changeset b0a4025dc552 in modules/purchase:default
        Improve documentation


 doc/               |   61 ++++++++++++++++
 doc/design.rst            |  168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/index.rst             |   84 +++-------------------
 doc/usage/index.rst       |   13 +++
 doc/usage/prepurchase.rst |   56 +++++++++++++++
 doc/usage/process.rst     |  125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/usage/returns.rst     |   52 ++++++++++++++                  |    7 +-
 8 files changed, 491 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diffs (618 lines):

diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/       Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This file is part of Tryton.  The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of
+# this repository contains the full copyright notices and license terms.
+modules_url = '{module}/en/{series}/'
+trytond_url = '{series}/'
+def get_info():
+    import configparser
+    import os
+    import subprocess
+    import sys
+    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+    config.read_file(open(os.path.join(module_dir, 'tryton.cfg')))
+    info = dict(config.items('tryton'))
+    result =
+        [sys.executable, '', '--name'],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, cwd=module_dir)
+    info['name'] = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
+    result =
+        [sys.executable, '', '--version'],
+        stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, cwd=module_dir)
+    version = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
+    if 'dev' in version:
+        info['series'] = 'latest'
+    else:
+        info['series'] = '.'.join(version.split('.', 2)[:2])
+    for key in {'depends', 'extras_depend'}:
+        info[key] = info.get(key, '').strip().splitlines()
+    info['modules'] = set(info['depends'] + info['extras_depend'])
+    info['modules'] -= {'ir', 'res'}
+    return info
+info = get_info()
+master_doc = 'index'
+project = info['name']
+release = version = info['series']
+default_role = 'ref'
+highlight_language = 'none'
+extensions = [
+    'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
+    ]
+intersphinx_mapping = {
+    'trytond': (trytond_url.format(series=version), None),
+    }
+        m: (modules_url.format(
+                module=m.replace('_', '-'), series=version), None)
+        for m in info['modules']
+        })
+del get_info, info, modules_url, trytond_url
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/design.rst
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/design.rst    Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+The *Purchase Module* introduces some new concepts and updates existing
+concepts to make them work seamlessly with purchases.
+.. _model-purchase.purchase:
+The *Purchase* is used to manage the purchasing process.
+Each purchase, at any time, can be in one of several different states.
+A purchase progresses through these states until eventually it is either done
+or gets cancelled.
+When some of these state changes happen the
+`Employee <company:model-company.employee>` that triggered the state change is
+also recorded.
+Details are stored about the `Company <>` making
+the purchase and any other `Parties <>`,
+`Contact Mechanisms <party:model-party.contact_mechanism>` and
+`Addresses <party:model-party.address>` that relate to it, such as the
+supplier, the contact at the supplier or the party that is sending the
+`Invoice <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>`.
+A purchase is identified by a unique number that is generated automatically
+from the configured `Sequence <trytond:model-ir.sequence>` and may also have
+other general information such as the purchase date, a description, or a
+reference provided by the supplier.
+Each purchase is made up from one or more lines.
+These lines can be put into a particular order if desired.
+Normally most lines on a purchase provide information about which
+`Products <product:concept-product>` or items are required.
+Informational lines can also be added for things like titles, comments or
+The total, untaxed, and tax amounts for a purchase are derived from the
+amounts, prices and `Taxes <>` of the purchase's
+A destination `Warehouse <stock:concept-stock.location.warehouse>` is required
+for purchases of physical items such as goods or assets.
+The purchase will automatically create `Stock Moves <stock:model-stock.move>`
+for these products.
+These stock moves are linked to the purchase's lines and must be
+recreated or ignored if they get cancelled.
+`Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>` relating to the purchase
+may be created, depending on which invoice method is selected.
+These invoices are based on the details from the purchase, and must be
+recreated or ignored if they get cancelled.
+.. seealso::
+   Purchases can be found by opening the main menu item:
+      |Purchase --> Purchases|__ menu item.
+      .. |Purchase --> Purchases| replace:: :menuselection:`Purchase --> 
+      __
+.. _report-purchase.purchase:
+Purchase Report
+The *Purchase Report* provides a purchase order that can be sent to the
+supplier when making a purchase.
+It includes all the relevant information from the selected purchases.
+.. _wizard-purchase.handle.shipment.exception:
+Handle Shipment Exception
+The *Handle Shipment Exception* wizard helps the user ensure the purchase
+has the correct `Stock Moves <stock:model-stock.move>` associated with it.
+For stock moves that have been cancelled, it lets the user decide which
+should be re-created, and which should be ignored.
+.. _wizard-purchase.handle.invoice.exception:
+Handle Invoice Exception
+The *Handle Invoice Exception* wizard helps the user make sure the purchase
+only has the appropriate `Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>`
+associated with it.
+If any of the purchase's invoices get cancelled this wizard provides the user
+with the option to re-create or ignore the cancelled invoice.
+.. _wizard-purchase.modify_header:
+Modify Header
+Some fields on a draft purchase become read-only when lines are added to it.
+The *Modify Header* wizard allows the values in these fields to be safely
+.. _wizard-purchase.return_purchase:
+Return Purchase
+The *Return Purchase* wizard is used when a purchase needs to be sent back.
+It creates new draft purchases that match any selected purchases, but with
+all the quantities negated.
+.. _model-purchase.product_supplier:
+Product Supplier
+The *Product Supplier* concept links together a
+`Product <product:concept-product>` with a `Party <>`
+that acts as a supplier.
+The product can be either a `Product Template <product:model-product.template>`
+or one of its `Variants <product:model-product.product>`.
+Each `Company <>` has their own list of product
+A supplier's product name and code, and a lead time can be defined for each
+combination of products and suppliers.
+Also different purchase prices can be set for different minimum order
+.. seealso::
+   A list of products and their suppliers can be found by opening the main
+   menu item:
+      |Product --> Product Suppliers|__
+      .. |Product --> Product Suppliers| replace:: :menuselection:`Product --> 
Product Suppliers`
+      __
+.. _model-purchase.configuration:
+The *Purchase Configuration* concept is used to store the settings that affect
+the general behaviour and default values for purchase related activities.
+.. note::
+   Some of the purchase configuration options have no effect unless the
+   :doc:`Task Queue <trytond:topics/task_queue>` has been setup and some
+   workers are running.
+.. seealso::
+   Purchase configuration settings are found by opening the main menu item:
+      |Purchase --> Configuration --> Purchase Configuration|__
+      .. |Purchase --> Configuration --> Purchase Configuration| replace:: 
:menuselection:`Purchase --> Configuration --> Purchase Configuration`
+      __
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/index.rst
--- a/doc/index.rst     Thu Mar 11 23:00:10 2021 +0100
+++ b/doc/index.rst     Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -1,78 +1,16 @@
 Purchase Module
-The purchase module defines the Purchase model.
-The purchase is mainly defined by a party from which the products will
-be purchased and a list of purchase lines, each one containing a
-product and a quantity. Here is the extensive list of the fields, most
-of them are optional or completed with sensible default values:
-- Party: The supplier.
-- Contact: The contact who received the order.
-- Invoice Party: An optional different party that sends the invoice.
-- Invoice Address: The invoice address of the supplier.
-- Supplier Reference: Allow to keep track of the supplier reference
-  for this order.
-- Description: An optional description for the order.
-- Number: The internal reference of the purchase (will be generated
-  automatically on confirmation).
-- Reference: The optional external reference of the order.
-- Purchase Date: The date the purchase is made.
-- Payment Term: Define which payment term will be use for the future
-  invoice.
-- Warehouse: Define the warehouse where the shipment will be made.
-- Currency: define the currency to use for this purchase. All product
-  prices will be computed accordingly.
-- Purchase Lines:
+The *Purchase Module* provides everything that is required to create and
+manage purchases made by the company.
+It adds the idea of a purchase to Tryton, and allows it to be tracked as it
+moves through various states from draft to done.
+It makes it easy to create supplier shipments for the purchase, and includes
+the ability to automatically create related supplier invoices.
-  - Type: The type of the line. The default value is *Line* which
-    means that the current purchase line contains the fields defined
-    hereunder. The other values of Type (*Comment*, *Subtotal*,
-    *Title*) are used to add extra lines that will appear on the
-    report, thus allowing to easily customise it.
-  - Sequence: Allow to order lines. The value of this field is also
-    updated with a drag and drop between the lines.
-  - Product: An optional reference to the product to purchase.
-  - Description: The description of the product to purchase.
-  - Quantity: The quantity to purchase.
-  - Unit: The unit of measure in which is expressed the quantity.
-  - Unit Price: The unit price of the product expressed in the
-    currency of the purchase.
-  - Amount: The amount of the current line (Unit Price multiplied by
-    Quantity).
-  - Delivery Date: The computed date at which the product is expected to be
-    delivered.
-  - Taxes: The list of taxes that will be applied to the current line.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
-- Invoice State: The state of the invoice related to the purchase.
-- Shipment State: The state of the shipment related to the purchase.
-- Untaxed: The untaxed amount.
-- Tax: The tax amount.
-- Total: The total amount.
-- State: The state of the purchase. May take one of the following
-  values: Draft, Quotation, Confirmed, Cancelled.
-- Company: The company which issue the purchase order.
-- Invoice Method: May take one of the following values:
-  - Base on order: The invoice is created when the purchase order is confirmed.
-  - Base on shipment: The invoice is created when the shipment is
-    received and will contains the shipped quantities. If there are
-    several shipments for the same purchase, several invoices will be
-    created.
-  - Manual: Tryton doesn't create any invoice automatically.
-- Comments: A text fields to add custom comments.
-- Invoices: The list of related invoices.
-- Moves: The list of related stock moves.
-- Shipments: The list of related shipments.
-- Return Shipments: The list of the related shipment returns. If a Supplier
-  Return location is defined on warehouse it will be used on return shipments
-  as origin location. Otherwise the warehouse storage location will be used.
-The *Purchase* report allow to print the purchase orders or to send
-them by mail.
+   usage/index
+   design
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/usage/index.rst
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/usage/index.rst       Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Settings, information and tasks relating to purchases can be found under the
+[:menuselection:`Purchase`] main menu item.
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   prepurchase
+   process
+   returns
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/usage/prepurchase.rst
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/usage/prepurchase.rst Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. _Listing Suppliers:
+Listing Suppliers
+In Tryton, by definition, the `Parties <>` that your
+`Company <>` has bought from are its suppliers.
+The *Purchase Module* lets you list these when you open the
+[:menuselection:`Party --> Parties --> Parties associated to Purchases`]
+main menu item.
+.. tip::
+   For some companies it is important to know which parties are, or may
+   eventually be, suppliers before you have bought anything from them.
+   One way of doing this is to create a ``Supplier``
+   `Category <party:model-party.category>`, and add all the appropriate
+   parties to it.
+.. _Making products purchasable:
+Making products purchasable
+Before you can add a `Product <product:concept-product>` to a
+`Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` it must be marked as purchasable.
+When you do this you will also be able to set some additional properties such
+as the `Unit of Measure <product:model-product.uom>` the product is normally
+bought in, and which suppliers are used and their details about the product.
+.. _Setting bulk prices:
+Setting bulk prices
+Suppliers may offer different prices depending on how much of a
+`Product <product:concept-product>` is purchased.
+In Tryton you can record these prices using the
+`Product Supplier <model-purchase.product_supplier>` concept.
+.. tip::
+   You can set these prices by opening one of the :guilabel:`Suppliers`
+   lines shown when viewing a product's details.
+.. note::
+   To ensure the correct price is chosen when entering in a
+   `Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` you must ensure that the prices are
+   ordered correctly.
+   The lowest quantity must appear first, going up to the largest quantity
+   last.
+   This is because Tryton searches through the price lines in
+   :guilabel:`Sequence` order, and uses the last price it finds where the
+   ordered quantity is equal to, or more than, the price line's quantity.
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/usage/process.rst
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/usage/process.rst     Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+.. _Creating a purchase order:
+Creating a purchase order
+Creating a new purchase order is simply a matter of creating a new
+`Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` and adding the lines that are
+Most of the fields are optional or have sensible default values.
+.. tip::
+   Product prices are automatically converted to the
+   `Currency <currency:model-currency.currency>` used on the purchase.
+   To keep the prices fixed when ordering in a foreign currency set the
+   currency and prices in the `Product's <product:concept-product>` list of
+   `Product Suppliers <model-purchase.product_supplier>`.
+.. tip::
+   The purchase's reference field is intended to be used to keep track of
+   the supplier's reference for the purchase.
+   This can be filled in at any time, even when the purchase is done.
+.. _Changing a purchase order:
+Changing a purchase order
+To be able to change most of the values in the fields on a
+`Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` the purchase must be in a draft state.
+There are also a few fields, such as the `Party <>` and
+`Currency <currency:model-currency.currency>`, which become read-only when any
+lines are added to the order.
+To be able to change these without needing to remove the lines from the
+purchase you can use the :guilabel:`Modify Header` button to start the
+`Modify Header <wizard-purchase.modify_header>` wizard.
+.. _Receiving a shipment:
+Receiving a shipment
+Goods that are bought as part of a `Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` are
+`received from the supplier <stock:Sending and receiving deliveries>` using a
+`Supplier Shipment <>`.
+Suppliers sometimes send a single order on multiple different shipments, or
+group several orders together into a single shipment.
+As it is not possible to know how a supplier will ship products the
+*Purchase Module* does not automatically create any supplier shipments for you.
+A purchase does, however, create draft `Stock Moves <stock:model-stock.move>`
+for any goods or assets that have been purchased.
+Once you receive the information about what's been shipped you create a new
+supplier shipment and add these moves to it.
+If not all the stock has been sent, then new stock moves are automatically
+created for any remaining quantities when the shipment is received, or the
+purchase gets processed again.
+These can be added to later shipments, split up further, or cancelled.
+.. tip::
+   The supplier shipments that are related to the purchase can be found using
+   the purchase's :guilabel:`Shipments` link.
+   The :guilabel`Shipments` and stock :guilabel:`Moves` related to a purchase
+   can also be found using the items in the purchase's
+   :guilabel:`Open related records` menu.
+.. _Getting invoiced:
+Getting invoiced
+The `Purchase's <model-purchase.purchase>` invoice method determines whether
+the purchase will automatically generate draft
+`Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>`.
+When you receive the invoice from the supplier you can then find the draft
+supplier invoice and check it for any discrepancies, before validating or
+posting it.
+.. tip::
+   The supplier invoices that are related to the purchase can be found using
+   the purchase's :guilabel:`Invoices` link, or the :guilabel:`Invoices`
+   item found in the sale's :guilabel:`Open related records` menu.
+.. _Handling shipment and invoice exceptions:
+Handling shipment and invoice exceptions
+Sometimes you may cancel `Stock Moves <stock:model-stock.move>` or
+`Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>` that are related to a
+`Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>`.
+You may have done this because you no longer need these items, or you may
+now need to recreate them.
+As Tryton does not know if a cancelled item needs to be recreated, or not,
+it shows this as an exception in the purchase's shipment or invoice state.
+For purchases that have a shipment or invoice exception you can use the
+`Handle Shipment Exception <wizard-purchase.handle.shipment.exception>` or
+`Handle Invoice Exception <wizard-purchase.handle.invoice.exception>` wizards
+to recreate the items that need recreating, and ignore the rest.
+.. tip::
+   When using the wizard the moves and invoices to recreate will, by default,
+   already be selected.
+   This means you will need to deselect any that you do not want to recreate.
+.. _Finishing a purchase:
+Finishing a purchase
+In Tryton once a `Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>` is being processed there
+is no button that moves the purchase into a done state.
+This will happen automatically once the purchase's
+`Shipments <>` and
+`Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>` are completed.
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552 doc/usage/returns.rst
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/usage/returns.rst     Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.. _Cancelling purchases:
+Cancelling purchases
+You can easily cancel `Purchases <model-purchase.purchase>` that are not yet
+confirmed using the :guilabel:`Cancel` button.
+Confirmed purchases cannot be cancelled, but you can put them back to a state
+where they can be cancelled.
+However, as soon as a confirmed purchase starts to be processed it can no
+longer be cancelled.
+This may happen immediately when it is confirmed, or after a delay if one has
+been correctly `Configured <model-purchase.configuration>`.
+Once a purchase has started to be processed, to effectively cancel the
+purchase, you must cancel its `Stock Moves <stock:model-stock.move>` and
+`Invoices <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>`.
+Once you have done this you must
+`handle the exceptions <Handling shipment and invoice exceptions>`,
+ensuring that none of the moves or invoices are selected for
+.. _Returning purchases:
+Returning purchases
+There may be times when you need to send a
+`Purchase <model-purchase.purchase>`, or part of a purchase, back to the
+In Tryton this is represented by a purchase that has negative quantities.
+One way of creating a supplier return is to select the purchases that you want
+to return and then use the `Return Purchase <wizard-purchase.return_purchase>`
+This creates a draft return purchase for the whole of the selected purchase.
+If only part of the purchase is being returned, then the return purchase can
+be altered as required.
+When it gets processed it will automatically create
+`Credit Notes <account_invoice:model-account.invoice>` and
+`Supplier Return Shipments <>` where
+.. note::
+   When processing the return shipment, if the
+   `Warehouse <stock:concept-stock.location.warehouse>` has a supplier return
+   `Location <stock:model-stock.location>` the returned stock will be taken
+   from that location.
+   Otherwise the stock will be picked from the warehouse's storage location.
diff -r 279bbaab28ca -r b0a4025dc552
--- a/  Thu Mar 11 23:00:10 2021 +0100
+++ b/  Wed Mar 17 10:06:27 2021 +0000
@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@
 def read(fname):
-    return
+    content =
         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname),
         'r', encoding='utf-8').read()
+    content = re.sub(
+        r'(?m)^\.\. toctree::\r?\n((^$|^\s.*$)\r?\n)*', '', content)
+    return content
 def get_require_version(name):
@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@
         "Bug Tracker": '',
-        "Documentation": '',
+        "Documentation": '',
         "Forum": '',
         "Source Code": '',

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