Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Oct 31 12:11:46 2023
New Revision: 1084579

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-and-zones.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-and-zones.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-and-zones.html Tue Oct 31 
12:11:46 2023
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ void onUpdateTime()
     currentTime = new Date();
 } </code></pre>
-</div></div><p>That <code>onUpdateTime</code> method is just an ordinary 
Tapestry event handler, except that it uses an injected 
<code>AjaxResponseRenderer</code> to tell Tapestry what zone to update when the 
link is clicked.</p><p>Since Tapestry 5.4.2, you can also easily invoke 
server-side event handlers using the&#160;<code>@PublishEvents</code> 
annotation and the&#160;<code>t5/core/ajax</code>&#160;JavaScript function, as 
explained in the "<span>Invoking server-side event handler methods from 
JavaScript" section below.</span></p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-Zones">Zones</h3><p>Zones are Tapestry's approach to 
performing partial page updates. A <a class="external-link" 
 component</a> renders as an HTML element, typically a &lt;div&gt;, and serves 
as a marker for where dynamically-updated content should be replaced. A zone is 
recognizable in the DOM because it will have the attribute&#1
 60;<code>data-container-type=zone</code>. The client-side support for Zones is 
keyed off of this attribute and value.</p><p>Starting in Tapestry 5.4 you can 
use any HTML element in your template as a zone marker, by passing its 
client-side id to the two-argument version of the addRender 
method.</p><p><span>A Zone updated can be triggered by an EventLink, ActionLink 
or Select component, or by a Form. All of these components support the 
<code>async</code> and/or <code>zone</code> parameters. Clicking such a link 
will invoke an event handler method on the server as normal ... except that a 
</span><em>partial page response</em><span> is sent to the client, and the 
content of that response is used to update the Zone's &lt;div&gt; in 
place.</span></p><div class="navmenu" style="float:right; background:#eee; 
margin:3px; padding:0 1em">
+</div></div><p>That <code>onUpdateTime</code> method is just an ordinary 
Tapestry event handler, except that it uses an injected 
<code>AjaxResponseRenderer</code> to tell Tapestry what zone to update when the 
link is clicked.</p><p>Since Tapestry 5.4.2, you can also easily invoke 
server-side event handlers using the&#160;<code>@PublishEvents</code> 
annotation and the&#160;<code>t5/core/ajax</code>&#160;JavaScript function, as 
explained in the "<span>Invoking server-side event handler methods from 
JavaScript" section below.</span></p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-Zones">Zones</h3><p>Zones are Tapestry's approach to 
performing partial page updates. A <a class="external-link" 
 component</a> renders as an HTML element, typically a &lt;div&gt;, and serves 
as a marker for where dynamically-updated content should be replaced. A zone is 
recognizable in the DOM because it will have the attribute&#1
 60;<code>data-container-type=zone</code>. The client-side support for Zones is 
keyed off of this attribute and value.</p><p>Starting in Tapestry 5.4 you can 
use any HTML element in your template as a zone marker, by passing its 
client-side id to the two-argument version of the addRender 
method.</p><p><span>A Zone updated can be triggered by an EventLink, ActionLink 
or Select component, or by a Form. All of these components support the 
<code>async</code> and/or <code>zone</code> parameters. Clicking such a link 
will invoke an event handler method on the server as normal ... except that a 
</span> <em>partial page response</em> <span> is sent to the client, and the 
content of that response is used to update the Zone's &lt;div&gt; in 
place.</span></p><div class="navmenu" style="float:right; background:#eee; 
margin:3px; padding:0 1em">
 <p>    <strong>JumpStart Demo:</strong>
     <span class="nobr"><a class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">AJAX ActionLink<sup><img align="middle" class="rendericon" 
src="/images/confluence/icons/linkext7.gif" height="7" width="7" alt="" 
id="AjaxandZones-EventHandlerReturnTypes">Event Handler Return Types</h3><p>In 
a traditional request, the return value of an event handler method may used to 
determine which page will render a <em>complete</em> response, and a 
<em>redirect</em> may sent to the client to render the new page (as a new 
request).</p><p>In contrast, with a Zone update, the return value may used to 
render a <em>partial response</em> within the <em>same request</em>.</p><div 
class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-note"><span 
class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-warning 
class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>Starting in
  Tapestry 5.3, Ajax event handlers typically have a void return type and use 
AjaxResponseRenderer to indicate which zone to update. The AjaxResponseRender 
approach means that the&#160;<code>zone</code> parameter's value (oridinarily 
indicating which zone to update) is no longer needed. Tapestry 5.4 introduced 
the&#160;<code>async="true"</code> parameter to avoid having to redundantly 
indicate which zone to update.</p></div></div><p>If you only have one zone to 
update and don't want to use AjaxResponseRenderer, you can instead return a 
value from your event handler method. The simplest case is just to return the 
zone's own body:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-java">@Inject
@@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ void onActionFromRegister()
 </div></div><p><span>This example assumes that there are two zones, 
"userInput" and "helpPanel", somewhere in the rendered page, waiting to receive 
the updated content.</span></p><p><span>&#160;</span></p><div 
class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-note"><span 
class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-warning 
class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>In this example, the Zone receives 
the update but does not provide any content. That's OK, the other client-side 
elements (<code>userInput</code> and <code>helpPanel</code>) will be updated, 
and the zone's content left unchanged.</p></div></div><p>This demonstrates why 
it is necessary for the developer to specify a particular client-side id for 
Zone components; if they were dynamically allocated ids, as is typical in most 
other elements, it would be impossible for this code to know what client-side 
id was used for the Zone.</p><h3 id="AjaxandZones-ZoneComponen
 tIdvs.ZoneElementId">Zone Component Id vs. Zone Element Id</h3><p>Like all 
Tapestry components, Zones have a component id, specified using the 
<code>t:id</code> attribute. If you do not assign a component id, a unique id 
is assigned by Tapestry.</p><p>However, to coordinate things on the client 
side, it is necessary for components that wish to update the zone know the 
<em>client-side element id</em>. This is specified with the <code>id</code> 
parameter of the Zone component. If the <code>id</code> parameter is not bound, 
then a unique value (for the current page and render) is generated by Tapestry 
and this value is difficult to predict. (The actual value will be available as 
the <code>clientId</code> property of the Zone component 
itself.)</p><p>Remember that the component id (<code>t:id</code>) is used to 
<em>inject</em> the Zone component into the containing page or component. The 
client-side id (<code>id</code>) is used on the client side to orchestrate 
requests and updates. You
  will often seen the following construct:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;t:zone t:id="myZone" id="myzone"&gt; ... 
-</div></div><h3 id="AjaxandZones-TheContainingZone(zone=&quot;^&quot;)">The 
Containing Zone (zone="^")</h3><p><em><strong>Since 5.2</strong></em></p><p>If 
the Form or Link is enclosed by the Zone itself, and you're using 
the&#160;<code>zone</code> parameter instead of the&#160;<code>async</code> 
parameter, then the&#160;<code>zone</code> parameter may be set to the special 
value&#160;<strong><code>^</code></strong><code> (the carat)</code>. The zone 
is found&#160;&#8211; on the client side&#160;&#8211; by searching up form the 
form or link element for the first enclosing element that is a Zone. In this 
way, the client-side coordination can occur without having to know what the 
specific client-side id of the Zone is. Because of this, in some cases it is no 
longer necessary to specify the Zone's&#160;<code>id</code> parameter.</p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-AnUpdatedivwithinaZonediv(Tapestry5.3andearlier)">An Update 
div within a Zone div (Tapestry 5.3 and earlier)</h3><p><em><strong>Deprecat
 ed</strong><strong>:</strong> This feature is removed starting with Tapestry 
5.4</em></p><p>In many situations, a Zone is a kind of "wrapper" or "container" 
for dynamic content; one that provides a look and feel ... a bit of wrapping 
markup to create a border. In that situation, the Zone &lt;div&gt; may contain 
an update &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>An Update &lt;div&gt; is specifically a 
&lt;div&gt; element marked with the CSS class "t-zone-update", <em>inside</em> 
the Zone's &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>If an Update div exists within a Zone div, then 
when Tapestry updates a zone only the update &lt;div&gt;'s content will be 
changed, rather than the entire Zone &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>The show and update 
functions (see Zone Functions, below) apply to the Zone &lt;div&gt;, not just 
the update &lt;div&gt;.</p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-ZoneEffectFunctions(Tapestry5.3andearlier)">Zone Effect 
Functions (Tapestry 5.3 and 
earlier)</h3><p><strong><em>Deprecated:</em></strong> This feature refers to 
client-side logic on
 ly present in Tapestry 5.3 or earlier. For 5.4, there are client-side events 
that are triggered before and after changes to the Zone; listeners on those 
events can trigger whatever animations they like.</p><p>A Zone may be initially 
visible or invisible. When a Zone is updated, it is made visible if not 
currently so. This is accomplished via a function on the Tapestry.ElementEffect 
client-side object. By default, the show() function is used for this purpose. 
If you want Tapestry to call a different Tapestry.ElementEffect function when 
updates occur, specify its name with the zone's show parameter.</p><p>If a Zone 
is already visible, then a different effect function is used to highlight the 
change. By default, the highlight() function is called, which performs a yellow 
fade to highlight that the content of the Zone has changed. Alternatively, you 
can specify a different effect function with the Zone's update 
parameter:</p><div class="table-wrap"><table class="table table-bordered tab
 le-responsive"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>Tapestry.ElementEffect Function</p></th><th colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Result</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>highlight()</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>(the default) highlight changes to an 
already-visible zone</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>show()</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>make the zone visible if it isn't already 
visible</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>slidedown()</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>scroll the content down</p></td></tr><tr><td 
colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>slideup()</p></td><td 
colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>slide the content back up 
(opposite of slidedown)</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 /td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>fade the content out 
(opposite of show)</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>To have Tapestry 
update a zone without the usual yellow highlight effect, just specify "show" 
for the update parameter:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div><h3 id="AjaxandZones-TheContainingZone(zone=&quot;^&quot;)">The 
Containing Zone (zone="^")</h3><p><em> <strong>Since 5.2</strong> 
</em></p><p>If the Form or Link is enclosed by the Zone itself, and you're 
using the&#160;<code>zone</code> parameter instead of 
the&#160;<code>async</code> parameter, then the&#160;<code>zone</code> 
parameter may be set to the special value&#160;<strong> <code>^</code> 
</strong> <code> (the carat)</code>. The zone is found&#160;&#8211; on the 
client side&#160;&#8211; by searching up form the form or link element for the 
first enclosing element that is a Zone. In this way, the client-side 
coordination can occur without having to know what the specific client-side id 
of the Zone is. Because of this, in some cases it is no longer necessary to 
specify the Zone's&#160;<code>id</code> parameter.</p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-AnUpdatedivwithinaZonediv(Tapestry5.3andearlier)">An Update 
div within a Zone div (Tapestry 5.3 and earlier)</h3><p><em> <strong>De
 precated</strong> <strong>:</strong> This feature is removed starting with 
Tapestry 5.4</em></p><p>In many situations, a Zone is a kind of "wrapper" or 
"container" for dynamic content; one that provides a look and feel ... a bit of 
wrapping markup to create a border. In that situation, the Zone &lt;div&gt; may 
contain an update &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>An Update &lt;div&gt; is specifically a 
&lt;div&gt; element marked with the CSS class "t-zone-update", <em>inside</em> 
the Zone's &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>If an Update div exists within a Zone div, then 
when Tapestry updates a zone only the update &lt;div&gt;'s content will be 
changed, rather than the entire Zone &lt;div&gt;.</p><p>The show and update 
functions (see Zone Functions, below) apply to the Zone &lt;div&gt;, not just 
the update &lt;div&gt;.</p><h3 
id="AjaxandZones-ZoneEffectFunctions(Tapestry5.3andearlier)">Zone Effect 
Functions (Tapestry 5.3 and earlier)</h3><p><strong> <em>Deprecated:</em> 
</strong> This feature refers to client-side
  logic only present in Tapestry 5.3 or earlier. For 5.4, there are client-side 
events that are triggered before and after changes to the Zone; listeners on 
those events can trigger whatever animations they like.</p><p>A Zone may be 
initially visible or invisible. When a Zone is updated, it is made visible if 
not currently so. This is accomplished via a function on the 
Tapestry.ElementEffect client-side object. By default, the show() function is 
used for this purpose. If you want Tapestry to call a different 
Tapestry.ElementEffect function when updates occur, specify its name with the 
zone's show parameter.</p><p>If a Zone is already visible, then a different 
effect function is used to highlight the change. By default, the highlight() 
function is called, which performs a yellow fade to highlight that the content 
of the Zone has changed. Alternatively, you can specify a different effect 
function with the Zone's update parameter:</p><div class="table-wrap"><table 
class="table table-bor
 dered table-responsive"><tbody><tr><th colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTh"><p>Tapestry.ElementEffect Function</p></th><th colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTh"><p>Result</p></th></tr><tr><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>highlight()</p></td><td colspan="1" 
rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>(the default) highlight changes to an 
already-visible zone</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>show()</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>make the zone visible if it isn't already 
visible</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>slidedown()</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
class="confluenceTd"><p>scroll the content down</p></td></tr><tr><td 
colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>slideup()</p></td><td 
colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>slide the content back up 
(opposite of slidedown)</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" 
 de()</p></td><td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="confluenceTd"><p>fade the 
content out (opposite of show)</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>To have 
Tapestry update a zone without the usual yellow highlight effect, just specify 
"show" for the update parameter:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;t:zone t:id="myZone" 
 </div></div><p>You may also define and use your own JavaScript effect function 
(with lower-case names), like this:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-js">Tapestry.ElementEffect.myeffectname = 
function(element){ YourJavascriptCodeGoesHere; };
 </div></div><h3 id="AjaxandZones-ZoneLimitations">Zone 
Limitations</h3><p>Unlike many other situations, Tapestry relies on you to 
specify useful and unique ids to Zone components, then reference those ids 
inside EventLink (or ActionLink, or Form) components. Using Zone components 
inside any kind of loop may cause additional problems, as Tapestry will 
<em>uniqueify</em> the client id you specify (appending an index 
number).</p><p>If you create a component that contains a zone, and you use that 
component in a loop, you'll likely need to set the client-side id like 
this:</p><p></p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-xml">&lt;t:zone t:id="myzone" 
-</div></div><p></p><p>See <a class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">this JumpStart Example</a> for details.</p><p>The show and 
update function names (Tapestry 5.3 and earlier only) are converted to lower 
case; all the methods of Tapestry.ElementEffect should have all lower-case 
names. Because client-side JavaScript is so fluid (new methods may be added to 
existing objects), Tapestry makes no attempt to validate the function names ... 
however, if the names are not valid, then the default show and highlight 
methods will be used.</p><p>Zones may only be used inside the <em>body</em> of 
a page, not the head<em>.</em></p><h3 id="AjaxandZones-MoreInformation">More 
Information</h3><p>For examples of extending a Form with a Zone and updating 
multiple zones at once, see the <a href="ajax-components-faq.html">Ajax 
Components FAQ</a>.</p><p>There are also a number of Ajax-related examples at 
the&#160;&#160;<a class="extern
 al-link" href=""; rel="nofollow"><span 
class="confluence-link">Tapestry JumpStart</span></a> site.</p><p><span 
class="confluence-anchor-link" id="AjaxandZones-autocomplete"></span></p><h2 
id="AjaxandZones-AutocompleteMixin">Autocomplete Mixin</h2><p></p><div 
class="navmenu" style="float:right; background:#eee; margin:3px; padding:0 1em">
+</div></div><p></p><p>See <a class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">this JumpStart Example</a> for details.</p><p>The show and 
update function names (Tapestry 5.3 and earlier only) are converted to lower 
case; all the methods of Tapestry.ElementEffect should have all lower-case 
names. Because client-side JavaScript is so fluid (new methods may be added to 
existing objects), Tapestry makes no attempt to validate the function names ... 
however, if the names are not valid, then the default show and highlight 
methods will be used.</p><p>Zones may only be used inside the <em>body</em> of 
a page, not the head<em>.</em></p><h3 id="AjaxandZones-MoreInformation">More 
Information</h3><p>For examples of extending a Form with a Zone and updating 
multiple zones at once, see the <a href="ajax-components-faq.html">Ajax 
Components FAQ</a>.</p><p>There are also a number of Ajax-related examples at 
the&#160;&#160;<a class="extern
 al-link" href=""; rel="nofollow"> 
<span class="confluence-link">Tapestry JumpStart</span> </a> site.</p><p><span 
class="confluence-anchor-link" id="AjaxandZones-autocomplete"></span></p><h2 
id="AjaxandZones-AutocompleteMixin">Autocomplete Mixin</h2><p></p><div 
class="navmenu" style="float:right; background:#eee; margin:3px; padding:0 1em">
 <p>    <strong>JumpStart Demo:</strong>
     <span class="nobr"><a class="external-link" 
rel="nofollow">Autocomplete Mixin<sup><img align="middle" class="rendericon" 
src="/images/confluence/icons/linkext7.gif" height="7" width="7" alt="" 
border="0"></sup></a></span></p></div>The <a class="external-link" 
 mixin exists to allow a text field to query the server for completions for a 
partially entered phrase. It is often used in situations where the field exists 
to select a single value from a large set, too large to successfully download 
to the client as a drop down list; for example, when the number of values to 
select from is numbered in the thousands.<p></p><p>Autocomplete can be added to 
an existing text field:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 
1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-java">  &lt;t:textfield t:id="accountName" 
t:mixins="autocomplete" size="100"/&gt;
@@ -346,7 +346,9 @@ void onActionFromRegister()
     return result;
-</div></div><p>This presumes that <code>findByPartialAccountName()</code> will 
sort the values, otherwise you will probably want to sort them. The 
Autocomplete mixin does <em>not</em> do any sorting.</p><p>You can return an 
object array, a list, even a single object. You may return objects instead of 
strings ... and <code>toString()</code> will be used to convert them into 
client-side strings.</p><p></p><h2 
server-side event handler methods from JavaScript</h2><p>Tapestry 5.4.2 
introduced an API which makes it easy for server-side events to be invoked from 
JavaScript. On the server-side, you first need to annotate the event handler 
methods you want to expose with 
the&#160;<code>@PublishEvent</code>&#160;annotation. Then, in JavaScript, all 
you need to do is to call the existing&#160;<code><a class="external-link" 
 0;function, but with slightly different parameters.</p><p><code>The 
t5/core/ajax</code>&#160;function has two parameters:&#160;<code>url</code> 
and&#160;<code>options</code>. Prior to Tapestry 5.4.2, the first one was 
difficult to get when doing AJAX requests to event handler methods. You needed 
to inject <code>ComponentResources in your component class</code>, 
call&#160;<code>componentResources.createEventLink()</code> for each event 
handler method, then pass all this information back to the browser through one 
of the&#160;<code>JavaScriptSupport</code> methods. For Tapestry 5.4.2 and 
later, your JavaScript code only needs to know the event name (also called 
<em>event type</em>) and optionally indicate a DOM element to be used as a 
starting point for finding the event URL.</p><p>All event data is stored 
in&#160;<code>data-componenent-events</code> attributes. For page classes, the 
attribute is added to the&#160;<code>&lt;body&gt;</code> element. For 
components, it's added to the fi
 rst element rendered by the component. Given an HTML element, the search is 
performed in the following order until information for the given event is first 
found:</p><ol><li>The element itself</li><li>The element's previous siblings, 
closest first (bottom-up)</li><li>The element's parents</li><li>The page's 
&lt;<code>body&gt;</code> element</li></ol><p></p><p>Here's one 
example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div><p>This presumes that <code>findByPartialAccountName()</code> will 
sort the values, otherwise you will probably want to sort them. The 
Autocomplete mixin does <em>not</em> do any sorting.</p><p>You can return an 
object array, a list, even a single object. You may return objects instead of 
strings ... and <code>toString()</code> will be used to convert them into 
client-side strings.</p><p></p><h2 
server-side event handler methods from JavaScript</h2><p>Tapestry 5.4.2 
introduced an API which makes it easy for server-side events to be invoked from 
JavaScript. On the server-side, you first need to annotate the event handler 
methods you want to expose with 
the&#160;<code>@PublishEvent</code>&#160;annotation. Then, in JavaScript, all 
you need to do is to call the existing&#160;<code>
+    <a class="external-link" 
+  </code>&#160;function, but with slightly different 
parameters.</p><p><code>The t5/core/ajax</code>&#160;function has two 
parameters:&#160;<code>url</code> and&#160;<code>options</code>. Prior to 
Tapestry 5.4.2, the first one was difficult to get when doing AJAX requests to 
event handler methods. You needed to inject <code>ComponentResources in your 
component class</code>, 
call&#160;<code>componentResources.createEventLink()</code> for each event 
handler method, then pass all this information back to the browser through one 
of the&#160;<code>JavaScriptSupport</code> methods. For Tapestry 5.4.2 and 
later, your JavaScript code only needs to know the event name (also called 
<em>event type</em>) and optionally indicate a DOM element to be used as a 
starting point for finding the event URL.</p><p>All event data is stored 
in&#160;<code>data-componenent-events</code> attributes. For page classes, the 
attribute is added to the&#160;<code>&lt;body&gt;</code> element. For 
components, it's ad
 ded to the first element rendered by the component. Given an HTML element, the 
search is performed in the following order until information for the given 
event is first found:</p><ol><li>The element itself</li><li>The element's 
previous siblings, closest first (bottom-up)</li><li>The element's 
parents</li><li>The page's &lt;<code>body&gt;</code> 
element</li></ol><p></p><p>Here's one example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-java">public class PublishEventDemoComponent
@@ -368,7 +370,7 @@ void onActionFromRegister()
        &lt;p id="componentParagraph"&gt;I'm a component&lt;/p&gt;
     &lt;p id="result"&gt;(no result yet)&lt;/p&gt;
-</div></div><p>The template also has nothing special. When rendered, the 
component's events information is placed in the outer &lt;<code>div</code> 
<code>id="component"&gt;.&#160;</code></p><p>We want to update the text 
of&#160;<code>&lt;p id="result"&gt;</code> with the value of 
the&#160;<code>origin</code> property of the returned JSON object when that 
element itself is clicked, so here's our JavaScript code, supposing we want to 
trigger the <code>answer</code> event:</p><div class="code panel pdl" 
style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+</div></div><p>The template also has nothing special. When rendered, the 
component's events information is placed in the outer <code>&lt;div 
id="component"&gt;</code>.</p><p>We want to update the text of&#160;<code>&lt;p 
id="result"&gt;</code> with the value of the&#160;<code>origin</code> property 
of the returned JSON object when that element itself is clicked, so here's our 
JavaScript code, supposing we want to trigger the <code>answer</code> 
event:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div 
class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre><code class="language-js">require(["t5/core/ajax", "jquery"], function 
(ajax, $) {
     // Creating a callback to be invoked with &lt;p id="result"&gt; is clicked.
        $('#result').click(function() {

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