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Clarified documentation.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 16e1f9bbe8e40d451871619bac1a2f6cb95d34f8
Parents: 425bda1
Author: anatole <>
Authored: Fri Feb 3 09:22:02 2017 +0100
Committer: anatole <>
Committed: Fri Feb 3 09:22:28 2017 +0100

 content/documentation/api.adoc | 218 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 120 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/documentation/api.adoc b/content/documentation/api.adoc
index a2f4fea..c895ef0 100644
--- a/content/documentation/api.adoc
+++ b/content/documentation/api.adoc
@@ -4,51 +4,62 @@
 == Apache Tamaya: API
-Though Tamaya is a very powerful and flexible solution there are basically 
only a few simple core concepts required
-that are the base of all the other mechanisms. As a starting point we 
recommend you read the corresponding
+Though Tamaya is a very powerful and flexible solution there are basically 
only a few simple core concepts required.
+Everything else uses or extends these basic mechanisms. As a starting point we 
recommend you read the corresponding
 link:../highleveldesign.html[High Level Design Documentation]
 == The Tamaya API
 The API provides the artifacts as described in the 
link:../highleveldesign.html[High Level Design Documentation], which are:
-* A simple but complete SE *API* for accessing key/value based _Configuration_:
-  ** +Configuration+ hereby models configuration, the main interface of 
Tamaya. +Configuration+ provides
+* The package +org.apache.tamaya+ defines a simple but complete SE *API* for 
accessing key/value based _Configuration_:
+  ** +Configuration+ hereby models _configuration_, the main interface of 
Tamaya. +Configuration+ provides
      *** access to literal key/value pairs.
      *** functional extension points (+with, query+) using a unary 
+ConfigOperator+ or
          a function +ConfigurationQuery<T>+.
   ** +ConfigurationProvider+ provides with +getConfiguration()+ the static 
entry point for accessing configuration.
   ** +ConfigException+ defines a runtime exception for usage by the 
configuration system.
-  ** +TypeLiteral+ provides a possibility to type safely define the target 
type to be returned by a registered
-     +PropertyProvider+.
+  ** +TypeLiteral+ provides a possibility to type safely define the target 
type to be returned in case non-String types
+     are accessed.
   ** +PropertyConverter+, which defines conversion of configuration values 
(String) into any required target type.
-* Additionally the *SPI* provides:
-  ** _PropertySource:_ is the the SPI for adding configuration data. A 
+PropertySource+ hereby
-     *** is designed as a minimalistic interface that be implemented by any 
kind of data provider (local or remote)
-     *** provides single access for key/value pairs in raw format as String 
key/values only (+getPropertyValue+).
-     *** can optionally support scanning of its provided values, implementing 
-  ** _PropertySourceProvider:_ allows to register multiple property sources 
dynamically, e.g. all config files found in
-     file system folder..
-  ** +ConfigurationProviderSpi+ defines the SPI that is used as a backing bean 
for the +ConfigurationProvider+
-     singleton.
-  ** +PropertyFilter+, which allows filtering of property values prior getting 
returned to the caller.
-  ** +PropertyValueCombinationPolicy+ optionally can be registered to change 
the way how different key/value
-     pairs are combined to build up the final +Configuration+ passed over to 
the filters registered.
-  ** +ConfigurationContext+, which provides a container for all the artifacts 
needed to build up a +Configuration+.
-     For example a context contains the property sources, property filters, 
converters and combination policy used.
-     Also the ordering of the property sources is defined by the context. A 
context instance given a
-     +Configuration+ can be created by calling 
-  ** Similarly a +ConfigurationContext+ can be created using a 
+ConfigurationContextBuilder+. This builder can be
-     obtained calling 
-  ** +ServiceContext+, which provides access to the components loaded, 
depending on the current runtime stack.
-  ** +ServiceContextManager+ provides static access to the +ServiceContext+ 
-This is also reflected in the main packages of the API:
-* +org.apache.tamaya+ contains the main API abstractions used by users.
-* +org.apache.tamaya.spi+ contains the SPI interfaces to be implemented by 
implementations and the +ServiceContext+
-  mechanism.
+* The package +org.apache.tamaya.spi+ provides interfaces used for extending 
+  adapting Tamaya's core functionality, as well as artifacts for creating
+  +Configuration+ instances programmatically:
+  ** _PropertySource:_ is the the interface to be implemented for adding 
configuration entries. A +PropertySource+ hereby
+     *** is minimalistic and can be implemented in any way. E.g. there is no 
distiction that
+     the configuration data provided is managed locally, remotedely. There is 
even no
+     requirement that the configuration data is always fully available. 
Summarizing a
+     +PropertySource+
+     *** provides String based property access for single key/value pairs in 
_raw_ format (meaning no postprocessing
+         is applied yet).
+     *** can _optionally_ provide access to a +Map<String,String>+, providing 
all its properties at once.
+  ** _PropertySourceProvider:_ allows to automatically register multiple 
property sources, e.g. all config files found in
+     a file system folder..
+  ** +ConfigurationProviderSpi+ defines the interface to be implemented by the 
delegating bean that is implementing the
+     +ConfigurationProvider+ singleton.
+  ** +PropertyFilter+ allows filtering of property values prior getting 
returned to the caller. Filters by default are
+     registered as global filters, filtering _raw_ values. The final +String+ 
value of a configuration entry is the
+     final value after all registered filters have been applied.
+  ** A +PropertyValueCombinationPolicy+ optionally can be registered to change 
the logic how key/value
+     pairs from subsequent property sources in the property source chain are 
combined to calculate the final
+     _raw_ value passed over to the filters registered.
+  ** A +ConfigurationContext+ is the container of all inner components 
(+PropertySource, PropertyFilter,
+     PropertyValueCombinationPolicy, PropertyConverter+) required to implement 
a +Configuration+. Also the ordering
+     of the property sources, filters and converters is defined by the context.
+     A +ConfigurationContext+ is automatically created on startup collecting 
and adding all registered artifacts.
+     Based on this +ConfigurationContext+ the _default_ +Configuration+ is 
created, which can be accessed from
+     +ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration+.
+     Summarizing a +ConfigurationContext+ contains the ordered property 
sources, property filters, converters and combination
+     policy used. Once a +ConfigurationContext+ is instanciated a 
corresponding +Configuration+ instance can be
+     created easily by calling 
+  ** Finally Tamaya also supports _programmatically_ creating +Configuration+ 
instances and using them in your code
+     as needed. This can be achieved most easily by building a custom 
+ConfigurationContext+ using a
+     +ConfigurationContextBuilder+. This builder can be obtained calling 
+  ** Finally +ServiceContext+ and +ServiceContextManager+ provide an 
abstraction to the underlying runtime environment,
+     allowing different component loading and lifecycle strategies to be used. 
This is very useful since component (service)
+     loading in Java SE, Java EE, OSGI and other runtime environments may be 
differ significantly. In most cases even
+     extension programmers will not have to deal with these two artifacts.
@@ -119,8 +130,8 @@ Nevertheless most of these advantages can be mitigated 
easily, hereby still keep
 === Configuration
-+Configuration+ is the main API provided by Tamaya. It allows reading of 
single property values or the whole
-property map, but also supports type safe access:
++Configuration+ is the main artifact provided by Tamaya. It allows reading of 
single property values or all known
+properties, but also supports type safe access:
 .Interface Configuration
@@ -149,6 +160,7 @@ Hereby
 * +getProperties()+ provides access to all key/values, whereas entries from 
non scannable property sources may not
   be included.
 * +getOrDefault+ allows to pass default values as needed, returned if the 
requested value evaluated to +null+.
+* +getConfigurationContext()+ allows access to the underlying components of a 
+Configuration+ instance.
 The class +TypeLiteral+ is basically similar to the same class provided with 
@@ -177,6 +189,7 @@ public class TypeLiteral<T> implements Serializable {
 Instances of +Configuration+ can be accessed from the +ConfigurationProvider+ 
@@ -185,41 +198,41 @@ Instances of +Configuration+ can be accessed from the 
+ConfigurationProvider+ si
 Configuration config = ConfigurationProvider.getConfiguration();
-Hereby the singleton is backed up by an instance of +ConfigurationProviderSpi+.
+Hereby the singleton is backed up by an instance of 
+ConfigurationProviderSpi+, which is managed by the
++ServiceContextManager+ (see later).
 ==== Property Type Conversion
-As illustrated in the previous section, +Configuration+ also to access non 
String types. Nevertheless internally
-all properties are strictly modelled as pure Strings only, so non String types 
must be derived by converting the
-configured String values into the required target type. This is achieved with 
the help of +PropertyConverters+:
+As illustrated in the previous section, +Configuration+ also allows access of 
typed values. Internally
+all properties are strictly modelled as Strings. As a consequence non String 
values must be derived by converting the
+String values into the required target type. This is achieved with the help of 
 public interface PropertyConverter<T>{
     T convert(String value, ConversionContext context);
-    //X TODO Collection<String> getSupportedFormats();
-The +ConversionContext+ contains additional meta-information for the accessed 
key, inclusing the key'a name and
-additional metadata.
+The +ConversionContext+ contains additional meta-information about the key 
accessed, including the key'a name and
+additional metadata. This can be very useful, e.g. when the implementation of 
a +PropertyConverter+ requires additional
+metadata for determining the correct conversion to be applied.
-+PropertyConverter+ instances can be implemented and registered by default 
using the +ServiceLoader+. Hereby
-a configuration String value is passed to all registered converters for a type 
in order of their annotated +@Priority+
-value. The first non-null result of a converter is then returned as the 
current configuration value.
++PropertyConverter+ instances can be implemented and registered by default 
using the Java +ServiceLoader+. The ordering
+of the registered converters, by default, is based on the annotated 
+@Priority+ values (priority +0+ is assumed if the
+annotation is missing). The first non-null result of a converter is returned 
as the final configuration value.
-Access to converters is provided by the current +ConfigurationContext+, which 
is accessible from
-the +ConfigurationProvider+ singleton.
+Access to converters is provided by the current +ConfigurationContext+, which 
is accessible calling +Configuration.getConfigurationContext()+.
 === Extension Points
 We are well aware of the fact that this library will not be able to cover all 
kinds of use cases. Therefore
-we have added functional extension mechanisms to +Configuration+ that were 
used in other areas of the Java eco-system
-as well:
+we have added _functional_ extension mechanisms to +Configuration+ that were 
used in other areas of the
+Java eco-system (e.g. Java Time API and JSR 354) as well:
 * +with(ConfigOperator operator)+ allows to pass arbitrary unary functions 
that take and return instances of
   +Configuration+. Operators can be used to cover use cases such as filtering, 
configuration views, security
@@ -267,10 +280,10 @@ The class +ConfigException+ models the base *runtime* 
exception used by the conf
 === Interface PropertySource
 We have seen that constraining configuration aspects to simple literal 
key/value pairs provides us with an easy to
-understand, generic, flexible, yet expendable mechanism. Looking at the Java 
language features a +java.util.Map<String,
+understand, generic, flexible, yet extensible mechanism. Looking at the Java 
language features a +java.util.Map<String,
 String>+ and +java.util.Properties+ basically model these aspects out of the 
-Though there are advantages in using these types as a model, there are some 
severe drawbacks, notably implementation
+Though there are advantages in using these types as a model, there are some 
drawbacks. Notably implementation
 of these types is far not trivial and the collection API offers additional 
functionality not useful when aiming
 for modelling simple property sources.
@@ -280,7 +293,7 @@ identified to be necessary:
 public interface PropertySource{
-      int getOrdinal();
+      int getOrdinal(); // This feature is under discussion
       String getName();
       String get(String key);
       boolean isScannable();
@@ -293,12 +306,12 @@ Hereby
 * +get+ looks similar to the methods on +Map+. It may return +null+ in case no 
such entry is available.
 * +getProperties+ allows to extract all property data to a 
+Map<String,String>+. Other methods like +containsKey,
   keySet+ as well as streaming operations then can be applied on the returned 
+Map+ instance.
-* But not in all scenarios a property source may be scannable, e.g. when 
looking up keys is very inefficient, it
-  may not make sense to iterator over all keys to collect the corresponding 
-  This can be evaluated by calling +isScannable()+. If a +PropertySource+ is 
defined as non scannable accesses to
+* But not in all scenarios a property source is able to provide all values at 
once (aka to be _scannable_), e.g.
+  when looking up keys is very inefficient, it may not make sense to iterate 
over all keys to collect the corresponding
+  properties. If a +PropertySource+ is defined as non scannable accesses to
   +getProperties()+ may not return all key/value pairs that would be available 
when accessed directly using the
-  +String get(String)+ method.
-* +getOrdinal()+ defines the ordinal of the +PropertySource+. Property sources 
are managed in an ordered chain, where
+  +String get(String)+ method. The fact if a +PropertySource+ is _scannable_ 
can be determined by calling +isScannable()+.
+* TODO Feature is in question: +getOrdinal()+ defines the ordinal of the 
+PropertySource+. Property sources are managed in an ordered chain, where
   property sources with higher ordinals override the ones with lower ordinals. 
If ordinal are the same, the natural
   ordering of the fulloy qualified class names of the property source 
implementations are used. The reason for
   not using +@Priority+ annotations is that property sources can define 
dynamically their ordinals, e.g. based on
@@ -310,8 +323,9 @@ This interface can be implemented by any kind of logic. It 
could be a simple in
 provided by a data grid, a database, the JNDI tree or other resources. Or it 
can be a combination of multiple
 property sources with additional combination/aggregation rules in place.
-+PropertySources+ are by default registered using the Java +ServiceLoader+ or 
the mechanism provided by the current
- active +ServiceContext+.
++PropertySources+ to be picked up automatically and be added to the _default_ 
+Configuration, must be registered
+using the Java +ServiceLoader+ (or the mechanism provided by the current 
active +ServiceContext+, see later in this
+document for further details).
@@ -338,17 +352,18 @@ current active +ServiceContext+.
 === Interface PropertyFilter
-Also +PropertyFilters+ can be added to a +Configuration+. They are evaluated 
before a +Configuration+ instance is
-passed to the user. Filters can hereby used for multiple purposes, such as
+Also +PropertyFilters+ can be added to a +Configuration+. They are evaluated 
each time before a configuration value
+is passed to the user. Filters can be used for multiple purposes, such as
 * resolving placeholders
 * masking sensitive entries, such as passwords
 * constraining visibility based on the current active user
 * ...
-+PropertyFilters+ are by default registered using the Java +ServiceLoader+ or 
the mechanism provided by the current
-active +ServiceContext+. Similar to property sources they are managed in an 
ordered filter chain, based on the
-applied +@Priority+ annotations.
+For +PropertyFilters+ to be picked up automatically and added to the _default_ 
+Configuration+ must be,by default,
+registered using the Java +ServiceLoader+ (or the mechanism provided by the 
current active +ServiceContext+).
+Similar to property sources they are managed in an ordered filter chain, based 
on the
+class level +@Priority+ annotations (assuming +0+ if none is present).
 A +PropertyFilter+ is defined as follows:
@@ -362,11 +377,11 @@ public interface PropertyFilter{
-* returning +null+ will remove the key from the final result
+* returning +null+ will remove the key from the final result.
 * non null values are used as the current value of the key. Nevertheless for 
resolving multi-step dependencies
   filter evaluation has to be continued as long as filters are still changing 
some of the values to be returned.
   To prevent possible endless loops after a defined number of loops evaluation 
is stopped.
-* +FilterContext+ provides additional metdata, inclusing the key accessed, 
which is useful in many use cases.
+* +FilterContext+ provides additional metdata, including the key accessed, 
which is useful in many use cases.
 This method is called each time a single entry is accessed, and for each 
property in a full properties result.
@@ -374,13 +389,10 @@ This method is called each time a single entry is 
accessed, and for each propert
 ==== Interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy
-This interface can be implemented optional. It can be used to adapt the way 
how property key/value pairs are combined to
-build up the final Configuration to be passed over to the +PropertyFilters+. 
The default implementation is just
-overriding all values read before with the new value read. Nevertheless for 
collections and other use cases it is
-often useful to have alternate combination policies in place, e.g. for 
combining values from previous sources with the
-new value. Finally looking at the method's signature it may be surprising to 
find a +Map+ for the value. The basic
-value hereby is defined by +currentValue.get(key)+. Nevertheless the +Map+ may 
also contain additional meta entries,
-which may be considered by the policy implementation.
+This interface is purely optional and can be used to adapt the way how 
property key/value pairs are combined to
+build up the final configuration _raw_ value to be passed over to the 
+PropertyFilters+. The default implementation
+is just overriding all values read before with the new value read. 
Nevertheless for collections and other use cases
+more intelligent logic is required.
@@ -397,26 +409,31 @@ public interface PropertyValueCombinationPolicy{
-   String collect(Map<String,String> currentValue currentValue, String key,
+   Map<String,String> collect(Map<String,String> currentValue currentValue, 
String key,
                   PropertySource propertySource);
+Looking at the +collect+ method's signature it may be surprising to find a 
+Map+ for the return type.
+This is because returning a +Map+ allows also to filter/combine/use meta 
entries (by default entries starting
+with an '_').
 ==== The Configuration Context
-A +Configuration+ is created from a +ConfigurationContext+, which is
-accessible from +Configuration.getContext()+:
+A +Configuration+ is created from a +ConfigurationContext+. Each 
+Configuration+ instance provides it's underlying
+context by +Configuration.getContext()+:
 .Accessing the current +ConfigurationContext+
-ConfigurationContext context = 
+Configuration config = ...;
+ConfigurationContext context = config.getContext();
-The +ConfigurationContext+ provides access to the internal artifacts that 
determine the final +Configuration+ and
+The +ConfigurationContext+ provides access to the internal artifacts that 
determine the +Configuration+ and
 also defines the ordering of the property sources, filters and converters 
 * +PropertySources+ registered (including the PropertySources provided from 
+PropertySourceProvider+ instances).
@@ -440,19 +457,21 @@ consequently +Configuration+) must be adapted:
 * Within unit testing alternate configuration setup should be setup to meet 
the configuration requirements of the
   tests executed.
-In such cases the +ConfigurationContext+ must be changed, meaning it must be 
+In such cases the +ConfigurationContext+ may change, meaning it must be 
 * to add or remove +PropertySource+ instances
 * to add or remove +PropertyFilter+ instances
 * to add or remove +PropertyConverter+ instances
 * to redefine the current +PropertyValueCombinationPolicy+ instances.
-This can be achieved by obtaining an instance of 
+ConfigurationContextBuilder+. Instances of this builder can be
-accessed either
+This is nothing new, a +ConfigurationContextBuilder+ already allows us to 
achive this. So we must only ensure that
+we can easily create a new +ConfigurationContextBuilder+ using a given 
+ConfigurationContext+ as input. This can be
+done by
 * calling +ConfigurationContext.toBuilder()+, hereby returning a builder 
instance preinitialized with the values from the
   current +ConfigurationContext+.
-* calling +ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder()+.
+* calling +ConfigurationProvider.getConfigurationContextBuilder()+ and then 
applying the current +ConfigurationContext+
+  by calling +setContext(ConfigurationContext)+ on the 
+ConfigurationContextBuilder+ instance.
 .Accessing a +ConfigurationContextBuilder+
@@ -461,7 +480,7 @@ ConfigurationContextBuilder preinitializedContextBuilder = 
 ConfigurationContextBuilder emptyContextBuilder = 
-With such a builder a new +ConfigurationContext+ can be created and then 
+Finally when we are finished a new +ConfigurationContext+ can be created:
 .Creating and applying a new +ConfigurationContext+
@@ -473,8 +492,9 @@ ConfigurationContext context = 
-Hereby the builder provides several methods for adding, removing of property 
sources and also operations
-for programmatically change the property sourcepriorities, e.g.
+But let's also have a deeper look at what functionality a 
+ConfigurationContextBuilder+ provides. Basically such a
+builder allows to add, remove or reorder property sources, converters and 
filters or changing any other aspect
+of a +ConfigurationContext+:
 .Chain manipulation using +ConfigurationContextBuilder+
@@ -489,8 +509,9 @@ builder.decreasePriority(propertySource);
-Finally if the new context is ready a new configuration can be created, or the 
context is applied to the
-current configuration.
+Finally if the new +ConfigurationContext+ is ready a new +Configuration+ can 
be created.
+Optionally the new +Configuration+ can also be installed as the new _default_ 
+instace as illustrated below:
 .Creating and applying a new +ConfigurationContext+
@@ -501,22 +522,22 @@ ConfigurationContext context =;
 Configuration newConfig = ConfigurationProvider.createConfiguration(context);
 // Apply the new context to replace the current configuration:
-Hereby +ConfigurationProvider.setConfigurationContext(context)+ can throw an 
-This can be checked by calling the method +boolean 
+Hereby +ConfigurationProvider.setConfiguration(Configuration)+ can throw an 
+This can be checked by calling the method +boolean 
 ==== Implementing and Managing Configuration
-One of the most important SPI in Tamaya if the +ConfigurationProviderSpi+ 
interface, which is backing up the
+One of the most important SPI in Tamaya is the +ConfigurationProviderSpi+ 
interface, which is backing up the
 +ConfigurationProvider+ singleton. Implementing this class allows
 * to fully determine the implementation class for +Configuration+
-* to manage the current +ConfigurationContext+ in the scope and granularity 
-* to provide access to the right +Configuration/ConfigurationContext+ based on 
the current runtime context.
+* to manage the current +Configuration+ in the scope and granularity required.
+* to provide access to the right +Configuration+ based on the current runtime 
 * Performing changes as set with the current +ConfigurationContextBuilder+.
 = Interface ConfigurationContextBuilder
@@ -536,7 +557,7 @@ Configuration config =;
 Basically the builder allows to create configuration instances completely 
independent of the current configuration
-setup. This gives you full control on the +Configuration+ setup.
+setup. This gives you full control how and when +Configuration+ is created.
 === Supported Functionality
@@ -555,7 +576,7 @@ by the property sources. This allows alternate ordering 
policies easily being im
 creating a configuration based on a configuration context is already 
implemented and provided by the core
-Similarly you can add filters:
+Similarly you can add +PropertyFilters+:
@@ -574,7 +595,8 @@ builder.addPropertySourceProvider(new 
 ==== The ServiceContext
-The +ServiceContext+ is also a very important SPI, which allows to define how 
components are loaded in Tamaya.
+The +ServiceContext+ allows to define how components are loaded in Tamaya. It 
is the glue layer, which interacts
+with the underlying runtime system such as Java SE, Java EE, OSGI, VertX etc.
 The +ServiceContext+ hereby defines access methods to obtain components, 
whereas itself it is available from the
 +ServiceContextManager+ singleton:
@@ -594,8 +616,8 @@ With the +ServiceContext+ a component can be accessed in 
two different ways:
 . access as as a single property. Hereby the registered instances (if 
multiple) are sorted by priority and then finally
   the most significant instance is returned only.
-. access all items given its type. This will return (by default) all  
instances loadedable from the current
-  runtime context, ordered by priority, hereby the most significant components 
added first.
+. access all items given a type. This will return (by default) all  instances 
loadedable from the current
+  runtime context, ordered by priority (the most significant components added 
 ## Examples
@@ -682,5 +704,5 @@ com.mypackage.MyPropertySource
 == API Implementation
-The API is implemented by the Tamaya-Core-module. Refer to the 
link:core.html[Core documentation] for
+The API is implemented by the +tamaya-core+ module. Refer to the 
link:core.html[Core documentation] for
 further details.

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