Cédric Krier pushed to branch branch/6.0 at Tryton / Tryton

b4796337 by Nicolas Évrard at 2023-11-03T19:07:11+01:00
Filter history lines matching search when they're too old

Closes #12687
(grafted from f7ff1a181c0d031ea10fea722fa781885f0aec73)
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d74ee3c7 by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-16T16:32:43+01:00
Update trees of chart of accounts with 2 passes

When a new parent is added to a tree template like types, taxes or tax codes,
the corresponding record of the new template parent is not yet created.
So we need to use a default value for the parent and update again the tree
after creating the new records.

Closes #12755
(grafted from 561f9c7dbdc2a2c39c1fe5f6bf7274d01ee9ebd6)
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15acca8d by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-26T17:12:40+01:00
Limit size of database cache dump to 40 chars

Each backend has their limit. 40 chars is picked as limit to match the size of
mercurial hash.

Closes #12754
(grafted from 3055098129d4afbf82af5fa527e3d3e357ea7021)
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8af1d6d2 by Nicolas Évrard at 2023-11-16T23:37:19+01:00
Do not start threads before the end of the evaluation of trytond.application

When uwsgi forks workers it can happen that python execute the code from one of
the launched thread (eg: the cache listener or trytond-status). In that case
python will keep executing the thread and never switch to the main thread. Thus
preventing to listen for incoming connections.

Closes #12758
(grafted from d51b0990639d7ca0ac289dc08f56fd84a14e3e89)
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c78934cc by Cédric Krier at 2023-12-03T01:51:48+01:00
Do not scroll into view empty element

Closes #12783
(grafted from e02eedcfbf4771b9388566152d0f56c4c3e19945)
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b3e500d8 by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-30T15:59:31+01:00
Always round unit price when recomputing it for stock move

Closes #12787
(grafted from 9130db2731ef76ada9b4877650a4b56ffe997318)
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5602642d by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-14T00:05:17+01:00
Validate field set later

Closes #12739
(grafted from 31958cc6bbae3c46dbaeb919221ceb317f5e2ccc)
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41f4a0a0 by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-14T00:05:51+01:00
Set One2Many fields later

Closes #12740
(grafted from 7bbf9b5e4c5d1aa2c4c6ada3220e5379249dcf1d)
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63c56089 by Cédric Krier at 2023-11-14T00:31:12+01:00
Render button as readonly in tryton list if the record is readonly

Closes #12741
(grafted from b11135a06b2ee04f0ef27f431a44e638d55675a3)
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8ffd3858 by Hartmut Goebel at 2023-11-19T12:16:03+01:00
Make state node of workflow graph unique

Quite a few model have states with the same name (e.g. "open",
"close).  When creating Workflow Graphs for several of these models at
once, the nodes of these states must be distinguished.  Otherwise the
graphs will overlap and eventually even overwrite each other.

Closes #12253
(grafted from 91a09102ec61a08f57868bc9f030fdcb9ab831c8)
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14 changed files:

- modules/account/account.py
- modules/account/tax.py
- modules/account_invoice_stock/stock.py
- modules/product_kit/stock.py
- sao/src/common.js
- sao/src/model.js
- tryton/tryton/gui/window/view_form/model/record.py
- tryton/tryton/gui/window/view_form/view/list_gtk/widget.py
- trytond/trytond/cache.py
- trytond/trytond/config.py
- trytond/trytond/ir/model.py
- trytond/trytond/model/modelsql.py
- trytond/trytond/status.py
- trytond/trytond/tests/test_tryton.py

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