StagedConfigPropertiesProvider+,
-  ** +BaseStagedPropertySourceProvider+). Extending provides features such as:
-  ** Defining a prefix for all entries provided/loaded.
-  ** Using alternate locations or formats.
-  ** Defining the ordinals used.
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-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Model Documentation and Validation
-== Tamaya Model Documentation and Validation (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya model module provides support for documenting configuration and 
validating configuration read and processed
-against this model. Documentation and config models can be provided in 
different ways:
-* as separate meta-model documents
-* by providers that check classes/packages for configuration annotations 
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-model</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== Describing the Configuration Meta-Model
-Basically configuration is modelled using key, value-pairs. Looking at a keys
-+a.b.c.param1+ and +a.b.c.param2+ the following concepts can be used to 
-. the _configuration section:_ In our case this equals to +a.b.c+, which 
itself also includes the
- transitive entries +a.b+ and +a+.
-. the _configuration parameter:_ Basically parameters are adressed using their 
fully qualified names,
- which equals to the containing section name and the relative parameter name, 
separated by the dor separator.
- In the above example +a.b.c.param1+ and +a.b.c.param2+ are the fully 
qualified parameter names.
-Now with only these 2 concepts a simple configuration meta-model can be 
defined as
-* a meta-model's name, used just for grouping different meta-models and 
entries to better separate
-  descriptions, e.g. in a management console or generated configuration 
documentation site.
-* a set of sections.
-* a set of parameters.
-* Both, sections ( as well as parameter models 
-  ** can be modelled by a meta-data entry, by default +_my.config.key.model+.
-  ** may be required, or optional (+.model.required=true|false+)
-  ** may have an optional description
-* Parameters additionally have
-  ** a _type_ (+.model.type=Classname+), described by the fully qualified 
class name, into which any configured (String)
-     value must be convertable into. If no type is configured 
+java.ui.lang.String+ is assumed as default.
-  ** an optional regular expression that can be used to validate the +String+ 
values returned from a
-     configuration (+.model.expression=regexpression+).
-Given these concepts a configuration can be fully described. Entries that are 
not contained in one of the given
-sections (or its children), or parameters not described or marked as valid 
(e.g. for dynamic configModels of
-a section), are called _undefined_. Undefined parameters should be grouped 
with its parent section. Each section, as
-well as all parent sections, including transitive) of any parametet read, 
should similarly marked as undefined, if and
-only if
-. the section itself is (directly) _undefined_
-. the section is not a _super section_ of a defined section.
-As en example the section definition of +a.b.c+ also implicitly includes the 
sections +a.b+ and +a+ to be defined
-sections, despite the fact that section properties, such as description and 
custom configModels are not inherited to
-its parent, or child section.
-=== Defining Meta-Configuration Model
-The configuration meta-model is defined by simple configuration meta-data 
entries. The section for all model
-configuration by default is called +model+, which results in entries such as
-Within this section fully qualified configuration keys defines
-which part of the configuration is targeted by certain entries.
-==== Defining Sections
-First we start to define some configuration sections, the example below starts 
with the most important
-variants supported:
-# Metamodel information
-_model.provider=ConfigModel Extension
-# org.mycompany.root (optional section)
-_org.mycompany.root.model.description=Root section defining my company 
-# (required section) related settings.\
-         refer for further details to XXX.
-# minmal section
-# custom validated section
-Above +org.mycompany.root+ transitively defines 3 sections:
-* org
-* org.mycompany
-* org.mycompany.root
-All sections are optional. Additionally the model above also defines a 
required section
-Required sections are checked so the section is not empty. It is not checked 
for any specific parameter hereby,
-only the existance of any child parameter is validated.
-The _class_ attribute has to be defined for any section definition, because if 
not set a model entry is, by default,
-defined to be a parameter configModel entry. Given above the entry for the 
section +minimal+ shows such a minimal
-+validated+ defines a section, which is validated through a customizable 
validator. Hereby an ordered list of validators
-can be provided, separated by commas.
-==== Defining Parameters
-Similarly parameters also can be defined:
-# (required parameter) company's name, also used in 
the application's main header.
-# (required parameters) user id. security realm required. token id, if the token 
service is used (optional).
-# A minmal parameter
-Similarly as when defining section also parameter entries define transitively 
its containing sections. E.g.
-the entry above for also defines the following 
sections (as optional).
-* org
-* org.mycompany
-Additional entries for section, e.g. configModels to be done, can be added as 
described in the previous section,
-but are optional.
-Since the parameter is the default type for model entries, a minmal parameter 
model entry only only needs it's
-parameter type to be defined. In the example above we define a parameter 
+minimalClass+ of type +Class+.
-Types hereby are fully qualified class names, whereas as 'java.ui.lang' for 
built-in language types can be
-==== Model Locations
-By default the configuration model can be defined at the following locations:
-* +classpath*:META-INF/, separate to the current 
+Configuration+. This functionality is enabled
-  by default, but can be disabled by adding 
+org.apache.tamaya.model.default.enabled=false+ to your current
-  +Configuration+.
-* +implicitly as part of the current +Configuration+. THis can be disabled by 
-  the +org.apache.tamaya.model.integrated.enabled+ configuration poarameter to 
-* customized by configuring the +org.apache.tamaya.model.resources+ in the 
current +Configuration+. This
-  parameter allows to define the locations from where the model extension is 
trying to read the
-  model configuration. If the _resources extension_ is available in your 
system it is used to
-  evaluate the locations. If not the default +Classloader.getResources+ 
command is issued. Also it
-  is required that the _formats extension_ is available, since this is used to 
effectively read the
-  data. This extension also allows you to use alternate representation formats 
such as +ini, xml, yml, json+.
-=== Tracking Configuration Access
-The model module also allows tracking which code accesses configuration 
properties or configuration parameters.
-It checks the stacktrace to evaluate the calling code location, hereby any 
unwanted packages can be implicitly
-ommitted from the stacktrace. Also the maximal length of the stacktrace 
retained can be constraint in length.
-The usages are recorded as +Usage+ instances. Hereby for each parameter 
accessed a corresponding +Usage+
-instance is created. It can be accessed by calling +Usage 
ConfigUsageStats.getUsage(String key)+. Usage
-statistics for calling +Configuration.getProperties()+ can be obtained calling 
+Usage getUsageAllProps();+.
-Usage tracking is disabled by default. It can be enabled by calling 
-+ConfigUsageStats.isUsageTrackingEnabled()+ returns the current tracking 
-The +Usage+ class itself provides access to further fainer grained usage data 
(+AccessDetail+) containing:
-* the access point (+fqn.ClassName#method(line: xxx)+).
-* the number of accesses
-* the first an last access
-* the values read
-* the access stacktrace (filtered by ignored packages).
-public final class Usage {
-    [...]
-    public String getKey();
-    public void clearMetrics();
-    public int getReferenceCount();
-    public int getUsageCount();
-    public Collection<AccessDetail> getAccessDetails(Class type);
-    public Collection<AccessDetail> getAccessDetails(Package pack);
-    public Collection<AccessDetail> getAccessDetails(String lookupExpression);
-    public Collection<AccessDetail> getAccessDetails();
-    public void trackUsage(String value);
-    public void trackUsage(String value, int maxTraceLength);
-    public static final class AccessDetail {
-        [...]
-        public void clearStats();
-        public long trackAccess(String value);
-        public long getAccessCount();
-        public String getAccessPoint();
-        public long getFirstAccessTS();
-        public long getLastAccessTS();
-        public String[] getStackTrace();
-        public Map<Long, String> getTrackedValues();
-    }
-With +ConfigUsageStats.clearUsageStats()+ the collected statistics can be 
reset at any time. Summarizing the main
-singleton for configuration statistics is defined as follows:
-public final class ConfigUsageStats{
-    public static Set<String> getIgnoredUsagePackages();
-    public static void addIgnoredUsagePackages(String... packageName);
-    public static void enableUsageTracking(boolean enabled);
-    public static Usage getUsage(String key);
-    public static Collection<Usage> getUsages();
-    public static void clearUsageStats();
-    public static Usage getUsageAllProperties();
-    public static boolean isUsageTrackingEnabled();
-    public static String getUsageInfo();
-==== Customizing the Stacktrage for Usage Reporting
-The stacktrace tracked by the system can be customized in several ways:
-* +ConfigUsageStats.addIgnoredPackageNames(String...)+ allows to add 
additional ignored package names.
-* With +Usage.setMaxTraceLength(int)+ the maximal size of the stacktraces 
logged can be set. Setting a
-  negative value will disable stacktrace logging completelely.
-=== Accessing Usage Statistics
-Bascially usage statistics are available in two forms:
-* The +Usage/AccessDetail+ object tree can be accessed programmatically from 
the +ConfigUsageStats+
-  singleton.
-* With +ConfigUsageStats.getUsageInfo()+ also a textual representation of the 
usage statistics
-  can be obtained, as illustrated below (a snipped from the current test 
-Apache Tamaya Configuration Usage Metrics
-DATE: Sat Apr 30 21:51:09 CEST 2016
-220    <<all>>:
-  - 220   <unknown/filtered/internal>                       , first=Sat Apr 30 
21:51:09 CEST 2016, last=Sat Apr 30 21:51:09 CEST 2016
-3      java.version:
-  - 2     test.model.TestConfigAccessor#readProperty(line:43), first=Sat Apr 
30 21:51:09 CEST 2016, last=Sat Apr 30 21:51:09 CEST 2016
-  - 1     <unknown/filtered/internal>                       , first=Sat Apr 30 
21:51:09 CEST 2016, last=Sat Apr 30 21:51:09 CEST 2016
-==== Programmatic API
-Basically the configModel module provides a simple API to access the defined 
+ConfigModel+ instances and
-validating the current +Configuration+ against the models as follows:
-public final class ConfigModelManager {
-    private ConfigModelManager() {}
-    public static Collection<ConfigModel> getModels();
-    public static Collection<ConfigModel> findModels(ModelType type, String 
-    public static <T extends ConfigModel> T getModel(String name, Class<T> 
-    public static Collection<ConfigModel> findModels(String namePattern);
-    public static Collection<ValidationResult> validate();
-    public static Collection<ValidationResult> validate(boolean showUndefined);
-    public static Collection<ValidationResult> validate(Configuration config);
-    public static Collection<ValidationResult> validate(Configuration config, 
boolean showUndefined);
-    public static void registerMBean();
-    public static void registerMBean(String context);
-This singleton allows to validate the current or any +Configuration+ instance. 
All the ConfigModels read also are
-available from the +getModels+ method. This models can be used to provide 
documentation, e.g. as part of a CLI interface
-or shown on a documentation web server.
-A +ConfigModel+ hereby is defined as one single part of configuration, 
typically corresponding to a specific concern
-of your system. As an example you can define different models for different 
modules or products plugged together.
-With resolution mechanism in place you can also define a shared module that is 
targeted by multiple modules as a
-single configuration source (e.g. for configuring the machine's IP address and 
subnet settings only once.
-public interface ConfigModel {
-    ModelTarget getType();
-    String getName();
-    String getProvider();
-    boolean isRequired();
-    String getDescription();
-    Collection<ValidationResult> validate(Configuration config);
-Hereby +ModelTarget+ defines more details on the kind of model:
-public enum ModelTarget {
-    /**
-     * A configuration section.
-     */
-    Section,
-    /**
-     * A configuration paramter.
-     */
-    Parameter,
-    /**
-     * ConfigModel that is a container of other validations.
-     */
-    Group
-A +ValidationResult+ models one validation executed by a +ConfigModel+ on a 
certain +Configuration+ instance:
-public final class ValidationResult {
-    public static ValidationResult ofValid(ConfigModel configModel);
-    public static ValidationResult ofMissing(ConfigModel configModel);
-    public static ValidationResult ofMissing(ConfigModel configModel, String 
-    public static ValidationResult ofError(ConfigModel configModel, String 
-    public static ValidationResult ofWarning(ConfigModel configModel, String 
-    public static ValidationResult ofDeprecated(ConfigModel configModel, 
String alternateUsage);
-    public static ValidationResult ofDeprecated(ConfigModel configModel);
-    public static ValidationResult ofUndefined(final String key);
-    public static ValidationResult of(ConfigModel configModel, ValidationState 
result, String message);
-    public ConfigModel getConfigModel();
-    public ValidationState getResult();
-    public String getMessage(),
-The result of a complete validation on a concrete +Configuration+ instance 
finally is mapped as a
-+Collection<ValidationResult>+, refer to the methods on +ConfigModelManager+.
-=== Auto-Documentation of Classes with Configuration Injection
-A special feature of this module is that it observes +ConfigEvent+ published 
through Tamaya'as event channel
-(+tamaya-events+ module). If no metaconfiguration model is found the model 
manager by default automatically creates
-models for all injected instances on the fly. In the case of CDI integration 
this happens typically during deployment
-time, since CDI initializes during deployment time. Other runtime platforms, 
such as OSGI, may have rather different
-behaviour. Nevertheless this means that after your system has been started you 
should have access to a complete
-set of +ConfigModel+ instances that automatically document all the classes in 
your system that consume configuration
-(through injection).
-== Model SPI
-=== Registering Configuration Models
-The model extension also provides an SPI where customized functionality can be 
added. The main abstraction hereby is
-the +ModelProviderSpi+ interface, which allows any kind of additional config 
models to be added to the system:
-public interface ModelProviderSpi {
-    Collection<ConfigModel> getConfigModels();
-New instances implementing this interface must be registered into the current 
+ServiceContext+, by default the
-+ServiceLoader+ is used.
-=== The ConfigUsageStatsSpi
-The methods for managing and tracking of configuration changes are similarly 
delegated to an
-implementation of the +org.apache.tamaya.model.spi.ConfigUsageStatsSpi+ SPI.
-By implementing this SPI and registerting it with the +ServiceContext+ the 
usage tracking
-logic can be adapted or replaced.
-=== Other Utility Classes
-The module also provides further utility classes that may be useful for 
implementing models or testing:
-* +AbstractModel+ provides a base class that can be extended, when 
implementing +ConfigModel+.
-* +AreaConfigModel+ provides a +ConfigModel+ implementation (with a 
corresponding +Builder+) to model the
-  requirement of certain configuration sections being present, or opionally 
present, in the model.
-* +ParameterModel+ provides an implementation base class for validating 
parameters on existence and compliance
-  with a regular expression.
-* +ConfigDocumentationMBean+ is the MBean registered that models similar 
functionality as +ConfigModelManager+.
-* +ConfigModelGroup+ provides a +ConfigModel+ that groups several child models.
-* +ConfigModelReader+ allows to read +ConfigModels+ from properties files as 
described at the beginning of this
-  document.
-=== Switches to enable/disable functionality
-The model module provides different switches that can be used to activate or 
deactivate features:
-* +tamaya.model.integrated.enabled+ allows to deactivate reading inline 
metaconfiguration delivered with
-  the normal Tamaya Configuration. By default inline entries 
(+_.abcd.model.*+) are evaluated.
-* +tamaya.model.default.enabled+ allows to deactivate reading metamodel 
information from
-  +classpath:META-INF/ By default it is active.
-* +tamaya.model.resources+ allows to define additional resources (loaded 
through the resources extension),
-  that can be used to read metamodel information in any format using Tamaya's 
format module.
-* the system property +tamaya.model.autoModelEvents+ allows to 
activate/deactivate the automatic
-  documentation of classes configured and published by Tamaya +ConfiguredType+ 
event instances (e.g. published by
-  Tamaya's injection modules).
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-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Mutable Configuration
-== Tamaya Mutable Configuration (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-Tamaya Configuration by default is read-only, which covers must of the use 
cases. But there are many legit scenarios
-where configuration should be written back to some backend systems or the 
local file system. This module adds this
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration mutability support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-mutable-config</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== Core Architecture
-==== Accessing MutableConfiguration
-The core of the module is the +MutableConfigurationProvider+ singleton, which 
provides access to +MutableConfiguration+
-instance, which extends +Configuration+. This interface adds additional 
methods to add/update or remove property values.
-Hereby changes applied are managed in a transaction like context, called 
+ConfigChangeContext+. Each context defines
-a UUID that identifes a change.
-Backends for writing changes applied are of type +MutablePropertySource+, 
similarly extending the +PropertySource+
-SPI with methods for writing changes back. Registrations and ordering policies 
are like with ordinary property sources,
-with one important difference. Mutable property source can be targeted by 
write operations.
-The example below shows how a +MutableConfiguration+ can be obtained the 
simplest way:
-.Accessing and changing configuration
-MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
-                                      .createMutableConfiguration();
-config.put("newKey", "newValue")
-      .put("anotherKey", "updatedValue")
-      .remove("valueNotValid")
-      .store();
-In the above scenario we use the overall system's configuration as the backend 
to be used.
-We can also pass any +Configuration+ to render it into a mutable instance, e.g.
-.Explicitly passing the backing configuration
-Configuration config = ...;
-MutableConfiguration config = MutableConfigurationProvider
-                                       .createMutableConfiguration(config);
-NOTE: If a configuration does not contain any +MutablePropertySource+ 
-      a +MutableConfiguration+ built from it will not be able to accept any 
-Following you see the options how to create a +MutableConfiguration+ using the
-+MutableConfigurationProvider+ singleton:
-[source, java]
-public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
-    private MutableConfigurationProvider(){}
-    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration();
-    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
-                                               ChangePropagationPolicy 
-    public static MutableConfiguration 
createMutableConfiguration(Configuration configuration);
-    public static MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(
-                                                   Configuration configuration,
-                                                   ChangePropagationPolicy 
-    [...]
-Hereby +MutableConfiguration+ is defined as follows:
-[source, java]
-public interface MutableConfiguration extends Configuration {
-    void store();
-    ConfigChangeRequest getConfigChangeRequest();
-    ChangePropagationPolicy getChangePropagationPolicy();
-    MutableConfiguration put(String key, String value);
-    MutableConfiguration putAll(Map<String, String> properties);
-    MutableConfiguration remove(Collection<String> keys);
-    MutableConfiguration remove(String... keys);
-==== Targeting the right MutablePropertySources
-A +Configuration+ may have multiple +MutablePropertySource+ instances present. 
These are members of Tamaya's oredered list of
-+PropertySources+ to evaluate the configuration. Nevertheless writing back 
changes requires additional aspects to
-be considered:
-* Should changes being written back to all mutable property sources? Or should 
a key that could be added or removed
-  on a more significant instance not be written/removed on less significant 
property source instances?
-* Should a change be applied only to a specific mutable property source, 
regardless its position in the
-  processing chain?
-Therefore a +ChangePropagationPolicy+ can be set on a +MutableConfiguration+ 
instance, which allows to control
-this aspect:
-.Explicitly passing the backing configuration
-public interface ChangePropagationPolicy {
-    /**
-     * Method being called when a multiple key/value pairs are added or 
-     * @param propertySources the property sources, including readable 
property sources of the current configuration,
-     *                        never null.
-     * @param configChange the configuration change, not null.
-     */
-    void applyChange(ConfigChangeRequest configChange, 
Collection<PropertySource> propertySources);
-By default, changes are applied to all registered +MutablePropertySources+ 
-Also the +MutableConfigurationProvider+ provides access to the most commonly 
used change propagation policies:
-[source, java]
-public final class MutableConfigurationProvider {
-    [...]
-    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyAllChangePolicy();
-    public static ChangePropagationPolicy 
-    public static ChangePropagationPolicy 
getApplySelectiveChangePolicy(String... propertySourceNames);
-    public static ChangePropagationPolicy getApplyNonePolicy();
-==== Some Aspects to consider
-Due to Tamaya's design the effective effect of your changes to the overall 
configuration, cannot
-be sometimes a bit tricky to be predicted, since it depends on several aspects:
-. is the corresponding configuration resource configured as part of the 
current system's configuration?
-. what is the +PropertySource's+ priority within the configuration context? Is 
it overriding or overridden
-  by other sources?
-. is the change directly visible to the configuration system? E.g. injected 
values are normally not updated,
-  whereas injecting a +DynamicValue<T>+ instance allows to detect and react 
single value changes. Also the
-  +PropertySources+ implementation must be able to detect any configuration 
changes and adapt its values returned
-  accordingly. Finally values also can be marked as immutable or being cached.
-. Is configuration cached, or written/collected directly on access?
-. can the changes applied be committed at all?
-So it is part of your application configuration design to clearly define, 
which property sources may be read-only, which
-may be mutable, how overriding should work and to which backends finally any 
changes should be written back. Nevertheless
-changing or adding value is very easy:
-.Changing a configuration
-MutableConfiguration config = 
-config.put("newKey", "newValue");
-=== Configuration Changes
-This module does not handle detection of changes to the overall system's 
+Configuration+. This can be done in
-several ways, e.g. by:
-* using the _tamaya-events_ extension, which can be used to observe the 
system's configuration and
-  publishing events when things have been changed.
-* The SPI implementing the +MutableConfigurationBackendSpi+ may inform/update 
any affected +PropertySource,
-  PropertySourceProvider+ instances about the changes applied.
-=== Supported Backends
-Multiple backends are supported. E.g. the _etcd_ integration module of Tamaya 
also registers
-corresponding SPI implementations/backends. By default this module comes with
-the following +MutablePropertySource+ implementations:
-* +MutablePropertySource+ resources, targeting local files, 
using the +java.util.Properties+
-  format.
-* +MutableXmlPropertySource+ resources, targeting local +.xml+ property files, 
using the +java.util.Properties+
-  XML format.
-==== Refreshable Property Sources
-Somehow similar to configuration changes applied explicitly is the case, where 
values of underlying
-configuration backends change and must be reflected in the new configuration 
tree. Examples are:
-* Configuration files being edited, added or removed.
-* Changes on remote servers like etcd, consul
-* etc.
-For having a common API for refreshable items a +Refreshable+ interface is 
-.Refreshable interface
- * Interface to be implemented by items that can be refreshed. By default
- * these are property sources, but more types may be supported at a later
- * point in time.
- */
-public interface Refreshable {
-    /**
-     * Refreshes the item by reloading its internal state.
-     */
-    void refresh();
-==== Refreshable Property Sources
-=== SPIs
-The module defines +MutableConfigurationProviderSpi+, that is used as a 
delegate by the +MutableConfigurationProvider+
-singleton accessor:
-.SPI: MutableConfigurationProviderSpi
-public interface MutableConfigurationProviderSpi {
-    /**
-     * Creates a new {@link MutableConfiguration} with {@code autoCommit = 
false} as default.
-     *
-     * @param configuration the configuration, not null.
-     * @param propagationPolicy policy that defines how changes are published 
to the property
-     *                          sources.
-     * @return a new mutable configuration instance.
-     */
-    MutableConfiguration createMutableConfiguration(Configuration 
-                                                    ChangePropagationPolicy 
-Implementations are registered with the current +ServiceContext+ (using by 
default the
- +java.util.ServiceLoader+ service).
diff --git a/content/extensions/mod_optional.adoc 
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-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Optional Tamaya Configuration
-== Tamaya Optional Configuration (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya optional module provides contains three types only. It is for 
projects that want to benefit from Tamaya
-configuration optionally only. E.g. doing an OSS project you can declare to 
support configuration with Tamaya as
-an optional extension. This module can be added as a hard dependency to your 
code, hereby adding only three artofacts.
-It automatically checks the availability of Tamaya on the classpath and only 
if available tries to access it for
-configuration evaluation. Additionally an EvaluationPolicy lets you define the 
precedence of configured values
-(yours, or Tamaya ones if present).
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-optional</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== Reading configuration using the Tamaya Optional Module
-The optional module allows reading configuration with a small subset of 
functionality only. For extended of full
-featured config please consider using the Apache Tamaya as a full 
configuration backend.
-[source, java]
-BigDecimal interestRate =
-                 OptionalConfiguration.of(
-                    EvaluationPolicy.TAMAYA_OVERRIDES_OTHER,
-                    (k) -> MyConfigMechanism.get(k) // String get(String key);
-                 )
-                .get("com.mycomp.ratecalculator.rate", BigDecimal.class))
-                .orElse(BigDecimal.of(0.05d));
diff --git a/content/extensions/mod_osgi.adoc b/content/extensions/mod_osgi.adoc
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-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-= Apache Tamaya -- Extensions: OSGI Integrations
-== Tamaya OSGI Support
-=== Overview
-Tamaya provides also support for integration with OSGI. Hereby several options 
are available how Tamaya can be used in
-an OSGI context:
-. All Tamaya modules, its API and core library are actually valid OSGI 
bundles. So adding them into your OSGI modules
-  and using Tamaya is basically directly supported. Nevertheless OSGI works 
rather differently from a class- and
-  resource loading perspective. As long as you rely on Tamaya's mechanisms for 
resource loading things should work
-  out of the box. In the back Tamaya's core module actually comes with 
implicit OSGI support, which is automatically
-  activated, if Tamaya is running in an OSGI context. This support actually
-  ** Listens on deployed bundles and actively reads all resources configured 
as +java.util.ServiceLoader+ services and
-     registers them as OSGI services. Hereby integration is complete meaning 
you can also register Tamaya services
-     as normal OSGI services, e.g. your own +PropertySource+ instances.
-  ** Uses the OSGI bundle to resolve for resources, because accessing them 
from the classloader directly
-     typically fails in an OSGI context.
-. Adding Tamaya's OSGI integration module replaces the existing OSGI 
+ConfigAdmin+ service with an istance based on
-  Tamaya. Hereby several aspects can be configured using system properties:
-  ** (int) allows to configure the 
OSGI service ranking used by the Tamaya
-    BundleActivator to register Tamaya's +ConfigAdmin+ service. In OSGI higher 
ranking precede lower rankings. By default
-    Tamaya's OSGI extending service registration mechanism is reusing any 
annotated +@Priority+ priority values as
-    corresponsing rankings.
-  ** (boolean) allows to configure 
if Tamaya is overriding any existing
-    values from the default +ConfigAdmin+ instance, or only extending them. In 
other words this setting allows you to
-    define, which configuration subsystem has precedence for evaluating the 
final values, either Tamaya based
-    configuration (default) or the configuration mechanisms provided by 
default from your OSGI container (when this flag
-    is set to +false+).
-  ** allows you to deactivate 
injection of configuration values into your
-    OSGI services (by default injection is enabled). In all cases accessing 
the OSGI +ConfigAdmin+ service to
-    read your configuration is working as usual. But Tamaya adds additional 
injection functionality, which allows
-    to inject typed configuration as described by the Tamaya injection api.
-It is also possible to combine things, e.g. when you only define a low ranking 
for Tamaya's configuration service and
-the same time allow injection to be active, you will have Tamaya's injection 
support based on your default
-OSGI configuration.
-=== Compatibility
-All module described are based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
-The modules are built against OSGI Compendium version 5.0.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from Tamaya in an OSGI context you must deploy at least the 
following modules to your OSGI runtime
-[source, listing]
-# API and core
-# injection API. SE injection module and dependencies
-# OSGI integration and dependencies
-=== Usage
-As an example, what is possible you can implement an OSGI service as a normal 
POJO and publish it as an OSGI service.
-Given that configuration can be injected very easily:
-[source, java]
-public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService{
-    @Config("example.message")
-    @ConfigDefault("A Tamaya default.")
-    private String message;
-    @Override
-    public String sayHello() {
-        System.err.println("HELLO: " + message);
-        return message;
-    }
-=== SPI
-By default the OSGI pid or factory pid is mapped to a corresponding root 
section in Tamaya's configuration. We are
-well aware that this might not always be the desired approach. Therefore there 
as an SPI service provided that allows
-to determine this mapping:
-[source, java]
-public interface OSGIConfigRootMapper {
-    String getTamayaConfigRoot(String pid, String factoryPid);
-Registering your own implementation as an OSGI service allows you to redefine 
the key mapping.
-By default a configuration mapping for +pid/factoryPid==myBundle+ is mapped to 
-This mapping is used as a prefix when collecting the corresponding entries for 
the OSGI configuration.
diff --git a/content/extensions/mod_remote.adoc 
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-:jbake-type: page
-:jbake-status: published
-= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Remote Configuration
-== Tamaya Remote Configuration (Extension Module)
-=== Overview
-The Tamaya remote module provides support for reading configuration from 
remote resources. It provides
-especially out-of-the-box support for reading scoped configuration from a 
configuration server as
-provided with the _Tamaya server module_ .
-=== Compatibility
-The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
-=== Installation
-To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:
-[source, xml]
-  <groupId>org.apache.tamaya.ext</groupId>
-  <artifactId>tamaya-remote</artifactId>
-  <version>{tamaya_version}</version>
-=== Reading Remote configuration from a Tamaya Configuration Server
-The remote module allows reading JSON formatted configuration as provided by 
the _Tamaya server extension_ . The JSON
-format used looks as follows:
-[source, json]
-  "java.vendor.url": "";,
-  "java.vendor.url.bug": "";,
-  "": "mixed mode",
-  "": "Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM",
-  "": "Java Virtual Machine Specification",
-  "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
-  "java.vm.specification.version": "1.8",
-  "java.vm.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
-  "java.vm.version": "25.45-b02",
-  "": "64",
-  "sun.boot.class.path": 
-  "sun.boot.library.path": "C:\apps\jdk18\jre\bin",
-  "sun.cpu.endian": "little",
-  "sun.cpu.isalist": "amd64",
-  "sun.desktop": "windows",
-  "": "UnicodeLittle",
-  "": "com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain 
-  "": "SUN_STANDARD",
-  "sun.jnu.encoding": "Cp1252",
-  "": "HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers",
-  "sun.os.patch.level": "",
-  "{meta}class": "org.apache.tamaya.functions.FilteredConfiguration",
-  "{meta}info.filter": "java.v,sun",
-  "{meta}info.format": "application/json",
-  "{meta}info.timestamp": "1441463200571",
-  "{meta}timestamp": "1441463200571",
-  "{meta}type": "Configuration"
-Basically there are no constraints about they keys provided. By default Tamaya 
uses keys prefixed with
-+{xxx}+ to identify meta-data entries, but this is not a required precondition.
-Finally such a remote configuration can be easily integrated by inheriting 
from the provided base
-class. Hereby a default ordinal must be defined and the +protected 
Collection<URL> getAccessURLs()+
-method must be implemented to define the URL from where the configuration 
should be accessible. Hereby
-multiple URLs can be provided, which are accesed in order as provided by the 
collection's iterator. The
-first URL that is successfully accessed determines the configuration read and 
imported into the
-[source, java]
-public class RemotePropertySource extends BaseRemotePropertySource{
-    /** Current remote property source default ordinal. */
-    private static final int REMOTE_ORDINAL = 15000;
-    @Override
-    public int getDefaultOrdinal(){
-        return REMOTE_ORDINAL;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected Collection<URL> getAccessURLs() {
-        try {
-            String configServerUrl = System.getenv("CONFIG_SERVER");
-            if(configServerUrl==null){
-                configServerUrl = System.getProperty("configServer");
-            }
-            if(configServerUrl==null){
-                configServerUrl = 
-            }
-            System.out.println("Reading config from " + 
configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()));
-            return Arrays.asList(new URL[]{new 
URL(configServerUrl.replace("{clientId}", Client.getClientId()))});
-        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
-            Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Failed 
to configure remote config location,", e);
-            return Collections.emptySet();
-        }
-    }

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