Thu May  6 14:01:56 2010
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+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+<chapter id="ugr.ref.xmi">
+  <title>XMI CAS Serialization Reference</title>
+  <para>This is the specification for the mapping of the UIMA CAS into the XMI 
(XML Metadata
+    Interchange<footnote><para> For details on XMI see Grose et al. 
+    XMI. Java Programming with XMI, XML, and UML. </emphasis>John Wiley &amp; 
Sons, Inc.
+    2002.</para></footnote>) format. XMI is an OMG standard for expressing 
object graphs in
+    XML. The UIMA SDK provides support for XMI through the classes
+    <literal>org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasSerializer</literal> and
+    <literal>org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasDeserializer</literal>.</para>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.xmi_tag">
+    <title>XMI Tag</title>
+    <para>The outermost tag is &lt;XMI&gt; and must include a version number 
and XML
+      namespace attribute:
+      <programlisting>&lt;xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" 
+  &lt;!-- CAS Contents here --&gt;
+    <para>XML 
+      </footnote> are used throughout. The <quote>xmi</quote> namespace prefix 
is used to
+      identify elements and attributes that are defined by the XMI 
specification. The XMI
+      document will also define one namespace prefix for each CAS namespace, 
as described in
+      the next section.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.feature_structures">
+    <title>Feature Structures</title>
+    <para>UIMA Feature Structures are mapped to XML elements. The name of the 
element is
+      formed from the CAS type name, making use of XML namespaces as 
+    <para>The CAS type namespace is converted to an XML namespace URI by the 
following rule:
+      replace all dots with slashes, prepend http:///, and append 
+    <para>This mapping was chosen because it is the default mapping used by 
the Eclipse
+      Modeling Framework (EMF)<footnote><para> For details on EMF and Ecore 
see Budinsky et
+      al. <emphasis>Eclipse Modeling Framework 2.0</emphasis>. Addison-Wesley.
+      2006.</para></footnote> to create namespace URIs from Java package 
names. The use of
+      the http scheme is a common convention, and does not imply any HTTP 
communication. The
+      .ecore suffix is due to the fact that the recommended type system 
definition for a
+      namespace is an ECore model, see <olink 
+        targetptr="ugr.tug.xmi_emf"/>.</para>
+    <para>Consider the CAS type name <quote>org.myproj.Foo</quote>. The CAS 
+      (<quote>org.myorg.</quote>) is converted to the XML namespace URI is
+      http:///org/myproj.ecore.</para>
+    <para>The XML element name is then formed by concatenating the XML 
namespace prefix
+      (which is an arbitrary token, but typically we use the last component of 
the CAS
+      namespace) with the type name (excluding the namespace).</para>
+    <para>So the example <quote>org.myproj.Foo</quote> FeatureStructure is 
written to
+      XMI as:
+      <programlisting>&lt;xmi:XMI 
+    xmi:version="2.0" 
+    xmlns:xmi=""; 
+    xmlns:myproj="http:///org/myproj.ecore"&gt;
+  ...
+  &lt;myproj:Foo xmi:id="1"/&gt;
+  ...
+    <para>The xmi:id attribute is only required if this object will be 
referred to from
+      elsewhere in the XMI document. If provided, the xmi:id must be unique 
for each
+      feature.</para>
+    <para>All namespace prefixes (e.g. <quote>myproj</quote>) in this example 
must be
+      bound to URIs using the <quote>xmlns...</quote> attribute, as defined by 
the XML
+      namespaces specification.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.primitive_features">
+    <title>Primitive Features</title>
+    <para>CAS features of primitive types (String, Boolean, Byte, Short, 
Integer, Long ,
+      Float, or Double) can be mapped either to XML attributes or XML 
elements. For example, a
+      CAS FeatureStructure of type org.myproj.Foo, with features:
+      <programlisting>begin   = 14
+end     = 19
+myFeature = "bar"</programlisting>
+      could be mapped to:
+      <programlisting>&lt;xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" 
+    xmlns:myproj="http:///org/myproj.ecore"&gt;
+  ...
+  &lt;myproj:Foo xmi:id="1" begin="14" end="19" myFeature="bar"/&gt;
+  ...
+      or equivalently:
+      <programlisting><![CDATA[<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" 
+    xmlns:myproj="http:///org/myproj.ecore";>
+  ...
+  <myproj:Foo xmi:id="1">
+    <begin>14</begin>
+    <end>19</end>
+    <myFeature>bar</myFeature>
+  </myproj:Foo>
+  ...
+    <para>The attribute serialization is preferred for compactness, but either
+      representation is allowable. Mixing the two styles is allowed; some 
features can be
+      represented as attributes and others as elements.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.reference_features">
+    <title>Reference Features</title>
+    <para>CAS features that are references to other feature structures 
(excluding arrays
+      and lists, which are handled separately) are serialized as ID 
+    <para>If we add to the previous CAS example a feature structure of type 
+      with feature <quote>myFoo</quote> that is a reference to the Foo object, 
+      serialization would be:
+      <programlisting><![CDATA[<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" 
+    xmlns:myproj="http:///org/myproj.ecore";>
+  ...
+  <myproj:Foo xmi:id="1" begin="14" end="19" myFeature="bar"/>
+  <myproj:Baz xmi:id="2" myFoo="1"/>
+  ...
+    <para>As with primitive-valued features, it is permitted to use an element 
rather than an
+      attribute. However, the syntax is slightly different:</para>
+    <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="2"&gt;
+   &lt;myFoo href="#1"/&gt;
+    <para>Note that in the attribute representation, a reference feature is
+      indistinguishable from an integer-valued feature, so the meaning cannot 
+      determined without prior knowledge of the type system. The element 
representation is
+      unambiguous.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.array_and_list_features">
+    <title>Array and List Features</title>
+    <para>For a CAS feature whose range type is one of the CAS array or list 
types, the XMI serialization depends on the
+      setting of the <quote>multipleReferencesAllowed</quote> attribute for 
that feature in the UIMA Type System
+      Description (see <olink targetdoc="&uima_docs_ref;"
+    <para>An array or list with multipleReferencesAllowed = false (the 
default) is serialized as a
+      <quote>multi-valued</quote> property in XMI. An array or list with 
multipleReferencesAllowed = true is
+      serialized as a first-class object. Details are described below.</para>
+    <section 
+      <title>Arrays and Lists as Multi-Valued Properties</title>
+      <para>In XMI, a multi-valued property is the most natural XMI 
representation for most cases. Consider the
+        example where the FeatureStructure of type org.myproj.Baz has a 
feature myIntArray whose value is the
+        integer array {2,4,6}. This can be mapped to:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3" myIntArray="2 4 
6"/&gt;</programlisting> or
+        equivalently:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3"&gt;
+  &lt;myIntArray&gt;2&lt;/myIntArray&gt;
+  &lt;myIntArray&gt;4&lt;/myIntArray&gt;
+  &lt;myIntArray&gt;6&lt;/myIntArray&gt;
+        </para>
+      <para>Note that String arrays whose elements contain embedded spaces 
MUST use the latter mapping.</para>
+      <para>FSArray or FSList features are serialized in a similar way. For 
example an FSArray feature that contains
+        references to the elements with xmi:id&apos;s <quote>13</quote> and 
<quote>42</quote> could be
+        serialized as:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3" myFsArray="13 
42"/&gt;</programlisting> or:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3"&gt;
+  &lt;myFsArray href="#13"/&gt;
+  &lt;myFsArray href="#42"/&gt;
+        </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.array_and_list_features.as_1st_class_objects">
+      <title>Arrays and Lists as First-Class Objects</title>
+      <para>The multi-valued-property representation described in the previous 
section does not allow multiple
+        references to an array or list object. Therefore, it cannot be used 
for features that are defined to allow
+        multiple references (i.e. features for which multipleReferencesAllowed 
= true in the Type System
+        Description).</para>
+      <para>When multipleReferencesAllowed is set to true, array and list 
features are serialized as references,
+        and the array or list objects are serialized as separate objects in 
the XMI. Consider again the example where
+        the FeatureStructure of type org.myproj.Baz has a feature myIntArray 
whose value is the integer array
+        {2,4,6}. If myIntArray is defined with multipleReferencesAllowed=true, 
the serialization will be as
+        follows:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3" 
myIntArray="4"/&gt;</programlisting> or:
+        <programlisting>&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3"&gt;
+  &lt;myIntArray href="#4"/&gt;
+        with the array object serialized as
+        <programlisting>&lt;cas:IntegerArray xmi:id="4" elements="2 4 
6"/&gt;</programlisting> or:
+        <programlisting>&lt;cas:IntegerArray xmi:id="4"&gt;
+  &lt;elements&gt;2&lt;/elements&gt;
+  &lt;elements&gt;4&lt;/elements&gt;
+  &lt;elements&gt;6&lt;/elements&gt;
+      <para>Note that in this case, the XML element name is formed from the 
CAS type name (e.g.
+        <quote><literal>uima.cas.IntegerArray</literal></quote>) in the same 
way as for other
+        FeatureStructures. The elements of the array are serialized either as 
a space-separated attribute named
+        <quote>elements</quote> or as a series of child elements named 
+      <para>List nodes are just standard FeatureStructures with 
<quote>head</quote> and <quote>tail</quote>
+        features, and are serialized using the normal FeatureStructure 
serialization. For example, an
+        IntegerList with the values 2, 4, and 6 would be serialized as the 
four objects:
+        <programlisting>&lt;cas:NonEmptyIntegerList xmi:id="10" head="2" 
+&lt;cas:NonEmptyIntegerList xmi:id="11" head="4" tail="12"/&gt;
+&lt;cas:NonEmptyIntegerList xmi:id="12" head="6" tail="13"/&gt;
+&lt;cas:EmptyIntegerList xmi:id"13"/&gt;</programlisting></para>
+      <para>This representation of arrays allows multiple references to an 
array of list. It also allows a feature
+        with range type TOP to refer to an array or list. However, it is a 
very unnatural representation in XMI and does
+        not support interoperability with other XMI-based systems, so we 
instead recommend using the
+        multi-valued-property representation described in the previous section 
whenever it is possible.</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.null_array_list_elements">
+      <title>Null Array/List Elements</title>
+      <para>In UIMA, an element of an FSArray or FSList may be null. In XMI, 
multi-valued properties do not permit null
+        values. As a workaround for this, we use a dummy instance of the 
special type cas:NULL, which has xmi:id 0.
+        For example, in the following example the <quote>myFsArray</quote> 
feature refers to an FSArray whose
+        second element is null:
+        <programlisting>&lt;cas:NULL xmi:id="0"/&gt;
+&lt;myproj:Baz xmi:id="3"&gt;
+  &lt;myFsArray href="#13"/&gt;
+  &lt;myFsArray href="#0"/&gt;
+  &lt;myFsArray href="#42"/&gt;
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.sofas_views">
+    <title>Subjects of Analysis (Sofas) and Views</title>
+    <para>A UIMA CAS contain one or more subjects of analysis (Sofas). These 
are serialized no
+      differently from any other feature structure. For example:
+      <programlisting>&lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
+&lt;xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi=
+    xmlns:cas="http:///uima/cas.ecore"&gt;
+  &lt;cas:Sofa xmi:id="1" sofaNum="1"
+      text="the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."/&gt;
+    <para>Each Sofa defines a separate View. Feature Structures in the CAS can 
be members of
+      one or more views. (A Feature Structure that is a member of a view is 
indexed in its
+      IndexRepository, but that is an implementation detail.)</para>
+    <para>In the XMI serialization, views will be represented as first-class 
objects. Each
+      View has an (optional) <quote>sofa</quote> feature, which references a 
sofa, and
+      multi-valued reference to the members of the View. For example:</para>
+    <programlisting>&lt;cas:View sofa="1" members="3 7 21 39 
+    <para>Here the integers 3, 7, 21, 39, and 61 refer to the xmi:id fields of 
the objects that
+      are members of this view.</para>    
+  </section>
+  <section id="ugr.ref.xmi.linking_to_ecore_type_system">
+    <title>Linking an XMI Document to its Ecore Type System</title>
+    <titleabbrev>Linking XMI docs to Ecore Type System</titleabbrev>
+    <para>If the CAS Type System has been saved to an Ecore file (as described 
in <olink
+        targetdoc="&uima_docs_tutorial_guides;" 
targetptr="ugr.tug.xmi_emf"/>), it is possible to store a
+      link from an XMI document to that Ecore type system. This is done using 
an xsi:schemaLocation attribute 
+      on the root XMI element.</para>
+    <para>The xsi:schemaLocation attribute is a space-separated list that 
represents a
+      mapping from namespace URI (e.g. http:///org/myproj.ecore) to the 
physical URI of the
+      .ecore file containing the type system for that namespace. For example:
+      <programlisting>xsi:schemaLocation=
+  "http:///org/myproj.ecore file:/c:/typesystems/myproj.ecore"</programlisting>
+      would indicate that the definition for the org.myproj CAS types is 
contained in the file
+      <literal>c:/typesystems/myproj.ecore</literal>. You can specify a 
+      mapping for each of your CAS namespaces, using a space separated list. 
For details see
+      Budinsky et al. <emphasis>Eclipse Modeling Framework</emphasis>.</para>
+  </section>
+  <section id="">
+   <title>Delta CAS XMI Format</title>
+   <titleabbrev>Delta CAS XMI Format</titleabbrev>
+   <para>
+   The Delta CAS XMI serialization format is designed primarily to reduce the 
overhead serialization when calling annotators 
+   configured as services. Only Feature Structures and Views that are new or 
modified by the service  
+   are serialized and returned by the service.  
+   </para>
+   <para>
+   The classes <literal>org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasSerializer</literal> and
+    <literal>org.apache.uima.cas.impl.XmiCasDeserializer</literal> support 
serialization of only the modifications to the CAS. 
+    A caller is expected to set a marker to indicate the point from which 
changes to the CAS are to be tracked.
+   </para>
+   <para>
+   A Delta CAS XMI document contains only the Feature Structures and Views 
that have been added or modified.
+   The new and modified Feature Structures are represented in exactly the 
format as in a complete CAS serialization.
+   The <literal> cas:View </literal> element has been extended with three 
additional attributes to represent modifications to 
+   View membership. These new attributes are <literal>added_members</literal>, 
<literal>deleted_members</literal> and 
+   <literal>reindexed_members</literal>. For example:
+   </para>
+    <programlisting>&lt;cas:View sofa="1" added_members="63 77" 
deleted_member="7 61" reindexed_members="39" /&gt;</programlisting>
+    <para>
+    Here the integers 63, 77 represent xmi:id fields of the objects that have 
been newly added members to this View,
+    7 and 61 are xmi:id fields of the objects that have been removed from this 
view and 39 is the xmi:id of an object to be reindexed in this view.
+    </para>
+  </section>
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