Author: cwiklik
Date: Mon Oct 26 18:31:05 2015
New Revision: 1710670

uima-ducc-2.0.1 release

    uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/ducc_update   (with 
    uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.css   (with 
    uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.pdf   (with 
(with props)

Added: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/ducc_update
--- uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/ducc_update (added)
+++ uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/ducc_update Mon Oct 26 
18:31:05 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Updates an existing ducc installation (1.1.0 or newer) from a binary tar.gz 
+# Updates in place so preserves all the site-specific files
+# Archives the current build in a timestamped direcory under 
+#   - checks that ducc is not running
+#   - creates a file if updating from DUCC 1.1.0
+#   - creates a time-stamped archive directory to hold the current build
+#   - archives and then updates existing directories,
+#     - keeps the directories: logs state history
+#     - keeps any other files in directories: resources lib
+#     - keeps the customized resources files: 
ducc.classes ducc.nodes jobdriver.nodes ducc.administrators
+#   - rebuilds the non-privileged ducc_ling
+#  Note: any files added to directories other than resources & lib will not be 
retained, but will be archived
+#  To revert back to an archived build:
+#   - copy/move all of the archived files back to the runtime
+import os
+import sys 
+import datetime
+import fnmatch
+import re
+import shutil
+def usage():
+    print "Usage: ducc_update ducc-runtime ducc-binary-tar"
+    print ""
+    print "  Updates the DUCC installed at 'ducc-runtime' with the DUCC build 
in 'ducc-binary-tar'"
+    print "   - checks that DUCC is not running"
+    print "   - creates a file if updating from DUCC 
+    print "   - creates a time-stamped archive directory to hold the current 
+    print "   - archives and then updates existing directories,"
+    print "     - keeps the directories: logs state history"
+    print "     - keeps any other files in directories: resources lib"
+    print "     - keeps the customized resources files: 
ducc.classes ducc.nodes jobdriver.nodes ducc.administrators"
+    print "   - rebuilds the non-privileged ducc_ling"
+    print "  Note: any files added to directories other than resources & lib 
will not be retained, but will be archived"
+    print ""
+    print "  To revert back to an archived build:"
+    print "   - copy/move all of the archived files back to the runtime"
+# Get the version of the build from the name of the cli jar
+def get_oversion(runtime):
+    fns = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(runtime + '/lib/uima-ducc'), 
+    if ( len(fns) == 0 ):
+        raise Exception("Not a valid DUCC installation - missing versioned cli 
+    m = re.match('uima\\-ducc\\-cli\\-([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+)\\.jar', fns[0])
+    if ( m == None ):
+        raise Exception("Not a valid DUCC installation - invalid name: " + 
+    return
+# Get the version of the build from the name of the tar file
+def get_nversion(tarfile):
+    p = re.compile('^uima\\-ducc\\-([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\-]+)\\-bin\\.tar\\.gz$')
+    m =, 0)
+    if ( m == None ):
+        raise Exception("Invalid tar file name: " + tarfile + " ... expecting: 
+    return
+# Clear out the old expanded tarball if needed, and expand the new one
+def expand_tarball(tarfile, nversion, outdir):
+    extract = os.path.join(outdir, 'apache-uima-ducc-' + nversion)
+    try:
+        if ( os.path.exists(extract) ):        
+            shutil.rmtree(extract);
+    except:
+        raise Exception("Cannot remove old tarball extract: " + extract)
+    cmd = 'umask 022 && tar -C ' + outdir + ' -xf ' + tarfile
+    rc = os.system(cmd);
+    if ( rc != 0 ):
+        raise Exception("Command fails, rc= " + str(rc) + "\n    " + cmd)
+    if not os.path.exists(extract):
+        raise Exception("Cannot extract runtime from tarball " + tarfile + " 
Expecting to find " + extract)
+    return extract
+# Convert final comments into a DUCC 1.1.0 properties file
+def create_110_properties(source, dest):
+    found = False
+    with open(source) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if not found:
+                if line.startswith("#=====MARKER====="):
+                    found = True
+                    outf = open(dest, 'w')
+            else:
+                outf.write('ducc.' + line[1:])   
+    outf.close(); 
+# Update directory by archiving all files that are replaced, unless in exclude 
+# Optionally rename new files that don't replace existing files
+def update_dir(olddir, newdir, archive, excludeFiles, rename):
+    files = os.listdir(newdir)
+    for f in files:
+        curf = os.path.join(olddir, f)
+        srcf = os.path.join(newdir, f)
+        if f in excludeFiles:
+            if os.path.exists(curf):
+                if rename:
+                    cmd = 'cmp --quiet ' + srcf + ' ' + curf
+                    rc = os.system(cmd);
+                    if rc != 0:
+                      os.rename(srcf, curf + '-new')
+                      print "Keeping", f, '(new version saved as', f+'-new)'
+            else:
+                print "Adding", resf
+                os.rename(srcf, curf)
+        else:
+            if os.path.exists(curf):
+                print "Replacing", f
+                os.rename(curf, os.path.join(archive,f))
+            else:
+                print "Adding", f
+            os.rename(srcf, curf)
+# Main program
+if len(sys.argv) < 3 :
+    usage()
+    exit(1)
+runtime = sys.argv[1]
+tarfile = sys.argv[2]
+# Check if appears to be a valid (stopped) DUCC installation
+runtime = os.path.realpath(runtime)
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(runtime, 'resources/')):
+    print "ERROR - Not a valid DUCC runtime directory:", runtime
+    exit(1)
+if os.path.exists(os.path.join(runtime, 'state/ducc.pids')):
+    print "ERROR - DUCC appears to be running ... please run 'stop_ducc -a'"
+    exit(1)
+if not os.path.exists(tarfile):
+    print "ERROR - Missing tar file", tarfile
+    exit(1)
+oversion = get_oversion(runtime)
+if oversion == '1.0.0':
+    print "Sorry, migration not supported for DUCC 1.0.0 at present"
+    exit(9)
+nversion = get_nversion(os.path.basename(tarfile))
+# Create archive directory 
+runtimeParent,runtimeName = os.path.split(runtime)
+now =
+nowstr = now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M')
+archiveParent = os.path.join(runtimeParent, 'ducc_archives')
+archive = os.path.join(archiveParent, runtimeName + '_' + nowstr)
+if not os.path.exists(archive):        
+    os.makedirs(archive)
+print " --- Updating DUCC to", nversion, " and archiving", oversion, "to", 
+print "     NOTE: this update may be reversed by copying back all of the 
archived files,"
+print "       e.g. cp --recursive --remove-destination", archive+"/*", runtime
+# Expand tarball to a peer of the runtime so can move directories
+newducc = expand_tarball( tarfile, nversion, archiveParent )
+# May need to create the new webserver directory for 2.0
+weblogdir = os.path.join(runtime, 'logs/webserver')
+if not os.path.exists(weblogdir):
+    os.makedirs(weblogdir)
+# Create a file if missing ... only for DUCC 1.1.0
+siteProps = os.path.join(runtime, 'resources/')
+if not os.path.exists(siteProps):
+    if oversion != '1.1.0':
+        print "Missing - can only be created for 1.1.0"
+        exit(9)
+    currentProps = os.path.join(runtime, 'resources/')
+    originalProps = os.path.join(runtime, 'resources/')
+    create_110_properties(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]), originalProps)
+    if not os.path.exists(originalProps):
+        print "ERROR - Failed to create the 1.1.0 properties file from the 
ending comments in this script"
+        exit(9)
+    # Use the new props manager - use abs fnames as otherwise are relative to 
the deduced DUCC_HOME/resources
+    cmd = newducc + '/admin/ducc_props_manager --delta ' + originalProps + ' 
--with ' + currentProps + ' --to ' + siteProps
+    rc = os.system(cmd)
+    if rc != 0:
+        print "ERROR", rc, "Failed to create", siteProps
+        exit(9)
+    print " --- Created a file with just the site-specific properties:", 
+# Add or replace (after archiving) all directories in the new build EXCEPT 
resources & lib
+# Note that the history, logs, & state directories are not part of a build so 
are left unchanged
+print " --- Processing", runtimeName, "folder:"
+update_dir(runtime, newducc, archive, ['resources', 'lib'], False)
+# Add or replace (after archiving) all files in the lib directory
+# This ensures that any site local jars remain 
+print " --- Processing lib folder:"
+libarchive = os.path.join(archive, 'lib')
+if not os.path.exists(libarchive):
+    os.mkdir(libarchive)
+update_dir(os.path.join(runtime, 'lib'), os.path.join(newducc, 'lib'), 
libarchive, [], False)
+# Add or replace (after archiving) some of the files in resources
+# Don't change any that are site-specific
+# (The nodes files should not be in the new build, but just in case ...)
+print " --- Processing resources folder:"
+resarchive = os.path.join(archive, 'resources')
+if not os.path.exists(resarchive):
+    os.mkdir(resarchive)
+preserveFiles = [ 'ducc.classes', 'ducc.administrators', 'ducc.nodes', 
'jobdriver.nodes' ]
+update_dir(os.path.join(runtime, 'resources'), os.path.join(newducc, 
'resources'), resarchive, preserveFiles, True)
+# Delete what's left of the extract (just the resources & lib folders)
+# Re-build ducc_ling
+# Since it needs run the merge from the admin directory
+print " ---"
+print " --- Rebuilding ducc_ling"
+os.chdir(runtime + '/admin')
+rc = os.system('./ducc_props_manager --merge 
../resources/ --with ../resources/ 
--to ../resources/')
+if (rc != 0):
+    print "ERROR - failed to create and to rebuild ducc_ling"
+    exit(9)
+rc = os.system('./build_duccling')
+if (rc != 0):
+    print "ERROR - failed to rebuild ducc_ling"
+    exit(9)
+print ""
+print " >>> Update completed!"
+print "     NOTE - if your ducc_ling is privileged you should update it" 
+#->->->->->->->   DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS MARKER <-<-<-<-<-<-<-
+#=====MARKER===== The following are the original shipped with 
DUCC 1.1.0 
+#jvm=<full-path-to-java-command> UIMA-DUCC
+#ws.jvm.args=-Xmx2G -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true
+#environment.propagated=USER HOME LANG
+#jd.queue.timeout.minutes=5 Driver

Propchange: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/ducc_update
    svn:executable = *

Added: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.css
--- uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.css (added)
+++ uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.css Mon Oct 26 
18:31:05 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
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+/* end css.sty */

Propchange: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.css
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.pdf
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/duccbook.pdf
    svn:mime-type = application/pdf

Added: uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/installation.html
--- uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/installation.html 
+++ uima/site/trunk/uima-website/docs/d/uima-ducc-2.0.1/installation.html Mon 
Oct 26 18:31:05 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"  
+  "";>  
+<html > 
+<head><title>DUCC Installation and Verification
+Excerpt From Complete DUCC Documentation</title> 
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> 
+<meta name="generator" content="TeX4ht 
+<meta name="originator" content="TeX4ht 
+<!-- html --> 
+<meta name="src" content="installation.tex"> 
+<meta name="date" content="2015-10-15 13:07:00"> 
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="installation.css"> 
+<div class="maketitle">
+<h2 class="titleHead">DUCC Installation and Verification<br />
+Excerpt From Complete DUCC Documentation</h2>
+<div class="author" ><span 
+class="cmr-12">Written and maintained by the Apache</span>
+<br />  <span 
+class="cmr-12">UIMA</span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span 
+class="cmr-12">Development Community</span></div>
+<br />
+<div class="date" ></div>
+<!--l. 18--><p class="noindent" >Copyright <span 
+class="cmsy-10">©</span>&#x00A0; 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
+<!--l. 20--><p class="noindent" >Copyright <span 
+class="cmsy-10">©</span>&#x00A0; 2012 International Business Machines 
+     <!--l. 23--><p class="noindent" ><span class="paragraphHead"><a 
+ id="x1-1000"></a><span 
+class="cmbx-10">License and Disclaimer</span></span>
+     The ASF licenses this documentation to you under the Apache License, 
Version 2.0 (the &#8221;License&#8221;); you may not
+     use this documentation except in compliance with the License. You may 
obtain a copy of the License
+     at
+     <!--l. 28--><p class="noindent" ><a 
+href=""; class="url" ><span 
+     <!--l. 30--><p class="noindent" >Unless required by applicable law or 
agreed to in writing, this documentation and its contents are distributed under
+     the License on an &#8221;AS IS&#8221; BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+     or implied. See the License for the specific language governing 
permissions and limitations under the
+     License.
+     <!--l. 35--><p class="noindent" ><span class="paragraphHead"><a 
+ id="x1-2000"></a><span 
+     All terms mentioned in the text that are known to be trademarks or 
service marks have been appropriately capitalized.
+     Use of such terms in this book should not be regarded as affecting the 
validity of the the trademark or service
+     mark.
+<!--l. 47--><p class="noindent" >Publication date: October&#x00A0;2015
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-3000"></a>Overview</h3>
+<!--l. 21--><p class="noindent" >DUCC is a multi-user, multi-system 
distributed application. The instuctions below follow a staged 
+methodology, roughly as follows:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">Single system installation.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Add new machines to DUCC control.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Enable processes to run with the credentials of 
multiple submitting user. This step requires root authority on
+     one or more machines.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Enable CGroup containers. This step requires root 
authority on every DUCC machine.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 36--><p class="noindent" >DUCC is distributed as a compressed tar file. 
The instructions below assume installation from one of this distribution media.
+If building from source, the build creates this file in your svn trunk/target 
directory. The distribution file is in the
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-1">
+<!--l. 41--><p class="nopar" > where [version] is the DUCC version; for 
example, <span 
+class="cmti-10">uima-ducc-VERSION-bin.tar.gz </span>(where VERSION is the 
current DUCC
+version). This document will refer to the distribution file as the 
+<!--l. 45--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-4000"></a>Software Prerequisites</h3>
+ id="x1-4000doc"></a>
+<!--l. 48--><p class="noindent" >Single system installation:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">Reasonably current Linux. DUCC has been tested on 
SLES 11.x and RHEL 6.x
+     <!--l. 53--><p class="noindent" ><span 
+class="cmti-10">Note: </span>On some systems the default <span 
+class="cmti-10">user limits </span>for max user processes (ulimit -u) and 
nfiles (ulimit -n) are
+     defined too low for DUCC. The shell login profile for user <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>should set the soft limit for max user processes
+     to be the same as the hard limit (ulimit -u &#8216;ulimit -Hu&#8216;), 
and the nfiles limit raised above 1024 to at least twice
+     the number of user processes running on the cluster.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Python 2.x, where &#8217;x&#8217; is 4 or greater. 
DUCC has not been tested on Python 3.x.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Java 7. DUCC has been tested and run using IBM and 
Oracle JDK 1.7.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Passwordless ssh for user running DUCC</li></ul>
+<!--l. 66--><p class="noindent" >Additional requirements for multiple system 
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">All systems must have a shared filesystem (such as 
NFS or GPFS) and common user space. The $DUCC_HOME
+     directory must be located on a shared filesystem.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 73--><p class="noindent" >Additional requirements for running multiple 
user processes with their own credentials.
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">A userid <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc</span>, and group <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc</span>. User <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>must the the only member of group <span 
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">DUCC run with user <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>credentials.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Root access is required to setuid-root the DUCC 
process launcher.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 81--><p class="noindent" >Additional requirements for CGroup containers:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">A userid <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc</span>, and group <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc</span>. User <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>must the the only member of group <span 
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">DUCC run with user <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>credentials.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">libcgroup1-0.37+ on SLES and libcgroup-0.37+ on RHEL, 
along with a custom /etc/cgconfig.conf</li></ul>
+<!--l. 90--><p class="noindent" >In order to build DUCC from source the 
following software is also required:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">A    Subversion    client,    from    <a 
+href=""; class="url" ><span 
+class="cmtt-10"></span></a>.    The  
  svn    url    is
+     <a 
class="url" ><span 
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">Apache Maven, from <a 
+href=""; class="url" ><span 
+<!--l. 97--><p class="noindent" >The DUCC webserver server optionally supports 
direct &#8220;jconsole&#8221; attach to DUCC job processes. To install this, the
+following is required:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">Apache Ant, any reasonably current version.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 103--><p class="noindent" >To (optionally) build the documentation, the 
following is also required:
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">Latex,  including  the  <span 
+class="cmti-10">pdflatex  </span>and  <span 
+class="cmti-10">htlatex  </span>packages.  A  good  place  to  start  if  you  
need  to  install  it  is
+     <a 
+href=""; class="url" ><span 
+<!--l. 109--><p class="noindent" >More detailed one-time setup instructions 
for source-level builds via subversion can be found here:
+href="\#svn-setup"; class="url" 
+<!--l. 112--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-5000"></a>Building from Source</h3>
+<!--l. 114--><p class="noindent" >To build from source, ensure you have 
Subversion and Maven installed. Extract the source from the SVN repository named
+<!--l. 117--><p class="noindent" >Then from your extract directory into the 
root directory (usually current-directory/trunk), and run the command
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-2">
+<!--l. 121--><p class="nopar" > or
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-3">
+<!--l. 125--><p class="nopar" > if you have LaTeX insalled and wish to do the 
optional build of documentation.
+<!--l. 128--><p class="noindent" >If this is your first Maven build it may 
take quite a while as Maven downloads all the open-source pre-requisites. (The
+pre-requisites are stored in the Maven repository, usually your $HOME/.m2).
+<!--l. 132--><p class="noindent" >When build is complete, a tarball is placed 
in your current-directory/trunk/target directory.
+<!--l. 135--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-6000"></a>Documentation</h3>
+<!--l. 137--><p class="noindent" >After installation the DUCC documentation is 
found (in both PDF and HTML format) in the directory ducc_runtime/docs.
+As well, the DUCC webserver contains a link to the full documentation on each 
major page. The API is documented only via
+JavaDoc, distributed in the webserver&#8217;s root directory <span 
+<!--l. 143--><p class="noindent" >If building from source, Maven places the 
documentation in
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize"><span 
+class="cmtt-10">trunk/uima-ducc-duccdocs/target/site </span>(main 
documentation), and
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize"><span 
+class="cmtt-10">trunk/target/site/apidocs </span>(API Javadoc)</li></ul>
+<!--l. 149--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-7000"></a>Single System Installation and Verification</h3>
+<!--l. 151--><p class="noindent" >Although any user ID can be used to run 
DUCC, it is recommended to create user &#8220;ducc&#8221; to later enable use 
of cgroups as
+well as running processes with the credentials of the submitting user.
+<!--l. 154--><p class="noindent" >If multiple nodes are going to be added 
later, it is recommended to install the ducc runtime tree on a shared 
filesystem so
+that it can be mounted on the additional nodes.
+<!--l. 157--><p class="noindent" >Verification submits a very simple UIMA 
pipeline for execution under DUCC. Once this is shown to be working, one may
+proceed installing additional features.
+<!--l. 161--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-8000"></a>Minimal Hardware Requirements for Single System 
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">One Intel-based or IBM Power-based system. (More 
systems may be added later.)
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">8GB of memory. 16GB or more is preferable for 
developing and testing applications beyond the non-trivial.
+     </li>
+     <li class="itemize">1GB disk space to hold the DUCC runtime, system logs, 
and job logs. More is usually needed for larger
+     installations.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 172--><p class="noindent" >Please note: DUCC is intended for scaling 
out memory-intensive UIMA applications over computing clusters consisting of
+multiple nodes with large (16GB-256GB or more) memory. The minimal 
requirements are for initial test and evaluation
+purposes, but will not be sufficient to run actual workloads.
+<!--l. 177--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-9000"></a>Single System Installation</h3>
+ id="x1-9000doc"></a>
+<!--l. 179--><p class="noindent" >
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9002x1">Expand the distribution file with the 
appropriate umask:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-4">
+     <!--l. 183--><p class="nopar" >
+     <!--l. 185--><p class="noindent" >This creates a directory with a name of 
the form &#8220;apache-uima-ducc-[version]&#8221;.
+     <!--l. 187--><p class="noindent" >This directory contains the full DUCC 
runtime which you may use &#8220;in place&#8221; but it is highly recommended
+     that you move it into a standard location on a shared filesystem; for 
example, under ducc&#8217;s HOME
+     directory:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-5">
+     mv&#x00A0;apache-uima-ducc-[version]&#x00A0;/home/ducc/ducc_runtime</div>
+     <!--l. 192--><p class="nopar" >
+     <!--l. 194--><p class="noindent" >We refer to this directory, regardless 
of its location, as $DUCC_HOME. For simplicity, some of the examples in this
+     document assume it has been moved to /home/ducc/ducc_runtime.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9004x2">Change directories into the admin 
sub-directory of $DUCC_HOME:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-6">
+     cd&#x00A0;$DUCC_HOME/admin</div>
+     <!--l. 200--><p class="nopar" >
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9006x3">Run the post-installation script:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-7">
+     ./ducc_post_install</div>
+     <!--l. 205--><p class="nopar" > If this script fails, correct any 
problems it identifies and run it again.
+     <!--l. 208--><p class="noindent" >Note that <span 
+class="cmti-10">_install </span>initializes various default parameters which 
may be changed later by the system
+     administrator. Therefore it usually should be run only during this first 
installation step.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9008x4">If you wish to install jconsole support 
from the webserver, make sure Apache Ant is installed, and run
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-8">
+     ./sign_jconsole_jar</div>
+     <!--l. 216--><p class="nopar" > This step may be run at any time if you 
wish to defer it.
+     </li></ol>
+<!--l. 221--><p class="noindent" >That&#8217;s it, DUCC is installed and ready 
to run. (If errors were displayed during ducc_post_install they must be 
+before continuing.)
+<!--l. 224--><p class="noindent" >The post-installation script performs these 
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9010x1">Verifies that the correct level of Java and 
Python are installed and available.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9012x2">Creates a default nodelist, 
$DUCC_HOME/resources/ducc.nodes, containing the name of the node you are
+     installing on.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9014x3">Defines the &#8220;ducc head&#8221; node to 
be to node you are installing from.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9016x4">Sets up the default https keystore for the 
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9018x5">Installs the DUCC documentation &#8220;ducc 
book&#8221; into the DUCC webserver root.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9020x6">Builds and installs the C program, 
&#8220;ducc_ling&#8221;, into the default location.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-9022x7">Ensures that the (supplied) ActiveMQ broker 
is runnable.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 235--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-10000"></a>Initial System Verification</h3>
+<!--l. 237--><p class="noindent" >Here we verify the system configuration, 
start DUCC, run a test Job, and then shutdown DUCC.
+<!--l. 239--><p class="noindent" >To run the verification, issue these 
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10002x1">cd $DUCC_HOME/admin
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10004x2">./check_ducc
+     <!--l. 244--><p class="noindent" >Examine the output of check_ducc. If 
any errors are shown, correct the errors and rerun check_ducc until there
+     are no errors.
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10006x3">Finally, start ducc: ./start_ducc</li></ol>
+<!--l. 249--><p class="noindent" >Start_ducc will first perform a number of 
consistency checks. It then starts the ActiveMQ broker, the DUCC control
+processes, and a single DUCC agent on the local node.
+<!--l. 253--><p class="noindent" >You will see some startup messages similar 
to the following:
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-9">
+&#x00A0;<br />ENV:&#x00A0;java&#x00A0;full&#x00A0;version&#x00A0;"1.7.0_40-b43"
+&#x00A0;<br />ENV:&#x00A0;Threading&#x00A0;enabled:&#x00A0;True
+&#x00A0;<br />MEM:&#x00A0;memory&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;15&#x00A0;gB
+&#x00A0;<br />ENV:&#x00A0;system&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;Linux
+&#x00A0;<br />allnodes&#x00A0;/home/ducc/ducc_runtime/resources/ducc.nodes
+&#x00A0;<br />Class&#x00A0;definition&#x00A0;file&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;ducc.classes
+&#x00A0;<br />OK:&#x00A0;Class&#x00A0;configuration&#x00A0;checked
+&#x00A0;<br />Starting&#x00A0;broker&#x00A0;on&#x00A0;
+&#x00A0;<br />Waiting&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;broker&#x00A0;.....&#x00A0;0
+&#x00A0;<br />Waiting&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;broker&#x00A0;.....&#x00A0;1
+&#x00A0;<br />Starting&#x00A0;1&#x00A0;agents
+&#x00A0;<br />Starting&#x00A0;warm
+&#x00A0;<br />Waiting&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;Completion
+&#x00A0;<br />;Starting&#x00A0;rm
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;PID&#x00A0;14198
+&#x00A0;<br />;Starting&#x00A0;pm
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;PID&#x00A0;14223
+&#x00A0;<br />;Starting&#x00A0;sm
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;PID&#x00A0;14248
+&#x00A0;<br />;Starting&#x00A0;or
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;PID&#x00A0;14275
+&#x00A0;<br />;Starting&#x00A0;ws
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;PID&#x00A0;14300
+&#x00A0;<br />
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;ducc_ling&#x00A0;OK
+&#x00A0;<br />All&#x00A0;threads&#x00A0;returned</div>
+<!--l. 287--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 289--><p class="noindent" >Now open a browser and go to the DUCC 
webserver&#8217;s url, http://<span 
+class="cmmi-10">&#x003E;</span>:42133 where <span 
+class="cmmi-10">&#x003E; </span>is the name of the
+host where DUCC is started. Navigate to the Reservations page via the links in 
the upper-left corner. You should see the
+DUCC JobDriver reservation in state WaitingForResources. In a few minutes this 
should change to Assigned. Now jobs can
+be submitted.
+<!--l. 295--><p class="noindent" >To submit a job,
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10008x1">$DUCC_HOME/bin/ducc_submit 
&#8211;specification $DUCC_HOME/examples/simple/1.job</li></ol>
+<!--l. 300--><p class="noindent" >Open the browser in the DUCC jobs page. You 
should see the job progress through a series of transitions: Waiting For
+Driver, Waiting For Services, Waiting For Resources, Initializing, and 
finally, Running. You&#8217;ll see the number of work items
+submitted (15) and the number of work items completed grow from 0 to 15. 
Finally, the job will move into Completing and
+then Completed..
+<!--l. 306--><p class="noindent" >Since this example does not specify a log 
directory DUCC will create a log directory in your HOME directory
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-10">
+<!--l. 309--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 311--><p class="noindent" >In this directory, you will find a log for 
the sample job&#8217;s JobDriver (JD), JobProcess (JP), and a number of other 
+relating to the job.
+<!--l. 314--><p class="noindent" >This is a good time to explore the DUCC web 
pages. Notice that the job id is a link to a set of pages with details about the
+execution of the job.
+<!--l. 317--><p class="noindent" >Notice also, in the upper-right corner is a 
link to the full DUCC documentation, the &#8220;DuccBook&#8221;.
+<!--l. 319--><p class="noindent" >Finally, stop DUCC:
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10010x1">cd $DUCC_HOME/admin
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-10012x2">./stop_ducc -a</li></ol>
+<!--l. 326--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-11000"></a>Add additional nodes to the DUCC cluster</h3>
+<!--l. 327--><p class="noindent" >Additional nodes must meet all <span 
+class="cmti-10">prerequisites </span>(listed above).
+<!--l. 334--><p class="noindent" >$DUCC_HOME must be on a shared filesystem 
and mounted at the same location on all DUCC nodes.
+<!--l. 337--><p class="noindent" >If user&#8217;s home directories are on 
local filesystems the location for user logfiles should be specified to be on a 
+<!--l. 340--><p class="noindent" >Addional nodes are normally added to a 
worker node group. Note that the DUCC head node does not have to be a worker
+node. In addition, the webserver node can be separate from the DUCC head node 
(see webserver configuration options in
+<!--l. 345--><p class="noindent" >For worker nodes DUCC needs to know what 
node group each machine belongs to, and what nodes need an Agent process to
+be started on.
+<!--l. 348--><p class="noindent" >The configuration shipped with DUCC have all 
nodes in the same &#8221;default&#8221; node pool. Worker nodes are listed in 
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-11">
+<!--l. 352--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 354--><p class="noindent" >During initial installation, this file was 
initialized with the node DUCC is installed on. Additional nodes may be added 
to the
+file using a text editor to increase the size of the DUCC cluster.
+<!--l. 359--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-12000"></a>Ducc_ling Configuration - Running with credentials of 
submitting user</h3>
+ id="x1-12000doc"></a>
+<!--l. 362--><p class="noindent" >DUCC launches user processes through 
ducc_ling, a small native C application. By default the resultant process runs 
+the credentials of the user ID of the DUCC application. It is possible for 
multiple users to submit work to DUCC in this
+configuration, but it requires that the user ID running DUCC has write access 
to all directories to which the user process
+outputs data. By configuring the ducc user ID and ducc_ling correctly, work 
submitted by all users will run with their own
+<!--l. 370--><p class="noindent" >Before proceeding with this step, please 
+     <ul class="itemize1">
+     <li class="itemize">The sequence operations consisting of <span 
+class="cmti-10">chown </span>and <span 
+class="cmti-10">chmod </span>MUST be performed in the exact order given below.
+     If the <span 
+class="cmti-10">chmod </span>operation is performed before the <span 
+class="cmti-10">chown </span>operation, Linux will regress the permissions 
granted by
+     <span 
+class="cmti-10">chmod </span>and ducc_ling will be incorrectly 
+<!--l. 378--><p class="noindent" >ducc_ling is designed to be a setuid-root 
program whose function is to run user processes with the identity of the 
+user. This must be installed correctly; incorrect installation can prevent 
jobs from running as their submitters, and in the
+worse case, can introduce security problems into the system.
+<!--l. 382--><p class="noindent" >ducc_ling can either be installed on a local 
disk on every system in the DUCC cluster, or on a shared-filesystem that does 
+suppress setuid-root permissions on client nodes. The path to ducc_ling must 
be the same on each DUCC node. The default
+path configuration is $DUCC_HOME/admin/$<span 
+class="cmsy-10">}</span>/ in order to handle clusters with mixed OS platforms.
+class="cmsy-10">} </span>is the architecture specific value of the Java system 
property with that name; examples are amd64 and
+<!--l. 390--><p class="noindent" >The steps are: build ducc_ling for each node 
architecture to be added to the cluster, copy ducc_ling to the
+desired location, and then configure ducc_ling to give user ducc the ability 
to spawn a process as a different
+<!--l. 394--><p class="noindent" >In the example below ducc_ling is left under 
$DUCC_HOME, where it is built.
+<!--l. 396--><p class="noindent" >As user <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc</span>, build ducc_ling for necessary architectures (this 
is done automatically for the DUCC head machine by the
+ducc_post_install script). For each unique OS platform:
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12002x1">cd $DUCC_HOME/admin
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12004x2">./build_duccling</li></ol>
+<!--l. 404--><p class="noindent" >Then, as user <span 
+class="cmti-10">root </span>on the shared filesystem, <span 
+class="cmti-10">cd </span><span 
+class="cmti-10">_HOME/admin</span>, and for each unique OS architecture:
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12006x1">chown ducc.ducc $<span 
+class="newline" />(set directory ownership to be user ducc, group ducc)
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12008x2">chmod 700 $<span 
+class="newline" />(only user ducc can read contents of directory)
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12010x3">chown root.ducc $<span 
+class="cmsy-10">}</span>/ducc_ling <br 
+class="newline" />(make root owner of ducc_ling, and let users in group ducc 
access it)
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-12012x4">chmod 4750 $<span 
+class="cmsy-10">}</span>/ducc_ling <br 
+class="newline" />(ducc_ling runs as user root when started by users in group 
+<!--l. 416--><p class="noindent" >If these steps are correctly performed, ONLY 
user <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc </span>may use the ducc_ling program in a privileged way. 
+contains checks to prevent even user <span 
+class="cmti-10">root </span>from using it for privileged operations.
+<!--l. 420--><p class="noindent" >If a different location is chosen for 
ducc_ling the new path needs to be specified for 
ducc.agent.launcher.ducc_spawn_path in
+$DUCC_HOME/resources/ See more info at see <span 
+class="cmti-10">properties merging </span>in the duccbook.
+<!--l. 430--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-13000"></a>CGroups Installation and Configuration</h3>
+<!--l. 432--><p class="noindent" >
+     <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">Note:</span> </dt><dd 
+class="description">A key feature of DUCC is to run user processes in CGroups 
in order to guarantee each process always has
+     the amount of RAM requested. RAM allocated to the managed process (and 
any child processes) that exceed
+     requested DUCC memory size will be forced into swap space. Without 
CGroups a process that exceeds its
+     requested memory size by N% is killed (default N=5 in, 
and memory use by child processes is
+     ignored.
+     <!--l. 439--><p class="noindent" >DUCC&#8217;s CGroup configuration also 
allocates CPU resources to managed processes based on relative memory
+     size. A process with 50% of a machine&#8217;s RAM will be guaranteed at 
least 50% of the machine&#8217;s CPU resources
+     as well.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 444--><p class="noindent" >The steps in this task must be done as user 
root and user ducc.
+<!--l. 446--><p class="noindent" >To install and configure CGroups for DUCC:
+     <ol  class="enumerate1" >
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-13002x1">Install the appropriate libcgroup package 
at level 0.37 or above (see <span 
+class="cmti-10">Installation Prerequisites</span>).
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-13004x2">Configure /etc/cgconfig.conf as follows:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-12">
+     &#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;#&#x00A0;Mount&#x00A0;cgroups
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;mount&#x00A0;{
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;group&#x00A0;ducc&#x00A0;{
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;perm&#x00A0;{
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br 
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;memory&#x00A0;{}
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;cpu{}
+     &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}</div>
+     <!--l. 475--><p class="nopar" >
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-13006x3">Start the cgconfig service:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-13">
+     &#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;service&#x00A0;cgconfig&#x00A0;start</div>
+     <!--l. 479--><p class="nopar" >
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-13008x4">Verify cgconfig service is running by the 
existence of directory:
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-14">
+     &#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;/cgroups/ducc</div>
+     <!--l. 484--><p class="nopar" >
+     </li>
+     <li 
+  class="enumerate" id="x1-13010x5">Configure the cgconfig service to start on 
+     <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-15">
+     &#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;chkconfig&#x00A0;cgconfig&#x00A0;on</div>
+     <!--l. 489--><p class="nopar" ></li></ol>
+<!--l. 492--><p class="noindent" ><span 
+class="cmti-10">Note: </span>if CGroups is not installed on a machine the DUCC 
Agent will detect this and not attempt to use the feature. CGroups
+can also be disabled for all machines (see <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc.agent.launcher.cgroups.enable </span>in, 
described in the Duccbook.)
+or it can be disabled for individual machines (see <span 
+class="cmti-10">ducc.agent.exclusion.file </span>in, described 
in the
+<!--l. 509--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-14000"></a>Full DUCC Verification</h3>
+<!--l. 511--><p class="noindent" >This is identical to initial verification, 
with the one difference that the job &#8220;1.job&#8221; should be submitted as 
any user other
+than ducc. Watch the webserver and check that the job executes under the 
correct identity. Once this completes, DUCC is
+installed and verified.
+<!--l. 515--><p class="noindent" >
+<h3 class="sectionHead"><a 
+ id="x1-15000"></a>Enable DUCC webserver login</h3>
+<!--l. 517--><p class="noindent" >This step is optional. As shipped, the 
webserver is disabled for logins. This can be seen by hovering over the Login 
+located in the upper right of most webserver pages:
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-16">
+<!--l. 522--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 524--><p class="noindent" >To enable logins, a Java-based authenticator 
must be plugged-in and the login feature must be enabled in the
+file by the DUCC administrator. Also, ducc_ling should be properly deployed 
(see Ducc_ling Installation section
+<!--l. 529--><p class="noindent" >A beta version of a Linux-based 
authentication plug-in is shipped with DUCC. It can be found in the source
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-17"></div>
+<!--l. 533--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 535--><p class="noindent" >The Linux-based authentication plug-in will 
attempt to validate webserver login requests by appealing to the host OS. The
+user who wishes to login provides a userid and password to the webserver via 
https, which in-turn are handed-off to the OS
+for a success/failure reply.
+<!--l. 540--><p class="noindent" >To have the webserver employ the beta 
Linux-based authentication plug-in, the DUCC administrator should perform the
+following as user ducc:
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-18">
+&#x00A0;<br />4.&#x00A0;save</div>
+<!--l. 547--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 549--><p class="noindent" >Note: The beta Linux-based authentication 
plug-in has limited testing. In particular, it was tested using:
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-19">
+<!--l. 553--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 555--><p class="noindent" >Alternatively, you can provide your own 
authentication plug-in. To do so:
+<div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-20">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;$DUCC_HOME/lib/authentication
+&#x00A0;<br />5.&#x00A0;edit&#x00A0;
+&#x00A0;<br />6.&#x00A0;add&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;following:
+&#x00A0;<br />9.&#x00A0;save</div>
+<!--l. 570--><p class="nopar" >

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