merrymercy commented on a change in pull request #6663:

File path: python/tvm/auto_scheduler/
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# pylint: disable=invalid-name
+""" The task scheduler that allocates the time resources when tuning multiple 
tasks together
+The details of the "gradient" strategy below can be found in the section 6 of 
this paper:
+L. Zheng, C. Jia, M. Sun, Z. Wu, C. Yu, et al. "Ansor : Generating 
High-Performance Tensor
+Programs for Deep Learning." (OSDI 2020).
+import time
+import math
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+from .search_policy import SearchPolicy, SketchPolicy
+from .cost_model import RandomModel, XGBModel
+from .utils import array_mean, to_str_round
+from .measure import ProgramMeasurer
+from .measure_record import RecordReader
+logger = logging.getLogger("auto_scheduler")
+class TaskScheduler:
+    """Allocate the time resources when tuning multiple tasks together
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    tasks: List[SearchTask]
+        The list of all tasks
+    objective_func: Callable[List[float] -> float]
+        The objective function to be optimized
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tasks, objective_func):
+        self.tasks = tasks
+        self.objective_func = objective_func or sum
+    def compute_score(self, costs) -> float:
+        return self.objective_func(costs)
+def make_search_policies(
+    search_policy, tasks, num_measures_per_round, load_model_file=None, 
+    """Make a list of search policies for a list of search tasks.
+    It creates one policy per task.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    search_policy: Union[str, List[SearchPolicy]]
+        The name of search policy.
+    tasks: List[SearchTask]
+        The list of all tasks
+    num_measures_per_round: int
+        The number of schedules to be measured at each search round.
+        This should be the same as `TuningOptions.num_measures_per_round`
+    load_model_file: Optional[str]
+        Load pre-trained model from this file
+    load_log_file: Optional[str]
+        Load measurement records from this file
+    Returns
+    -------
+    policies: List[SearchPolicy]
+        The list of search policies
+    """
+    if search_policy == "default":
+        search_policy = "sketch.xgb"
+    if isinstance(search_policy, str):
+        policy_type, model_type = search_policy.split(".")
+        if model_type == "xgb":
+            cost_model = XGBModel(num_warmup_sample=len(tasks) * 
+            if load_model_file:
+      "Load pretrained model...")
+                cost_model.load(load_model_file)
+            elif load_log_file:
+                cost_model.load_log_file(load_log_file)
+        elif model_type == "random":
+            cost_model = RandomModel()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid search policy: " + search_policy)
+        if policy_type == "sketch":
+            search_policies = [SketchPolicy(task, cost_model) for task in 
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid search policy: " + search_policy)
+    else:
+        # check type
+        assert isinstance(search_policy, (tuple, list))
+        for item in search_policy:
+            assert isinstance(item, SearchPolicy)
+        search_policies = search_policy
+    return search_policies
+def derive_similarity_tag(dag, log_base=1.618):
+    """Derive the tag for similarity check from one computational DAG.
+    The DAGs with the same tag are considered as similar tasks.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    dag: ComputeDAG
+        The input computational DAG
+    log_base: float = 1.618
+        The base of log to normalize FLOPS
+    Returns
+    -------
+    tag: str
+        The tag of this computational DAG.
+    """
+    ret = ""
+    for op in dag.ops:
+        tag = op.attrs.get("ansor_task_scheduler_tag", None)
+        if tag:
+            ret += op.attrs["ansor_task_scheduler_tag"] + "_"
+    if ret != "":
+        ret += "%d" % int(math.log(dag.flop_ct + 1, log_base))
+    return ret
+class SimpleTaskScheduler(TaskScheduler):
+    """The default task scheduler with several strategies
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    tasks: List[SearchTask]
+        All tasks to tune
+    objective_func: Callable[List[float] -> float]
+        The objective function to be optimized
+    strategy: Optional[str]
+        The scheduling strategy.
+        "round-robin": Tune tasks in round robin order.
+        "gradient" : Tune tasks with gradient descent.
+    load_model_file: Optional[str]
+        Load pre-trained model from this file
+    load_log_file: Optional[str]
+        Load measurement records from this file
+    eps_random: float = 0.05
+        Always allocate this percent of n_trials to select tasks randomly.
+        This is for encouraging exploration.
+    verbose: int = 1
+        The level of verbosity. 0 means silent.
+    alpha: float = 0.2
+        The parameter used for 'gradient' strategy
+    beta: float = 2
+        The parameter used for 'gradient' strategy
+    backward_window_size: int = 3
+        The parameter used for 'gradient' strategy
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        tasks,
+        objective_func,
+        strategy="gradient",
+        load_model_file: str = None,
+        load_log_file: str = None,
+        eps_random: float = 0.05,
+        verbose: int = 1,
+        alpha: float = 0.2,
+        beta: float = 2,
+        gamma: float = 0.5,
+        backward_window_size: int = 3,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(tasks, objective_func)
+        self.strategy = strategy
+        self.eps_random = eps_random
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.load_log_file = load_log_file
+        self.load_model_file = load_model_file
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        self.beta = beta
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.backward_window_size = backward_window_size
+        assert self.strategy in ["round-robin", "gradient"]
+        # task_cts[i] saves how many times task i is tuned
+        self.task_cts = [0 for _ in range(len(self.tasks))]
+        # task_costs_history[i] saves the latency history of task i
+        self.task_costs_history = [[] for _ in range(len(self.tasks))]
+        # best_costs[i] saves the best latency of task i
+        self.best_costs = 1e10 * np.ones(len(self.tasks))
+        self.tune_option = self.measurer = self.search_policies = self.ct = 
self.tic = None
+        self.num_measures_per_round = None
+        self.dead_tasks = set()
+        self.sequential_now_task_idx = 0
+        self.sequential_now_task_begin_ct = 0
+        assert len(tasks) != 0, "No tasks"
+        # Build similarity group
+        self.task_tags = []
+        self.tag_to_group_id = {}
+        self.group_task_ids = []
+        self.flop_cts = []
+        for i, task in enumerate(self.tasks):
+            tag = derive_similarity_tag(task.compute_dag)
+            self.task_tags.append(tag)
+            self.flop_cts.append(task.compute_dag.flop_ct)
+            if tag == "":
+                continue
+            if tag not in self.tag_to_group_id:
+                self.tag_to_group_id[tag] = len(self.tag_to_group_id)
+                self.group_task_ids.append([])
+            self.group_task_ids[self.tag_to_group_id[tag]].append(i)
+    def tune(self, tune_option, search_policy="default"):
+        """Tune a batch of tasks together.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        tune_option: TuningOptions
+            The options of tuning
+        search_policy: : Union[str, List[SearchPolicy]]
+            The list of search policies.
+            If it is str.
+            "sketch.xgb" for SketchPolicy + XGBModel
+            "sketch.random" for SketchPolicy + RandomModel
+        """
+        # init members
+        self.tune_option = tune_option
+        self.measurer = ProgramMeasurer(
+            tune_option.builder,
+            tune_option.runner,
+            tune_option.measure_callbacks,
+            tune_option.verbose,
+        )
+        self.ct = 0
+        self.tic = time.time()
+        self.sequential_now_task_idx = 0
+        self.sequential_now_task_begin_ct = 0
+        # reset num_measures_per_round to make sure every task is tuned at 
least once
+        self.num_measures_per_round = min(
+            tune_option.num_measures_per_round, tune_option.num_measure_trials 
// len(self.tasks)
+        )
+        assert self.num_measures_per_round > 0, "num_measure_trials is too 
+        # restore the status of the task scheduler from a log file
+        self.restore_status(self.load_log_file, self.num_measures_per_round)
+        # make one search policy for one task
+        self.search_policies = make_search_policies(
+            search_policy,
+            self.tasks,
+            self.num_measures_per_round,
+            self.load_model_file,
+            self.load_log_file,
+        )
+        for i in range(len(self.tasks)):
+            search_policy = self.search_policies[i]
+            search_policy.set_verbose(tune_option.verbose)
+            # todo(merrymercy): call presearch callbacks?
+        # do a round robin first
+        if self.strategy != "sequential":
+            for i in range(len(self.tasks)):
+                self.tune_task(i)
+        # use the specific strategy to choose workload to tune
+        task_idx = -1
+        while self.ct < tune_option.num_measure_trials and 
len(self.dead_tasks) < len(self.tasks):
+            if self.strategy == "sequential":
+                allocated_total_ct = (
+                    tune_option.num_measure_trials - 
+                ) / (len(self.tasks) - self.sequential_now_task_idx)
+                used_ct = self.ct - self.sequential_now_task_begin_ct
+                if self.sequential_now_task_idx in self.dead_tasks or used_ct 
>= allocated_total_ct:
+                    self.sequential_now_task_idx += 1
+                    self.sequential_now_task_begin_ct = self.ct
+                task_idx = self.sequential_now_task_idx
+                if task_idx >= len(self.tasks):
+                    break
+            elif self.strategy == "round-robin":
+                task_idx = (task_idx + 1) % len(self.tasks)
+                while task_idx in self.dead_tasks:
+                    task_idx = (task_idx + 1) % len(self.tasks)
+            elif self.strategy == "gradient":
+                gradients = []
+                for i in range(len(self.tasks)):
+                    if i in self.dead_tasks:
+                        gradients.append(0)
+                        continue
+                    # compute gradient from chain rule : (delta f / delta g_i)
+                    delta = 1e-7
+                    new_costs = list(self.best_costs)
+                    new_costs[i] -= delta
+                    chain_grad = (
+                        self.compute_score(self.best_costs) - 
+                    ) / delta
+                    # compute (g_i(t_i) - g(t_i - \Delta t)) / (\Delta t)
+                    if (
+                        self.task_cts[i] - 1 < len(self.task_costs_history[i])
+                        and self.task_cts[i] - 1 - self.backward_window_size 
>= 0
+                    ):
+                        backward_grad = (
+                            self.task_costs_history[i][self.task_cts[i] - 1]
+                            - self.task_costs_history[i][
+                                self.task_cts[i] - 1 - 
+                            ]
+                        ) / self.backward_window_size
+                    else:
+                        backward_grad = 0
+                    # compute (g_i(t_i + \Delta t) - g(t_i)) / (\Delta t)
+                    g_next_1 = self.best_costs[i] - (self.best_costs[i] / 
+                    g_next_2 = self.beta * 1e30
+                    group_id = self.tag_to_group_id.get(self.task_tags[i], 
+                    if group_id is not None and 
len(self.group_task_ids[group_id]) > 1:
+                        best_flops = max(
+                            [
+                                self.flop_cts[j] / self.best_costs[j]
+                                for j in self.group_task_ids[group_id]
+                            ]
+                        )
+                        g_next_2 = self.beta * self.flop_cts[i] / best_flops
+                    g_next = min(g_next_1, g_next_2)
+                    forward_grad = g_next - self.best_costs[i]
+                    # combine all grads
+                    grad = chain_grad * (
+                        self.alpha * backward_grad + (1 - self.alpha) * 
+                    )
+                    assert grad <= 0
+                    gradients.append(grad)
+                if max(gradients) == min(gradients):
+                    task_idx = np.random.choice(len(gradients))
+                else:
+                    task_idx = np.argmin(gradients)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Invalid strategy: " + self.strategy)
+            self.tune_task(task_idx)
+            self.adjust_similarity_group(task_idx)
+    def tune_task(self, task_idx):
+        """Tune the select task for one round"""
+        if self.verbose >= 1:
+  "TaskScheduler: task id:\t%d", task_idx)
+        measure_inputs, measure_results = 
+            self.num_measures_per_round, self.measurer
+        )
+        for _, res in zip(measure_inputs, measure_results):
+            cost = array_mean(res.costs)
+            if cost < self.best_costs[task_idx]:
+                self.best_costs[task_idx] = cost
+        if len(measure_inputs) == 0:

Review comment:
       We cannot do this for tvm::runtime::Array.

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