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--                              <h1>Apache 
Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Formats</h1>
--                      </div>
-                       <p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -                      <p><em>2016-11-19</em></p>
--                      <p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
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--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya Formats (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Formats is an extension module. Refer to the <a 
href="modules.html">extensions documentation</a> for further details.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Formats provides an abstraction for configuration formats provding 
the following benefits:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Parsing of resources in can be implemented separately from interpreting 
the different aspects/parts parsed. As an
--example a file format can define different sections. Depending on the company 
specific semantics of the sections
--a different set of PropertySource instances must be created.</p>
--<p>Similarly the configuration abstraction can also be used as an interface 
for integrating Tamaya with alternate
--frameworks that provide logic for reading configuration files, such as Apache 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from dynamic value resolution you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-formats&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_the_idea">The Idea</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Formats should be reusable, meaning you should have to write a format 
parser only once and then be able to map the data read into whatever
--data structure (in our cases: property sources).</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_configurationdata">ConfigurationData</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Configuration formats can be very different. Some are simple key/value 
pairs, whereas other also consist of multiple sections (e.g. ini-files) or
--hierarchical data (e.g. yaml, xml). This is solved in Tamaya by mapping the 
configuration read into a normalized intermediary format called
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">ConfigurationData</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">public final class ConfigurationData {
--    public ConfigurationFormat getFormat();
--    public String getResource();
--    public Set&lt;String&gt; getSectionNames();
--    public Map&lt;String,String&gt; getSection(String name);
--    public boolean hasDefaultProperties();
--    public Map&lt;String,String&gt; getDefaultProperties();
--    public Map&lt;String,String&gt; getCombinedProperties();
--    public boolean isEmpty();
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>In detail the data read from a file is organized into <em>sections</em> as 
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>with getResource() and getFormat() the underlying resource and the format 
that read this data can be accessed.</p>
--<p>properties can be owned by</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>named sections</p>
--<p>an (unnamed) default section</p>
--<p>each section section contains a map of properties. Hereby the same key can 
be part of the default section and multiple
--named sections, depending on the configuration format.</p>
--<p>The method getSectionNames() returns a set of all section names.</p>
--<p>With getSection(String name) a named section can be accessed.</p>
--<p>With getDefaultSection() the 'default' section can be accessed. This is a 
convenience method.</p>
--<p>With getCombinedProperties() a flattened entry map can be accessed built 
up (by default) out of</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>all entries from the default section, without any changes.</p>
--<p>all entries from named sections, where the key for each entry is prefix 
with the section name and a '::' separator.</p>
--<p>The configuration format used determines the mapping of configuration data 
read into this structure. The format
--implementation can as well provide alternate implementations of how the data 
read should be mapped into the
--combined properties map.</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_configurationformat">ConfigurationFormat</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>A ConfigurationFormat is basically an abstraction that reads a 
configuration resource (modelled by an InputStream) and
--creates a corresponding ConfigurationData instance.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">public interface ConfigurationFormat {
--    String getName();
--    boolean accepts(URL url);
--    ConfigurationData readConfiguration(String resource, InputStream 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_how_to_tranform_configurationdata_into_a_propertysource">How to 
tranform ConfigurationData into a PropertySource</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For for the conversion of ConfigurationData into a PropertySource 
different approaches can be useful:</p>
--<div class="olist arabic">
--<ol class="arabic">
--<p>The ConfigurationFormat that reads the data can provides all properties 
read either as sectioned properties
--or/and as default properties. The most simple cases is, where all properties 
have been added as 'default'
--properties. In this case the default properties can be used as the property 
sources properties without any change.</p>
--<p>If the format did also add section based properties, the combined 
properties returned can be used, hereby
--replacing the '::' separator with a '.' separator.</p>
--<p>In all other cases a custom mapping is useful, which can be acomplished by 
using the MappedConfigurationDataPropertySource
--and overriding the Map&lt;String,String&gt; populateData(ConfigurationData 
data) method.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>In most cases the usage of a FlattenedDefaultPropertySource, is a good 
choice to start. This class
--provides a convenient default mapping and also allows to customized the 
mapping easily:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">ConfigurationData data = ...;
--FlattenedDefaultPropertySource ps = new FlattenedDefaultPropertySource(data){
--  protected Map&lt;String, String&gt; populateData(ConfigurationData data) {
--    ...
--  }
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Nevertheless, depending on the context, where a configuration source was 
read (classloader, time, source etc.) the
--resulting properties can have different semnatics, especially different 
priorities. Also section
--names may be mapped into different ordinals instead of using them as key 
prefixes (e.g. imagine configuration formats
--with a 'default', 'main', and 'overrides' sections). For such more complex or 
custom cases no simple mapping
--can be defined. Consequently the functionality mapping the normalized 
ConfigurationData read to the
--appropriate collection of PropertySource instances must be implemented.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_examples">Examples</h3>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_mapping_ini_files">Mapping ini-Files</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Consider the following ini-file:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Example.ini</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" 
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This file content coud be mapped to the following structure:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Mapping of Example.ini</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" 
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Nevertheless from the ConfigurationData instance a more complex algorithm 
can access all the different parts:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>the_default_ properties (a, a.b)</p>
--<p>the section section1, with properties aa, aa.b.c</p>
--<p>the section section2, qith properties a</p>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_mapping_xml_files">Mapping xml-Files</h4>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The same concept can also be applied to xml-files. Consider the following 
configuration file:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Example.conf</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;default&gt;
--    &lt;a&gt;valA&lt;/a&gt;
--    &lt;a.b&gt;valB&lt;/a.B&gt;
--  &lt;/default&gt;
--  &lt;section id="section1"&gt;
--    &lt;param id="aa"&gt;sectionValA&lt;/aa&gt;
--    &lt;param id="aa.b.c"&gt;SectionValC&lt;/aa.b.c&gt;
--  &lt;/section&gt;
--  &lt;section id="section2"&gt;
--    &lt;param id="a"&gt;val2Section2&lt;/aa&gt;
--  &lt;/section&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This file basically describes the same configuration as the ini-based 
version we have seen before. The formats
--module hereby ships with 3 format classes:</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>PropertiesFormat providing support for .properties files.</p>
--<p>PropertiesXmlFormat providing support for files.</p>
--<p>IniConfiguratonFormat providing support for files.</p>
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--                              <h1>Apache 
Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Functions</h1>
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-                       <p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -                      <p><em>2016-11-19</em></p>
--                      <p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya Functions (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Functions is an extension module. Refer to the <a 
href="modules.html">extensions documentation</a> for further details.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Functions provides several functional extensions using the 
ConfigOperator,ConfigQuery extension points. Most
--functional extension are accessible from the ConfigurationFunction singleton. 
When importing its methods statically
--one can use the methods to achieve some interesting effects, e.g.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">import static 
--Set&lt;String&gt; sections = 
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The expression above returns all fully qualified section names that are 
child sections of the root section 'a'.
--So given the entries a.b.entry1, a.b.entry2, a.a.entry3, a.b.c.entry4 the 
reult would be a, a.a, a.b, a.b.c.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For using the functionality shown in this document you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-functions&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_the_provided_functions">The Provided Functions</h3>
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_functions_on_configurationfunctions">Functions on 
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The following sections explain the provided functions defined by 
ConfigurationFunctions singleton.</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator filter(PropertyMatcher matcher)</strong> creates a 
ConfigOperator that creates a Configuration
--containing only keys that are selected by the given <em>matcher 
predicate</em>. The PropertyMatcher hereby allows to evaluate not only
--the <em>key</em>, but also the <em>value</em>.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator map(KeyMapper keyMapper)</strong> creates a 
ConfigOperator that maps the keys as defined
--by the given <em>keyMapper</em>.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator section(String section)</strong> creates  a 
ConfigOperator that creates a Configuration containing only
--entries that are direct or indirect members of the given section.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator section(String areaKey, boolean stripKeys)</strong> 
creates  a ConfigOperator that creates a Configuration
--containing only entries that are direct or indirect members of the given 
section. Hereby <em>stripKeys</em> allows to determine
--if the returned entries should be relative to the search criteria 
{{stripKeys=true}} or absolute keys.</p>
--<p><strong>isKeyInSection(String section, String sectionKey)</strong> allows 
to easily determine if a given <em>key</em> is a direct or indirect member
--of a given section.</p>
--<p><strong>boolean isKeyInSections(String key, String&#8230;&#8203; 
sectionKeys)</strong> allows to easily determine if one key of given
--<em>key</em> is a direct or indirect member of at least one of the given 
--<p><strong>ConfigQuery&lt;Set&lt;String&gt;&gt; sections()</strong> allows to 
query all the contained fully qualified section names (the ones that
--also have parameters present).</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigQuery&lt;Set&lt;String&gt;&gt; transitiveSections()</strong> 
allows to query all the contained fully qualified section names,
--including the transitive closure of sections.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigQuery&lt;Set&lt;String&gt;&gt; sections(final 
Predicate&lt;String&gt; predicate)</strong> allows to query all the contained 
--qualified section names that are selected by the given <em>predicate</em>.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigQuery&lt;Set&lt;String&gt;&gt; sections(final 
Predicate&lt;String&gt; predicate)</strong> allows to query all the contained 
--qualified section names that are selected by the given <em>predicate</em>, 
including the transitive closure of sections
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator sectionsRecursive(String&#8230;&#8203; 
sectionKeys)</strong> provides a ConfigOperator that filters all sections 
--by the given <em>sectionKeys</em> and its child sections.</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigOperator sectionRecursive(final boolean stripKeys, final 
String&#8230;&#8203; sectionKeys)</strong> provides a ConfigOperator
--that filters all sections identified by the given <em>sectionKeys</em> and 
its child sections. <em>stripKeys</em> allows to
--determine if the resulting configuration should be relative to the selected 
areas ({{stripKeys=true}}) or
--absolute (filtering only).</p>
--<p><strong>ConfigQuery&lt;String&gt; jsonInfo()</strong> returns a query that 
converts a Configuration into a JSON formatted String
--<div class="sect3">
--<h4 id="_functions_on_propertysourcefunctions">Functions on 
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The following sections explain the provided functions defined by 
PropertySourceFunctions singleton.</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p><strong>PropertySource addMetaData(PropertySource propertySource, 
Map&lt;String,String&gt; metaData)</strong> Creates a new PropertySource
--with the given metadata added.</p>
--<p><strong>boolean isKeyInSection(String key, String sectionKey)</strong> 
Checks if the given <em>key</em> is a direct or indirect member of
--one of the given <em>sectionKey</em>.</p>
--<p><strong>boolean isKeyInSections(String key, String&#8230;&#8203; 
sectionKeys)</strong> Checks if the given <em>key</em> is a direct or indirect 
member of
--one of one of the given <em>sectionKeys</em>.</p>
--<p><strong>Set&lt;String&gt; sections(Map&lt;String, String&gt; 
properties)</strong> Extracts the sections from the given properties.</p>
--<p><strong>Set&lt;String&gt; transitiveSections(Map&lt;String, String&gt; 
properties)</strong> Extracts the transitive sections from the given
--<p><strong>Set&lt;String&gt; sections(Map&lt;String, String&gt; properties, 
final Predicate&lt;String&gt; predicate)</strong> Extracts the sections
--from the given properties, also filtering with the given predicate.</p>
--<p><strong>Set&lt;String&gt; transitiveSections(Map&lt;String, String&gt; 
properties, Predicate&lt;String&gt; predicate)</strong> Extracts the transitive
--sections from the given properties, also filtering with the given 
--<p><strong>Map&lt;String,String&gt; sectionsRecursive(Map&lt;String, 
String&gt; properties, String&#8230;&#8203; sectionKeys)</strong> Creates w 
--only containing the sections that a direct or indirect children of the given 
--<p><strong>Map&lt;String,String&gt; sectionRecursive(Map&lt;String, 
String&gt; properties, boolean stripKeys, String&#8230;&#8203; 
sectionKeys)</strong> Creates w PropertySource
--only containing the sections that a direct or indirect children of the given 
<em>sectionKeys</em>. With <em>stripKeys</em> one can
--select of the returned values should be relative to its selection of be fully 
--<p><strong>String stripSectionKeys(String key, String&#8230;&#8203; 
sectionKeys)</strong> This function strips away the matching section key as 
--in <em>sectionKeys</em> from a given <em>key</em>.</p>
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--                              <h1>Apache 
Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Injection</h1>
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-                       <p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -                      <p><em>2016-11-19</em></p>
--                      <p><div id="preamble">
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<!-- toc disabled -->
--<div class="sect1">
--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya Injection (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Injection is an extension module. Refer to the <a 
href="modules.html">extensions documentation</a> for further details
--about modules.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya Injection provides functionality for injecting configured values 
into beans, or creating configuration
--template instances.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Inversion of Control (aka IoC/the Hollywood Principle) has proven to be 
very useful and effective in avoiding boilerplate
--code. In Java there are different frameworks available that all provide IoC 
mechanisms. Unfortunately IoC is not a
--built-in language feature. So for a portable solution that works also in Java 
SE Tamaya itself has to provide the
--according injection services. This module adds this functionality to 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it can be used with Java 7 and 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Basically Tamaya&#8217;s injection API is deployed as API artifact:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-injection-api&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To use injection with Java SE you must add the corresponding dependency to 
your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-injection&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Similarly there are other injection implementations available, targetig 
platforms such as</p>
--<div class="ulist">
--<p>Spring, Spring Boot</p>
--<p>Java EE/CDI</p>
--<p>OSGI, Apache Felix/Apache Karaf</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_core_concepts">Core Concepts</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Basically you annotate fields or methods in your beans with @Config to 
enable configuration injection. Tamaya
--additionally defines further annotations that allo you to define additional 
aspects such as default values, custom
--converters etc. The following example illustrates the basic functionality:
--code snippet:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="title">Annotated Example Class</div>
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
--public class ConfiguredClass {
--    // resolved by default, using property name, class and package name:
--    private String testProperty;
--    // Trying to resolve mutiple keys, with a default value, if none could be 
--    @Config({"a.b.c.key1","a.b.legacyKey",area1.key2"}, defaultValue="The 
current \\${JAVA_HOME} env property is ${env:JAVA_HOME}.")
--    String value1;
--    // Typical case
--    @Config("a.b.c.key2")
--    private int value2;
--    // resolved by default as
--    // Using a (default) String -&gt; URL converter
--    @Config(defaultValue="";)
--    private URL accessUrl;
--    // Config injection disabled for this property
--    @NoConfig
--    private Integer int1;
--    // Overriding the String -&gt; BigDecimal converter with a custom 
--    @Config("BD")
--    @WithPropertyConverter(MyBigDecimalRoundingAdapter.class)
--    private BigDecimal bigNumber;
--    ...
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>When configuring data or configuration classes it is also possible to 
auto-inject the fields identified. For activating
--this feature a class must be annotated with @ConfigAutoInject:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">. An autoinjected bean class
--package a.b;</code></pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--public final class Tenant {
--  private int id;
--  private String name;
--  private String description;
--  @NoConfig // prevents auto injection for this field
--  private String id2;</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>  public int getId(){
--    return id;
--  }
--  public String getName(){
--    return name;
--  }
--  public String getDescription(){
--    return description;
--  }
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>These examples do not show all possibilities provided. Configuring 
instance of these
--class using Tamaya is very simple: Just pass the instance to Tamaya to let
--Tamaya inject the configuration (or throw a +ConfigException+, if this is not 
--.Configuring the +ConfiguredClass+ Instance</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>ConfiguredClass classInstance = new ConfiguredClass();
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tenant tenant = new Tenant();
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>NOTE: Configuration injection works similarly, when used with other 
integration modules, e.g. when Tamaya is used
--with CDI, Spring or within an OSGI container. For further details refer also 
to the corresponding integration module's
--=== The Annotations in detail
--==== The ConfigurationInjector
--The +ConfigurationInjector+ interface provides methods that allow any kind of 
instances to be configured
--by passing the instances to +T 
ConfigurationInjector.getInstance().configure(T);+. The classes passed
--hereby must not be annotated with +@Config+ for being configurable. By 
default Tamaya
--tries to determine configuration for each property of an instance passed, 
using the following resolution policy:
--Given a class +a.b.MyClass+ and a field +myField+ it would try to look up the 
following keys:
--[source, listing]</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>So given the following properties:
--[source, properties]</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--Tenant.description=Any kind of tenant.
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>==== Accessing Supplier instances
--In many cases you want to create a supplier that simply creates instances 
that are correctly configured as defined
--by the current context. This can be done using +Suppliers+:
--[source, java]</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Supplier&lt;Tenant&gt; configuredTenantSupplier = 
--  new Supplier&lt;Tenant&gt;(){
--     public Tenant get(){
--       return new Tenant();
--     }
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>With Java 8 it's even more simple:
--[source, java]</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Supplier&lt;Tenant&gt; configuredTenantSupplier = 
--  Tenant::new);</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>Hereby this annotation can be used in multiple ways and combined with 
other annotations such as
--+@WithLoadPolicy+, +@WithConfigOperator+, +@WithPropertyConverter+.
--==== Minimal Example
--To illustrate the mechanism below the most simple variant of a configured 
class is given:
--.Most simple configured class</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>pubic class ConfiguredItem{
--  @Config
--  private String aValue;
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>When this class is configured, e.g. by passing it to 
--the following is happening:
--* The current valid +Configuration+ is evaluated by calling +Configuration 
cfg = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();+
--* The current property value (String) is evaluated by calling 
+cfg.get("aValue");+ for each possible key (mutliple
--  keys are possible).
--* if not successful, an error is thrown (+ConfigException+)
--* On success, since no type conversion is involved, the value is injected.
--==== Using @DefaultValue
--In the next example we explicitly define the property value:
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>pubic class ConfiguredItem{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>  @Config(value={"aValue", "a.b.value","a.b.deprecated.value"}, 
--  private String aValue;
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>==== Inject a DynamicValue Property
--Within this example we evaluate a dynamic value. This mechanism allows you to 
listen for configuration changes and to
--commit new values exactly, when convenient for you.
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>pubic class ConfiguredItem{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>  @Config(value={"aValue", "a.b.value","a.b.deprecated.value"}, 
--  private DynamicValue aValue;
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>The +DynamicValue+ provides you the following functionality:
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>public interface DynamicValue&lt;T&gt; {</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>enum UpdatePolicy{
--    EXPLCIT,
--    NEVER,
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>T get();
--T getNewValue();
--T evaluateValue();
--T commitAndGet();
--void commit();
--void discard();
--boolean updateValue();</pre>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>void setUpdatePolicy(UpdatePolicy updatePolicy);
--UpdatePolicy getUpdatePolicy();
--void addListener(PropertyChangeListener l);
--void removeListener(PropertyChangeListener l);</pre>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>boolean isPresent();
--T orElse(T other);
--// Enabled with Java 8
--// T orElseGet(ConfiguredItemSupplier&lt;? extends T&gt; other);
--// &lt;X extends Throwable&gt; T orElseThrow(ConfiguredItemSupplier&lt;? 
extends X&gt; exceptionSupplier) throws X;</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>Summarizing this class looks somehow similar to the new +Optional+ class 
added with Java 8. It provides
--a wrapper class around a configured instance. Additionally this class 
provides functionality that gives
--active control, to manage a configured value based on a ++LoadingPolicy+:
--* +IMMEDEATE+ means that when the configuration system detects a change on 
the underlying value, the new value
--  is automatically applied without any further notice.
--* +EXPLICIT+ means that a new configuration value is signalled by setting the 
+newValue+ property. if +getNewValue()+
--  returns a non null value, the new value can be applied by calling 
+commit()+. You can always access the newest value,
--  hereby implicitly applying it, by accessing it via +commitAndGet()+. Also 
it is possible ti ignore a change by calling
--  +discard()+.
--* +NEVER+ means the configured value is evaluated once and never updated. All 
changes are silently discarded.
--* +LOG_AND_DISCARD+ similar to +NEVER+, but changes are logged before they 
are discarded.
--Summarizing a +DynamicValue+ allows you
--* to reload actively updates of configured values.
--* update implicitly or explicitly all changes on the value.
--* add listeners that observe changes of a certain value.
--Dynamic values also allow on-the-fly reevaluation of the value by calling 
+evaluateValue()+. Hereby the value of the
--instance is not changed.
--==== Ommitting Injection using @NoConfig
--Adding the @NoConfig annotation prevents a field or method to be 
auto-injected from
--configuration. This is especially useful, if a type is annotated as 
@ConfigAutoInject with auto-confiuration
--turned on as follows:
--<div class="paragraph">
--pubic class ConfiguredItem{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--private transient int sum;</pre>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>  private String a;
--  private String b;
--  Private String c;
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>In this case the fields +a,b,c+ are configured, whereas the field +sum+ 
is ignored regarding
--==== Adding custom operators using @WithConfigOperator
--The @WithConfigOperator annotation allows you define a class of type 
+ConfigOperator+, to being applied
--to the final +Configuration+, BEFORE the value is injected. This can be used 
for various use cases, e.g.
--filtering or validating the visible properties for a certain use case.
--<div class="paragraph">
--pubic class ConfiguredItem{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--private String a;</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>==== Adding custom property converters using @WithPropertyConverter
--The @WithPropertyConverter annotation allows you to define a class of type 
+PropertyConverter+, to be applied
--on a property configured to convert the String value to the expected injected 
type. This can be used for
--various use cases, e.g. adding custom formats, config models, decryption.
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>pubic class ConfiguredItem{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--private String a;</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>==== Defining the loading policy to be applied to configured values 
using @WithLoadPolicy
--The @WithLoadPolicy annotation allows to define the loading behaviour to be 
applied. The +LoadPolicy+
--enum hereby defines the various loading modes.
--<div class="paragraph">
--pubic class BootTimeStableConfig{</p>
--<div class="literalblock">
--<div class="content">
--private String a;</pre>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre>=== Configuration Events
--Similar to CDI Tamaya publishes Configuration events, when instances were 
configured. It depends on the effective
--event backend in use, if and how events are published:
--* when you have the CDI extension active events are published using the 
default CDI event mechanism.
--* in all other scenarios events are delegated to the +tamaya-events+ module, 
if available,
--* if no event delegation is available no events are published.
--The event published is very simple:
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>public interface ConfiguredType {
--    Class getType();
--    String getName();
--    Collection&lt;ConfiguredField&gt; getConfiguredFields();
--    Collection&lt;ConfiguredMethod&gt; getConfiguredMethods();
--    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>public interface ConfiguredField {
--    Class&lt;?&gt; getType();
--    Collection&lt;String&gt; getConfiguredKeys();
--    String getName();
--    String getSignature();
--    Field getAnnotatedField();
--    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>public interface ConfiguredMethod {
--    Collection&lt;String&gt; getConfiguredKeys();
--    Class&lt;?&gt;[] getParameterTypes();
--    Method getAnnotatedMethod();
--    String getName();
--    String getSignature();
--    void configure(Object instance, Configuration config);
--<div class="listingblock">
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--                              <h1>Apache 
Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: JodaTime</h1>
--                      </div>
-                       <p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -                      <p><em>2016-11-19</em></p>
--                      <p><div id="preamble">
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--<h2 id="Core">Tamaya JodaTime (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Tamaya JodaTime is an extension module to support the usage of <a 
--in conjunction with Tamaya. Tamaya JodaTime defines some additional property
--converters to retrieve Joda-Time types from a given configuration.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>Refer to the <a href="modules.html">extensions documentation</a> for 
further details
--about modules.</p>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>tools to locate resources in your classpath or file system based on 
--ant-styled resource patterns. To use this module add the following 
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" 
--  &lt;grooupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-jodatime&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>After adding this dependency to your project you can retrieve
--Joda-Time based values directly from a given configuration.</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">Configuration configuration = 
--DateTime pit = configuration.get("pointInTime", DateTime.class)</code></pre>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_specifying_date_and_time_values">Specifying date and time values</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To be written.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_specifing_periods_and_durations">Specifing periods and durations</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To be written.</p>
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--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review 
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--                              <h1>Apache 
Tamaya&amp;#8201;&amp;#8212;&amp;#8201;Extension: Builder</h1>
--                      </div>
-                       <p><em>2016-11-28</em></p>
 -                      <p><em>2016-11-19</em></p>
--                      <p><div id="preamble">
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--<h2 id="BuilderCore">Tamaya JSON (Extension Module)</h2>
--<div class="sectionbody">
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_overview">Overview</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The Tamaya json module provides support for reading configuration using 
JSON format:</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_compatibility">Compatibility</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_installation">Installation</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the 
corresponding dependency to your module:</p>
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-xml" 
--  &lt;groupId&gt;org.apache.tamaya.ext&lt;/groupId&gt;
--  &lt;artifactId&gt;tamaya-json&lt;/artifactId&gt;
--  &lt;version&gt;{tamaya_version}&lt;/version&gt;
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>This extension also transitively requires the tamaya.formats module.</p>
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_reading_configuration_in_json">Reading configuration in JSON</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>For reading JSON based onfiguration most easily a JSONFormat can be 
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-java" 
data-lang="java">ConfigurationData dataRead = ConfigurationFormats.readConfig(
--    getClassLoader().getResource("myFileConfig.json"), new 
--<div class="sect2">
--<h3 id="_examples">Examples</h3>
--<div class="paragraph">
--<p>The JSON module adds instances of ConfigurationFormat so JSON 
configuration can be read and mapped to the
--according property maps. E.g. the following file is a simple and correct JSON 
--<div class="listingblock">
--<div class="content">
--<pre class="prettyprint highlight"><code class="language-listing" 
--  "a" : "A",
--  "b" : "B",
--  "c" : "C",
--  "d" : {
--      "o" : "O",
--      "p" : "P"
--    }
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--                                              </p>
--                                              <p>
--                    Apache Tamaya (incubating) is an effort undergoing
--                    incubation at
--                    The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by
--                    the name of Apache Incubator. Incubation is required of
--                    all newly accepted projects until a further review 
--                    that the infrastructure, communications, and decision 
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