Added: dev/tika/CHANGES-1.26.txt
--- dev/tika/CHANGES-1.26.txt (added)
+++ dev/tika/CHANGES-1.26.txt Wed Mar 24 15:03:10 2021
@@ -0,0 +1,2693 @@
+Release 1.26 - 03/24/2021
+   * Fix thread safety bug in OpenOffice parser (TIKA-3334).
+   * The "writeLimit" header now pertains to the combined characters
+     written per container document (and embedded documents) in the /rmeta
+     endpoint in tika-server (TIKA-3325); it no longer functions only
+     per container or embedded document.
+   * Extract more embedded files in PDFs by recursively processing the
+     embedded file tree (TIKA-3332).
+   * Allow for case insensitive headers for configuration of the PDFParser
+     and the TesseractOCRParser in tika-server via Subhajit Das (TIKA-3320).
+   * Improve detection and parsing of XPS files (TIKA-3316).
+   * General dependency upgrades (TIKA-3244).
+   * Great optimization in ForkParser (TIKA-3237).
+   * Fix parsing of emails attached to other emails in PST files (TIKA-3004).
+   * MP3 parser should output the xmpDM:duration metadata as seconds not 
+     milliseconds, consistent with the other Audio and Video parsers 
+   * MP4 parser check if any of the Compatible Brands match when identifying 
+     the subtype (TIKA-3310).
+Release 1.25 - 11/25/2020
+   * Fix inconsistent license in xmpcore (TIKA-3204).
+   * General upgrades including some dependencies with
+     recently found security vulnerabilities (TIKA-3119).
+   * Add detection and a parser for flat ODF files (TIKA-3159).
+   * Add extraction of macros from ODF files  (TIKA-3161).
+   * Add mime detection for hprof and hprof text files (TIKA-3144).
+   * Add TextSignature and TextProfileSignature to tika-eval (TIKA-3145 and 
+   * Create a metadata filter to trigger tika-eval stats post parsing 
+   * Add a configurable metadata-filter for the RecursiveParserWrapper 
+   * Add status endpoint to tika-server (TIKA-3129).
+   * Remove whitelist/blacklist terminology (TIKA-3120)
+   * Add detection for parquet files (TIKA-3115).
+   * Add detection and parsing for bplist (TIKA-3104).
+   * Enable metadata value filtering for RecursiveParserWrapper (TIKA-3137)
+   * Add a basic parser for plist files based on com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist 
+   * Read hyperlinked images from ODT files (TIKA-3156).
+   * Updated GrobidRESTParser to use new API location (TIKA-3191).
+   * Add FileProfiler to tika-eval (TIKA-3216).
+   * Add status endpoint to tika-server (TIKA-3129).
+   * Improved handling of zip files with STORED entries with
+     data descriptor (TIKA-3196).
+   * Add parsers for XLZ, IDML and MIF (TIKA-2976, TIKA-3188 and TIKA-3189).
+   * Add the beginnings of a format-aware fuzzing module (TIKA-3083).
+   * Add wrapper for Linux 'file' command for mime detection (TIKA-3215).
+   * Added ability to skip parsing of embedded files in Tika Server 
+Release 1.24.1 - 4/17/2020
+   * Add detection and a parser for flat ODF files (TIKA-3159).
+   * Add extraction of macros from ODF files (TIKA-3161).
+   * Add mime detection for hprof and hprof text files (TIKA-3144).
+   * Add TextSignature and TextProfileSignature to tika-eval (TIKA-3145 and 
+   * Create a metadata filter to trigger tika-eval stats post parsing 
+   * Add a configurable metadata-filter for the RecursiveParserWrapper 
+   * Add status endpoint to tika-server (TIKA-3129).
+   * Remove whitelist/blacklist terminology (TIKA-3120)
+   * Add detection for parquet files (TIKA-3115).
+   * Add detection and parsing for bplist (TIKA-3104).
+   * Enable metadata value filtering
+   * Add a basic parser for plist files based on com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist 
+Release 1.24.1 - 4/17/2020
+   * Allow gzip compression of input and output streams for tika-server 
+Release 1.24 - 3/11/2020
+   * Add scripts to run tika-server as a service via Eric Pugh,
+    and add these scripts and jar as a new artifact in the release (TIKA-3010).
+   * Upgrade Drew Noakes' metadata-extractor (TIKA-2952).
+   * Enable optional extraction of structural tags in PDFs (alpha-grade) 
+   * Tika app's --extract mode now outputs to STDOUT (TIKA-3035).
+   * Add an optional Preflight parser for PDFs (TIKA-3055).
+   * Improve detection of some zip-based formats (TIKA-3057).
+   * Upgrade metadata-extractor to 2.13.0 (TIKA-2952).
+   * Upgrade to POI 4.1.2 (TIKA-3047).
+   * Extract XMP from PSD files (TIKA-3050).
+   * Added XMLProfiler as an optional parser to profile XFA and XMP
+     in PDFs (TIKA-3045).
+   * Extract inline images that rely on the DCT filter from PDFs (TIKA-3041).
+   * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.19 (TIKA-3033).
+   * Fix bug in ASM parser configuration (TIKA-2992).
+   * Upgrade to java-libpst 0.9.3 (TIKA-2546).
+   * Fixed XLIFF12Parser failures with ToXMLHandler (TIKA-3014).
+Release 1.23 - 12/02/2019
+   * NOTE: The PDFParser now relies on OCRDPI to render page images when
+     users configure OCR on rendered page images. This will have the effect
+     of increasing rendered image size (TIKA-2624).
+   * NOTE: tika-server no longer returns 415 for file types for which there
+     is no parser.
+   * Fix bug in AUTO OCR strategy in the PDFParser (TIKA-3002).
+   * Fix incorrect height and width metadata extraction from JPEG images 
+   * Upgrade to POI 4.1.1 (TIKA-2851).
+   * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.17 (TIKA-2951).
+   * Ensure that the PDFParser respects custom configuration of Tesseract
+     from tika-config.xml via Eric Pugh (TIKA-2970).
+   * Add parser for XLIFF v1.2 files (TIKA-2975).
+   * Add mime type detection support for WebAssembly (TIKA-2894),
+     HEIF / HEIC images (TIKA-2942), Digilite FDF (TIKA-2988);
+     and xml-root detection for XFDF (TIKA-2990) and XDP (TIKA-2989).
+   * Add an XLZ Parser (TIKA-2976).
+   * Fix deadlock with ForkParser when InputStream throws IOException 
+Release 1.22 - 07/29/2019
+   * NOTE: tika-server no longer hard-codes the HtmlParser to handle
+     XML files (TIKA-2910).  Users must now configure that behavior
+     via a tika-config.xml file.
+   * NOTE: Known regression: PDFBOX-4587 -- PDF passwords with codepoints
+     between 0xF000 and 0XF0000 will cause an exception.
+   * Add parser for HWP v5 files via SooMyung Lee (soomyung) and
+     JinSup Kim (ddoleye) (TIKA-2909).
+   * Fix order of closing streams to avoid "Failed to close temporary resource"
+     exception in TesseractOCRParser (TIKA-2908).
+   * Improve AutoDetectReader performance by caching encoding
+     detector (TIKA-1568).
+   * Prevent RTFParser from outputting illegal tag combinations (TIKA-2889).
+   * Fix RereadableInputStream to release all resources (TIKA-2903).
+   * Implement custom language identifier in the tika-eval module based on
+     OpenNLP's language detector; add 18 languages and add common words
+     lists for all 121 languages (TIKA-2790).
+   * Fix NPE in MimeTypesReader.releaseParser() via Eamonn Saunders 
+   * Fix RTFParser to extract more content (TIKA-2883).
+   * Add clientSubmitTime to the metadata extracted from PST files (TIKA-2898).
+   * Improve StreamingZipContainerDetector for xltx, xltm and
+     several other file formats (TIKA-2886).
+Release 1.21 - 05/14/2019
+   * Add optional AUTO mode to OCR'ing of PDFs.  If tesseract is installed
+     and on the path, and this option is selected programmatically
+     or via TikaConfig(), the PDFParser will use heuristics to decide
+     whether or not to run OCR per page on PDFs. (TIKA-2749)
+   * The ZipContainerDetector's default behavior was changed to run
+     streaming detection up to its markLimit.  Users can get the
+     legacy behavior (spool-to-file/rely-on-underlying-file-in-TikaInputStream)
+     by setting markLimit=-1. The POIFSContainerDetector requires an 
underlying file;
+     it will try to spool the file to disk; if the file's length is > 
+     it will not attempt detection; set markLimit to -1 for legacy behavior 
+   * Upgrade PDFBox to 2.0.14 (TIKA-2834).
+   * Add CSV detection and replace TXTParser with TextAndCSVParser;
+     users can turn off CSV detection by excluding the TextAndCSVParser
+     and adding back the TXTParser via tika-config (TIKA-2833).
+   * Add a CSVParser.  CSV detection is currently based solely on filename
+     and/or information conveyed via Metadata (TIKA-2826).
+   * General upgrades: asm, bouncycastle, commons-codec, commons-lang3, cxf,
+     guava, h2, httpcomponents, jackcess, junrar, Lucene, mime4j, opennlp, 
+     sqlite-jdbc (provided), zstd-jni (provided) (TIKA-2824)
+   * Bundle xerces2 with tika-parsers (TIKA-2802).
+   * Upgrade jaxb to 2.3.2 (TIKA-2819).
+   * Upgrade jackson to 2.9.8 (TIKA-2717).
+   * Update tika-eval's common tokens lists (TIKA-2822).
+   * Handle bad tags in tika-eval more robustly (TIKA-2810).
+   * Add reports for tags in tika-eval (TIKA-2809).
+   * Extract text from SDT element within textboxes in .docx files (TIKA-2807).
+   * Try to handle truncated OOXML files more robustly (TIKA-2765).
+Release 1.20 - 12/17/2018
+   * Upgrade to POI 4.0.1 (TIKA-2751).
+   * Integrate/parameterize new angles handling in
+     PDFBox (TIKA-2779).
+   * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.13 (TIKA-2788).
+   * Prevent content within <style/> and <script/> elements
+     to be written in the ToTextContentHandler (TIKA-2550).
+   * Switch child to parent communication to a shared memory-mapped
+     file in tika-server's -spawnChild mode.
+   * Fix bug in tika-server when run in legacy mode (not -spawnChild)
+     that caused it to return 503 on documents submitted after
+     it hit an OutOfMemoryError (TIKA-2776).
+   * Upgrade jaxb-runtime and javax.activation (TIKA-2778).
+   * tika-app in batch mode now requires an interrupt or
+     kill signal to the parent process to stop the parent
+     and the child processes (TIKA-2780).
+   * Bulk upgrade of dependencies (TIKA-2775).
+   * Improve language id efficiency in tika-eval (TIKA-2777).
+   * Upgrade sqlite "provided" dependency to 3.25.2 (TIKA-2773).
+   * Remove duplication of notes in PPT slides (TIKA-2735)
+   * Use -javaHome or $JAVA_HOME (if they exist) when
+     spawning child in tika-server's -spawnChild mode.
+   * Fixed closing of styles around Hyperlinks in Word Parser
+     Contributed by Ronan O'Sullivan (TIKA-2599).
+Release 1.19.1 - 10/4/2018
+   * Update PDFBox to 2.0.12, jempbox to 1.8.16
+     and jbig2 to 3.0.2 (TIKA-2745).
+   * Fix regression in parser for MP3 files (TIKA-2730).
+   * Updated Python Dependency Check for TesseractOCR (TIKA-2740).
+   * Improve SAXParser robustness (TIKA-2727).
+   * Remove dependency on slf4j-log4j12 by upgrading jmatio (TIKA-2742).
+   * Replace com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl and jaxb-core with
+     org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime and jaxb-core (TIKA-2743)
+Release 1.19 - 9/14/2018
+   * Require Java 8 (TIKA-2679).
+   * Enable building with Java 11 (TIKA-2668)
+   * Add an option to make tika-server robust against infinite loops,
+     OOMs, and memory leaks (TIKA-2725).
+   * Allow configuration of the Tesseract parser via the standard
+     tika-config.xml options (TIKA-2705).
+   * Improve handling of empty cells across table-based
+     formats (TIKA-2479).
+   * Add a Standards compliant HTML encoding detector
+     via Gerard Bouchar (TIKA-2673).
+   * Improved XML parsing -- limited default entity expansions to 20.
+     To raise this limit, add -Djdk.xml.entityExpansionLimit=XXX to
+     your commandline.
+   * Mime magic improvements for Olympus RAW (TIKA-2658), interpreted
+     server-side languages via HTTP (TIKA-2648), MHTML (TIKA-2723)
+   * Add absolute timeout to ForkParser rather than testing
+     for active (TIKA-2656).
+   * Make the RecursiveParserWrapper work with the ForkParser (TIKA-2655).
+   * Allow the ForkParser to specify a directory containing tika-app.jar
+     for use by the ForkServer.  This allows users to keep most of the
+     parser dependencies out of their code; and it allows for an easy
+     addition of optional jars for Parser dependencies,
+     such as the xerial sqlite jar (TIKA-2653).
+   * Use a pool for SAXParsers and DOMBuilders rather than creating
+     a new parser/builder for every parse.
+     For better performance, set XMLReaderUtils.setPoolSize() to the
+     number of threads you're using with Tika (TIKA-2645).
+   * Add the RecursiveParserWrapperHandler to improve the 
+     API slightly (TIKA-2644).
+   * Upgraded to Commons-Compress 1.18 (TIKA-2707).
+   * Upgraded to Apache POI 4.0.0 (TIKA-2552).
+   * Upgraded to Apache PDFBox 2.0.11 (TIKA-2681).
+   * Upgraded to deeplearning4j 1.0.0-beta2 (TIKA-2672).
+   * Upgraded jmatio to 1.4 (TIKA-2667)
+   * Upgraded Apache Lucene to 7.4.0 in tika-eval and tika-examples 
+   * Upgraded junrar to 1.0.1 (TIKA-2664).
+   * Numerous other upgrades (TIKA-2692).
+   * Excluded Spring as a transitive dependency (TIKA-2721).
+Release 1.18 - 4/20/2018
+   * Upgrade jackson to 2.9.5 (TIKA-2634).
+   * Add support for brotli (TIKA-2621).
+   * Upgrade PDFBox to 2.0.9 and include new jbig2-imageio
+     from org.apache.pdfbox (TIKA-2579 and TIKA-2607).
+   * Support for TIFF images in PDF files (TIKA-2338)
+   * Detection of full encrypted 7z files (TIKA-2568)
+   * Various new mimes and typo fixes in tika-mimetypes.xml
+     via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2527).
+   * Revert to listenForAllRecords=false in ExcelExtractor
+     via Grigoriy Alekseev (TIKA-2590)
+   * Add workaround to identify TIFFs that might confuse
+     commons-compress's tar detection via Daniel Schmidt
+     (TIKA-2591)
+   * Ignore non-IANA supported charsets in HTML meta-headers
+     during charset detection in HTMLEncodingDetector
+     via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2592)
+   * Add detection and parsing of zstd (if user provides
+     com.github.luben:zstd-jni) via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2576)
+   * Allow for RFC822 detection for files starting with "dkim-"
+     and/or "x-" via Andreas Meier (TIKA-2578 and TIKA-2587)
+   * Extract xlsx files embedded in OLE objects within PPT and PPTX
+     via Brian McColgan (TIKA-2588).
+   * Extract files embedded in HTML and javascript inside HTML
+     that are stored in the Data URI scheme (TIKA-2563).
+   * Extract text from grouped text boxes in PPT (TIKA-2569).
+   * Extract language metadata item from PDF files via Matt Sheppard 
+   * RFC822 with multipart/mixed, first text element should be treated
+     as the main body of the email, not an attachment (TIKA-2547).
+   * Swap out com.tdunning:json for com.github.openjson:openjson to avoid
+     jar conflicts (TIKA-2556).
+   * No longer hardcode HtmlParser for XML files in tika-server (TIKA-2551).
+   * Require Java 8 (TIKA-2553).
+   * Add a parser for XPS (TIKA-2524).
+   * Mime magic for Dolby Digital AC3 and EAC3 files
+   * Fixed bug where TesseractOCRParser ignores configured ImageMagickPath,
+     and set rotation script to ignore Python warnings (TIKA-2509)
+   * Upgrade geo-apis to 3.0.1 (TIKA-2535)
+   * Mime definition and magic improvements for text-based programming
+     and config formats (TIKA-2554, TIKA-2567, TIKA-1141)
+   * Added local Docker image build using dockerfile-maven-plugin to allow
+     images to be built from source (TIKA-1518).
+   * Support for SAS7BDAT data files (TIKA-2462)
+   * Handle .epub files using .htm rather than .html extensions for the
+     embedded contents (TIKA-1288)
+   * Mime magic for ACES Images (TIKA-2628) and DPX Images (TIKA-2629)
+   * For sparse XLSX and XLSB files, always output missing cells to
+     the left of filled ones (matching XLS), and optionally output
+     missing rows on all 3 formats if requested via the
+     OfficeParserContext (TIKA-2479)
+Release 1.17 - 12/8/2017
+     ON Java 7.  The next versions will require Java 8***
+  * Fix thread-safety in ChmExtractor (TIKA-2519).
+  * Upgrade cxf to 3.0.16 (TIKA-2516).
+  * Allow users to configure maxMainMemoryBytes for PDFs via shrike (PR-213).
+  * Extract underline and strikethrough in docx (TIKA-2347 and TIKA-2512).
+  * Cache TikaConfig in EmbeddedDocumentUtil for better performance
+    in documents with large number of attachments (TIKA-2511).
+  * Extract media files from ooxml (TIKA-2510).
+  * Standardize the way the Image and Video captioning 
+    dockers and extraction work (TIKA-2400, GitHub-208)
+  * Upgrade to xmpcore 5.1.3 (TIKA-2034).
+  * Upgrade to metadata-extractor 2.10.1 (TIKA-2486).
+  * Upgrade to OpenNLP 1.8.3 (TIKA-2502).
+  * Upgrade to Jackson 2.9.2 (TIKA-2501).
+  * Catch potential NPE in getting InputStream for attachments
+    in PST file (TIKA-2488).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.8 (TIKA-2489).
+  * Allow configuration of markLimit in EncodingDetectors
+    via tika-config.xml (TIKA-2485).
+  * RFC822Parser now selects the best alternative for
+    multipart/alternative body components.  This aligns with the
+    behavior of the OutlookParser (TIKA-2478).  Users can select
+    legacy behavior via the "extractAllAlternatives" parameter
+    in the RFC822 parser definition in tika-config.xml.
+  * Narrow mime detection for ms-owner files and add detection
+    for .nls files (TIKA-2469).
+  * Fix bug in CharsetDetector that led to different detected charsets
+    depending on whether user setText with a byte[] or an InputStream
+    via Sean Story (TIKA-2475).
+  * Remove JAXB for easier use with Java 9 via Robert Munteanu (TIKA-2466).
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.17 (TIKA-2429).
+  * Enabling extraction of standard references from text (TIKA-2449).
+  * Load external custom mimetypes XML from system property 
+    tika.custom-mimetypes (TIKA-2460). 
+  * Extract number of tiffs in a multi-page tiff (TIKA-2451).
+  * Fix detection of emails extracted from mbox (TIKA-2456).
+  * Add OverrideDetector and allow PSTParser to specify body content type
+    as text or html -- to avoid incorrect auto-detection of
+    rfc/mbox, etc. (TIKA-2454)
+  * AutoDetectParser throws ZeroByteFileException for zero-byte files after
+    detection on the file extension (TIKA-2450).
+  * Extract phonetic runs in docx with experimental SAX parser (TIKA-2448).
+  * Extract phonetic runs from xls and allow users to turn off extraction
+    of phonetic runs in both xls and xlsx (TIKA-2440).
+  * OOXML locale should be set by POI's LocaleUtil not Locale.getDefault().
+    Fix unit tests to be robust against different locales in OOXML
+    and ExcelParser (TIKA-2438).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.7 (TIKA-2431).
+  * Tika now has support for automatic image captioning, that
+    combines Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing to
+    automatically generate a readable caption for an image 
+    (TIKA-2262, TIKA-2355, TIKA-2402, Gh-198, Gh-196, Gh-189).
+  * Add TestCorruptedFiles to allow devs to test parsers against
+    corrupted input files (TIKA-2430).
+  * Correct Mimetype definition for Windows batch files (CMD and BAT)
+    which are the same (TIKA-2445)
+  * PSDParser memory use improvements (TIKA-2447)
+  * Add underline extraction from Word documents (doc/docx) via Stuart Hendren
+    as well as strikethrough extraction in docx (TIKA-2347, GitHub-173)
+  * Corrected Tesseract OCR script and made it a configurable
+    option via Peter Weiss (TIKA-2385) 
+Release 1.16 - 7/7/2017
+  * Exclude jj2000 from edu.ucar grip to avoid potential
+    license conflicts with ASL 2.0
+  * Add Age recognition using Ensemble model for Linear regression
+    and Apache OpenNLP Maximum Entropy. Tika can now detect age from
+    text (TIKA-1988).
+  * Add Tika Deep Learning support for the VGG16 model for
+    Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition.
+    Now Tika supports both Inception v3/v4 and VGG16 based image 
+    recognition (TIKA-2298).
+  * Extract macros from PPT (TIKA-2089).
+  * Extract absolute path for last saved location when available
+    in .xlsx and .xlsb (TIKA-2335).
+  * Rename SentimentParser to SentimentAnalysisParser to
+    prevent conflict with dependency (TIKA-2368).
+  * tika-app now extracts inline images in PDFs by
+    default, and it includes a warning to users that this is not the
+    default behavior elsewhere in Tika (TIKA-2374).
+  * Allow configurability of warnings for problems during
+    parser initialization (TIKA-2389).
+  * Upgrade to Jackcess 2.1.8 (TIKA-2380).
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.17-beta1 (TIKA-2336).
+  * Remove non-ASL-2.0-compatible org.json (TIKA-1804).
+  * Allow extraction of <script> elements in HTML as embedded "MACRO".
+    Users must turn this on via TikaConfig (TIKA-2391).
+  * Allow users to turn off extraction of headers and footers
+    from .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .xlsb (TIKA-2362)
+  * Extract text from charts in .docx, .pptx, .xlsx and .xlsb
+    (TIKA-2254).
+  * Extract text from diagrams in .docx, .pptx, .xlsx and .xlsb
+    (TIKA-1945).
+  * Fix bug in tika-server that led to an attempt to close the
+    input stream twice (TIKA-2384).
+  * Enable base32 encoding of digests and enable BouncyCastle implementations
+    of digest algorithms (TIKA-2386).
+  * Add snap builds to codebase (TIKA-2401)
+  * Canonical Mimetype of WAVE audio changed to match RFC 2361 defined
+    version, audio/vnd.wave, older audio/x-wav remains as an alias
+  * Upgrade "provided" xerial to 3.19.3 (TIKA-2412).
+  * Upgrade Gson to 2.8.1 (TIKA-2414).
+  * Upgrade mime4j to 0.8.1 (TIKA-2413).
+  * Mime magic improvements for GraphViz (TIKA-2422), HTML files which
+    claim to be XML but aren't quite valid XML (TIKA-2419) and QuickTime
+    / MP4 (TIKA-2418)
+Release 1.15 - 05/23/2017
+  * Tika now has a module for Deep Learning powered by the 
+    DL4J toolkit. The initial included model is for InceptionV3
+    and so using this module, natively in Java, Tika can use 
+    Deep learning for metadata/text extraction from Images using
+    the power of the Inception model (Github-165).
+  * A new parser for sentiment analysis using a categorical 
+    (multi-class, anry, sad, neutral, like, love) and binary
+    (positive/negative) was added leveraging the USC data 
+    science work (TIKA-2016).
+  * Tika now has the ability to automatically detect objects in videos,
+    using OpenCV and Tensorflow (TIKA-2322).
+  * Change default behavior to parse embedded documents even if the user
+    forgets to specify a Parser.class in the ParseContext (TIKA-2096).
+    Users who wish to parse only the container document should set
+    an EmptyParser as the Parser.class in the ParseContext.
+  * Change default behavior of Office Parsers to _not_ extract
+    Macros.  User needs to setExtractMacros to "true" (TIKA-2302).
+  * Added tika-eval module (TIKA-1332).
+  * Unified logging across Tika: SLF4J as logging API, Apache Log4j as
+    implementation with JCL and JUL bridges in standalone tools like
+    tika-app, tika-batch and tika-server (TIKA-2245).
+  * Add parser for XLSB files (TIKA-1195).
+  * Add parsers for EMF/WMF files (TIKA-2246/TIKA-2247).
+  * Add parsers for WordPerfect and QuattroPro (.qpw) files.
+    Contributed by Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-1946 and TIKA-2228).
+  * Add experimental SAX parser for .pptx files. To select this parser,
+    set useSAXPptxExtractor(true) on OfficeParserConfig (TIKA-2210).
+  * Add experimental SAX parser for .docx files. To select this parser,
+    set useSAXDocxExtractor(true) on OfficeParserConfig (TIKA-1321, TIKA-2191).
+  * Add mime detection and parser for Word 2006ML format (TIKA-2179).
+  * Bug fix for WordPerfect via Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-2352).
+  * Added "text-main" equivalent option to tika-server via
+    /tika/main (TIKA-2343).
+  * Enabled configuration of the EncodingDetector used by
+    parsers that extend AbstractEncodingDetectorParser (TIKA-2273).
+  * Prevent easily preventable OOMs for both detection and parsing
+    of some compression formats (TIKA-2330).
+  * Extract images and thumbnails from ODT via Sam Bayer (TIKA-2295).
+  * Fix potential NPE in FeedParser via Julien Nioche (TIKA-2269).
+  * Official mime types for BMP, EMF and WMF have been registered with
+    IANA, so switch to these (image/bmp image/emf image/wmf) (TIKA-2250)
+  * Be more parsimonious with BufferedInputStreams via Josh Hight
+    (TIKA-2244).
+  * Enable handling of hyphenated language codes in TesseractOCRParser
+    via Graham Russell (TIKA-2231).
+  * Improve style tags in ODT (TIKA-2242).
+  * Add container detection for embedded MSEquation files (TIKA-2238).
+  * Add parsing of JBIG2 and extraction of JBIG2 from PDFs when
+    required dependencies are added to class path by user.
+    Contributed by Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-2232).
+  * Mime magic for the OneNote family (.one / .onetoc / .onepkg), no parser
+    (TIKA-2224).
+  * Add configurability of "preserve-interword-spacing" to
+    TesseractOCRParser (TIKA-2190).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.6 and JempBox 1.8.13 (TIKA-2209/TIKA-2236/TIKA-2361).
+  * Refactor MockParser to consolidate service loading
+    and mime types into tika-core/src/test (TIKA-2195).
+  * Enabled extraction of embedded objects from headers, footers,
+    footnotes, endnotes and comments in legacy .docx parser (TIKA-2192).
+  * Allow extraction of PDActions (including Javascript) from
+    PDFs (TIKA-2090).  This is turned off by default.  Users
+    must setExtractActions(true) on the PDFParserConfig.
+  * Change default behavior in experimental .docx parser to ignore
+    deleted text to align with .doc (TIKA-2187).
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.16 (TIKA-2116, TIKA-2181, TIKA-2329).
+  * Allow configuration of timeout for ForkParser (TIKA-2170).
+  * Add extraction of .jpx inline images from PDFs when required
+    dependencies are added by user to class path (TIKA-2175).
+  * Add .jpx, .jp2, .ppm to formats handled by Tesseract (TIKA-2174).
+  * Upgrade SQLite "provided" dependency to 3.16.1 (TIKA-2334).
+  * Update Apache CXF version to 3.0.12 (TIKA-2292).
+  * Add Lingo24 Language Detector (TIKA-2297).
+  * Further mime magic for WebVTT (TIKA-1772)
+  * Extend support for increased PSM options up to 13 for modern 
+    versions of Tesseract (TIKA-2357).
+  * Prevent potential resource leak by closing TrueTypeFont
+    via Cameron Rollheiser (TIKA-2370).
+Release 1.14 - 10/19/2016
+  * Extract all headers from MSG/RFC822 (TIKA-2122).
+  * Upgrade metadata-extractor to 2.9.1 (TIKA-2113).
+  * Extract PDF DocInfo metadata into separate keys to prevent
+    overwriting by XMP metadata (TIKA-2057).
+  * Re-enable fileUrl for tika-server (TIKA-2081).  If you choose,
+    to use this feature, beware of the security vulnerabilities!
+    See:
+  * Add Tesseract's hOCR output format as an option, via Eric Pugh
+    (TIKA-2093)
+  * Extract macros from MSOffice files (TIKA-2069).
+  * Maintain passed-in mime in TXTParser (TIKA-2047).
+  * Upgrade to POI.3-15 (TIKA-2013).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.3 (TIKA-2051).
+  * Fix hyperlinks with formatting in DOC and DOCX (TIKA-1255
+    and TIKA-2078)
+  * Tika now is integrated with the Tensorflow library from Google 
+    and it can use its Inception v3 image classification model to 
+    identify objects in images (TIKA-1993).
+  * Parser configuration is now type-safe and parameters for parsers
+    can have assigned types (TIKA-1508, TIKA-1986).
+  * Prevent OOM/permanent hang on some corrupt CHM files (TIKA-2040).
+  * Upgrade ICU4J charset detection components to fix multithreading
+    bug (TIKA-2041).
+  * Upgrade to Jackcess 2.1.4 (TIKA-2039).
+  * Maintain more significant digits in cells of "General" format
+    in XLS and XLSX (TIKA-2025).
+  * Avoid mark/reset issues when extracting or detecting embedded resources
+    in RFC822 emails (TIKA-2037).
+  * Improving accuracy of Tesseract for better extraction of numeric 
+    and alphanumeric text from images (TIKA-2021, TIKA-2031).
+  * Improve extraction of embedded documents from PPT, PPTX and XLSX
+    (TIKA-2026).
+  * Add parser for applefile (AppleSingle) (TIKA-2022).
+  * Add mime types, mime magic and/or globs for:
+     * Endnote Import File (TIKA-2011)
+     * DJVU files (TIKA-2009)
+     * MS Owner File (TIKA-2008)
+     * Windows Media Metafile (TIKA-2004)
+     * iCal and vCalendar (TIKA-2006)
+     * MBOX (TIKA-2042)
+     * Stata DTA (TIKA-2064)
+  * Add configurable maximum threshold for number of events extracted
+    from the XMP Media Management Schema in JempboxExtractor (TIKA-1999).
+  * Integrate TesseractOCR with full page image rendering for PDFs (TIKA-1994).
+  * Add mime detection via Nick C and parser for DBF files (TIKA-1513).
+  * Add mime detection and parsers for MSOffice 2003 XML Word
+    and Excel formats (TIKA-1958).
+  * Extract hyperlinks from PPT, PPTX, XSLX (TIKA-1454).
+  * Upgrade to Commons Compress 1.12 (supports progress on TIKA-1358)
+Release 1.13 - 05/08/2016
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 2.0.1 (TIKA-1285/TIKA-1959).
+    MAJOR CHANGES in PDFParser:
+    * The classic sequential parser is no longer available.
+    * Tiff files are no longer extracted by default.  See
+      for optional components to process Tiff files.
+    * Some truncated/corrupted files that had some content extracted
+      with 1.8.x may have no content extracted in 2.0.x (see TIKA-1912).
+  * The MIT-NLP Information Extraction (MITIE) Named Entity
+    Recognition (NER) system is now supported in Tika
+    (TIKA-1913, GitHub-108).
+  * Tika now supports the use of the Yandex translation 
+    service (TIKA-1943, GitHub-106).
+  * Tika now uses NER to extract scientific measurements
+    from text using either GROBID Quantities which uses 
+    conditional random fields and NLTK which uses regular 
+    expressesions (TIKA-1917, GitHub-104).
+  * Fixed JournalParser to handle null responses from 
+    GROBID and to log a message (TIKA-1925).
+  * Refactored Language Detector into tika-landetect module,
+    added default N-Gram implementation, Optimaize Lang
+    Detector and MIT Text.jl implementation 
+    (TIKA-1872, TIKA-1696, TIKA-1723).
+  * Extract metadata from MP4 videos whether or not the
+    PooledTimeSeries parser is available via Aditya Dhulipala
+    (TIKA-1844).
+  * Fix NPE when trying to get embedded image identifier in
+    WordParser (TIKA-1956).
+  * Improvements to MIME database for detection of Scientific
+    and other formats present in the TREC-DD-Polar dataset
+    (TIKA-1881, GitHub-85, TIKA-1883, TIKA-1884, TIKA-1886,
+     TIKA-1882).
+  * LinkContentHandler now extracts links from script tags
+    via Joseph Naegele (TIKA-1937).
+  * Handle per page IOExceptions more robustly in PDFParser (TIKA-1948).
+  * Upgrade commons-compress to 1.11 (TIKA-1949).
+  * Add detection for embedded MSChart.Graph files (TIKA-1033).
+  * Fix NPE in Sqlite parser from Nick C (TIKA-1927).
+  * Fix NPE in Open Document parser from Nick C (TIKA-1916).
+  * Upgrade mp4parser's isoparser to 1.1.7 (TIKA-1924 and TIKA-1931).
+  * Upgrade BouncyCastle to 1.54 (TIKA-1923).
+  * Upgrade Jackcess to 2.1.3 (TIKA-1922).
+  * Upgrade Drew Noakes' metadata-extractor to 2.8.1 (TIKA-1921).
+  * Upgrade Gson in tika-serialization to 2.6.2 (TIka-1920).
+  * Upgrade commons-cli in tika-batch to 1.3.1 (TIKA-1919).
+  * Add XMPMM support to PDFParser and JpegParser via Jempbox (TIKA-1894).
+  * Move serialization of TikaConfig to tika-core and enable dumping
+    of the config file via tika-app (TIKA-1657).
+  * Tika now incorporates the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) from the
+    Python community as an option for Named Entity Recognition (TIKA-1876).
+  * Add support for XFA extraction via Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-1857).
+  * Upgrade to sqlite-jdbc (TIKA-1861).  NOTE: this dependency
+    is still <scope>provided</scope>.  You need to include this dependency
+    in order to parse sqlite files.
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.15-beta1 (TIKA-1895).
+  * Upgrade to Jackson 2.7.1 (TIKA-1869).
+  * Upgrade to Apache SIS 0.6 (TIKA-1878).
+  * RichTextContentHandler moved from the Server package to Core (TIKA-1870).
+  * Added ZeroSizeFileDetector to support application/x-zerovalue via
+    Adesh Gupta (TIKA-1885).  
+  * Addition of types information to Grobid quantities parser via 
+    Can Menekse (TIKA-1965).
+Release 1.12 - 01/24/2016
+  * Support for iFrames and element link extraction is provided in
+    the link Content Handler (TIKA-1835).
+  * Slide notes are now linked to the slide XHTML in the PPT output
+    (TIKA-1840).
+  * JSON tests in Tika server were updated to remove impossible casts
+    (Github-73).
+  * Fix bug in GeoTopicParser where NER is reused instead of instantiated
+    with each request (TIKA-1834).
+  * Upgrade rome to 1.5.1 && Downgrade Rome dependency to 0.9 to avoid 
+    nasty NPE (TIKA-1820, TIKA-1516)
+  * The NamedEntityParser was enhanced to generate text content
+    in addition to metadata (TIKA-1815, TIKA-1816).
+  * A significant speed-up is made to the GeoTopicParser by
+    using the new REST server capabilities from Lucene Geo
+    Gazetteer (TIKA-1803).
+  * A parser to compute motion properties in Videos, e.g., 
+    Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Histogram of Optical Flows
+    using the Pooled Time Series algorithm, was added (TIKA-1798).
+  * Provide NamedEntityParser which exposes Named Entity Recognition
+    from OpenNLP and Stanford NER providers (TIKA-1787, GitHub-61,
+    GitHub-62).
+  * Allow XHTMLContentHandler to pass attributes of html element 
+    via Markus Jelsma (TIKA-1782).
+  * Fix regression with spacing in PPT via Andreas Beeker (TIKA-1777).
+  * Tika Facade parse methods for Path and File added which take a
+    Metadata object, to mirror the existing InputStream one (GitHub-60)
+  * GeoParser fix for loading the NER model from a jar file (TIKA-1791)
+Release 1.11 - 10/18/2015
+  * Java7 API support for allowing java.nio.file.Path as method arguments
+    was added to Tika and to ParsingReader, TikaFileTypeDetector, and to
+    Tika Config (TIKA-1745, TIKA-1746, TIKA-1751).
+  * MIME support was added for WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks Format
+    files (TIKA-1772).
+  * MIME magic improved to ensure emails detected as message/rfc822
+    (TIKA-1771).
+  * Upgrade to Jackcess Encrypt 2.1.1 to avoid binary incompatibility
+    with Bouncy Castle (TIKA-1736).
+  * Make div and other markup more consistent between PPT and 
+    PPTX (TIKA-1755).
+  * Parse multiple authors from MSOffice's semi-colon delimited
+    author field (TIKA-1765).
+  * Include within tika-parsers resources 
+    by default (TIKA-1741).
+  * Prevent infinite recursion when processing inline images
+    in PDF files by limiting extraction of duplicate images
+    within the same page (TIKA-1742).
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.13-final (via Andreas Beeker) (TIKA-1707).
+  * Upgraded tika-batch to use Path throughout (TIKA-1747 and
+    (TIKA-1754).
+  * Upgraded to Path in TikaInputStream (via Yaniv Kunda) (TIKA-1744).
+  * Changed default content handler type for "/rmeta" in tika-server
+    to "xml" to align with "-J" option in tika-app.  
+    Clients can now specify handler types via PathParam. (TIKA-1716).
+  * The fantastic GROBID (or Grobid) GeneRation Of BIbliographic Data
+    for machine learning from PDF files is now integrated as a 
+    Tika parser (TIKA-1699, TIKA-1712).
+  * The ability to specify the Tesseract Config Path was added
+    to the OCR Parser (TIKA-1703).
+  * Upgraded to ASM 5.0.4 (TIKA-1705).
+  * Corrected Tika Config XML detector definition explicit loading 
+    of MimeTypes (TIKA-1708)
+  * In Tika Parsers, Batch, Server, App and Examples, use Apache
+    Commons IO instead of inlined ex-Commons classes, and the Java 7
+    Standard Charset definitions (TIKA-1710)
+  * Upgraded to Commons Compress 1.10, which enables zlib compressed
+    archives support (TIKA-1718)
+Release 1.10 - 8/1/2015
+  * Tika Config XML can now be used to create composite detectors,
+    and exclude detectors that DefaultDetector would otherwise
+    have used. This brings support in-line with Parsers. (TIKA-1702)
+  * Reverted to legacy sort order of parsers that was 
+    mistakenly reversed in Tika 1.9 (TIKA-1689).
+  * Upgrade to POI 3.13-beta1 (TIKA-1667).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 1.8.10 (TIKA-1588).
+  * MimeTypes now tries to find a registered type with and 
+    without parameters (TIKA-1692).
+  * Added more robust error handling for encoding detection
+    of .MSG files (TIKA-1238).
+  * Fixed bug in Tika's use of the Jackcess parser that 
+    prevented reading of v97 Access files (TIKA-1681).
+  * Upgrade's sqlite-jdbc to NOTE: 
+    as of Tika 1.9, this jar is "provided." Make sure 
+    to upgrade your provided jar! (TIKA-1687).
+  * Add header/footer extraction to xls (via Aeham Abushwashi)
+    (TIKA-1400).
+  * Drop the source file name from the embedded file path in
+    RecursiveParserWrapper's "X-TIKA:embedded_resource_path" 
+    (TIKA-1673).
+  * Upgraded to Java 7 (TIKA-1536).
+  * Non-standards compliant emails are now correctly detected
+    as message/rfc822 (TIKA-1602).
+  * Added parser for MS Access files via Jackcess. Many thanks 
+    to Health Market Science, Brian O'Neill and James Ahlborn 
+    for relicensing Jackcess to Apache v2! (TIKA-1601)
+  * GDALParser now correctly sets "nitf" as a supported 
+    MediaType (TIKA-1664).
+  * Added DigestingParser to calculate digest hashes 
+    and record them in metadata. Integrated with
+    tika-app and tika-server (TIKA-1663).
+  * Fixed ZipContainerDetector to detect all IPA files
+    (TIKA-1659).
+Release 1.9 - 6/6/2015
+  * The ability to use the cTAKES clinical text
+    knowledge extraction system for biomedical data is 
+    now included as a Tika parser (TIKA-1645, TIKA-1642).
+  * Tika-server allows a user to specify the Tika config
+    from the command line (TIKA-1652, TIKA-1426).
+  * Matlab file detection has been improved (TIKA-1634).
+  * The EXIFTool was added as an External parser
+    (TIKA-1639).
+  * If FFMPEG is installed and on the PATH, it is a 
+    usable Parser in Tika now (TIKA-1510).
+  * Fixes have been applied to the ExternalParser to make
+    it functional (TIKA-1638).
+  * Tika service loading can now be more verbose with the 
+    org.apache.tika.service.error.warn system property (TIKA-1636).
+  * Tika Server now allows for metadata extraction from remote
+    URLs and in addition it outputs the detected language as a
+    metadata field (TIKA-1625).
+  * OUTPUT_FILE_TOKEN not being replaced in ExternalParser 
+    contributed by Pascal Essiembre (TIKA-1620).
+  * Tika REST server now supports language identification
+    (TIKA-1622).
+  * All of the example code from the Tika in Action book has 
+    been donated to Tika and added to tika-examples (TIKA-1562).
+  * Tika server now logs errors determining ContentDisposition
+    (TIKA-1621).
+  * An algorithm for using Byte Histogram frequencies to construct
+    a Neural Network and to perform MIME detection was added
+    (TIKA-1582).
+  * A Bayesian algorithm for MIME detection by probabilistic
+    means was added (TIKA-1517).
+  * Tika now incorporates the Apache Spatial Information
+    System capability of parsing Geographic ISO 19139 
+    files (TIKA-443). It can also detect those files as
+    well.
+  * Update the MimeTypes code to support inheritance
+    (TIKA-1535).
+  * Provide ability to parse and identify Global Change 
+    Master Directory Interchange Format (GCMD DIF) 
+    scientific data files (TIKA-1532).
+  * Improvements to detect CBOR files by extension (TIKA-1610).
+  * Change's sqlite-jdbc jar to "provided" (TIKA-1511).
+    Users will now need to add sqlite-jdbc to their classpath for
+    the Sqlite3Parser to work.
+  * ExternalParser.check now catches (suppresses) SecurityException
+    and returns false, so it's OK to run Tika with a security policy
+    that does not allow execution of external processes (TIKA-1628).
+Release 1.8 - 4/13/2015
+  * Fix null pointer when processing ODT footer styles (TIKA-1600).
+  * Upgrade to com.drewnoakes' metadata-extractor to 2.0 and
+    add parser for webp metadata (TIKA-1594).
+  * Duration extracted from MP3s with no ID3 tags (TIKA-1589).
+  * Upgraded to PDFBox 1.8.9 (TIKA-1575).
+  * Tika now supports the IsaTab data standard for bioinformatics
+    both in terms of MIME identification and in terms of parsing
+    (TIKA-1580).
+  * Tika server can now enable CORS requests with the command line
+    "--cors" or "-C" option (TIKA-1586).
+  * Update jhighlight dependency to avoid using LGPL license. Thank
+    @kkrugler for his great contribution (TIKA-1581).
+  * Updated HDF and NetCDF parsers to output file version in 
+    metadata (TIKA-1578 and TIKA-1579).
+  * Upgraded to POI 3.12-beta1 (TIKA-1531).
+  * Added tika-batch module for directory to directory batch
+    processing.  This is a new, experimental capability, and the API will 
+    likely change in future releases (TIKA-1330).
+  * Translator.translate() Exceptions are now restricted to
+    TikaException and IOException (TIKA-1416).
+  * Tika now supports MIME detection for Microsoft Extended 
+    Makefiles (EMF) (TIKA-1554).
+  * Tika has improved delineation in XML and HTML MIME detection
+    (TIKA-1365).
+  * Upgraded the Drew Noakes metadata-extractor to version 2.7.2
+    (TIKA-1576).
+  * Added basic style support for ODF documents, contributed by
+    Axel Dörfler (TIKA-1063).
+  * Move Tika server resources and writers to separate
+    org.apache.tika.server.resource and writer packages (TIKA-1564).
+  * Upgrade UCAR dependencies to 4.5.5 (TIKA-1571).
+  * Fix Paths in Tika server welcome page (TIKA-1567).
+  * Fixed infinite recursion while parsing some PDFs (TIKA-1038).
+  * XHTMLContentHandler now properly passes along body attributes,
+    contributed by Markus Jelsma (TIKA-995).
+  * TikaCLI option --compare-file-magic to report mime types known to
+    the file(1) tool but not known / fully known to Tika.
+  * MediaTypeRegistry support for returning known child types.
+  * Support for excluding certain Parsers from being
+    used by DefaultParser via the Tika Config file, using the new
+    parser-exclude tag (TIKA-1558).
+  * Detect Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Directory
+    Interchange Format (DIF) files (TIKA-1561).
+  * Tika's JAX-RS server can now return stacktraces for
+    parse exceptions (TIKA-1323).
+  * Added MockParser for testing handling of exceptions, errors
+    and hangs in code that uses parsers (TIKA-1553).
+  * The ForkParser service removed from Activator. Rollback of (TIKA-1354).
+  * Increased the speed of language identification by 
+    a factor of two -- contributed by Toke Eskildsen (TIKA-1549).
+  * Added parser for Sqlite3 db files. Some users will need to 
+    exclude the dependency on's sqlite-jdbc because
+    it contains native libs (TIKA-1511).
+  * Use POST instead of PUT for tika-server form methods
+    (TIKA-1547).
+  * A basic wrapper around the UNIX file command was 
+    added to extract Strings. In addition a parse to 
+    handle Strings parsing from octet-streams using Latin1
+    charsets as added (TIKA-1541, TIKA-1483).
+  * Add test files and detection mechanism for Gridded
+    Binary (GRIB) files (TIKA-1539).
+  * The RAR parser was updated to handle Chinese characters 
+    using the functionality provided by allowing encoding to
+    be used within ZipArchiveInputStream (TIKA-936).
+  * Fix out of memory error in surefire plugin (TIKA-1537).
+  * Build a parser to extract data from GRIB formats (TIKA-1423).
+  * Upgrade to Commons Compress 1.9 (TIKA-1534).
+  * Include media duration in metadata parsed by MP4Parser (TIKA-1530).
+  * Support password protected 7zip files (using a PasswordProvider,
+    in keeping with the other password supporting formats) (TIKA-1521).
+  * Password protected Zip files should not trigger an exception (TIKA-1028).
+Release 1.7 - 1/9/2015
+  * Fixed resource leak in OutlookPSTParser that caused TikaException 
+    when invoked via AutoDetectParser on Windows (TIKA-1506).
+  * HTML tags are properly stripped from content by FeedParser
+    (TIKA-1500).
+  * Tika Server support for selecting a single metadata key;
+    wrapped MetadataEP into MetadataResource (TIKA-1499).
+  * Tika Server support for JSON and XMP views of metadata (TIKA-1497).
+  * Tika Parent uses dependency management to keep duplicate 
+    dependencies in different modules the same version (TIKA-1384).
+  * Upgraded slf4j to version 1.7.7 (TIKA-1496).
+  * Tika Server support for RecursiveParserWrapper's JSON output
+    (endpoint=rmeta) equivalent to (TIKA-1451's) -J option 
+    in tika-app (TIKA-1498).
+  * Tika Server support for providing the password for files on a 
+    per-request basis through the Password http header (TIKA-1494).
+  * Simple support for the BPG (Better Portable Graphics) image format
+    (TIKA-1491, TIKA-1495).
+  * Prevent exceptions from being thrown for some malformed
+    mp3 files (TIKA-1218).
+  * Reformat pom.xml files to use two spaces per indent (TIKA-1475).
+  * Fix warning of slf4j logger on Tika Server startup (TIKA-1472).
+  * Tika CLI and GUI now have option to view JSON rendering of output
+    of RecursiveParserWrapper (TIKA-1451).
+  * Tika now integrates the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
+    (GDAL) for parsing hundreds of geospatial formats (TIKA-605,
+    TIKA-1503).
+  * ExternalParsers can now use Regexs to specify dynamic keys
+   (TIKA-1441).
+  * Thread safety issues in ImageMetadataExtractor were resolved
+    (TIKA-1369).
+  * The ForkParser service is now registered in Activator
+    (TIKA-1354).
+  * The Rome Library was upgraded to version 1.5 (TIKA-1435).
+  * Add markup for files embedded in PDFs (TIKA-1427).
+  * Extract files embedded in annotations in PDFS (TIKA-1433).
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 1.8.8 (TIKA-1419, TIKA-1442).
+  * Add RecursiveParserWrapper (aka Jukka's and Nick's) 
+    RecursiveMetadataParser (TIKA-1329)
+  * Add example for how to dump TikaConfig to XML (TIKA-1418).
+  * Allow users to specify a tika config file for tika-app (TIKA-1426).
+  * PackageParser includes the last-modified date from the archive
+    in the metadata, when handling embedded entries (TIKA-1246)
+  * Created a new Tesseract OCR Parser to extract text from images.
+    Requires installation of Tesseract before use (TIKA-93).
+  * Basic parser for older Excel formats, such as Excel 4, 5 and 95,
+    which can get simple text, and metadata for Excel 5+95 (TIKA-1490)
+Release 1.6 - 08/31/2014
+  * Parse output should indicate which Parser was actually used
+    (TIKA-674).
+  * Use the forbidden-apis Maven plugin to check for unsafe Java
+    operations (TIKA-1387).
+  * Created an ExternalTranslator class to interface with command
+    line Translators (TIKA-1385).
+  * Created a MosesTranslator as a subclass of ExternalTranslator
+    that calls the Moses Decoder machine translation program (TIKA-1385).
+  * Created the tika-example module. It will have examples of how to
+    use the main Tika interfaces (TIKA-1390).
+  * Upgraded to Commons Compress 1.8.1 (TIKA-1275).
+  * Upgraded to POI 3.11-beta1 (TIKA-1380).
+  * Tika now extracts SDTCell content from tables in .docx files (TIKA-1317).
+  * Tika now supports detection of the Persian/Farsi language.
+    (TIKA-1337)
+  * The Tika Detector interface is now exposed through the JAX-RS
+    server (TIKA-1336, TIKA-1336).
+  * Tika now has support for parsing binary Matlab files as part of 
+    our larger effort to increase the number of scientific data formats 
+    supported. (TIKA-1327)
+  * The Tika Server URLs for the unpacker resources have been changed,
+    to bring them under a common prefix (TIKA-1324). The mapping is
+    /unpacker/{id} -> /unpack/{id}
+    /all/{id}      -> /unpack/all/{id}
+  * Added module and core Tika interface for translating text between
+    languages and added a default implementation that call's Microsoft's
+    translate service (TIKA-1319)
+  * Added an Translator implementation that calls Lingo24's Premium
+    Machine Translation API (TIKA-1381)
+  * Made RTFParser's list handling slightly more robust against corrupt
+    list metadata (TIKA-1305)
+  * Fixed bug in CLI json output (TIKA-1291/TIKA-1310)
+  * Added ability to turn off image extraction from PDFs (TIKA-1294).
+    Users must now turn on this capability via the PDFParserConfig.
+  * Upgrade to PDFBox 1.8.6 (TIKA-1290, TIKA-1231, TIKA-1233, TIKA-1352)
+  * Zip Container Detection for DWFX and XPS formats, which are OPC
+    based (TIKA-1204, TIKA-1221)
+  * Added a user facing welcome page to the Tika Server, which
+    says what it is, and a very brief summary of what is available. 
+    (TIKA-1269)
+  * Added Tika Server endpoints to list the available mime types,
+    Parsers and Detectors, similar to the --list-<foo> methods on
+    the Tika CLI App (TIKA-1270)
+  * Improvements to NetCDF and HDF parsing to mimic the output of
+    ncdump and extract text dimensions and spatial and variable
+    information from scientific data files (TIKA-1265)
+  * Extract attachments from RTF files (TIKA-1010)
+  * Support Outlook Personal Folders File Format *.pst (TIKA-623)
+  * Added mime entries for additional Ogg based formats (TIKA-1259)
+  * Updated the Ogg Vorbis plugin to v0.4, which adds detection for a wider
+    range of Ogg formats, and parsers for more Ogg Audio ones (TIKA-1113)
+  * PDF: Images in PDF documents can now be extracted as embedded resources.
+    (TIKA-1268)
+  * Fixed RuntimeException thrown for certain Word Documents (TIKA-1251).
+  * CLI: TikaCLI now has another option: --list-parser-details-apt, which 
+    the list of supported parsers in APT format. This is used to generate the 
+    on the formats page (TIKA-411).
+Release 1.5 - 02/04/2014
+  * Fixed bug in handling of embedded file processing in PDFs (TIKA-1228).
+  * Added SourceCodeParser to support java, Groovy, C++ files (TIKA-1224).
+  * Updated Tika Server to support multipart/form-data payloads (TIKA-1198).
+  * Updated Tika Server to CXF 2.7.8 (TIKA-1197).
+  * Updated Tika Server to accept requests over wildcard addresses (TIKA-1196).
+  * Added option to use alternate NonSequentialPDFParser (TIKA-1201).
+  * Content from PDF AcroForms is now extracted (TIKA-973).
+  * Fixed invalid asterisks from master slide in PPT (TIKA-1171).
+  * Added test cases to confirm handling of auto-date in PPT and PPTX 
+  * Text from tables in PPT files is once again extracted correctly 
+  * Text is extracted from text boxes in XLSX (TIKA-1100).
+  * Tika no longer hangs when processing Excel files with custom fraction 
format (TIKA-1132).
+  * Disconcerting stacktrace from missing beans no longer printed for some 
DOCX files (TIKA-792).
+  * Upgraded POI to 3.10-beta2 (TIKA-1173).
+  * Upgraded PDFBox to 1.8.4 (TIKA-1230).
+  * Made HtmlEncodingDetector more flexible in finding meta 
+    header charset (TIKA-1001).
+  * Added sanitized test HTML file for local file test (TIKA-1139).
+  * Fixed bug that prevented attachments within a PDF from being processed
+    if the PDF itself was an attachment (TIKA-1124).
+  * Text from paragraph-level structured document tags in DOCX files is now 
extracted (TIKA-1130).
+  * RTF: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing list override 
+  * CLI: TikaCLI now escapes invalid filename characters as hex
+    characters (TIKA-1078).
+Release 1.4 - 06/15/2013
+  * Removed a test HTML file with a poorly chosen GPL text in it (TIKA-1129).
+  * Improvements to tika-server to allow it to produce text/html and
+    text/xml content (TIKA-1126, TIKA-1127).
+  * Improvements were made to the Compressor Parser to handle g'zipped files
+    that require the decompressConcatenated option set to true (TIKA-1096).
+  * Addressed a typographic error that was preventing from detection of 
+    awk files (TIKA-1081).
+  * Added a new end-point to Tika's JAX-RS REST server that only detects
+    the media-type based on a small portion of the document submitted
+   (TIKA-1047).
+  * RTF: Ordered and unordered lists are now extracted (TIKA-1062).
+  * MP3: Audio duration is now extracted (TIKA-991)
+  * Java .class files: upgraded from ASM 3.1 to ASM 4.1 for parsing
+    the Java bytecodes (TIKA-1053).
+  * Mime Types: Definitions extended to optionally include Link (URL) and
+    UTI, along with details for several common formats (TIKA-1012 / TIKA-1083)
+  * Exceptions when parsing OLE10 embedded documents, when parsing
+    summary information from Office documents, and when saving
+    embedded documennts in TikaCLI are now logged instead
+    of aborting extraction (TIKA-1074)
+  * MS Word: line tabular character is now replaced with newline
+    (TIKA-1128)
+  * XML: ElementMetadataHandlers can now optionally accept duplicate
+    and empty values (TIKA-1133)
+Release 1.3 - 01/19/2013
+  * Mimetype definitions added for more common programming languages,
+    including common extensions, but not magic patterns. (TIKA-1055)
+  * MS Word: When a Word (.doc) document contains embedded files or
+    links to external documents, Tika now places a <div
+    class="embedded" id="_XXX"/> placeholder into the XHTML so you can
+    see where in the main text the embedded document occurred
+    (TIKA-956, TIKA-1019).  Embedded Wordpad/RTF documents are now
+    recognized (TIKA-982).
+  * PDF: Text from pop-up annotations is now extracted (TIKA-981).
+    Text from bookmarks is now extracted (TIKA-1035).
+  * PKCS7: Detached signatures no longer through NullPointerException
+    (TIKA-986).
+  * iWork: The chart name for charts embedded in numbers documents is
+    now extracted (TIKA-918).
+  * CLI: TikaCLI -m now handles multi-valued metadata keys correctly
+    (previously it only printed the first value).  (TIKA-920)
+  * MS Word (.docx): When a Word (.docx) document contains embedded
+    files, Tika now places a <div class="embedded" id="XXX"/> into the
+    XHTML so you can see where in the main text the embedded document
+    occurred.  The id (rId) is included in the Metadata of each
+    embedded document as the new Metadata.EMBEDDED_RELATIONSHIP_ID
+    key, and TikaCLI prepends the rId (if present) onto the filename
+    it extracts (TIKA-989).  Fixed NullPointerException when style is
+    null (TIKA-1006).  Text inside text boxes is now extracted
+    (TIKA-1005).
+  * RTF: Page, word, character count and creation date metadata are
+    now extracted for RTF documents (TIKA-999).
+  * MS PowerPoint (.pptx): When a PowerPoint (.pptx) document contains
+    embedded files, Tika now places a <div class="embedded" id="XXX"/> into the
+    XHTML so you can see where in the main text the embedded document
+    occurred.  The id (rId) is included in the Metadata of each
+    embedded document as the new Metadata.EMBEDDED_RELATIONSHIP_ID
+    key, and TikaCLI prepends the rId (if present) onto the filename
+    it extracts (TIKA-997, TIKA-1032).
+  * MS PowerPoint (.ppt): When a PowerPoint (.ppt) document contains
+    embedded files, Tika now places a <div class="embedded" id="XXX"/> into the
+    XHTML so you can see where in the main text the embedded document
+    occurred (TIKA-1025).  Text from the master slide is now extracted
+    (TIKA-712).
+  * MHTML: fixed Null charset name exception when a mime part has an
+    unrecognized charset (TIKA-1011).
+  * MP3: if an ID3 tag was encoded in UTF-16 with only the BOM then on
+    certain JVMs this would incorrectly extract the BOM as the tag's
+    value (TIKA-1024).
+  * ZIP: placeholders (<div class="embedded" id="<entry name>"/>) are
+    now left in the XHTML so you can see where each archive member
+    appears (TIKA-1036). TikaCLI would hit FileNotFoundException when
+    extracting files that were under sub-directories from a ZIP
+    archive, because it failed to create the parent directories first
+    (TIKA-1031).
+  * XML: a space character is now added before each element
+    (TIKA-1048)
+Release 1.2 - 07/10/2012
+  * Tika's JAX-RS based Network server now is based on Apache CXF,
+    which is available in Maven Central and now allows the server
+    module to be packaged and included in our release
+    (TIKA-593, TIKA-901).
+  * Tika: parseToString now lets you specify the max string length
+    per-call, in addition to per-Tika-instance. (TIKA-870)
+  * Tika now has the ability to detect FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) 
+    files (TIKA-874).
+  * Images: Fixed file handle leak in ImageParser. (TIKA-875)
+  * iWork: Comments in Pages files are now extracted (TIKA-907).
+    Headers, footers and footnotes in Pages files are now extracted
+    (TIKA-906).  Don't throw NullPointerException on passsword
+    protected iWork files, even though we can't parse their contents
+    yet (TIKA-903).  Text extracted from Keynote text boxes and bullet
+    points no longer runs together (TIKA-910). Also extract text for
+    Pages documents created in layout mode (TIKA-904).  Table names
+    are now extracted in Numbers documents (TIKA-924).  Content added
+    to master slides is also extracted (TIKA-923).
+  * Archive and compression formats: The Commons Compress dependency was
+    upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4.1. With this change Tika can now parse also
+    Unix dump archives and documents compressed using the XZ and Pack200
+    compression formats. (TIKA-932)
+  * KML: Tika now has basic support for Keyhole Markup Language documents
+    (KML and KMZ) used by tools like Google Earth. See also
+ (TIKA-941)
+  * CLI: You can now use the TIKA_PASSWORD environment variable or the
+    --password=X command line option to specify the password that Tika CLI
+    should use for opening encrypted documents (TIKA-943).
+  * Character encodings: Tika's character encoding detection mechanism was
+    improved by adding integration to the juniversalchardet library that
+    implements Mozilla's universal charset detection algorithm. The slower
+    ICU4J algorithms are still used as a fallback thanks to their wider
+    coverage of custom character encodings. (TIKA-322, TIKA-471)
+  * Charset parameter: Related to the character encoding improvements
+    mentioned above, Tika now returns the detected character encoding as
+    a "charset" parameter of the content type metadata field for text/plain
+    and text/html documents. For example, instead of just "text/plain", the
+    returned content type will be something like "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+    for a UTF-8 encoded text document. Character encoding information is still
+    present also in the content encoding metadata field for backwards
+    compatibility, but that field should be considered deprecated. (TIKA-431)
+  * Extraction of embedded resources from OLE2 Office Documents, where
+    the resource isn't another office document, has been fixed (TIKA-948)
+Release 1.1 - 3/7/2012
+ * Link Extraction: The rel attribute is now extracted from 
+   links per the LinkConteHandler. (TIKA-824)
+ * MP3: Fixed handling of UTF-16 (two byte) ID3v2 tags (previously
+   the last character in a UTF-16 tag could be corrupted) (TIKA-793)
+ * Performance: Loading of the default media type registry is now
+   significantly faster. (TIKA-780)
+ * PDF: Allow controlling whether overlapping duplicated text should
+   be removed.  Disabling this (the default) can give big
+   speedups to text extraction and may workaround cases where
+   non-duplicated characters were incorrectly removed (TIKA-767).
+   Allow controlling whether text tokens should be sorted by their x/y
+   position before extracting text (TIKA-612); this is necessary for
+   certain PDFs.  Fixed cases where too many </p> tags appear in the
+   XHTML output, causing NPE when opening some PDFs with the GUI
+   (TIKA-778).
+ * RTF: Fixed case where a font change would result in processing
+   bytes in the wrong font's charset, producing bogus text output
+   (TIKA-777).  Don't output whitespace in ignored group states,
+   avoiding excessive whitespace output (TIKA-781).  Binary embedded
+   content (using \bin control word) is now skipped correctly;
+   previously it could cause the parser to incorrectly extract binary
+   content as text (TIKA-782).
+ * CLI: New TikaCLI option "--list-detectors", which displays the
+   mimetype detectors that are available, similar to the existing
+   "--list-parsers" option for parsers. (TIKA-785).
+ * Detectors: The order of detectors, as supplied via the service
+   registry loader, is now controlled. User supplied detectors are
+   prefered, then Tika detectors (such as the container aware ones),
+   and finally the core Tika MimeTypes is used as a backup. This
+   allows for specific, detailed detectors to take preference over
+   the default mime magic + filename detector. (TIKA-786)
+ * Microsoft Project (MPP): Filetype detection has been fixed,
+   and basic metadata (but no text) is now extracted. (TIKA-789)
+ * Outlook: fixed NullPointerException in TikaGUI when messages with
+   embedded RTF or HTML content were filtered (TIKA-801).
+ * Ogg Vorbis and FLAC: Parser added for Ogg Vorbis and FLAC audio
+   files, which extract audio metadata and tags (TIKA-747)
+ * MP4: Improved mime magic detection for MP4 based formats (including
+   QuickTime, MP4 Video and Audio, and 3GPP) (TIKA-851)
+ * MP4: Basic metadata extracting parser for MP4 files added, which includes
+   limited audio and video metadata, along with the iTunes media metadata
+   (such as Artist and Title) (TIKA-852)
+ * Document Passwords: A new ParseContext object, PasswordProvider,
+   has been added. This provides a way to supply the password for 
+   a document during processing. Currently, only password protected
+   PDFs and Microsoft OOXML Files are supported. (TIKA-850)
+Release 1.0 - 11/4/2011
+The most notable changes in Tika 1.0 over previous releases are:
+ * API: All methods, classes and interfaces that were marked as
+   deprecated in Tika 0.10 have been removed to clean up the API
+   (TIKA-703). You may need to adjust and recompile client code
+   accordingly. The declared OSGi package versions are now 1.0, and
+   will thus not resolve for client bundles that still refer to 0.x
+   versions (TIKA-565).
+ * Configuration: The context class loader of the current thread is
+   no longer used as the default for loading configured parser and
+   detector classes. You can still pass an explicit class loader
+   to the configuration mechanism to get the previous behaviour.
+   (TIKA-565)
+ * OSGi: The tika-core bundle will now automatically pick up and use
+   any available Parser and Detector services when deployed to an OSGi
+   environment. The tika-parsers bundle provides such services based on
+   for all the supported file formats for which the upstream parser library
+   is available. If you don't want to track all the parser libraries as
+   separate OSGi bundles, you can use the tika-bundle bundle that packages
+   tika-parsers together with all its upstream dependencies. (TIKA-565)
+ * RTF: Hyperlinks in RTF documents are now extracted as an <a
+   href=...>...</a> element (TIKA-632). The RTF parser is also now
+   more robust when encountering too many closing {'s vs. opening {'s
+   (TIKA-733).
+ * MS Word: From Word (.doc) documents we now extract optional hyphen
+   as Unicode zero-width space (U+200B), and non-breaking hyphen as
+   Unicode non-breaking hyphen (U+2011). (TIKA-711)
+ * Outlook: Tika can now process also attachments in Outlook messages.
+   (TIKA-396)
+ * MS Office: Performance of extracting embedded office docs was improved.
+   (TIKA-753)
+ * PDF: The PDF parser now extracts paragraphs within each page 
+   (TIKA-742) and  can now optionally extract text from PDF 
+   annotations (TIKA-738). There's also an option to enable (the 
+   default) or disable auto-space insertion (TIKA-724). 
+ * Language detection: Tika can now detect Belarusian, Catalan,
+   Esperanto, Galician, Lithuanian (TIKA-582), Romanian, Slovak,
+   Slovenian, and Ukrainian (TIKA-681).
+ * Java: Tika no longer ships retrotranslated Java 1.4 binaries along
+   with the normal ones that work with Java 5 and higher. (TIKA-744)
+ * OpenOffice documents: header/footer text is now extracted for text,
+   presentation and spreadsheet documents (TIKA-736)
+Tika 1.0 relies on the following set of major dependencies (generated using
+mvn dependency:tree from tika-parsers):
+   org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:bundle:1.0
+   +- org.apache.tika:tika-core:jar:1.0:compile
+   +- edu.ucar:netcdf:jar:4.2-min:compile
+   |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6:compile
+   +- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:jar:0.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:jar:0.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.3:compile
+   +- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.5:compile
+   +- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  \- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   |  |  \- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:jar:2.3.0:compile
+   |  \- dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec:jar:1.0.1:compile
+   +- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:jar:1.2.1:compile
+   +- asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
+   +- com.drewnoakes:metadata-extractor:jar:2.4.0-beta-1:compile
+   +- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:jar:1.1.0:compile
+   +- rome:rome:jar:0.9:compile
+      \- jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:compile
+The following people have contributed to Tika 1.0 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+Andrzej Bialecki
+Antoni Mylka
+Benson Margulies
+Chris A. Mattmann
+Cristian Vat
+Dave Meikle
+David Smiley
+Dennis Adler
+Erik Hetzner
+Ingo Renner
+Jeremias Maerki
+Jeremy Anderson
+Jeroen van Vianen
+John Bartak
+Jukka Zitting
+Julien Nioche
+Ken Krugler
+Mark Butler
+Maxim Valyanskiy
+Michael Bryant
+Michael McCandless 
+Nick Burch
+Pablo Queixalos
+Uwe Schindler
+Žygimantas Medelis
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.10 - 09/25/2011
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.10 over previous releases are:
+ * A parser for CHM help files was added. (TIKA-245)
+ * TIKA-698: Invalid characters are now replaced with the Unicode
+   replacement character (U+FFFD), whereas before such characters were
+   replaced with spaces, so you may need to change your processing of
+   Tika's output to now handle U+FFFD.
+ * The RTF parser was rewritten to perform its own direct shallow
+   parse of the RTF content, instead of using RTFEditorKit from
+   javax.swing.  This fixes several issues in the old parser,
+   including doubling of Unicode characters in certain cases
+   (TIKA-683), exceptions on mal-formed RTF docs (TIKA-666), and
+   missing text from some elements (header/footer, hyperlinks,
+   footnotes, text inside pictures).
+ * Handling of temporary files within Tika was much improved
+   (TIKA-701, TIKA-654, TIKA-645, TIKA-153)
+ * The Tika GUI got a facelift and some extra features (TIKA-635)
+ * The apache-mime4j dependency of the email message parser was upgraded
+   from version 0.6 to 0.7 (TIKA-716). The parser also now accepts a
+   MimeConfig object in the ParseContext as configuration (TIKA-640).
+Tika 0.10 relies on the following set of major dependencies (generated using
+mvn dependency:tree from tika-parsers):
+   org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:bundle:0.10
+   +- org.apache.tika:tika-core:jar:0.10:compile
+   +- edu.ucar:netcdf:jar:4.2-min:compile
+   |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6:compile
+   +- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:jar:0.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:jar:0.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.1:compile
+   +- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.4:compile
+   +- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:jar:1.6.0:compile
+   |  \- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:jar:3.8-beta4:compile
+   |  |  \- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:jar:2.3.0:compile
+   |  \- dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec:jar:1.0.1:compile
+   +- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:jar:1.2.1:compile
+   +- asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
+   +- com.drewnoakes:metadata-extractor:jar:2.4.0-beta-1:compile
+   +- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:jar:1.1.0:compile
+   +- rome:rome:jar:0.9:compile
+      \- jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:compile
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.10 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Alain Viret
+   Alex Ott
+   Alexander Chow
+   Andreas Kemkes
+   Andrew Khoury
+   Babak Farhang
+   Benjamin Douglas
+   Benson Margulies
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   chris hudson
+   Chris Lott
+   Cristian Vat
+   Curt Arnold
+   Cynthia L Wong
+   Dave Brosius
+   David Benson
+   Enrico Donelli
+   Erik Hetzner
+   Erna de Groot
+   Gabriele Columbro
+   Gavin
+   Geoff Jarrad
+   Gregory Kanevsky
+   gunter rombauts
+   Henning Gross
+   Henri Bergius
+   Ingo Renner
+   Ingo Wiarda
+   Izaak Alpert
+   Jan H√∏ydahl
+   Jens Wilmer
+   Jeremy Anderson
+   Joseph Vychtrle
+   Joshua Turner
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Julien Nioche
+   Karl Heinz Marbaise
+   Ken Krugler
+   Kostya Gribov
+   Luciano Leggieri
+   Mads Hansen
+   Mark Butler
+   Matt Sheppard
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Michael McCandless
+   Michael Pisula
+   Murad Shahid
+   Nick Burch
+   Oleg Tikhonov
+   Pablo Queixalos
+   Paul Jakubik
+   Raimund Merkert
+   Rajiv Kumar
+   Robert Trickey
+   Sami Siren
+   samraj
+   Selva Ganesan
+   Sjoerd Smeets
+   Stephen Duncan Jr
+   Tran Nam Quang
+   Uwe Schindler
+   Vitaliy Filippov
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.9 - 02/13/2011
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.9 over previous releases are:
+ * A critical bugfix preventing metadata from printing to the 
+   command line when the underlying Parser didn't generate 
+   XHTML output was fixed. (TIKA-596)
+ * The 0.8 version of Tika included a NetCDF jar file that pulled 
+   in tremendous amounts of redundant dependencies. This has 
+   been addressed in Tika 0.9 by republishing a minimal NetCDF 
+   jar and changing Tika to depend on that. (TIKA-556)
+ * MIME detection for iWork, and OpenXML documents has been 
+   improved. (TIKA-533, TIKA-562, TIKA-588)
+ * A critical backwards incompatible bug in PDF parsing that 
+   was introduced in Tika 0.8 has been fixed. (TIKA-548)
+ * Support for forked parsing in separate processes was added. 
+   (TIKA-416)
+ * Tika's language identifier now supports the Lithuanian 
+   language. (TIKA-582)
+Tika 0.9 relies on the following set of major dependencies (generated using
+mvn dependency:tree from tika-parsers):
+   org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:bundle:0.9
+   +- org.apache.tika:tika-core:jar:0.9:compile
+   +- edu.ucar:netcdf:jar:4.2-min:compile
+   |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6:compile
+   +- commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1:compile
+   |  +- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile (version managed 
from 1.0.4)
+   |  \- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.2:compile
+   +- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j:jar:0.6:compile
+   +- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:jar:1.4.0:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:jar:1.4.0:compile
+   |  \- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:jar:1.4.0:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:jar:3.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:jar:3.7:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:jar:3.7:compile
+   |  |  \- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:jar:2.3.0:compile
+   |  \- dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec:jar:1.0.1:compile
+   +- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:jar:1.2:compile
+   +- asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
+   +- com.drewnoakes:metadata-extractor:jar:2.4.0-beta-1:compile
+   +- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:jar:1.1.0:compile
+   +- rome:rome:jar:0.9:compile
+      \- jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:compile
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.9 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Alex Skochin
+   Alexander Chow
+   Antoine L.
+   Antoni Mylka
+   Benjamin Douglas
+   Benson Margulies
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Cristian Vat
+   Cyriel Vringer
+   David Benson
+   Erik Hetzner
+   Gabriel Miklos
+   Geoff Jarrad
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Ken Krugler
+   Kostya Gribov
+   Leszek Piotrowicz
+   Martijn van Groningen
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Michel Tremblay
+   Nick Burch
+   paul
+   Paul Pearcy
+   Peter van Raamsdonk
+   Piotr Bartosiewicz
+   Reinhard Schwab
+   Scott Severtson
+   Shinsuke Sugaya
+   Staffan Olsson
+   Steve Kearns
+   Tom Klonikowski
+   ≈Ωygimantas Medelis
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.8 - 11/07/2010
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.8 over previous releases are:
+ * Language identification is now dynamically configurable, 
+   managed via a config file loaded from the classpath. (TIKA-490)
+ * Tika now supports parsing Feeds by wrapping the underlying
+   Rome library. (TIKA-466)
+ * A quick-start guide for Tika parsing was contributed. (TIKA-464)
+ * An approach for plumbing through XHTML attributes was added. (TIKA-379)
+ * Media type hierarchy information is now taken into account when
+   selecting the best parser for a given input document. (TIKA-298)
+ * Support for parsing common scientific data formats including netCDF
+   and HDF4/5 was added (TIKA-400 and TIKA-399).
+ * Unit tests for Windows have been fixed, allowing TestParsers
+   to complete. (TIKA-398)
+Tika 0.8 relies on the following set of major dependencies (generated using
+mvn dependency:tree from tika-parsers):
+   org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:bundle:0.8
+   +- org.apache.tika:tika-core:jar:0.8:compile
+   +- edu.ucar:netcdf:jar:4.2:compile
+   |  \- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.5.6:compile
+   +- commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1:compile
+   |  +- commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1:compile (version managed 
from 1.0.4)
+   |  \- commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.2:compile
+   +- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:jar:1.3.1:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:jar:1.3.1:compile
+   |  \- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:jar:1.3.1:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15:jar:1.45:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi:jar:3.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:jar:3.7:compile
+   +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:jar:3.7:compile
+   |  +- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:jar:3.7:compile
+   |  |  \- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:jar:2.3.0:compile
+   |  \- dom4j:dom4j:jar:1.6.1:compile
+   +- org.apache.geronimo.specs:geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec:jar:1.0.1:compile
+   +- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:jar:1.2:compile
+   +- asm:asm:jar:3.1:compile
+   +- com.drewnoakes:metadata-extractor:jar:2.4.0-beta-1:compile
+   +- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:jar:1.1.0:compile
+   +- rome:rome:jar:0.9:compile
+      \- jdom:jdom:jar:1.0:compile
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.8 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Łukasz Wiktor
+   Adam Wilmer
+   Alex Baranau
+   Alex Ott
+   André Ricardo
+   Andrey Barhatov
+   Andrey Sidorenko
+   Antoni Mylka
+   Arturo Beltran
+   Attila Kir√°ly
+   Brad Greenlee
+   Bruno Dumon
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Chris Bamford
+   Christophe Gourmelon
+   Dave Meikle
+   David Weekly
+   Dmitry Kuzmenko
+   Erik Hetzner
+   Geoff Jarrad
+   Gerd Bremer
+   Grant Ingersoll
+   Jan H√∏ydahl
+   Jean-Philippe Ricard
+   Jeremias Maerki
+   Joao Garcia
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Julien Nioche
+   Ken Krugler
+   Liam O'Boyle
+   Mads Hansen
+   Marcel May
+   Markus Goldbach
+   Martijn van Groningen
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Mike Hays
+   Miroslav Pokorny
+   Nick Burch
+   Otis Gospodnetic
+   Peter van Raamsdonk
+   Peter Wolanin
+   Piotr Bartosiewicz
+   Radek
+   Rajiv Kumar
+   Reinhard Schwab
+   rick cameron
+   Robert Muir
+   Sanjeev Rao
+   Simon Tyler
+   Sjoerd Smeets
+   Slavomir Varchula
+   Staffan Olsson
+   Tom De Leu
+   Uwe Schindler
+   Victor Kazakov
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.7 - 3/31/2010
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.7 over previous releases are:
+ * MP3 file parsing was improved, including Channel and SampleRate 
+   extraction and ID3v2 support (TIKA-368, TIKA-372). Further, audio
+   parsing mime detection was also improved for the MIDI format. (TIKA-199)
+ * Tika no longer relies on X11 for its RTF parsing functionality. (TIKA-386)
+ * A Thread-safe bug in the AutoDetectParser was discovered and 
+   addressed. (TIKA-374)
+ * Upgrade to PDFBox 1.0.0. The new PDFBox version improves PDF parsing
+   performance and fixes a number of text extraction issues. (TIKA-380)
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.7 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Adam Rauch
+   Benson Margulies
+   Brett S.
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Daan de Wit
+   Dave Meikle
+   Durville
+   Ingo Renner
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Ken Krugler
+   Kenny Neal
+   Markus Goldbach
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Nick Burch
+   Sami Siren
+   Uwe Schindler
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.6 - 01/20/2010
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.6 over the previous release are:
+ * Mime-type detection for HTML (and all types) has been improved, allowing 
+   HTML files and those HTML files that require a bit more observed content
+   before the type is properly detected, are now correctly identified by 
+   the AutoDetectParser. (TIKA-327, TIKA-357, TIKA-366, TIKA-367)
+ * Tika now has an additional OSGi bundle packaging that includes all the
+   required parser libraries. This bundle package makes it easy to use all
+   Tika features in an OSGi environment. (TIKA-340, TIKA-342)
+ * The Apache POI dependency used for parsing Microsoft Office file formats
+   has been upgraded to version 3.6. The most visible improvement in this
+   version is the notably reduced ooxml jar file size. The tika-app jar size
+   is now down to 15MB from the 25MB in Tika 0.5. (TIKA-353)
+ * Handling of character encoding information in input metadata and HTML
+   <meta> tags has been improved. When no applicable encoding information is
+   available, the encoding is detected by looking at the input data.
+   (TIKA-332, TIKA-334, TIKA-335, TIKA-341) 
+ * Some document types like Excel spreadsheets contain content like
+   numbers or formulas whose exact text format depends on the current locale.
+   So far Tika has used the platform default locale in such cases, but
+   clients can now explicitly specify the locale by passing a Locale instance
+   in the parse context. (TIKA-125)
+ * The default text output encoding of the tika-app jar is now UTF-8
+   when running on Mac OS X. This is because the default encoding used
+   by Java is not compatible with the console application in Mac OS X.
+   On all other platforms the text output from tika-app still uses
+   the platform default encoding. (TIKA-324)
+ * A flash video (video/x-flv) parser has been added. (TIKA-328)
+ * The handling of Number and Date cell formatting within the Microsoft Excel
+   documents has been added. This include currencies, percentages and
+   scientific formats. (TIKA-103)
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.6 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Andrzej Bialecki
+   Bertrand Delacretaz
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Dave Meikle
+   Erik Hetzner
+   Felix Meschberger
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Julien Nioche
+   Ken Krugler
+   Luke Nezda
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Niall Pemberton
+   Peter Wolanin
+   Piotr B.
+   Sami Siren
+   Yuan-Fang Li
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.5 - 11/14/2009
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.5 over the previous release are:
+ * Improved RDF/OWL mime detection using both MIME magic as well as
+   pattern matching (TIKA-309)
+ * An org.apache.tika.Tika facade class has been added to simplify common
+   text extraction and type detection use cases. (TIKA-269)
+ * A new parse context argument was added to the Parser.parse() method.
+   This context map can be used to pass things like a delegate parser or
+   other settings to the parsing process. The previous parse() method
+   signature has been deprecated and will be removed in Tika 1.0. (TIKA-275)
+ * A simple ngram-based language detection mechanism has been added along
+   with predefined language profiles for 18 languages. (TIKA-209)
+ * The media type registry in Tika was synchronized with the MIME type
+   configuration in the Apache HTTP Server. Tika now knows about 1274
+   different media types and can detect 672 of those using 927 file
+   extension and 280 magic byte patterns. (TIKA-285)
+ * Tika now uses the Apache PDFBox version 0.8.0-incubating for parsing PDF
+   documents. This version is notably better than the 0.7.3 release used
+   earlier. (TIKA-158)
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.5 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Alex Baranov
+   Bart Hanssens
+   Benson Margulies
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Daan de Wit
+   Erik Hetzner
+   Frank Hellwig
+   Jeff Cadow
+   Joachim Zittmayr
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Julien Nioche
+   Ken Krugler
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   MRIT64
+   Paul Borgermans
+   Piotr B.
+   Robert Newson
+   Sascha Szott
+   Ted Dunning
+   Thilo Goetz
+   Uwe Schindler
+   Yuan-Fang Li
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.4 - 07/14/2009
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.4 over the previous release are:
+  * Tika has been split to three different components for increased
+    modularity. The tika-core component contains the key interfaces and
+    core functionality of Tika, tika-parsers contains all the adapters
+    to external parser libraries, and tika-app bundles everything together
+    in a single executable jar file. (TIKA-219)
+  * All the three Tika components are packaged as OSGi bundles. (TIKA-228)
+  * Tika now uses the new Commons Compress library for improved support
+    of compression and packaging formats like gzip, bzip2, tar, cpio,
+    ar, zip and jar. (TIKA-204)
+  * The memory use of parsing Excel sheets with lots of numbers
+    has been considerably reduced. (TIKA-211)
+  * The AutoDetectParser now has basic protection against "zip bomb"
+    attacks, where a specially crafted input document can expand to
+    practically infinite amount of output text. (TIKA-216)
+  * The ParsingReader class can now use a thread pool or a more complex
+    execution model (java.util.concurrent.Executor) for the background
+    parsing task. (TIKA-215)
+  * Automatic type detection of text- and XML-based documents has been
+    improved. (TIKA-225)
+  * Charset detection functionality from the ICU4J library was inlined
+    in Tika to avoid the dependency to the large ICU4J jar. (TIKA-229)
+  * Composite parsers like the AutoDetectParser now make sure that any
+    RuntimeExceptions, IOExceptions or SAXExceptions unrelated to the given
+    document stream or content handler are converted to TikaExceptions
+    before being passed to the client. (TIKA-198, TIKA-237)
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.4 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Daan de Wit
+   Dave Meikle
+   David Weekly
+   Jeremias Maerki
+   Jonathan Koren
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Karl Heinz Marbaise
+   Keith R. Bennett
+   Maxim Valyanskiy
+   Niall Pemberton
+   Robert Burrell Donkin
+   Sami Siren
+   Siddharth Gargate
+   Uwe Schindler
+See for more details on these contributions.
+Release 0.3 - 03/09/2009
+The most notable changes in Tika 0.3 over the previous release are:
+ * Tika now supports mime type glob patterns specified using
+   standard JDK 1.4 (and beyond) syntax via the isregex attribute
+   on the glob tag. See:
+   for more information. (TIKA-194)
+ * Tika now supports the Office Open XML format used by
+   Microsoft Office 2007. (TIKA-152)
+ * All the metadata keys for Microsoft Office document properties are now
+   included as constants in the MSOffice interface. Clients should use
+   these constants instead of the raw string values to refer to specific
+   metadata items. (TIKA-186)
+ * Automatic detection of document types in Tika has been improved.
+   For example Tika can now detect plain text just by looking at the first
+   few bytes of the document. (TIKA-154)
+ * Tika now disables the loading of all external entities in XML files
+   that it parses as input documents. This improves security and avoids
+   problems with potentially broken references. (TIKA-185)
+ * Tika now replaces all invalid XML characters in the extracted text
+   content with spaces. This prevents problems when output from Tika
+   is processed with XML tools. (TIKA-180)
+ * The Tika CLI now correctly flushes its buffers when invoked with the
+   --text argument. This prevents the end of the text output from being
+   lost. (TIKA-179)
+ * Embedded text in MIDI files is now extracted. For example many karaoke
+   files contain song lyrics embedded as MIDI text.
+ * The text content of Microsoft Outlook message files no longer appears as
+   multiple copies in the extracted text. (TIKA-197)
+ * The ParsingReader class now makes most document metadata available
+   already before any of the extracted text is consumed. This makes it
+   easier for example to construct Lucene Document instances that contain
+   both extracted text and metadata. (TIKA-203)
+See for a list of all changes in Tika 0.3.
+The following people have contributed to Tika 0.3 by submitting or commenting
+on the issues resolved in this release:
+   Andrzej Rusin
+   Chris A. Mattmann
+   Dave Meikle
+   Georger Ara√∫jo
+   Guillermo Arribas
+   Jonathan Koren
+   Jukka Zitting
+   Karl Heinz Marbaise
+   Kumar Raja Jana
+   Paul Borgermans
+   Peter Becker
+   Sébastien Michel
+   Uwe Schindler
+See for more details on
+these contributions.
+Release 0.2 - 12/04/2008

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