Author: schor
Date: Fri Dec 15 15:32:56 2017
New Revision: 1818293

[UIMA-5674] multiple hash map upgrade using common code, fixing edge cases.


 Fri Dec 15 15:32:56 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.uima.internal.util;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
+import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
+import java.util.function.IntSupplier;
+ * A common superclass for hash maps and hash sets
+ *
+ */
+public abstract class Common_hash_support {
+  // set to true to collect statistics for tuning
+  // you have to also put a call to showHistogram() at the end of the run
+  protected static final boolean TUNE = false;
+  protected static final int MIN_SIZE = 10;   // 10 / .66 =15.15
+  protected static final int MIN_CAPACITY = 16;
+  protected static final int MIN_CAPACITY_SHRINK = 64;  // don't shrink below 
this - thrashing
+  protected final float loadFactor;  
+  protected final int initialCapacity; 
+  protected int histogram [];
+  protected int maxProbe = 0;
+  protected int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
+  private int size = 0; // number of elements in the table  
+  protected int removed = 0;  // for rebalancing  
+  /** set to the first found_removed when searching */
+  protected int found_removed;
+  protected boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+  /**
+   * @param initialSizeBeforeExpanding the number of elements the table should 
hold before expanding
+   */
+  public Common_hash_support(int initialSizeBeforeExpanding) {
+    this(initialSizeBeforeExpanding, 0.66F);
+  }
+  public Common_hash_support(int initialSizeBeforeExpanding, float factor) {
+    this.loadFactor = factor;
+    this.initialCapacity = tableSpace(initialSizeBeforeExpanding, factor);
+    if (TUNE) {
+      histogram = new int[200];
+      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
+      maxProbe = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  public Common_hash_support(Common_hash_support orig) {
+    this(orig.initialCapacity);
+    this.sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = orig.sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
+    this.size = orig.size;
+    this.removed = orig.removed; 
+    this.secondTimeShrinkable = orig.secondTimeShrinkable;
+    // copy doesn't do tuning measurements
+    this.histogram = null;
+  }
+  public void clear() {
+    // see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
+    if (size + removed <  (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
+      // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
+      //   this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
+      if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
+        secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+        final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, keys_length() >>> 1);
+        if (newCapacity < keys_length()) { 
+          newTable(newCapacity);  // shrink table by 50%
+          size = 0;
+          removed = 0;
+          resetHistogram();
+          return;
+        } else { // don't shrink below minimum
+          clearExisting();
+          return;
+        }
+      } else {
+        secondTimeShrinkable = true;
+      }
+    } else {
+      secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a 
+    }
+    clearExisting();
+  }
+  private void clearExisting() {
+    clearKeysAndValues();
+    size = 0;
+    removed = 0;
+    resetHistogram();    
+  }
+  /** It gets a ref to the current value of table, and then searches that 
+   * Side effect: found_removed is set to the position of the first 
REMOVED_KEY (if any) encountered
+   * during the search.
+   * 
+   * @param key_validity_checks check the key is valid or throw
+   * @param key_hash     compute the hash code of the key
+   * @param is_eq_sor_not_present   true if the key at the int position is == 
to the key, or is 0
+   * @param is_removed_key true if the key at the int position is "removed"
+   * @return the probeAddr in keys array.  The value is the not-present-value 
if not found
+   */
+  protected int findPosition(
+                   int hash,
+                   IntPredicate is_eq_or_not_present,
+                   IntPredicate is_removed_key) {
+    found_removed = -1;  
+//    final int hash = key_hash.getAsInt();
+//    final int[] localKeys = keys;
+    final int bitMask = keys_length() - 1;
+    int nbrProbes = 1;
+    int probeDelta = 0;
+    int probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
+    for (;;) {
+      if (is_eq_or_not_present.test(probeAddr)) {
+        if (TUNE) {
+          updateHistogram(nbrProbes);
+        }
+        return probeAddr;
+      }
+      if (found_removed == -1 && is_removed_key.test(probeAddr)) {
+        found_removed = probeAddr;
+      }
+      if (TUNE) nbrProbes++;
+      if (probeDelta < 13) {
+        probeDelta ++; // stop at a prime
+                       // which guarantees all slots eventually traversed.
+      }
+      probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + probeDelta);
+    }
+//    // fast paths
+//    if (is_eq_or_not_present.test(probeAddr)) {
+////    final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
+////    if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
+//      if (TUNE) {
+//        updateHistogram(1);
+//      }
+//      return probeAddr;
+//    }
+//    if (is_removed_key.test(probeAddr)) {
+////        testKey == REMOVED_KEY) {
+//      found_removed = probeAddr;
+//    }
+//    return findPosition2(is_eq_or_not_present, is_removed_key, probeAddr);
+  } 
+//  private int findPosition2(IntPredicate is_eq_or_not_present,
+//                    IntPredicate is_removed_key, 
+//                    int probeAddr) {
+//    final int bitMask = keys_length() - 1;
+//    int nbrProbes = 2;
+//    int probeDelta = 1;
+//    probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//    while (true) {
+//      if (is_eq_or_not_present.test(probeAddr)) {
+////      final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
+////      if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
+//        break;
+//      }
+//      if (found_removed == -1 && is_removed_key.test(probeAddr)) {
+//        found_removed = probeAddr;
+//      }
+//      nbrProbes++;
+//      if (probeDelta < 13) {
+//        probeDelta ++; // stop at a prime
+//                       // which guarantees all slots eventually traversed.
+//      }
+//      probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//    }
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
+//      histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
+//      if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
+//        maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+//      }
+//    }
+//    return probeAddr;
+//  }
+  /**
+   * As REMOVED tokens populate,
+   * the number of 0's (representing free cells and
+   *   also the end of bucket chain searches) drops.
+   *   
+   *   If this drops a lot, then searches take much longer.
+   *   If there are no 0's left, searches never terminate!
+   *   
+   * Keep the number of 0's at about 1 - load factor 
+   * 
+   */
+  private void maybeRebalanceRemoves() {
+    final int old_capacity = keys_length();
+    if (old_capacity <= MIN_CAPACITY_SHRINK) {
+      return;  
+    }
+    int new_capacity = old_capacity >> 1;
+//    //debug
+//      int sz = size;
+    /******************************************************
+     * Logic for clearing out the removed markers in bulk
+     * 
+     * 3 cases:  resize up (never happens), down, or the same
+     * 
+     * Don't clear out if there's room left unless
+     *   there's too much room left and should downsize
+     * 
+     * Don't over do - avoid thrashing, avoid work for small sizes
+     * 
+     * Case for upsizing: none.  It's guaranteed there are always enough
+     *   0's for the load factor, by put/add implementation.  
+     *  
+     * Case for downsizing: if the size < 1/3 of the new capacity or,
+     *   number being removed would be > 1/3 of the new capacity  
+     ******************************************************/
+    if (removed + size >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
+      Misc.internalError();  // put or add always keeps this false. remove 
always reduces or keeps this value the same
+    }
+    // REMOVED tags if there are enough of them to make it worthwhile
+    // or if just should shrink because removed + size is smaller than 1/3 the 
new capacity
+    int one_third_new_capacity = sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >> 2;
+    int one_half_new_capacity = new_capacity >> 1;
+    if (removed > one_half_new_capacity || (size < one_third_new_capacity)) {
+      if (size >= one_third_new_capacity) {
+        new_capacity = old_capacity;
+      }
+      if (TUNE) {
+        System.out.println("Capacity (maybe) decreasing from " + old_capacity 
+ " to " + new_capacity + " removed= " + removed + " size= " + size);
+      }      
+      copyOld2New(new_capacity, old_capacity);
+    }
+//    //debug
+//    if (sz != size) 
+//      System.out.println("debug");
+  }
+  /**
+   * This method calls the subclass's copy_to_new_table method, 
+   *   passing an inner lambda containing common code for copying old to new.
+   *   
+   *   That inner lambda, when invoked by the copy_to_new_table method, 
+   *     is passed another lambda of one argument (the old index) 
+   *     which is called to copy each element.  
+   * @param new_capacity
+   * @param old_capacity
+   */
+  private void copyOld2New(int new_capacity, int old_capacity) {
+    copy_to_new_table( 
+      new_capacity,
+      old_capacity,
+        // this code assigned to "commonCopy" arg
+        (IntConsumer copyToNew, IntPredicate is_valid_old_key) -> {  
+      newTable(new_capacity);
+      removed = 0; // reset before put, otherwise, causes premature expansion
+      for (int i = 0; i < old_capacity; i++) {
+        if (is_valid_old_key.test(i)) {
+          copyToNew.accept(i);
+        }
+      }
+    });    
+  }
+  /**
+   * advance pos until it points to a non 0 or is 1 past end
+   * If pos is negative, start at 0.
+   * Don't move if pos already has valid key
+   * @param pos
+   * @return updated pos
+   */
+  protected int moveToNextFilled(int pos) {
+    final int max = keys_length();
+    if (pos < 0) {
+      pos = 0;
+    }
+    while (true) {
+      if (pos >= max) {
+        return pos;
+      }
+      if (is_valid_key(pos)) {
+        return pos;
+      }
+      pos ++;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * decrement pos until it points to a non 0 or is -1
+   * If pos is beyond end start at end.
+   * Don't move if pos already has valid key
+   * @param pos
+   * @return updated pos
+   */
+  protected int moveToPreviousFilled(int pos) {
+    final int max = keys_length();
+    if (pos > max) {
+      pos = max - 1;
+    }
+    while (true) {
+      if (pos < 0) {
+        return pos;
+      }
+      if (is_valid_key(pos)) {
+        return pos;
+      }
+      pos --;
+    }
+  }
+  // called by clear, increase table size, decrease table size
+  protected void newTable(int capacity) {
+    capacity = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
+    newKeysAndValues(capacity);
+    sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
+  }
+  protected void incrementSize() {
+    size++;
+    if (size + removed >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
+      maybeIncreaseTableCapacity();
+    }
+  }
+  private void maybeIncreaseTableCapacity() {
+    int old_capacity = keys_length();
+    int new_capacity = (removed >= size) 
+                         ? old_capacity 
+                         : 2 * old_capacity;
+    if (TUNE) {
+      System.out.println("Capacity (maybe) increasing from " + old_capacity + 
" to " + new_capacity + ", removes= " + removed + " size=" + size);
+    }
+    copyOld2New(new_capacity, old_capacity);
+  }
+  /**
+   * 
+   * @param keyNotFound -
+   * @return true if keyNotFound
+   */
+  protected void commonPutOrAddNotFound() {
+    if (found_removed != -1) {
+      removed --; // used up a removed slot
+    }
+    incrementSize();
+//    debugValidate();
+  }
+  /**
+   * only called if actually found and removed an entry
+   */
+  protected void commonRemove() {
+    removed ++;
+    size --;
+    maybeRebalanceRemoves();
+//    debugValidate();
+  }
+  public int size() {
+    return size;
+  }
+  @FunctionalInterface
+  public interface CommonCopyOld2New {
+    void apply(IntConsumer copyToNew, IntPredicate is_valid_old_key);
+  }
+  protected abstract boolean is_valid_key(int pos);
+  protected abstract int keys_length();
+  protected abstract void newKeysAndValues(int capacity);
+  protected abstract void clearKeysAndValues();
+  protected abstract void copy_to_new_table(int new_capacity, int 
old_capacity, CommonCopyOld2New r);
+  protected void resetHistogram() {
+    if (TUNE) {
+      histogram = new int[200];
+      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
+      maxProbe = 0;
+    }    
+  }
+  private void updateHistogram(int nbrProbes) {
+    histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + histogram[nbrProbes];
+    if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
+      maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+    }
+  }
+  public void showHistogram() {
+    if (TUNE) {
+      int sumI = 0;
+      for (int i : histogram) {
+        sumI += i;
+      }
+      System.out.format(
+          "Histogram of number of probes, loadfactor = %.1f, maxProbe=%,d nbr 
of find operations at last table size=%,d%n",
+          loadFactor, maxProbe, sumI);
+      for (int i = 0; i <= maxProbe; i++) {
+        if (i == maxProbe && histogram[i] == 0) {
+          System.out.println("huh?");
+        }
+        System.out.println(i + ": " + histogram[i]);
+      }     
+      System.out.println("bytes / entry = " + (float) (keys_length()) * 8 / 
+      System.out.format("size = %,d, prevExpansionTriggerSize = %,d, next = 
+          size(),
+          (int) ((keys_length() >>> 1) * loadFactor),
+          (int) (keys_length() * loadFactor));
+    }
+  }
+  // test case use
+  int getCapacity() {
+    return keys_length();
+  }
+  protected abstract class CommonKeyIterator implements IntListIterator {
+    protected int curPosition;
+    protected final int firstPosition;
+    protected CommonKeyIterator() {
+        this.curPosition = moveToNextFilled(0);
+        firstPosition = curPosition;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean hasNext() {
+      return curPosition < keys_length() && curPosition >= 0;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public boolean hasPrevious() {
+      if (curPosition > keys_length() || curPosition <= 0) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      int test = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
+      return test >= 0;
+    }
+    @Override
+    /**
+     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#moveToStart()
+     */
+    public void moveToStart() {
+      curPosition = moveToNextFilled(0);
+    }
+    @Override
+    /**
+     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#moveToEnd()
+     */
+    public void moveToEnd() {
+      curPosition = moveToPreviousFilled(keys_length() - 1);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * 
+   * @param numberOfElements -
+   * @param factor -
+   * @return capacity of the main table (either 2 byte or 4 byte entries)
+   */
+  public static int tableSpace(int numberOfElements, Float factor) {
+    if (numberOfElements < 0) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be > 0");
+    }
+    final int capacity = Math.round(numberOfElements / factor);
+    return  Math.max(16, Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
+  }
+  protected void debugValidate() {
+    // count non-0, non-removed, compare to size
+    int sum = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < keys_length(); i ++) {
+      if (is_valid_key(i)) {
+        sum ++;
+        if (sum > size) {
+          System.out.println("debug");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

 Fri Dec 15 15:32:56 2017
@@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ package org.apache.uima.internal.util;
 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
 import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.IntConsumer;
 import org.apache.uima.util.impl.Constants;
@@ -39,132 +42,35 @@ import org.apache.uima.util.impl.Constan
  *   keys are non-0 ints
  *     - 0 is reserved for the empty key slot
  *     - Integer.MIN_VALUE is reserved for removed slot 
- *   Entry set not (yet) impl
  * values can be anything, but null is the value returned by get if not found 
  *   values probably should not be null
- * remove not currently supported
+ * remove supported by replacing the value slot with null, and replacing the 
key slot with a "removed" token.
+ * A cleanout of removed items occurs when necessary.
-public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
-  private class KeyIterator implements IntListIterator {
+public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> extends Common_hash_support implements 
+  private static final int REMOVED_KEY = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
-    /**
-     * Keep this always pointing to a non-0 entry, or
-     * if not valid, outside the range
-     */
-    private int curPosition;
-    private final int firstPosition;
-    private KeyIterator() {
-      this.curPosition = 0;
-      moveToNextFilled();
-      firstPosition = curPosition;
-    }
+  private class KeyIterator extends CommonKeyIterator implements 
IntListIterator {   
-    public final boolean hasNext() {
-      return curPosition < keys.length;
-    }
-    public final int next() {
-//      if (!hasNext()) {
-//        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-//      }
-      try {
-        final int r = keys[curPosition++];
-        moveToNextFilled();
-        return r;
-      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#hasPrevious()
-     */
-    public boolean hasPrevious() {
-      return (curPosition > firstPosition);
-    }
-    /**
-     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#previous()
-     */
-    public int previous() {
-      if (!hasPrevious()) {
-        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-      }
-      curPosition --;
-      moveToPreviousFilled();
-      return keys[curPosition];
-    }
-    /**
-     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#moveToEnd()
-     */
-    public void moveToEnd() {
-      curPosition = keys.length - 1;
-      moveToPreviousFilled();
-    }
-    /**
-     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#moveToStart()
-     */
-    public void moveToStart() {
-      curPosition = 0;
-      moveToNextFilled();
+    @Override
+    public final int nextNvc()  {   
+      final int r = keys[curPosition];
+      curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition + 1);
+      return r;     
-    /**
-     * advance pos until it points to a non 0 or is 1 past end
-     * @param pos
-     * @return updated pos
-     */
-    private void moveToNextFilled() {      
-      final int max = keys.length;
-      while (true) {
-        if (curPosition >= max) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (keys[curPosition] != 0) {
-          return;
-        }
-        curPosition ++;
-      }
+    @Override
+    public int previousNvc() {
+      curPosition = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
+      return keys[curPosition];      
-    /**
-     * decrement pos until it points to a non 0 or is -1
-     * @param pos
-     * @return updated pos
-     */
-    private void moveToPreviousFilled() {
-      final int max = keys.length;
-      if (curPosition > max) {
-        curPosition = max - 1;
-      }
-      while (true) {
-        if (curPosition < 0) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (keys[curPosition] != 0) {
-          return;
-        }
-        curPosition --;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // set to true to collect statistics for tuning
-  // you have to also put a call to showHistogram() at the end of the run
-  private static final boolean TUNE = false;
+  }
   // this load factor gives, for array doubling strategy:
   //   between 1.5 * 8 bytes (2 words, one for key, one for value) = 12 and
   //           3   * 8                                               24 bytes 
per entry
@@ -178,38 +84,36 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
   // See corresponding Int2IntPerfTest which is disabled normally
-  private final float loadFactor = (float)0.66;  
-  private final int initialCapacity; 
-  private int histogram [];
-  private int maxProbe = 0;
-  private int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
-  private int size; // number of elements in the table  
+//  private final float loadFactor = (float)0.66;  
+//  private final int initialCapacity; 
+//  private int histogram [];
+//  private int maxProbe = 0;
+//  private int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
+//  private int size; // number of elements in the table  
   private int [] keys;
   private T [] values;
-  private boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+//  private boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+  final private Class<T> componentType;  // needed to make new instances of 
the value array
+//  /** set to the first found_removed when searching */
+//  private int found_removed;
+//  private int removed = 0;  // for rebalancing  
-  final private Class<T> componentType;
   public Int2ObjHashMap(Class<T> clazz) {
-    this(clazz, 16);
+    this(clazz, MIN_SIZE);
-  public Int2ObjHashMap(Class<T> clazz, int initialCapacity) {
+  public Int2ObjHashMap(Class<T> clazz, int initialSizeBeforeExpanding) {
+    super(initialSizeBeforeExpanding);
     this.componentType = clazz;
-    initialCapacity = Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
-    this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
-    newTableKeepSize(initialCapacity);
-    size = 0;
-    if (TUNE) {
-      histogram = new int[200];
-      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
-      maxProbe = 0;
-    }
+    newTable(this.initialCapacity);
@@ -217,197 +121,316 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
    * @param clazz
    * @param initialCapacity
-  private Int2ObjHashMap(
-      Class<T> clazz, 
-      int initialCapacity,
-      int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion, 
-      int size, 
-      int[] keys, 
-      T[] values) {
-    this.componentType = clazz;
-    this.initialCapacity = Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
-    this.sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
-    this.histogram = null;
-    this.size = size;
-    this.keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, keys.length);
-    this.values = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length);
+  private Int2ObjHashMap(Int2ObjHashMap orig) {
+    super(orig);
+    this.componentType = orig.componentType;
+    this.keys = Arrays.copyOf(orig.keys, keys.length);
+    this.values = (T[]) Arrays.copyOf(orig.values, values.length);
-  private void newTableKeepSize(int capacity) {
-    // minimum size is 16
-    capacity = Math.max(16, Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
-    keys = new int[capacity];
-    values = (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, capacity);
-    sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
-  }
-  private void incrementSize() {
-    if (size >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
-      increaseTableCapacity();
-    }
-    size++;
-  }
-  private void increaseTableCapacity() {
-    final int [] oldKeys = keys;
-    final T [] oldValues = values;
-    final int oldCapacity = oldKeys.length;
-    int newCapacity = 2 * oldCapacity;
+//  private void newTableKeepSize(int capacity) {
+//    capacity = Math.max(MIN_SIZE, Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
+//    keys = new int[capacity];
+//    values = (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, capacity);
+//    sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
+//  }
+//  protected void incrementSize() {
+//    if (size + removed >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
+//      increaseTableCapacity();
+//    }
+//    size++;
+//  }
+//  private void increaseTableCapacity() {
+//    final int [] oldKeys = keys;
+//    final T [] oldValues = values;
+//    final int oldCapacity = oldKeys.length;
+//    int newCapacity = 2 * oldCapacity;
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " 
+ newCapacity);
+//    }
+//    removed = 0;
+//    newTableKeepSize(newCapacity);
+//    int vi = 0;
+//    for (int key : oldKeys) {
+//      if (key != 0 && key != REMOVED_KEY) {
+//        putInner(key, oldValues[vi]);
+//      }
+//      vi++;
+//    }
+//  }
-    if (TUNE) {
-      System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + 
-    }
-    newTableKeepSize(newCapacity);
-    int vi = 0;
-    for (int key : oldKeys) {
-      if (key != 0) {
-        putInner(key, oldValues[vi]);
-      }
-      vi++;
-    }
-  }
-  // called by clear
-  private void newTable(int capacity) {
-    newTableKeepSize(capacity);
-    size = 0;
-    resetHistogram();
-  }
-  private void resetHistogram() {
-    if (TUNE) {
-      histogram = new int[200];
-      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
-      maxProbe = 0;
-    }    
-  }
-  public void clear() {
-    // see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
-    if (size <  (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
-      // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
-      //   this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
-      if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
-        secondTimeShrinkable = false;
-        final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, keys.length >>> 1);
-        if (newCapacity < keys.length) { 
-          newTable(newCapacity);  // shrink table by 50%
-        } else { // don't shrink below minimum
-          Arrays.fill(keys, 0);
-          Arrays.fill(values,  null);
-        }
-        size = 0;
-        resetHistogram();
-        return;
-      } else {
-        secondTimeShrinkable = true;
-      }
-    } else {
-      secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a 
-    }
-    size = 0;
-    Arrays.fill(keys, 0);
-    Arrays.fill(values, null);
-    resetHistogram();
-  }
+//  // called by clear
+//  private void newTable(int capacity) {
+//    newTableKeepSize(capacity);
+//    size = 0;
+//    resetHistogram();
+//  }
+//  private void resetHistogram() {
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      histogram = new int[200];
+//      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
+//      maxProbe = 0;
+//    }    
+//  }
+//  public void clear() {
+//    // see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
+//    if (size <  (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
+//      // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
+//      //   this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
+//      if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
+//        secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+//        final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, keys.length >>> 1);
+//        if (newCapacity < keys.length) { 
+//          newTable(newCapacity);  // shrink table by 50%
+//        } else { // don't shrink below minimum
+//          Arrays.fill(keys, 0);
+//          Arrays.fill(values,  null);
+//        }
+//        size = 0;
+//        resetHistogram();
+//        return;
+//      } else {
+//        secondTimeShrinkable = true;
+//      }
+//    } else {
+//      secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a 
+//    }
+//    size = 0;
+//    Arrays.fill(keys, 0);
+//    Arrays.fill(values, null);
+//    resetHistogram();
+//  }
-  /** It gets a ref to the current value of table, and then searches that int 
-  * 
-  * @param key -
-  * @return the probeAddr in keys array - might have a 0 value, or the key 
value if found
-  */
-  private int find(final int key) {
-    if (key == 0) {
+  /** 
+   * Searches the keys for a match
+   * @param key -
+   * @return the probeAddr in keys array - The value[probeAddr] is 0 value if 
not found
+   */
+  private int findPosition(final int key) {
+    if (key == 0) {  
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 is an invalid key");
-    final int hash = Misc.hashInt(key);
-    final int[] localKeys = keys;
-    final int bitMask = localKeys.length - 1;
-    int probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
-    // fast paths
-    final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
-    if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
-      if (TUNE) {
-        updateHistogram(1);
-      }
-      return probeAddr;
-    }
-    return find2(localKeys, key, probeAddr);
-  } 
-  private int find2(final int[] localKeys, final int key, int probeAddr) {
-    final int bitMask = localKeys.length - 1;
-    int nbrProbes = 2;
-    int probeDelta = 1;
-    probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
-    while (true) {
-      final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
-      if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
-        break;
-      }
-      nbrProbes++;
-      probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
-    }
-    if (TUNE) {
-      final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
-      histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
-      if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
-        maxProbe = nbrProbes;
-      }
-    }
-    return probeAddr;
-  }
-  private void updateHistogram(int nbrProbes) {
-    histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + histogram[nbrProbes];
-    if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
-      maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+    if (key == REMOVED_KEY) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer.MIN_VALUE is an invalid 
+    return findPosition(
+        // key hash
+        Misc.hashInt(key),
+        //is_eq_or_is_not_present
+        i -> keys[i] == 0 || keys[i] == key,
+        // is_removed_key
+        i -> keys[i] == REMOVED_KEY
+        );
+//  private int find(final int key) {
+//    if (key == 0) {
+//      throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 is an invalid key");
+//    }
+//    if (key == REMOVED_KEY) {
+//      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Integer.MIN_VALUE is an invalid 
+//    }
+//    found_removed = 0;  
+//    final int hash = Misc.hashInt(key);
+//    final int[] localKeys = keys;
+//    final int bitMask = localKeys.length - 1;
+//    int probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
+//    // fast paths
+//    final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
+//    if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
+//      if (TUNE) {
+//        updateHistogram(1);
+//      }
+//      return probeAddr;
+//    }
+//    if (testKey == REMOVED_KEY) {
+//      found_removed = probeAddr;
+//    }
+//    return find2(localKeys, key, probeAddr);
+//  } 
+//  private int find2(final int[] localKeys, final int key, int probeAddr) {
+//    final int bitMask = localKeys.length - 1;
+//    int nbrProbes = 2;
+//    int probeDelta = 1;
+//    probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//    while (true) {
+//      final int testKey = localKeys[probeAddr];
+//      if (testKey == 0 || testKey == key) {
+//        break;
+//      }
+//      if (found_removed == 0 && testKey == REMOVED_KEY) {
+//        found_removed = probeAddr;
+//      }
+//      nbrProbes++;
+//      probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//    }
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
+//      histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
+//      if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
+//        maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+//      }
+//    }
+//    return probeAddr;
+//  }
+//  private void updateHistogram(int nbrProbes) {
+//    histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + histogram[nbrProbes];
+//    if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
+//      maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+//    }
+//  }
   public T get(int key) {
-    return (key == 0) ? null : values[find(key)];
+    return (key == 0) ? null : values[findPosition(key)];
-  public boolean containsKey(int key) {
-    int probeAddr = find(key);
-    return probeAddr != 0 && keys[probeAddr] != 0;
+  public T remove(int key) {
+  int pos = findPosition(key);
+  T v = values[pos];
+  int k = keys[pos];                      
+  if (k != 0) {
+    values[pos] = null;
+    keys[pos] = REMOVED_KEY;
+    commonRemove();
+  }
+  return v;  
+  }
+//  private void maybeRebalanceRemoves() {
+//    final int new_capacity = keys.length >> 1;
+//    if (removed > REBALANCE_MIN_REMOVED &&
+//        removed > new_capacity) {
+//      // cleanup will remove more than 1/2 the items
+//      int [] oldKeys = keys;
+//      T [] oldValues = values;
+//      newTable(new_capacity);
+//      removed = 0; // reset before put, otherwise, causes premature expansion
+//      for (int i = 0; i < oldKeys.length; i++) {
+//        int k = oldKeys[i];
+//        if (k != 0 && k != REMOVED_KEY) {
+//          put(k, oldValues[i]);
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
+  protected void copy_to_new_table(
+      /* ignored */int newCapacity,
+      /* ignored */int oldCapacity,
+      CommonCopyOld2New commonCopy) {
+    int [] oldKeys = keys;
+    T [] oldValues = values;
+    commonCopy.apply(
+        // copyToNew 
+        i -> 
+          putInner(oldKeys[i], oldValues[i]),
+        // is_valid_old_key 
+        i ->  
+          oldKeys[i] != 0 && oldKeys[i] != REMOVED_KEY);
-  public boolean isKeyValid(int position) {
-    return (position != 0) && (keys[position] != 0);
+  // debug
+//  private void dump(int[] ks) {
+//    HashSet<Integer> found = new HashSet<>();
+//    int nbr0 = 0;
+//    int nbrRmv = 0;
+//    for (int k : ks) {
+//      if (k == 0) {
+//        nbr0++;
+//      } else if (k == REMOVED_KEY) {
+//        nbrRmv ++;
+//      } else {
+//        boolean wasAdded = found.add(k);
+//        if (! wasAdded) {
+//          System.out.println("dups");
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
+//  private boolean checkKeyExists(int key) {
+//    int c = 0;
+//    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+//      int k = keys[i];
+//      if (k == key) {
+//        c++;
+//        if (c > 1) {
+//          System.out.println("found key " + key + " in position " + i);
+//          return true;
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//    return false;
+//  }
+  public boolean containsKey(int key) {
+    int probeAddr = findPosition(key);
+    return keys[probeAddr] != 0 ;
   public T put(int key, T value) {
-    final int i = find(key);
+    int i = findPosition(key);
     final boolean keyNotFound = keys[i] == 0;
     final T prevValue = values[i];
+    if (! keyNotFound) { // key found
+      values[i] = value;
+      return prevValue;
+    }
+    if (found_removed != -1) {
+      i = found_removed;  // use the removed slot for the new value
+    } 
+//    //debug 
+//    if (checkKeyExists(key)) {
+//      find(key);
+//      System.out.println("stop");
+//    }
+//    // debug
+//    if (key == 322 && (i == 618 || i == 617)) {
+//      find(key);
+//      System.out.println("stop");
+//    }
     keys[i] = key;
     values[i] = value;
-    if (keyNotFound) {
-      incrementSize();
-    }
+    commonPutOrAddNotFound();
     return prevValue;
   public void putInner(int key, T value) {
-    final int i = find(key);
+    final int i = findPosition(key);
     assert (keys[i] == 0);
     keys[i] = key;
     values[i] = value;
-  public int size() {
-    return size;
-  }
   public int[] getSortedKeys() {
     final int size = size();
     if (size == 0) {
@@ -416,7 +439,7 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
     final int[] r = new int[size];
     int i = 0;
     for (int k : keys) {
-      if (k != 0) {
+      if (k != 0 && k != REMOVED_KEY) {
         r[i++] = k;
@@ -437,6 +460,9 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException();// only makes sense for sorted 
+  /**
+   * @return an iterator<T> over the values in random order
+   */
   public Iterator<T> values() {
     return new Iterator<T>() {
@@ -444,10 +470,8 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
        * Keep this always pointing to a non-0 entry, or
        * if not valid, outside the range
-      private int curPosition = 0;
-      { moveToNextFilled(); }  // non-static initializer
+      private int curPosition = moveToNextFilled(0);
       public boolean hasNext() {
         return curPosition < keys.length;
@@ -455,57 +479,83 @@ public class Int2ObjHashMap<T> {
       public T next() {
-        try {
-          final T r = values[curPosition++];
-          moveToNextFilled();
-          return r;
-        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+        if (!hasNext()) {
           throw new NoSuchElementException();
+        T r = values[curPosition];
+        curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition + 1);
+        return r;
-      private void moveToNextFilled() {      
-        final int max = keys.length;
-        while (true) {
-          if (curPosition >= max) {
-            return;
-          }
-          if (keys[curPosition] != 0) {
-            return;
-          }
-          curPosition ++;
-        }
-      }
+//      private void moveToNextFilled() {      
+//        final int max = keys.length;
+//        while (true) {
+//          if (curPosition >= max) {
+//            return;
+//          }
+//          int k = keys[curPosition];
+//          if (k != 0 && k != REMOVED_KEY) {  
+//            return;
+//          }
+//          curPosition ++;
+//        }
+//      }
-  public void showHistogram() {
-    if (TUNE) {
-      int sumI = 0;
-      for (int i : histogram) {
-        sumI += i;
-      }
+  public Int2ObjHashMap<T> copy() {
+    return new Int2ObjHashMap<>(this);
+  }
+  @Override
+  public Iterator<IntEntry<T>> iterator() {
+    return new Iterator<IntEntry<T>>() {
-      System.out.format(
-          "Histogram of number of probes, loadfactor = %.1f, maxProbe=%,d nbr 
of find operations at last table size=%,d%n",
-          loadFactor, maxProbe, sumI);
-      for (int i = 0; i <= maxProbe; i++) {
-        if (i == maxProbe && histogram[i] == 0) {
-          System.out.println("huh?");
+      /**
+       * Keep this always pointing to a non-0 entry, or
+       * if not valid, outside the range
+       */
+      private int curPosition = moveToNextFilled(0);
+      @Override
+      public boolean hasNext() {
+        return curPosition < keys.length;
+      }
+      @Override
+      public IntEntry next() {
+        if (!hasNext()) {
+          throw new NoSuchElementException();
-        System.out.println(i + ": " + histogram[i]);
-      }     
+        final IntEntry<T> r = new IntEntry<>(keys[curPosition], 
+        curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition + 1);
+        return r;        
+      }
-      System.out.println("bytes / entry = " + (float) (keys.length) * 8 / 
-      System.out.format("size = %,d, prevExpansionTriggerSize = %,d, next = 
-          size(),
-          (int) ((keys.length >>> 1) * loadFactor),
-          (int) (keys.length * loadFactor));
-    }
+    };
-  public Int2ObjHashMap<T> copy() {
-    return new Int2ObjHashMap<>(componentType, initialCapacity, 
sizeWhichTriggersExpansion, size, keys, values);
+  protected int keys_length() {
+    return keys.length;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected boolean is_valid_key(int pos) {
+    return keys[pos] != 0 && keys[pos] != REMOVED_KEY;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void newKeysAndValues(int size) {
+    keys = new int[size];
+    values = (T[]) Array.newInstance(componentType, size);    
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void clearKeysAndValues() {
+    Arrays.fill(keys, 0);
+    Arrays.fill(values, null);

 Fri Dec 15 15:32:56 2017
@@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ package org.apache.uima.internal.util;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
+import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
 import org.apache.uima.util.impl.Constants;
  * A set of non-zero ints. 
+ *   Can be negative.
+ *   
  *   0 reserved internally to indicate "not in the map";
  *   you will get an exception if you try to store 0 as a value.
@@ -51,40 +54,18 @@ import org.apache.uima.util.impl.Constan
  *   Automatically switches to full int representation if needed  
-public class IntHashSet implements PositiveIntSet {
+public class IntHashSet extends Common_hash_support implements PositiveIntSet {
-  public static final int SIZE_NEEDING_4_BYTES = 256 * 256 - 2;  
-  public static final float DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.66F;
+  public static final int SIZE_NEEDING_4_BYTES = 256 * 256 - 2; 
   private static final int REMOVED4 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
   private static final int REMOVED2 = Short.MIN_VALUE;
-  // set to true to collect statistics for tuning
-  // you have to also put a call to showHistogram() at the end of the run
-  private static final boolean TUNE = false;
-  static int nextHigherPowerOf2(int i) {
-    return (i < 1) ? 1 : Integer.highestOneBit(i) << ( (Integer.bitCount(i) == 
1 ? 0 : 1));
-  }
   // this load factor gives, for array doubling strategy:
   //   between 1.5 * 4 bytes (1 word for key) = 6 and
   //           3   * 4                          12 bytes per entry
   // This compares with 160 bytes/entry for the IntArrayRBT impl
-  private final float loadFactor = DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR;  
-  private final int initialCapacity; 
-  private int histogram [];
-  private int maxProbe = 0;
-  private int sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;
-  private int size; // number of elements in the table
-  private int nbrRemoved; // number of removed elements (coded as removed)
-  private int removedPositionToUse = -1;
   // offset only used with keys2.  values stored are key - offset
   //   intent is to have them fit into short data type.
   //   If the offset is 100,000, then the keys range from 100000 - 32766 to 
100000 + 32767, includes "0"
@@ -97,15 +78,15 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   private int [] keys4;
   private short[] keys2;
-  private boolean secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+  private boolean isMake4;
   // these are true values (before any offset adjustment)
   private int mostPositive = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
   private int mostNegative = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   public IntHashSet() {
-    this(12, 0);
+    this(10, 0);
   public IntHashSet(int initialCapacity) {
@@ -114,87 +95,92 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
-   * @param initialCapacity - you can add this many before expansion
+   * @param initialSizeBeforeExpanding - you can add this many before expansion
    * @param offset - for values in the short range, the amount to subtract
    *                 before storing.
    *                 If == MIN_VALUE, then force 4 byte ints
-  public IntHashSet(int initialCapacity, int offset) {
-    this.initialCapacity = initialCapacity;
-    boolean force4 = offset == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
-    this.offset = force4 ? 0 : offset;
-    newTableKeepSize(tableSpace(initialCapacity), force4);
-    size = 0;
-    if (TUNE) {
-      histogram = new int[200];
-      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
-      maxProbe = 0;
-    }
+  public IntHashSet(int initialSizeBeforeExpanding, int offset) {
+    super(initialSizeBeforeExpanding);
+    isMake4 = offset == Integer.MIN_VALUE;
+    this.offset = isMake4 ? 0 : offset;
+    newTable(this.initialCapacity);
+    resetTable();
-  /**
-   * The number of 32 bit words that are reserved when 
-   * creating a table to hold the specified number of elements
-   * 
-   * The number is a power of 2.
-   * 
-   * The number is at least 16.
-   * 
-   * The number is such that you could add this many elements without
-   *   triggering the capacity expansion.
-   *   
-   * @param numberOfElements -
-   * @return -
-   */
-  public int tableSpace(int numberOfElements) {
-    return tableSpace(numberOfElements, loadFactor);
-  }
+//  /**
+//   * The number of 32 bit words that are reserved when 
+//   * creating a table to hold the specified number of elements
+//   * 
+//   * The number is a power of 2.
+//   * 
+//   * The number is at least 16.
+//   * 
+//   * The number is such that you could add this many elements without
+//   *   triggering the capacity expansion.
+//   *   
+//   * @param numberOfElements -
+//   * @return -
+//   */
+//  public int tableSpace(int numberOfElements) {
+//    return tableSpace(numberOfElements, loadFactor);
+//  }
-  /**
-   * 
-   * @param numberOfElements -
-   * @param factor -
-   * @return capacity of the main table (either 2 byte or 4 byte entries)
-   */
-  public static int tableSpace(int numberOfElements, Float factor) {
-    if (numberOfElements < 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be > 0");
-    }
-    final int capacity = Math.round(numberOfElements / factor);
-    return  Math.max(16, nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
-  }
-  private void newTableKeepSize(int capacity, boolean make4) {
-    if (!make4) {
-      capacity = Math.max(4, nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
-      make4 = (capacity >= SIZE_NEEDING_4_BYTES);
-    }
-    // don't use short values unless 
-    //    the number of items is < 65536
-    if (make4) {
-      keys4 = new int[capacity];
-      keys2 = null;
-    } else {
-      keys2 = new short[capacity];
-      keys4 = null;
-    }
-    sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
-    nbrRemoved = 0;
-  }
-  private void incrementSize() {
-    if ((size + nbrRemoved) >= sizeWhichTriggersExpansion) {
-      increaseTableCapacity();
-    }
-    size++;
+  public static int tableSpace(int numberOfElements) {
+    return Common_hash_support.tableSpace(numberOfElements, 0.66f);
+//  /**
+//   * 
+//   * @param numberOfElements -
+//   * @param factor -
+//   * @return capacity of the main table (either 2 byte or 4 byte entries)
+//   */
+//  public static int tableSpace(int numberOfElements, Float factor) {
+//    if (numberOfElements < 0) {
+//      throw new IllegalArgumentException("must be > 0");
+//    }
+//    final int capacity = Math.round(numberOfElements / factor);
+//    return  Math.max(16, Misc.nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
+//  }
+//  private void newTableKeepSize(int capacity, boolean make4) {
+//    if (!make4) {
+//      capacity = Math.max(4, nextHigherPowerOf2(capacity));
+//      // don't use short values unless 
+//      //    the number of items is < 65536
+//      make4 = (capacity >= SIZE_NEEDING_4_BYTES);
+//    }
+//    if (make4) {
+//      keys4 = new int[capacity];
+//      keys2 = null;
+//    } else {
+//      keys2 = new short[capacity];
+//      keys4 = null;
+//    }
+//    sizeWhichTriggersExpansion = (int)(capacity * loadFactor);
+//    nbrRemoved = 0;
+//  }
+  /**
+   * Method called by handleHashSet in PositiveIntSet
+   * to indicate if adding this many items would cause an expansion
+   * @return true if would not expand
+   */
   public boolean wontExpand() {
     return wontExpand(1);
+  /**
+   * Method called by handleHashSet in PositiveIntSet
+   * to indicate if adding this many items would cause an expansion
+   * @param n the number of items added
+   * @return true if would not expand
+   */
   public boolean wontExpand(int n) {
-    return (size + nbrRemoved + n) < sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;  
+    return (size() + removed + n) < sizeWhichTriggersExpansion;  
   public int getSpaceUsedInWords() {
@@ -204,11 +190,7 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   public static int getSpaceOverheadInWords() {
     return 11;
-  private int getCapacity() {
-    return (null == keys4) ? keys2.length : keys4.length;
-  }
    * Only call this if using short values with offset
    * @param adjKey
@@ -219,174 +201,176 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
     return adjKey + offset + ((adjKey < 0) ? 1 : 0); 
-  private void increaseTableCapacity() {
-    final int oldCapacity = getCapacity();
-    // keep same capacity if just removing the "removed" markers would 
-    // shrink the used slots to the same they would have been had there been 
no removed, and 
-    // the capacity was doubled.
-    final int newCapacity = (nbrRemoved > size) ? oldCapacity : oldCapacity << 
-    if (keys2 != null) {
-      final short[] oldKeys = keys2;
-      newTableKeepSize(newCapacity, false);
-      if (newCapacity >= 256 * 256) {  // = 65536
-        // switch to 4
-        if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Switching to 4 byte keys, Capacity 
increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
-        for (short adjKey : oldKeys) {
-          if (adjKey != 0 && adjKey != REMOVED2) {
-            addInner4(getRawFromAdjKey(adjKey));
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Keeping 2 byte keys, Capacity 
increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
-        for (short adjKey : oldKeys) {
-          if (adjKey != 0 && adjKey != REMOVED2) {
-            addInner2(adjKey);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      final int [] oldKeys = keys4;      
-      if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + oldCapacity 
+ " to " + newCapacity);}
-      newTableKeepSize(newCapacity, true);
-      for (int key : oldKeys) {
-        if (key != 0 && key != REMOVED4) {
-          addInner4(key);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+//  private void increaseTableCapacity() {
+//    final int oldCapacity = getCapacity();
+//    // keep same capacity if just removing the "removed" markers would 
+//    // shrink the used slots to the same they would have been had there been 
no removed, and 
+//    // the capacity was doubled.
+//    final int newCapacity = (nbrRemoved > size) ? oldCapacity : oldCapacity 
<< 1;
+//    if (keys2 != null) {
+//      final short[] oldKeys = keys2;
+//      newTableKeepSize(newCapacity, false);
+//      if (newCapacity >= 256 * 256) {  // = 65536
+//        // switch to 4
+//        if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Switching to 4 byte keys, Capacity 
increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
+//        for (short adjKey : oldKeys) {
+//          if (adjKey != 0 && adjKey != REMOVED2) {
+//            addInner4(getRawFromAdjKey(adjKey));
+//          }
+//        }
+//      } else {
+//        if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Keeping 2 byte keys, Capacity 
increasing from " + oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
+//        for (short adjKey : oldKeys) {
+//          if (adjKey != 0 && adjKey != REMOVED2) {
+//            addInner2(adjKey);
+//          }
+//        }
+//      }
+//    } else {
+//      final int [] oldKeys = keys4;      
+//      if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + 
oldCapacity + " to " + newCapacity);}
+//      newTableKeepSize(newCapacity, true);
+//      for (int key : oldKeys) {
+//        if (key != 0 && key != REMOVED4) {
+//          addInner4(key);
+//        }
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
-  // called by clear
-  private void newTable(int capacity) {
-    newTableKeepSize(capacity, false);
-    resetTable();
-  }
-  private void resetHistogram() {
-    if (TUNE) {
-      histogram = new int[200];
-      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
-      maxProbe = 0;
-    }
-  }
+//  // called by clear
+//  private void newTable(int capacity) {
+//    newTableKeepSize(capacity, false);
+//    resetTable();
+//  }
+//  private void resetHistogram() {
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      histogram = new int[200];
+//      Arrays.fill(histogram, 0);
+//      maxProbe = 0;
+//    }
+//  }
-  private void resetArray() {
-    if (keys4 == null) {
-      Arrays.fill(keys2,  (short)0);
-    } else {
-      Arrays.fill(keys4, 0);
-    }
-    resetTable();
-  }
+//  private void resetArray() {
+//    if (keys4 == null) {
+//      Arrays.fill(keys2,  (short)0);
+//    } else {
+//      Arrays.fill(keys4, 0);
+//    }
+//    resetTable();
+//  }
   private void resetTable() {
     mostPositive = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
     mostNegative = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
-    resetHistogram();
-    size = 0;
-    nbrRemoved = 0;    
+//    resetHistogram();
+//    size = 0;
+//    nbrRemoved = 0;    
   public void clear() {
-    // see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
-    if (size <  (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
-      // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
-      //   this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
-      if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
-        secondTimeShrinkable = false;
-        final int currentCapacity = getCapacity();
-        final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, currentCapacity >>> 
-        if (newCapacity < currentCapacity) { 
-          newTable(newCapacity);  // shrink table by 50%
-        } else { // don't shrink below minimum
-          resetArray();
-        }
-        return;
-      } else {
-        secondTimeShrinkable = true;
-      }
-    } else {
-      secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a 
-    }
-   resetArray();
+    super.clear();
+    resetTable();
+//    // see if size is less than the 1/2 size that triggers expansion
+//    if (size <  (sizeWhichTriggersExpansion >>> 1)) {
+//      // if 2nd time then shrink by 50%
+//      //   this is done to avoid thrashing around the threshold
+//      if (secondTimeShrinkable) {
+//        secondTimeShrinkable = false;
+//        final int currentCapacity = getCapacity();
+//        final int newCapacity = Math.max(initialCapacity, currentCapacity 
>>> 1);
+//        if (newCapacity < currentCapacity) { 
+//          newTable(newCapacity);  // shrink table by 50%
+//        } else { // don't shrink below minimum
+//          resetArray();
+//        }
+//        return;
+//      } else {
+//        secondTimeShrinkable = true;
+//      }
+//    } else {
+//      secondTimeShrinkable = false; // reset this to require 2 triggers in a 
+//    }
+//   resetArray();
-  /** 
-  * returns a position in the key/value table
-  *   if the key is not found, then the position will be to the
-  *   place where the key would be put upon adding, and the 
-  *   current internal value of keys[position] would be 0.
-  *   
-  *   if the key is found, then keys[position] == key
-  * @param adjKey - raw key - offset (-1 if this value is 0 or negative, to 
skip 0, if shorts)
-  * @return the probeAddr in keys array - might have a 0 value, or the key 
value if found
-  */
-  private int findPosition(final int adjKey) {
-    return findPosition(adjKey, false);
-  } 
-  private int findPosition(final int adjKey, final boolean includeRemoved) {
-    if (adjKey == 0) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 is an invalid key");
-    }
-    final int hash = Misc.hashInt(adjKey);
-    int nbrProbes = 1;
-    int probeDelta = 1;
-    int probeAddr;
-    removedPositionToUse = -1;
-    if (keys4 == null) {
-      final short[] localKeys2 = keys2;
-      final int bitMask = localKeys2.length - 1;
-      probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
-       while (true) {
-        final int testKey = localKeys2[probeAddr];
-        if (includeRemoved && (removedPositionToUse == -1) && (testKey == 
-          nbrRemoved --;  // because caller will use this as a slot for adding
-          removedPositionToUse = probeAddr;
-        }
-        if (testKey == 0 || testKey == adjKey) {
-           break;
-        }
-        nbrProbes++; 
-        probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
-      }
-    } else {
-      final int[] localKeys4 = keys4;
-      final int bitMask = localKeys4.length - 1;
-      probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
-      while (true) {
-        final int testKey = localKeys4[probeAddr];
-        if (includeRemoved && (removedPositionToUse == -1) && (testKey == 
-          nbrRemoved --;  // because caller will use this as a slot for adding
-          removedPositionToUse = probeAddr;
-        }
-        if (testKey == 0 || testKey == adjKey) {
-          break;
-        }
-        nbrProbes++;
-        probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
-      }
-    }
-    if (TUNE) {
-      final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
-      histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
-      if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
-        maxProbe = nbrProbes;
-      }
-    }
-    return probeAddr;
-  }
+//  /** 
+//  * returns a position in the key/value table
+//  *   if the key is not found, then the position will be to the
+//  *   place where the key would be put upon adding, and the 
+//  *   current internal value of keys[position] would be 0.
+//  *   
+//  *   if the key is found, then keys[position] == key
+//  * @param adjKey - raw key - offset (-1 if this value is 0 or negative, to 
skip 0, if shorts)
+//  * @return the probeAddr in keys array - might have a 0 value, or the key 
value if found
+//  */
+//  private int findPosition(final int adjKey) {
+//    return findPosition(adjKey, false);
+//  } 
+//  private int findPosition(final int adjKey, final boolean includeRemoved) {
+//    if (adjKey == 0) {
+//      throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 is an invalid key");
+//    }
+//    final int hash = Misc.hashInt(adjKey);
+//    int nbrProbes = 1;
+//    int probeDelta = 1;
+//    int probeAddr;
+//    removedPositionToUse = -1;
+//    if (keys4 == null) {
+//      final short[] localKeys2 = keys2;
+//      final int bitMask = localKeys2.length - 1;
+//      probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
+//       while (true) {
+//        final int testKey = localKeys2[probeAddr];
+//        if (includeRemoved && (removedPositionToUse == -1) && (testKey == 
+//          nbrRemoved --;  // because caller will use this as a slot for 
+//          removedPositionToUse = probeAddr;
+//        }
+//        if (testKey == 0 || testKey == adjKey) {
+//           break;
+//        }
+//        nbrProbes++; 
+//        probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//      }
+//    } else {
+//      final int[] localKeys4 = keys4;
+//      final int bitMask = localKeys4.length - 1;
+//      probeAddr = hash & bitMask;
+//      while (true) {
+//        final int testKey = localKeys4[probeAddr];
+//        if (includeRemoved && (removedPositionToUse == -1) && (testKey == 
+//          nbrRemoved --;  // because caller will use this as a slot for 
+//          removedPositionToUse = probeAddr;
+//        }
+//        if (testKey == 0 || testKey == adjKey) {
+//          break;
+//        }
+//        nbrProbes++;
+//        probeAddr = bitMask & (probeAddr + (probeDelta++));
+//      }
+//    }
+//    if (TUNE) {
+//      final int pv = histogram[nbrProbes];
+//      histogram[nbrProbes] = 1 + pv;
+//      if (maxProbe < nbrProbes) {
+//        maxProbe = nbrProbes;
+//      }
+//    }
+//    return probeAddr;
+//  }
   // only called when keys are shorts
   private boolean isAdjKeyOutOfRange(int adjKey) {
@@ -398,41 +382,112 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   public boolean contains(int rawKey) {
-    return find(rawKey) != -1;
+    int pos = findPosition(rawKey);
+    if (pos == -1) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (keys4 == null) {
+      return keys2[pos] != 0;
+    } else {
+      return keys4[pos] != 0;
+    }
+  /** 
+   * This method is part of the PositiveSet API, and
+   * is defined to return an int that could be used with
+   *   iterators to position them.  
+   *   
+   * For this case, it is not used, because 
+   *   the iterators don't support positioning this way
+   *   because they are not sorted.
+   */
   public int find(int rawKey) {
-    if (rawKey == 0) {
-      return -1;
-    }
+    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+  }
+  /**
+   * @param rawKey the key value to find
+   * @return the position in the table if present, otherwise the position of 
the slot where the 
+   *         key value would be added, unless the new value is at a position 
which would require
+   *         the key2 form to be switched to the key4 form, in which case,
+   *         -1 is returned (means not found, and requires conversion to 4 
byte keys)
+   */
+  private int findPosition(int rawKey) {
+    if (rawKey == 0) {  
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException("0 is an invalid key");
+    }
     if (keys4 == null) {
+      // special handling for 2 byte keys with offsets
       // check for keys never stored in short table 
       //   adjKey of Short.MIN_VALUE which is the removed flag
       final int adjKey = getAdjKey(rawKey);
       if (isAdjKeyOutOfRange(adjKey)) {
         return -1;
-      final int pos = findPosition(adjKey);   
-      return (keys2[pos] == adjKey) ? pos : -1;
+      if (rawKey == REMOVED2) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(REMOVED2) + " is an 
invalid key");
+      }
+      return findPositionAdjKey(adjKey);
+    } else {
+      if (rawKey == REMOVED4) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(REMOVED4) + " is an 
invalid key");
+      }
+      return findPosition4(rawKey);
-    // using 4 byte keys, no offset
-    if (rawKey == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
-      return -1;  // not stored in table (reserved value for removed items)
-    }
-    final int pos = findPosition(rawKey);
-    return (keys4[pos] == rawKey) ? pos : -1;
+  private int findPosition4(int rawKey) {
+    return super.findPosition(
+        // key hash
+        Misc.hashInt(rawKey),
+        // is_eq_or_is_not_present
+        i -> keys4[i] == 0 || keys4[i] == rawKey,
+        // is_removed_key
+        i -> keys4[i] == REMOVED4
+      );    
+  }
+  private int findPositionAdjKey(int adjKey) {
+    // special handling for 2 byte keys with offsets
+    // check for keys never stored in short table 
+    //   adjKey of Short.MIN_VALUE which is the removed flag
+    return super.findPosition(
+          // key hash
+          Misc.hashInt(adjKey),
+          // is_eq_or_is_not_present
+          i -> keys2[i] == 0 || keys2[i] == adjKey,
+          // is_removed_key
+          i -> keys2[i] == REMOVED2
+        );    
+  }
    * return the adjusted key.
    *   never called for 4 byte form
    *   for 2 byte key mode, subtract the offset, and adjust by -1 if 0 or less
    *     Note: returned value can be less than Short.MIN_VALUE 
    * @param rawKey
-   * @return adjusted key
+   * @return adjusted key, a range from negative to positive, but never 0
   private int getAdjKey(int rawKey) {
 //    if (rawKey == 0 || (rawKey == Integer.MIN_VALUE)) {
@@ -448,7 +503,9 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   private void switchTo4byte() {
     // convert to 4 byte because values can't be offset and fit in a short
     final short[] oldKeys = keys2;
-    newTableKeepSize(getCapacity(), true);  // make a 4 table. same size
+    isMake4 = true;
+    newTable(getCapacity());  // make a 4 table. same size
+    removed = 0; 
     for (short adjKey : oldKeys) {
       if (adjKey != 0 && adjKey != REMOVED2) {
@@ -467,7 +524,7 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument must be non-zero");
-    if (size == 0) {
+    if (size() == 0) {
       mostPositive = mostNegative = rawKey;
     } else {
       if (rawKey > mostPositive) {
@@ -479,6 +536,9 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
     if (keys4 != null) {
+      if (rawKey == REMOVED4) {
+        throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(REMOVED4) + " is an 
invalid key");
+      }
       return find4AndAddIfMissing(rawKey);
       // short keys
@@ -490,26 +550,42 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
         // key in range
       } else {
-        final int i = findPosition(adjKey, true);  // reuse removed slots
+        final int i = findPositionAdjKey(adjKey);  
         if (keys2[i] == adjKey) {
           return false;
-        keys2[ (removedPositionToUse != -1) ? removedPositionToUse : i ] = 
(short) adjKey;
-        incrementSize();
+        keys2[ (found_removed != -1) ? found_removed : i ] = (short) adjKey;
+        commonPutOrAddNotFound();
         return true;
   private boolean find4AndAddIfMissing(int rawKey) {
-    removedPositionToUse = -1;
-    final int i = findPosition(rawKey, true);
+    int i = findPosition4(rawKey);
     if (keys4[i] == rawKey) {
-      return false;
+      return false;  // already in table
-    keys4[ (removedPositionToUse == -1) ? i : removedPositionToUse] = rawKey;
-    incrementSize();
+    if (found_removed == -1) {
+      keys4[i] = rawKey;
+      incrementSize();
+    } else {
+      keys4[found_removed] = rawKey;
+      commonPutOrAddNotFound();
+    }
+//    keys4[ (found_removed == -1) ? i : found_removed] = rawKey;
+//    commonPutOrAddNotFound();
+//    removedPositionToUse = -1;
+//    final int i = findPosition(rawKey, true);
+//    if (keys4[i] == rawKey) {
+//      return false;
+//    }
+//    keys4[ (found_removed == -1) ? i : found_removed] = rawKey;
+//    incrementSize();
     return true;
@@ -542,13 +618,13 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
    * @param rawKey
   private void addInner4(int rawKey) {
-    final int i = findPosition(rawKey);
+    final int i = findPosition4(rawKey);
     assert(keys4[i] == 0);
     keys4[i] = rawKey;
   private void addInner2(short adjKey) {
-    final int i = findPosition(adjKey);
+    final int i = findPositionAdjKey(adjKey);
     assert(keys2[i] == 0);    
     keys2[i] = adjKey;
@@ -568,33 +644,35 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   public boolean remove(int rawKey) {
-    final int pos = find(rawKey);
-    if (pos < 0) {
+//    debugValidate();
+    final int pos = findPosition(rawKey);
+    if (pos == -1 || ((keys4 == null) 
+                        ? (keys2[pos] == 0) 
+                        : (keys4[pos] == 0)) ) {
       return false;
+//    //debug
+//    if (size() <= 0) 
+//      System.out.println("debug");
+//    assert size() > 0;
     if (keys4 == null) {
       keys2[pos] = REMOVED2;
     } else {
       keys4[pos] = REMOVED4;
-    size--;
-    nbrRemoved ++;
     if (rawKey == mostPositive) {
       mostPositive --;  // a weak adjustment
     if (rawKey == mostNegative) {
       mostNegative ++;  // a weak adjustment
+    commonRemove();    
     return true;
-  @Override
-  public int size() {
-    return size;
-  }
    * @return a value that is &gt;= the actual most positive value in the table.
@@ -651,16 +729,16 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
    * For short keys, the value stored for adjKey == 0 is -1, adjKey == -1 is 
-2, etc.
-  public int get(int index) {
+  public int get(int pos) {
     final int adjKey;
     if (keys4 == null) {
-      adjKey = keys2[index];
+      adjKey = keys2[pos];
       if (adjKey == 0 || adjKey == REMOVED2) {
         return 0;  // null, not present
       return getRawFromAdjKey(adjKey);
     } else {
-      adjKey = keys4[index];
+      adjKey = keys4[pos];
       if (adjKey == 0 || adjKey == REMOVED4) {
         return 0;  // null, not present
@@ -668,65 +746,66 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
-  /**
-   * advance pos until it points to a non 0 or is 1 past end
-   * @param pos
-   * @return updated pos
-   */
-  private int moveToNextFilled(int pos) {
-    if (pos < 0) {
-      pos = 0;
-    }
-    final int max = getCapacity();
-    if (null == keys4) {
-      while (true) {
-        if (pos >= max) {
-          return pos;
-        }
-        int v = get(pos);
-        if (v != 0 && v != REMOVED2) {
-          return pos;
-        }
-        pos++;
-      }
-    } else {
-      // keys4 case
-      while (true) {
-        if (pos >= max) {
-          return pos;
-        }
-        int v = get(pos);
-        if (v != 0 && v != REMOVED4) {
-          return pos;
-        }
-        pos ++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
+//  /**
+//   * advance pos until it points to a non 0 or is 1 past end
+//   * @param pos
+//   * @return updated pos
+//   */
+//  private int moveToNextFilled(int pos) {
+//    if (pos < 0) {
+//      pos = 0;
+//    }
+//    final int max = getCapacity();
+//    if (null == keys4) {
+//      while (true) {
+//        if (pos >= max) {
+//          return pos;
+//        }
+//        int v = get(pos);
+//        if (v != 0 && v != REMOVED2) {
+//          return pos;
+//        }
+//        pos++;
+//      }
+//    } else {
+//      // keys4 case
+//      while (true) {
+//        if (pos >= max) {
+//          return pos;
+//        }
+//        int v = get(pos);
+//        if (v != 0 && v != REMOVED4) {
+//          return pos;
+//        }
+//        pos ++;
+//      }
+//    }
+//  }
-  /**
-   * decrement pos until it points to a non 0 or is -1
-   * @param pos
-   * @return updated pos
-   */
-  private int moveToPreviousFilled(int pos) {
-    final int max = getCapacity();
-    if (pos > max) {
-      pos = max - 1;
-    }
-    while (true) {
-      if (pos < 0) {
-        return pos;
-      }
-      int v = get(pos);
-      if (v != 0 && v != ( (keys4 == null) ? REMOVED2 : REMOVED4)) {
-        return pos;
-      }
-      pos --;
-    }
-  }
+//  /**
+//   * see if there's a value a pos
+//   *   if not, decrement pos until it points to a non 0 or is -1
+//   * @param pos to start looking for a value
+//   * @return a pos with a value, or -1. if there's a value at the original 
pos, then that pos is returned.
+//   */
+//  private int moveToPreviousFilled(int pos) {
+//    final int max = getCapacity();
+//    if (pos > max) {
+//      pos = max - 1;
+//    }
+//    while (true) {
+//      if (pos < 0) {
+//        return pos;
+//      }
+//      int v = get(pos);  // bug - adjust key!
+//      if (v != 0 && v != ( (keys4 == null) ? REMOVED2 : REMOVED4)) {
+//        return pos;
+//      }
+//      pos --;
+//    }
+//  }
   private class IntHashSetIterator implements IntListIterator {
@@ -741,29 +820,34 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
       return curPosition < getCapacity();
-    public final int next() {
-      if (!hasNext()) {
-        throw new NoSuchElementException();
-      }
-      return get(curPosition++);
+    public final int nextNvc() {
+      curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition);
+      int r = get(curPosition);
+      curPosition = moveToNextFilled(curPosition + 1);
+      return r;
      * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#hasPrevious()
     public boolean hasPrevious() {
-      curPosition = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition);
-      return (curPosition >= 0);
+      int prev = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
+      return (prev >= 0);
-    /**
-     * @see org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntListIterator#previous()
-     */
+    @Override
     public int previous() {
-      if (!hasPrevious()) {
+      curPosition = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
+      if (curPosition < 0) {
         throw new NoSuchElementException();
-      return get(curPosition--);
+      return get(curPosition);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int previousNvc() {
+      curPosition = moveToPreviousFilled(curPosition - 1);
+      return get(curPosition);
@@ -859,7 +943,7 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
     return String
             "IntHashSet [loadFactor=%s, initialCapacity=%s, 
sizeWhichTriggersExpansion=%s, size=%s, offset=%s%n keys4=%s%n keys2=%s%n 
secondTimeShrinkable=%s, mostPositive=%s, mostNegative=%s]",
-            loadFactor, initialCapacity, sizeWhichTriggersExpansion, size, 
+            loadFactor, initialCapacity, sizeWhichTriggersExpansion, size(), 
             Arrays.toString(keys4), Arrays.toString(keys2), 
secondTimeShrinkable, mostPositive,
@@ -872,6 +956,82 @@ public class IntHashSet implements Posit
   int getOffset() {
     return offset;
+  @Override
+  protected boolean is_valid_key(int pos) {
+    if (keys4 == null) {
+      return keys2[pos] != 0 && keys2[pos] != REMOVED2;
+    }
+    return keys4[pos] != 0 && keys4[pos] != REMOVED4;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected int keys_length() {
+    return (keys4 == null) ? keys2.length : keys4.length;
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void newKeysAndValues(int capacity) {
+    if (isMake4) {
+      keys4 = new int[capacity];
+      keys2 = null;
+    } else {
+      keys2 = new short[capacity];
+      keys4 = null;
+    }
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void clearKeysAndValues() {
+    if (keys4 == null) {
+      Arrays.fill(keys2,  (short)0);
+    } else {
+      Arrays.fill(keys4, 0);
+    }  
+    resetTable();
+  }
+  @Override
+  protected void copy_to_new_table(
+      int new_capacity,
+      int old_capacity,
+      CommonCopyOld2New commonCopy) {
+    // logic covers
+    //   2 sizes of copying old 2 new
+    //   logic to switch to 4 byte key size
+    if (keys2 != null) {
+      final short[] oldKeys = keys2;
+      IntPredicate oldKeyValid = i -> oldKeys[i] != 0 && oldKeys[i] != 
+      if (new_capacity >= 256 * 256)  { // == 65536
+        // switch to 4
+        if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Switching to 4 byte keys");}
+        isMake4 = true;  
+        commonCopy.apply( 
+            // copyToNew
+            i -> addInner4(getRawFromAdjKey(oldKeys[i])),
+            oldKeyValid); // is_valid_old_key
+      } else {              
+        commonCopy.apply(
+            // copyToNew
+            i -> addInner2(oldKeys[i]),
+            oldKeyValid); // is_valid_old_key
+      }
+    } else {
+      final int[] oldKeys = keys4;
+//      if (TUNE) {System.out.println("Capacity increasing from " + 
old_capacity + " to " + new_capacity);}
+      commonCopy.apply(
+          // copyToNew
+          i -> addInner4(oldKeys[i]),
+          i -> oldKeys[i] != 0 && oldKeys[i] != REMOVED4);
+    }
+  }

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