diff --git a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/deliveryservice.rst.txt 
index a79345a..f977fc9 100644
--- a/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/deliveryservice.rst.txt
+++ b/docs/master/_sources/api/v12/deliveryservice.rst.txt
@@ -51,157 +51,157 @@ Delivery Service
   **Response Properties**
-  |        Parameter         |  Type  |                                        
-  | ``active``               |  bool  | true if active, false if inactive.     
-  | ``cacheurl``             | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this 
delivery service.                                                               
-  | ``ccrDnsTtl``            |  int   | The TTL of the DNS response for A or 
AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                         
-  | ``cdnId``                |  int   | Id of the CDN to which the delivery 
service belongs to.                                                             
-  | ``cdnName``              | string | Name of the CDN to which the delivery 
service belongs to.                                                             
-  | ``checkPath``            | string | The path portion of the URL to check 
this deliveryservice for health.                                                
-  | ``deepCachingType``      | string | When to do Deep Caching for this 
Delivery Service:                                                               
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - NEVER (default)                      
-  |                          |        | - ALWAYS                               
-  | ``displayName``          | string | The display name of the delivery 
-  | ``dnsBypassCname``       | string |                                        
-  | ``dnsBypassIp``          | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a DNS 
deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                     
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``dnsBypassIp6``         | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a DNS 
deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                      
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``dnsBypassTtl``         |  int   | The TTL of the DNS bypass response.    
-  | ``dscp``                 |  int   | The Differentiated Services Code Point 
(DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.               
-  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``    | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to 
-  | ``exampleURLs``          | array  | Entry points into the CDN for this 
-  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``  | string |                                        
-  | ``geoLimit``             |  int   | - 0: None - no limitations             
-  |                          |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit        
-  |                          |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when 
from USA                                                                        
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | Note that this does not prevent access 
to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                            
-  |                          |        | routing to the content by Traffic 
-  | ``geoLimitCountries``    | string |                                        
-  | ``geoProvider``          |  int   |                                        
-  | ``globalMaxMbps``        |  int   | The maximum global bandwidth allowed 
on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the                 
-  |                          |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices 
and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.                            
-  | ``globalMaxTps``         |  int   | The maximum global transactions per 
second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded                   
-  |                          |        | traffic will be sent to the 
dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for             
-  |                          |        | HTTP deliveryservices                  
-  | ``fqPacingRate``         |  int   | The maximum rate in bytes per second 
for each TCP connection in this delivery service. If exceeded,                  
-  |                          |        | will be rate limited by the Linux 
kernel. A default value of 0 disables this feature                              
-  | ``httpBypassFqdn``       | string | The HTTP destination to use for bypass 
on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the           
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``id``                   |  int   | The deliveryservice id (database row 
-  | ``infoUrl``              | string | Use this to add a URL that points to 
more information about that deliveryservice.                                    
-  | ``initialDispersion``    |  int   |                                        
-  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``   |  bool  | false: send IPv4 address of Traffic 
Router to client on HTTP type del.                                              
-  | ``lastUpdated``          | string |                                        
-  | ``logsEnabled``          |  bool  |                                        
-  | ``longDesc``             | string | Description field.                     
-  | ``longDesc1``            | string | Description field 1.                   
-  | ``longDesc2``            | string | Description field 2.                   
-  | ``maxDnsAnswers``        |  int   | The maximum number of IPs to put in a 
A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                          
-  |                          |        | available).                            
-  | ``midHeaderRewrite``     | string | The MID header rewrite actions to 
-  | ``missLat``              | float  | The latitude as decimal degrees to use 
when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                   
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - e.g. 39.7391500 or null              
-  | ``missLong``             | float  | The longitude as decimal degrees to 
use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.               
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - e.g. -104.9847000 or null            
-  | ``multiSiteOrigin``      |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature 
enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See 
:ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  | ``orgServerFqdn``        | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN when 
used in this instance, includes the                                             
-  |                          |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for use 
in retrieving content from the origin server.                                   
-  | ``originShield``         | string |                                        
-  | ``profileDescription``   | string | The description of the Traffic Router 
Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                          
-  | ``profileId``            |  int   | The id of the Traffic Router Profile 
with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                  
-  | ``profileName``          | string | The name of the Traffic Router Profile 
with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                  
-  | ``protocol``             |  int   | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE        
-  |                          |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE       
-  |                          |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and 
https:// at EDGE                                                                
-  | ``qstringIgnore``        |  int   | - 0: no special query string handling; 
it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                           
-  |                          |        | - 1: ignore query string in cache-key, 
but pass it up to parent and or origin.                                         
-  |                          |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, and do 
not use it in the cache-key.                                                    
-  | ``rangeRequestHandling`` |  int   | How to treat range requests:           
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested 
from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)    
-  |                          |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch 
 plugin. |
-  |                          |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests 
-  | ``regexRemap``           | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
-  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``  |  bool  | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
-  | ``remapText``            | string | Additional raw remap line text.        
-  | ``routingName``          | string | The routing name of this 
deliveryservice, e.g. <routingName>.<xmlId>                            
-  | ``signed``               |  bool  | - false: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
-  |                          |        | - true: token based auth is enabled 
for this deliveryservice.                                                       
-  | ``signingAlgorithm``     | string | - null: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
-  |                          |        | - "url_sig": URL Sign token based auth 
is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                            
-  |                          |        | - "uri_signing": URI Signing token 
based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                 
-  | ``sslKeyVersion``        |  int   |                                        
-  | ``tenant``               | string | Owning tenant name                     
-  | ``tenantId``             | int    | Owning tenant ID                       
-  | ``trRequestHeaders``     | string | List of header keys separated by 
``__RETURN__``. Listed headers will be included in TR access log entries under 
the "rh=" token.     |
-  | ``trResponseHeaders``    | string | List of header ``name:value`` pairs 
separated by ``__RETURN__``. Listed pairs will be included in all TR HTTP 
responses.             |
-  | ``typeId``               |  int   | The type of this deliveryservice (one 
of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                       
-  | ``xmlId``                | string | Unique string that describes this 
+  | Parameter                    | Type   | Description                        
+  | ``active``                   | bool   | true if active, false if inactive. 
+  | ``anonymousBlockingEnabled`` | bool   | - true: enable blocking clients 
with anonymous ips                                                              
+  |                              |        | - false: disabled                  
+  | ``cacheurl``                 | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this 
delivery service.                                                               
+  | ``ccrDnsTtl``                | int    | The TTL of the DNS response for A 
or AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                      
+  | ``cdnId``                    | int    | Id of the CDN to which the 
delivery service belongs to.                                                    
+  | ``cdnName``                  | string | Name of the CDN to which the 
delivery service belongs to.                                                    
+  | ``checkPath``                | string | The path portion of the URL to 
check this deliveryservice for health.                                          
+  | ``deepCachingType``          | string | When to do Deep Caching for this 
Delivery Service:                                                               
+  |                              |        |                                    
+  |                              |        | - NEVER (default)                  
+  |                              |        | - ALWAYS                           
+  | ``displayName``              | string | The display name of the delivery 
+  | ``dnsBypassCname``           | string |                                    
+  | ``dnsBypassIp``              | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a 
DNS deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                 
+  |                              |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
+  | ``dnsBypassIp6``             | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a 
DNS deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                  
+  |                              |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
+  | ``dnsBypassTtl``             | int    | The TTL of the DNS bypass 
+  | ``dscp``                     | int    | The Differentiated Services Code 
Point (DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.         
+  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``        | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to 
+  | ``exampleURLs``              | array  | Entry points into the CDN for this 
+  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``      | string |                                    
+  | ``geoLimit``                 | int    | - 0: None - no limitations         
+  |                              |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit    
+  |                              |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when 
from USA                                                                        
+  |                              |        |                                    
+  |                              |        | Note that this does not prevent 
access to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                     
+  |                              |        | routing to the content by Traffic 
+  | ``geoLimitCountries``        | string |                                    
+  | ``geoProvider``              | int    |                                    
+  | ``globalMaxMbps``            | int    | The maximum global bandwidth 
allowed on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the         
+  |                              |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS 
deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.           
+  | ``globalMaxTps``             | int    | The maximum global transactions 
per second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded               
+  |                              |        | traffic will be sent to the 
dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for             
+  |                              |        | HTTP deliveryservices              
+  | ``fqPacingRate``             |  int   | The maximum rate in bytes per 
second for each TCP connection in this delivery service. If exceeded,           
+  |                              |        | will be rate limited by the Linux 
kernel. A default value of 0 disables this feature                              
+  | ``httpBypassFqdn``           | string | The HTTP destination to use for 
bypass on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the    
+  |                              |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
+  | ``id``                       | int    | The deliveryservice id (database 
row number).                                                                    
+  | ``infoUrl``                  | string | Use this to add a URL that points 
to more information about that deliveryservice.                                 
+  | ``initialDispersion``        | int    |                                    
+  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``       | bool   | false: send IPv4 address of 
Traffic Router to client on HTTP type del.                                      
+  | ``lastUpdated``              | string |                                    
+  | ``logsEnabled``              | bool   |                                    
+  | ``longDesc``                 | string | Description field.                 
+  | ``longDesc1``                | string | Description field 1.               
+  | ``longDesc2``                | string | Description field 2.               
+  | ``maxDnsAnswers``            | int    | The maximum number of IPs to put 
in a A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                     
+  |                              |        | available).                        
+  | ``midHeaderRewrite``         | string | The MID header rewrite actions to 
+  | ``missLat``                  | float  | The latitude as decimal degrees to 
use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.               
+  |                              |        | - e.g. 39.7391500 or null          
+  | ``missLong``                 | float  | The longitude as decimal degrees 
to use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.            
+  |                              |        | - e.g. -104.9847000 or null        
+  | ``multiSiteOrigin``          | bool   | Is the Multi Site Origin feature 
enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See 
:ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
+  | ``orgServerFqdn``            | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN 
when used in this instance, includes the                                        
+  |                              |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for 
use in retrieving content from the origin server.                               
+  | ``originShield``             | string |                                    
+  | ``profileDescription``       | string | The description of the Traffic 
Router Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                   
+  | ``profileId``                | int    | The id of the Traffic Router 
Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                          
+  | ``profileName``              | string | The name of the Traffic Router 
Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                          
+  | ``protocol``                 | int    | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE    
+  |                              |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE   
+  |                              |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and 
https:// at EDGE                                                                
+  | ``qstringIgnore``            | int    | - 0: no special query string 
handling; it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                 
+  |                              |        | - 1: ignore query string in 
cache-key, but pass it up to parent and or origin.                              
+  |                              |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, 
and do not use it in the cache-key.                                             
+  | ``rangeRequestHandling``     | int    | How to treat range requests:       
+  |                              |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested 
from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)    
+  |                              |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch 
 plugin. |
+  |                              |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests 
+  | ``regexRemap``               | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
+  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``      | bool   | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
+  | ``remapText``                | string | Additional raw remap line text.    
+  | ``routingName``              | string | The routing name of this 
deliveryservice, e.g. <routingName>.<xmlId>                            
+  | ``signed``                   | bool   | - false: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
+  |                              |        | - true: token based auth is 
enabled for this deliveryservice.                                               
+  | ``signingAlgorithm``         | string | - null: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
+  |                              |        | - "url_sig": URL Sign token based 
auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                       
+  |                              |        | - "uri_signing": URI Signing token 
based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                 
+  | ``sslKeyVersion``            | int    |                                    
+  | ``tenant``                   | string | Owning tenant name                 
+  | ``tenantId``                 | int    | Owning tenant ID                   
+  | ``trRequestHeaders``         | string | List of header keys separated by 
__RETURN__. Listed headers will be included in TR access log entries under the 
"rh=" token.         |
+  | ``trResponseHeaders``        | string | List of header name:value pairs 
separated by __RETURN__. Listed pairs will be included in all TR HTTP 
responses.                     |
+  | ``typeId``                   | int    | The type of this deliveryservice 
(one of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                  
+  | ``xmlId``                    | string | Unique string that describes this 
   **Response Example** ::
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ Delivery Service
       "response": [
             "active": true,
+            "anonymousBlockingEnabled": false,
             "cacheurl": null,
             "ccrDnsTtl": "3600",
             "cdnId": "2",
@@ -296,165 +297,165 @@ Delivery Service
   **Response Properties**
-  |        Parameter         |  Type  |                                        
-  | ``active``               |  bool  | true if active, false if inactive.     
-  | ``cacheurl``             | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this 
delivery service.                                                               
-  | ``ccrDnsTtl``            |  int   | The TTL of the DNS response for A or 
AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                         
-  | ``cdnId``                |  int   | Id of the CDN to which the delivery 
service belongs to.                                                             
-  | ``cdnName``              | string | Name of the CDN to which the delivery 
service belongs to.                                                             
-  | ``checkPath``            | string | The path portion of the URL to check 
this deliveryservice for health.                                                
-  | ``deepCachingType``      | string | When to do Deep Caching for this 
Delivery Service:                                                               
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - NEVER (default)                      
-  |                          |        | - ALWAYS                               
-  | ``displayName``          | string | The display name of the delivery 
-  | ``dnsBypassCname``       | string |                                        
-  | ``dnsBypassIp``          | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a DNS 
deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                     
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``dnsBypassIp6``         | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a DNS 
deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                      
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``dnsBypassTtl``         |  int   | The TTL of the DNS bypass response.    
-  | ``dscp``                 |  int   | The Differentiated Services Code Point 
(DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.               
-  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``    | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to 
-  | ``exampleURLs``          | array  | Entry points into the CDN for this 
-  | ``geoLimitRedirectUrl``  | string |                                        
-  | ``geoLimit``             |  int   | - 0: None - no limitations             
-  |                          |        | - 1: Only route on CZF file hit        
-  |                          |        | - 2: Only route on CZF hit or when 
from USA                                                                        
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | Note that this does not prevent access 
to content or makes content secure; it just prevents                            
-  |                          |        | routing to the content by Traffic 
-  | ``geoLimitCountries``    | string |                                        
-  | ``geoProvider``          |  int   |                                        
-  | ``globalMaxMbps``        |  int   | The maximum global bandwidth allowed 
on this deliveryservice. If exceeded, the traffic routes to the                 
-  |                          |        | dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices 
and to the httpBypassFqdn for HTTP deliveryservices.                            
-  | ``globalMaxTps``         |  int   | The maximum global transactions per 
second allowed on this deliveryservice. When this is exceeded                   
-  |                          |        | traffic will be sent to the 
dnsByPassIp* for DNS deliveryservices and to the httpBypassFqdn for             
-  |                          |        | HTTP deliveryservices                  
-  | ``fqPacingRate``         |  int   | The maximum rate in bytes per second 
for each TCP connection in this delivery service. If exceeded,                  
-  |                          |        | will be rate limited by the Linux 
kernel. A default value of 0 disables this feature                              
-  | ``httpBypassFqdn``       | string | The HTTP destination to use for bypass 
on an HTTP deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the           
-  |                          |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
-  | ``id``                   |  int   | The deliveryservice id (database row 
-  | ``infoUrl``              | string | Use this to add a URL that points to 
more information about that deliveryservice.                                    
-  | ``initialDispersion``    |  int   |                                        
-  | ``ipv6RoutingEnabled``   |  bool  | false: send IPv4 address of Traffic 
Router to client on HTTP type del.                                              
-  | ``lastUpdated``          | string |                                        
-  | ``logsEnabled``          |  bool  |                                        
-  | ``longDesc``             | string | Description field.                     
-  | ``longDesc1``            | string | Description field 1.                   
-  | ``longDesc2``            | string | Description field 2.                   
-  | ``matchList``            | array  | Array of matchList hashes.             
-  | ``>>type``               | string | The type of MatchList (one of 
:ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='regex').                                    
-  | ``>>setNumber``          | string | The set Number of the matchList.       
-  | ``>>pattern``            | string | The regexp for the matchList.          
-  | ``maxDnsAnswers``        |  int   | The maximum number of IPs to put in a 
A/AAAA response for a DNS deliveryservice (0 means all                          
-  |                          |        | available).                            
-  | ``midHeaderRewrite``     | string | The MID header rewrite actions to 
-  | ``missLat``              | float  | The latitude as decimal degrees to use 
when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.                   
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - e.g. 39.7391500 or null              
-  | ``missLong``             | float  | The longitude as decimal degrees to 
use when the client cannot be found in the CZF or the Geo lookup.               
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - e.g. -104.9847000 or null            
-  | ``multiSiteOrigin``      |  bool  | Is the Multi Site Origin feature 
enabled for this delivery service (0=false, 1=true). See 
:ref:`rl-multi-site-origin`                |
-  | ``orgServerFqdn``        | string | The origin server base URL (FQDN when 
used in this instance, includes the                                             
-  |                          |        | protocol (http:// or https://) for use 
in retrieving content from the origin server.                                   
-  | ``originShield``         | string |                                        
-  | ``profileDescription``   | string | The description of the Traffic Router 
Profile with which this deliveryservice is associated.                          
-  | ``profileId``            |  int   | The id of the Traffic Router Profile 
with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                  
-  | ``profileName``          | string | The name of the Traffic Router Profile 
with which this deliveryservice is associated.                                  
-  | ``protocol``             |  int   | - 0: serve with http:// at EDGE        
-  |                          |        | - 1: serve with https:// at EDGE       
-  |                          |        | - 2: serve with both http:// and 
https:// at EDGE                                                                
-  | ``qstringIgnore``        |  int   | - 0: no special query string handling; 
it is for use in the cache-key and pass up to origin.                           
-  |                          |        | - 1: ignore query string in cache-key, 
but pass it up to parent and or origin.                                         
-  |                          |        | - 2: drop query string at edge, and do 
not use it in the cache-key.                                                    
-  | ``rangeRequestHandling`` |  int   | How to treat range requests:           
-  |                          |        |                                        
-  |                          |        | - 0 Do not cache (ranges requested 
from files taht are already cached due to a non range request will be a HIT)    
-  |                          |        | - 1 Use the `background_fetch 
 plugin. |
-  |                          |        | - 2 Use the cache_range_requests 
-  | ``regexRemap``           | string | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
-  | ``regionalGeoBlocking``  |  bool  | Regex Remap rule to apply to this 
delivery service at the Edge tier.                                              
-  | ``remapText``            | string | Additional raw remap line text.        
-  | ``routingName``          | string | The routing name of this 
deliveryservice, e.g. <routingName>.<xmlId>                            
-  | ``signed``               |  bool  | - false: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
-  |                          |        | - true: token based auth is enabled 
for this deliveryservice.                                                       
-  | ``signingAlgorithm``     | string | - null: token based auth (see 
:ref:token-based-auth) is not enabled for this deliveryservice.                 
-  |                          |        | - "url_sig": URL Sign token based auth 
is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                            
-  |                          |        | - "uri_signing": URI Signing token 
based auth is enabled for this deliveryservice.                                 
-  | ``sslKeyVersion``        |  int   |                                        
-  | ``tenant``               | string | Owning tenant name                     
-  | ``tenantId``             | int    | Owning tenant ID                       
-  | ``trRequestHeaders``     | string | List of header keys separated by 
``__RETURN__``. Listed headers will be included in TR access log entries under 
the "rh=" token.     |
-  | ``trResponseHeaders``    | string | List of header ``name:value`` pairs 
separated by ``__RETURN__``. Listed pairs will be included in all TR HTTP 
responses.             |
-  | ``typeId``               |  int   | The type of this deliveryservice (one 
of :ref:to-api-v11-types use_in_table='deliveryservice').                       
-  | ``xmlId``                | string | Unique string that describes this 
+  | Parameter                    | Type   | Description                        
+  | ``active``                   | bool   | true if active, false if inactive. 
+  | ``anonymousBlockingEnabled`` | bool   | - true: enable blocking clients 
with anonymous ips                                                              
+  |                              |        | - false: disabled                  
+  | ``cacheurl``                 | string | Cache URL rule to apply to this 
delivery service.                                                               
+  | ``ccrDnsTtl``                | int    | The TTL of the DNS response for A 
or AAAA queries requesting the IP address of the tr. host.                      
+  | ``cdnId``                    | int    | Id of the CDN to which the 
delivery service belongs to.                                                    
+  | ``cdnName``                  | string | Name of the CDN to which the 
delivery service belongs to.                                                    
+  | ``checkPath``                | string | The path portion of the URL to 
check this deliveryservice for health.                                          
+  | ``deepCachingType``          | string | When to do Deep Caching for this 
Delivery Service:                                                               
+  |                              |        |                                    
+  |                              |        | - NEVER (default)                  
+  |                              |        | - ALWAYS                           
+  | ``displayName``              | string | The display name of the delivery 
+  | ``dnsBypassCname``           | string |                                    
+  | ``dnsBypassIp``              | string | The IPv4 IP to use for bypass on a 
DNS deliveryservice  - bypass starts when serving more than the                 
+  |                              |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
+  | ``dnsBypassIp6``             | string | The IPv6 IP to use for bypass on a 
DNS deliveryservice - bypass starts when serving more than the                  
+  |                              |        | globalMaxMbps traffic on this 
+  | ``dnsBypassTtl``             | int    | The TTL of the DNS bypass 
+  | ``dscp``                     | int    | The Differentiated Services Code 
Point (DSCP) with which to mark downstream (EDGE ->  customer) traffic.         
+  | ``edgeHeaderRewrite``        | string | The EDGE header rewrite actions to 
+  +----------


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