Author: schor
Date: Tue Jun 23 21:43:50 2015
New Revision: 1687138

[UIMA-4433] document how UIMA Set indexes always include they type in the 


 Tue Jun 23 21:43:50 2015
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ uima.tcas.Annotation.</programlisting>
               not enforce ordering, and have no defined keys. Set indexes do 
               enforce ordering, but use defined keys to specify equivalnce 
               addToIndexes will not add a Feature Structure to a set index if 
its keys 
-              match those of an entry already in the index.
+              match those of an entry of the same type already in the index.
               If the <literal>&lt;kind&gt;</literal>element is omitted, it 
will default to
               sorted, which is the most common type of index.</para>
@@ -746,8 +746,8 @@ uima.tcas.Annotation.</programlisting>
             behavior is consistent with that.</para>
             <para>Note that even after this change, there is still a distinct 
difference in meaning for bag and set indexes.
-            The set index uses equal defined key values to determine 
equivalence classes for Feature Structures, and
-            will not add a Feature Structure if it has equal key values to an 
entry already in there.</para>
+            The set index uses equal defined key values plus the type of the 
Feature Structure to determine equivalence classes for Feature Structures, and
+            will not add a Feature Structure if it has equal key values and 
the same type to an entry already in there.</para>
             <para>It is possible, however, that users may be depending on 
having multiple instances of 
             the identical FeatureStructure in the indicies. Therefore, UIMA 
@@ -769,7 +769,8 @@ uima.tcas.Annotation.</programlisting>
             <para>An Sorted or Set index may define zero or more 
<emphasis>keys</emphasis>. These keys
               determine the sort order of the feature structures within a 
sorted index, and
-              determine equality for set indexes. Bag indexes do not use keys, 
+              partially determine equality for set indexes (the equality 
measure always includes testing that the types are the same). 
+              Bag indexes do not use keys, and 
                          equality is determined by Feature Structure identity 
(that is, two elements
                          are considered equal if and only if they are exactly 
the same feature structure,
                          located in the same place in the CAS). Keys are

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