diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v11/user.rst.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef5012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v11/user.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v11-users:
+.. _to-api-v11-users-route:
+**GET /api/1.1/users**
+  Retrieves all users.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                            
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                            
+  |``city``              | string |                                            
+  |``company``           | string |                                            
+  |``country``           | string |                                            
+  |``email``             | string |                                            
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                            
+  |``gid``               | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | hash   |                                            
+  |``lastUpdated``       | string |                                            
+  |``newUser``           | string |                                            
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                            
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                            
+  |``publicSshKey``      | string |                                            
+  |``registrationSent``  | string |                                            
+  |``role``              | string |                                            
+  |``roleName``          | string |                                            
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                            
+  |``uid``               | string |                                            
+  |``username``          | string |                                            
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+      "response": [
+                {
+                       "addressLine1": "",
+                       "addressLine2": "",
+                       "city": "",
+                       "company": "",
+                       "country": "",
+                       "email": "",
+                       "fullName": "Tom Simpson",
+                       "gid": "0",
+                       "id": "53",
+                       "lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 10:22:07",
+                       "newUser": true,
+                       "phoneNumber": "",
+                       "postalCode": "",
+                       "publicSshKey": "xxx",
+                       "registrationSent": true,
+                       "role": "6",
+                       "rolename": "admin",
+                       "stateOrProvince": "",
+                       "uid": "0",
+                       "username": "tsimpson"
+                },
+                {
+                       ... more users
+                },
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/users/:id**
+  Retrieves user by ID.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | User id.                                    |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                            
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                            
+  |``city``              | string |                                            
+  |``company``           | string |                                            
+  |``country``           | string |                                            
+  |``email``             | string |                                            
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                            
+  |``gid``               | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | hash   |                                            
+  |``lastUpdated``       | string |                                            
+  |``newUser``           | string |                                            
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                            
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                            
+  |``publicSshKey``      | string |                                            
+  |``registrationSent``  | string |                                            
+  |``role``              | string |                                            
+  |``roleName``          | string |                                            
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                            
+  |``uid``               | string |                                            
+  |``username``          | string |                                            
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+      "response": [
+                {
+                       "addressLine1": "",
+                       "addressLine2": "",
+                       "city": "",
+                       "company": "",
+                       "country": "",
+                       "email": "",
+                       "fullName": "Tom Simpson",
+                       "gid": "0",
+                       "id": "53",
+                       "lastUpdated": "2016-01-26 10:22:07",
+                       "newUser": true,
+                       "phoneNumber": "",
+                       "postalCode": "",
+                       "publicSshKey": "xxx",
+                       "registrationSent": true,
+                       "role": "6",
+                       "rolename": "admin",
+                       "stateOrProvince": "",
+                       "uid": "0",
+                       "username": "tsimpson"
+                }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/user/current**
+  Retrieves the profile for the authenticated user.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``email``             | string |                                            
+  |``city``              | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | string |                                            
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                            
+  |``company``           | string |                                            
+  |``country``           | string |                                            
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                            
+  |``localUser``         | boolean|                                            
+  |``uid``               | string |                                            
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                            
+  |``username``          | string |                                            
+  |``newUser``           | boolean|                                            
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                            
+  |``role``              | string |                                            
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                            
+  |``gid``               | string |                                            
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                            
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+           "response": {
+                            "email": "",
+                            "city": "",
+                            "id": "50",
+                            "phoneNumber": "",
+                            "company": "",
+                            "country": "",
+                            "fullName": "Tom Callahan",
+                            "localUser": true,
+                            "uid": "0",
+                            "stateOrProvince": "",
+                            "username": "tommyboy",
+                            "newUser": false,
+                            "addressLine2": "",
+                            "role": "6",
+                            "addressLine1": "",
+                            "gid": "0",
+                            "postalCode": ""
+           },
+    }
+**POST /api/1.1/user/current/update**
+  Updates the date for the authenticated user.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``email``             | string |                                            
+  |``city``              | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | string |                                            
+  |``phoneNumber``       | string |                                            
+  |``company``           | string |                                            
+  |``country``           | string |                                            
+  |``fullName``          | string |                                            
+  |``localUser``         | boolean|                                            
+  |``uid``               | string |                                            
+  |``stateOrProvince``   | string |                                            
+  |``username``          | string |                                            
+  |``newUser``           | boolean|                                            
+  |``addressLine2``      | string |                                            
+  |``role``              | string |                                            
+  |``addressLine1``      | string |                                            
+  |``gid``               | string |                                            
+  |``postalCode``        | string |                                            
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+     "user": {
+        "email": "",
+        "city": "",
+        "id": "",
+        "phoneNumber": "",
+        "company": "",
+        "country": "",
+        "fullName": "",
+        "localUser": true,
+        "uid": "0",
+        "stateOrProvince": "",
+        "username": "tommyboy",
+        "newUser": false,
+        "addressLine2": "",
+        "role": "6",
+        "addressLine1": "",
+        "gid": "0",
+        "postalCode": ""
+     }
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts": [
+                    {
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "UserProfile was successfully updated."
+                    }
+            ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/user/current/jobs.json**
+  Retrieves the user's list of jobs.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  +--------------+----------+----------------------------------------+
+  |    Name      | Required |              Description               |
+  +==============+==========+========================================+
+  | ``keyword``  | no       | PURGE                                  |
+  +--------------+----------+----------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``keyword``           | string |                                            
+  |``objectName``        | string |                                            
+  |``assetUrl``          | string |                                            
+  |``assetType``         | string |                                            
+  |``status``            | string |                                            
+  |``dsId``              | string |                                            
+  |``dsXmlId``           | string |                                            
+  |``username``          | boolean|                                            
+  |``parameters``        | string |                                            
+  |``enteredTime``       | string |                                            
+  |``objectType``        | string |                                            
+  |``agent``             | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | string |                                            
+  |``startTime``         | string |                                            
+  |``version``           | string |                                            
+  **Response Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "id": "1",
+           "keyword": "PURGE",
+           "objectName": null,
+           "assetUrl": "",
+           "assetType": "file",
+           "status": "PENDING",
+           "dsId": "9999",
+           "dsXmlId": "ds-xml-id",
+           "username": "peewee",
+           "parameters": "TTL:56h",
+           "enteredTime": "2015-01-21 18:00:16",
+           "objectType": null,
+           "agent": "",
+           "startTime": "2015-01-21 10:45:38"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+Invalidating content on the CDN is sometimes necessary when the origin was 
mis-configured and something is cached in the CDN that needs to be removed. 
Given the size of a typical Traffic Control CDN and the amount of content that 
can be cached in it, removing the content from all the caches may take a long 
time. To speed up content invalidation, Traffic Ops will not try to remove the 
content from the caches, but it makes the content inaccessible using the 
*regex_revalidate* ATS plugin. This forces a *revalidation* of the content, 
rather than a new get.
+.. Note:: This method forces a HTTP *revalidation* of the content, and not a 
new *GET* - the origin needs to support revalidation according to the HTTP/1.1 
specification, and send a ``200 OK`` or ``304 Not Modified`` as applicable.
+Authentication Required: Yes
+Role(s) Required: Yes
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``dsId``              | string | Unique Delivery Service ID                 
+  |``regex``             | string | Path Regex this should be a                
+  |                      |        | `PCRE <>`_ compatible  
+  |                      |        | regular expression for the path to match 
for   |
+  |                      |        | forcing the revalidation. Be careful to 
only   |
+  |                      |        | match on the content you need to remove -  
+  |                      |        | revalidation is an expensive operation for 
+  |                      |        | many origins, and a simple ``/.*`` can 
cause   |
+  |                      |        | an overload condition of the origin.       
+  |``startTime``         | string | Start Time is the time when the 
revalidation   |
+  |                      |        | rule will be made active. Populate         
+  |                      |        | with the current time to schedule ASAP.    
+  |``ttl``               | int    | Time To Live is how long the revalidation 
rule |
+  |                      |        | will be active for in hours. It usually 
makes  |
+  |                      |        | sense to make this the same as the         
+  |                      |        | ``Cache-Control`` header from the origin 
which |
+  |                      |        | sets the object time to live in cache      
+  |                      |        | (by ``max-age`` or ``Expires``). Entering 
a    |
+  |                      |        | longer TTL here will make the caches do    
+  |                      |        | unnecessary work.                          
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+           "dsId": "9999",
+           "regex": "/path/to/content.jpg",
+           "startTime": "2015-01-27 11:08:37",
+           "ttl": 54
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts":
+                  [
+                      { 
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "Successfully created purge job for: ."
+                      }
+                  ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.1/user/login**
+  Authentication of a user using username and password. Traffic Ops will send 
back a session cookie.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``u``                 | string | username                                   
+  |``p``                 | string | password                                   
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+       "u": "username",
+       "p": "password"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  |           Description            |
+  +=============+========+==================================+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  | A collection of alert messages.  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string | Success, info, warning or error. |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string | Alert message.                   |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |                                  |
+  +-------------+--------+----------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+   {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "Successfully logged in."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.1/user/:id/deliveryservices/available.json**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name            | Required | Description                                   
+  |id               | yes      |                                               
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``xmlId``             | string |                                            
+  |``id``                | string |                                            
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "xmlId": "ns-img",
+           "id": "90"
+        },
+        {
+           "xmlId": "ns-img-secure",
+           "id": "280"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.1/user/login/token**
+  Authentication of a user using a token.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``t``                 | string | token-value                                
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+       "t": "token-value"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  |  Parameter  |  Type  | Description |
+  +=============+========+=============+
+  | ``alerts``  | array  |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``>level``  | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``>text``   | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  | ``version`` | string |             |
+  +-------------+--------+-------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "error",
+           "text": "Unauthorized, please log in."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.1/user/logout**
+  User logout. Invalidates the session cookie.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``alerts``            | array  |                                            
+  |* ``level``           | string |                                            
+  |* ``text``            | string |                                            
+  |``version``           | string |                                            
+  **Response Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "You are logged out."
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**POST /api/1.1/user/reset_password**
+  Reset user password.
+  Authentication Required: No
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``email``             | string | The email address of the user to initiate  
+  |                      |        | password reset.                            
+  **Request Example**
+  ::
+    {
+     "email": ""
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter            | Type   | Description                                
+  |``alerts``            | array  | A collection of alert messages.            
+  |* ``level``           | string | Success, info, warning or error.           
+  |* ``text``            | string | Alert message.                             
+  |``version``           | string |                                            
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "alerts": [
+        {
+           "level": "success",
+           "text": "Successfully sent password reset to email 
+        }
+     ],
+    }
diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/api_capability.rst.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794dd4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/api_capability.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-api_capability:
+.. _to-api-v12-api-capability-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/api_capabilities**
+  Get all API-capability mappings.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Query Parameters**
+  +----------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  |    Name        | Required | Type   |         Description                |
+  +================+==========+========+====================================+
+  | ``capability`` |   no     | string | Capability name.                   |
+  +----------------+----------+--------+------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                   
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           },
+           {
+              "id": "7",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns/*",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/api_capabilities/:id**
+  Get an API-capability mapping by id.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-------------+----------+-------+-------------------------------------+
+  |    Name     | Required |  Type |         Description                 |
+  +=============+==========+=======+=====================================+
+  |   ``id``    |   yes    | int   | Mapping id.                         |
+  +-------------+----------+-------+-------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                   
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name.                              
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/asns",
+              "capability": "asn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**POST /api/1.2/api_capabilities**
+  Create an API-capability mapping.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Name        | Required | Type   |                Description            
+  | ``httpMethod`` | yes      | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 
+  | ``route``      | yes      | string | API route.                            
+  | ``capability`` | yes      | string | Capability name                       
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "httpMethod": "POST",
+        "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+        "capability": "cdn-write"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
+  | ``>id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                  
+  | ``>httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``>route``         | string | API route.                                   
+  | ``>capability``    | string | Capability name                              
+  | ``>lastUpdated``   | string |                                              
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "POST",
+              "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+              "capability": "cdn-write",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "API-capability mapping was created."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**PUT /api/1.2/api_capabilities/{:id}**
+  Edit an API-capability mapping.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              | Required | Type   |           Description              
+  |   ``id``          |   yes    | string | Mapping id.                        
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``route``         | string | API route.                                    
+  | ``capability``    | string | Capability name                               
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "httpMethod": "GET",
+        "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+        "capability": "cdn-read"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the creation, if success.     
+  | ``>id``            | int    | Mapping id.                                  
+  | ``>httpMethod``    | enum   | One of: 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 
+  | ``>route``         | string | API route.                                   
+  | ``>capability``    | string | Capability name                              
+  | ``>lastUpdated``   | string |                                              
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+              "id": "6",
+              "httpMethod": "GET",
+              "route": "/api/*/cdns",
+              "capability": "cdn-read",
+              "lastUpdated": "2017-04-02 08:22:43"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "API-capability mapping was updated."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
+**DELETE /api/1.2/api_capabilities/{:id}**
+  Delete a capability.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              | Required | Type   |           Description              
+  |   ``id``          |   yes    | string | Mapping id.                        
+  **Response Properties**
+  |  Parameter      |  Type    |           Description                         
+  |  ``alerts``     |  array   |  A collection of alert messages.              
+  |  ``>level``     |  string  |  success, info, warning or error.             
+  |  ``>text``      |  string  |  Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+          "alerts": [
+                    {
+                            "level": "success",
+                            "text": "API-capability mapping deleted."
+                    }
+            ],
+    }
diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/asn.rst.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5803cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/asn.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-asn:
+.. _to-api-v12-asns-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/asns**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  |   Name              | Required |                Description                
+  |   ``cachegroup``    |    no    | Filter ASNs by cache group ID             
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                               Description      
+  | ``lastUpdated``  | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last 
updated                      |
+  | ``id``           | string | Local unique identifier for the ASN            
+  | ``asn``          | string | Autonomous System Numbers per APNIC for 
identifying a service provider. |
+  | ``cachegroup``   | string | Related cachegroup name                        
+  | ``cachegroupId`` | string | Related cachegroup id                          
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "27",
+          "asn": "7015",
+          "cachegroup": "us-ma-woburn",
+          "cachegroupId": "27",
+        },
+        {
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "28",
+          "asn": "7016",
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "13"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/asns/:id**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | ASN id.                                     |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                               Description      
+  | ``lastUpdated``  | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last 
updated                      |
+  | ``id``           | string | Local unique identifier for the ASN            
+  | ``asn``          | string | Autonomous System Numbers per APNIC for 
identifying a service provider. |
+  | ``cachegroup``   | string | Related cachegroup name                        
+  | ``cachegroupId`` | string | Related cachegroup id                          
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "28",
+          "asn": "7016",
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "13"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+**PUT /api/1.2/asns/{:id}**
+  Allows user to edit an ASN.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  | Name              |   Type   |                 Description                 
+  | ``id``            | int      | ASN id.                                     
+  **Request Properties**
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                 
+  | ``asn``           | string | ASN                                           
+  | ``cachegroupId``  | string | The cachegroup the ASN belongs to             
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "asn": "99",
+        "cachegroupId": "177"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the update, if success.       
+  | ``>name``          | string | CDN name.                                    
+  | ``>id``            |  int   | CDN id.                                      
+  | ``>dnssecEnabled`` | string | Whether dnssec is enabled.                   
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.              
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.             
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "28",
+          "asn": "99",
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "177"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "cdn was updated."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/cache.rst.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f56b46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/cache.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-cache:
+.. _to-api-v12-cache-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/caches/stats**
+  Retrieves cache stats from Traffic Monitor. Also includes rows for 
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter                  | Type          | Description                   
+  |``profile``                 | string        | The profile of the cache.     
+  |``cachegroup``              | string        | The cache group of the cache. 
+  |``hostname``                | string        | The hostname of the cache.    
+  |``ip``                      | string        | The IP address of the cache.  
+  |``status``                  | string        | The status of the cache.      
+  |``healthy``                 | string        | Has Traffic Monitor marked 
the cache as healthy or unhealthy?                           |
+  |``connections``             | string        | Cache connections             
+  |``kbps``                    | string        | Cache kbps out                
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+          "profile": "ALL",
+          "cachegroup": "ALL",
+          "hostname": "ALL",
+          "ip": null,
+          "status": "ALL",
+          "healthy": true,
+          "connections": 934424,
+          "kbps": 618631875
+        },
+        {
+          "profile": "EDGE1_FOO_721-ATS621-45",
+          "cachegroup": "us-nm-albuquerque",
+          "hostname": "foo-bar-alb-01",
+          "ip": "",
+          "status": "REPORTED",
+          "healthy": true,
+          "connections": 373,
+          "kbps": 390136
+        },
+      ]
+    }
diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/cache_stats.rst.txt 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dffc9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/cache_stats.rst.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+.. you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+.. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+.. WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+.. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+.. limitations under the License.
+.. _to-api-v12-cache-stats:
+Cache Statistics
+.. _to-api-v12-cache-stats-route:
+**GET /api/1.2/cache_stats.json**
+  Retrieves statistics about the CDN. 
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Query Parameters**
+  |    Name                  | Required |              Description             
+  | ``cdnName``              | yes      | The CDN name to return cache stats 
+  | ``metricType``           | yes      | The metric type (valid metric types: 
'ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections', 'bandwidth', 'maxKbps')    
+  | ``startDate``            | yes      | The begin date (Formatted as 
ISO8601, for example: '2015-08-11T12:30:00-06:00')                              
+  | ``endDate``              | yes      | The end date (Formatted as ISO8601, 
for example: '2015-08-12T12:30:00-06:00')                                       
+  **Response Properties**
+  | Parameter                  | Type          | Description                   
+  |``summary``                 | hash          | Summary data                  
+  |``>count``                  | int           |                               
+  |``>min``                    | float         |                               
+  |``>max``                    | float         |                               
+  |``>fifthPercentile``        | float         |                               
+  |``>ninetyEighthPercentile`` | float         |                               
+  |``>ninetyFifthPercentile``  | float         |                               
+  |``>average``                | float         |                               
+  |``series``                  | hash          | Series data                   
+  |``>count``                  | int           |                               
+  |``>columns``                | array         |                               
+  |``>name``                   | string        |                               
+  |``>values``                 | array         |                               
+  |``>>time``                  | string        |                               
+  |``>>value``                 | float         |                               
+  **Response Example** ::
+                {
+                    "response": {
+                        "series": {
+                            "columns": [
+                                "time",
+                                ""
+                            ],
+                            "count": 29,
+                            "name": "bandwidth",
+                            "tags": {
+                                "cdn": "over-the-top"
+                            },
+                            "values": [
+                                [
+                                    "2015-08-10T22:40:00Z",
+                                    229340299720
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    "2015-08-10T22:41:00Z",
+                                    224309221713.334
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    "2015-08-10T22:42:00Z",
+                                    229551834168.334
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    "2015-08-10T22:43:00Z",
+                                    225179658876.667
+                                ],
+                                [
+                                    "2015-08-10T22:44:00Z",
+                                    230443968275
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        },
+                        "summary": {
+                            "average": 970410.295,
+                            "count": 1376041798,
+                            "fifthPercentile": 202.03,
+                            "max": 3875441.02,
+                            "min": 0,
+                            "ninetyEighthPercentile": 2957940.93,
+                            "ninetyFifthPercentile": 2366728.63
+                        }
+                    }
+                }

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