Beginning of a more comprehensive installation / deployment guide to go with 
the 2.1.0 release.


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: ad1b5642761cdd4ff3c31fb3fdbae054e0c0071f
Parents: 8063a5a
Author: Dave Johnson <>
Authored: Fri Jan 29 12:24:01 2016 -0500
Committer: Dave Johnson <>
Committed: Fri Jan 29 12:24:01 2016 -0500

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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a395b
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+# Usergrid 2.1.0 Deployment Guide
+This document covers these two topics:
+   * Deploying the Usergrid Stack
+   * Deploying the Usergrid Portal
+## Deploying the Usergrid Stack
+The Usergrid Stack is a Java 8 web application that runs on Tomcat, 
+uses the Cassandra database for storage and the ElasticSearch search-engine 
for queries.
+Below are the software requirements for the Stack. You can install them all on 
+one computer for development purposes, and for deployment you can deploy them
+separately using clustering.
+   * [Java SE 8 
+   * [Apache Tomcat 7+](
+   * [Apache Cassandra 1.2.1+](
+   * [ElasticSearch 1.4+](  
+Before installing the Usegrid Stack into Tomcat, start by setting up your 
+### Setup Cassandra 
+Usergrid needs access to at least one Cassandra node. You can setup a single 
node of
+Cassandra on your computer for development and testing. For production 
+a three or more node cluster is recommended.
+Cassandra requires Java and we recommend that you use the same version of Java 
+for Cassandra as you use to run Tomcat and ElasticSearch.
+Refer to the [Apache Cassandra documentation](http://XXXXXXXX) 
+for instructions on how to install 
+Cassandra. Once you are up and running make a note of these things:
+   * The name of the Cassandra cluster
+   * Hostname or IP address of each Cassandra node
+   * Port number used for Cassandra RPC (the default is 9160)
+   * Replication factor of Cassandra cluster
+### Setup ElasticSearch
+Usergrid also needs access to at least one ElasticSearch node. As with 
+you can setup single ElasticSearch node on your computer, and you should run 
+a cluster in production.
+ElasticSearch requires Java and you MUST ensure that you use the same version 
of Java 
+for ElasticSearch as you do for running Tomcat.
+Refer to the [ElasticSearch documentation](http://XXXXXXXX) 
+for instructions on how to install. 
+Once you are up and running make a note of these things:
+   * The name of the ElasticSearch cluster
+   * Hostname or IP address of each ElasticSearch node
+   * Port number used for ElasticSearch protocol (the default is 9200)
+If you are running a single-node ElasticSearch cluster then you should
+set the number of replicas to zero, otherwise it will appear to be unhealthy. 
+    curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_settings' -d '{"index" : { 
"number_of_replicas" : 0}}'
+### Setup Tomcat and deploy the Usergrid Stack
+The Usergrid Stack is contained in a file named ROOT.war, a standard Java EE 
+ready for deployment to Tomcat. On each machine that will run the Usergrid 
+you must install the Java SE 8 JDK and Tomcat 7+. Refer to the Apache Tomcat 
+documentation for installation instructions.
+Once Tomcat installed, you need to create and edit some configuration files.
+### Configure Usergrid Stack
+You must create a Usergrid properties file called 
+The properties in this file tell Usergrid how to communicate with Cassandra and
+ElasticSearch, and how to form URLs using the hostname you wish to use for 
+There are many properties that you can set to configure Usergrid. 
+Once you have created your Usergrid properties file, place it in the Tomcat 
lib directory.
+On a Linux system, that directory is probably located at 
+__What goes in a properties file?__
+The default properties file that is built into Usergrid contains the full list 
of properties, defaults and some documentation:
+   * [The Default Usergrid Properties 
+You should review the defaults in the above file. To get you started, let's 
look at a minimal example properties file that you can edit and use as your own.
+#### Example Usergrid Stack Properties File
+Below is an minimal example Usergrid properties file with the parts you need 
to change indicated like 
+shell variables, e.g. ${USERGRID_CLUSTER_NAME}. Here's a guide to the things 
you need to set:
+__Table 1: Values to set in Example Properties file:__
+   | Value       | Description |
+   |-------------|-------------|
+   | __BASEURL__ | This is the base URL for the Usergrid installation, e.g. 
__https://api.example.com__. |
+   | __USERGRID_CLUSTER_NAME__ | This is your name for your Usergrid 
installation. |
+   | __CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME__ | Name of Cassandra cluster, must match what's 
in Cassandra configuration. |
+   | __CASSANDRA_HOSTS__ | Comma-separated lists of Cassandra hosts, with port 
numbers if you are not using the default 9120. The default for this property is 
__localhost:9120__ |
+   | __ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_NAME__ | Name of ElasticSearch cluster, must 
match what's in ElasticSearch configuration. |
+   | __ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS__ | Comma-separated lists of ElasticSearch hosts, 
with port numbers if you are not using the default 9120. The default for this 
property is __localhost:9300__ |
+   | __SUPER_USER_EMAIL__ | Email address of person responsible for the 
superuser account. |
+   | __SUPER_USER_PASSWORD__ | Password for the superuser account. |
+   | __TEST_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL__ | If __usergrid.setup-test-account=true__, as 
shown below, Usergrid will create a test account and you should specify a valid 
email here. |
+   | __TEST_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD__ | Password for the username 'test' account. |
+Make sure you set all of the above properties when you edit this example for 
your installation.   
+__Example 1: file__
+    usergrid.cluster_name=${USERGRID_CLUSTER_NAME}
+    cassandra.url=${CASSANDRA_HOSTS}
+    cassanrda.cluster=${CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME}
+    elasticsearch.cluster_name=${ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER_NAME}
+    elasticsearch.hosts=${ELASTIC_SEARCH_HOSTS}
+    ######################################################
+    # Admin and test user setup
+    usergrid.sysadmin.login.allowed=true
+    usergrid.sysadmin.login.password=${SUPER_USER_PASSWORD}
+    usergrid.sysadmin.approve.users=true
+    usergrid.sysadmin.approve.organizations=true
+    # Base mailer account - default for all outgoing messages
+    usergrid.setup-test-account=true
+    usergrid.test-account.organization=test-organization
+    usergrid.test-account.admin-user.username=test
+ User
+    usergrid.test-account.admin-user.password=${TEST_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD}
+    ######################################################
+    # Auto-confirm and sign-up notifications settings
+    ######################################################
+    # URLs
+    # Redirect path when request come in for TLD
+    usergrid.redirect_root=${BASEURL}/status
+    usergrid.admin.confirmation.url=${BASEURL}/management/users/%s/confirm
+    usergrid.user.confirmation.url=${BASEURL}/%s/%s/users/%s/confirm
+    usergrid.admin.activation.url=${BASEURL}/management/users/%s/activate
+    usergrid.user.activation.url=${BASEURL}%s/%s/users/%s/activate
+    usergrid.admin.resetpw.url=${BASEURL}/management/users/%s/resetpw
+    usergrid.user.resetpw.url=${BASEURL}/%s/%s/users/%s/resetpw
+### Configure Logging
+Usegrid includes the Apache Log4j logging system and you can control the 
levels of logs for each
+Usergrid package and even down to the class level by providing your own 
__log4j.properties__ file.
+To configure logging you need to:
+1. Create a __log4j.properties__ file and place it on the computer where 
Tomcat is running
+2. Add __-D__ system property to Tomcat so that Tomcat can find your Log4j 
properties file.
+#### Example Logging Configuration
+The Log4j properties file below is a good starting point for Usergrid. It 
configures ERROR level
+logging for the 3rd party libraries that Usergrid depends on, and INFO level 
logging for Usergrid.
+Plus, it configures some noisy parts of Usergrid to be quiet.
+__Example 2: file__
+    # output messages into a rolling log file as well as stdout
+    log4j.rootLogger=ERROR,stdout
+    # stdout
+    log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
+    log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
+    log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d %p (%t) [%c] - %m%n
+#### Add Logging Configuration to Tomcat
+You can configure Tomcat to use your Log4j properties file but adding a __-D__ 
system property to Tomcat.
+The property is __log4j.configuration__ and you must set it to be a "file:/" 
URL that points to your
+properties file.
+For example, if your property file is in 
/usr/share/tomcat7/lib/, then the variable would be set like 
this: __-Dlog4j.configuration=file:///usr/share/tomcat7/lib/log4j.properties__
+There are a variety of ways for you to set that property in the Tomcat 
startup, one way is to create
+a Tomcat setenv script in Tomcat's bin directory that sets the property in the 
JAVA_OPTS environment variable. For example on a Linux system you might do 
something like this to create the file:
+__Example 3: Creating a Tomcat file on Linux__
+    cat >> /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/ << EOF
+    export 
+    EOF
+    chmod +x /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/
+You might want set other __-D__ and __-X__ options in that setenv file, e.g. 
Java heap size.
+### Deploy ROOT.war to Tomcat
+The next step is to deploy the Usergrid Stack software to Tomcat. There are a 
variey of ways 
+of doing this and the simplest is probably to place the Usergrid Stack 
ROOT.war file into
+the Tomcat webapps directory, then restart Tomcat.
+## Deploying the Usergrid Portal
+The Usergrid Portal is an HTML5/JavaScript application, a bunch of static 
files that 
+can be deployed to any web server, e.g. Apache HTTPD or Tomcat.
+Configuration File

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