Author: cbrisson
Date: Tue Jun 26 10:02:24 2018
New Revision: 1834409

[site] Proper syntax coloring for VTL, Java, XML, ...


Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/build.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/build.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/build.mdtext Tue Jun 26 10:02:24 
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ To build Velocity we require [Maven](htt
 In each case below, it is assumed that you were successful in 
[downloading](/download.cgi#engine) and unpacking the distribution source or 
[checking out the sources from 
+    :::shell
     svn checkout 
     cd velocity-2.0
     mvn install

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/configuration.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/configuration.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/configuration.mdtext Tue Jun 26 
10:02:24 2018
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ The following resource management config
 > To illustrate, here is an example taken right from the default Velocity 
 > properties, showing how setting up the FileResourceLoader is managed
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -295,15 +296,18 @@ Configuring the resource loaders for Vel
 The first step in configuring one or more resource loaders is do 'declare' 
them by name to Velocity.  Use the property `resource.loader` and list one or 
more loader names. You can use anything you want - these names are used to 
associate configuration properties with a given loader.
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
 That entry declares that we will have a resource loader known as 'file'. The 
next thing to do is to set the important properties.  The most critical is to 
declare the class to use as the loader:
+    :::properties
     file.resource.loader.class = 
 In this case, we are telling velocity that we are setting up
 a resource loadercalled 'file', and are using the class 
`org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader` to be the 
class to use. The next thing we do is set the properties important to this 
+    :::properties
     file.resource.loader.path = /opt/templates
     file.resource.loader.cache = true
     file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2
@@ -314,6 +318,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Do-nothing Default Configuration: ** As the name says, there is nothing you 
have to do or configure to get the default configuration.  This configuration 
uses the FileResourceLoader with the current directory as the default resource 
path, and caching is off.  As a properties set, this is expressed as:
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -324,6 +329,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Multiple Template Path Configuration: ** This configuration uses the 
FileResourceLoader with several directories as 'nodes' on the template search 
path. We also want to use caching, and have the templates checked for changes 
in 10 second intervals.  As a properties set, this is expressed as:
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -334,6 +340,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Multiple Loader Configuration :**  This configuration sets up three loaders 
at the same time, the FileResourceLoader, the ClasspathResourceLoader, and the 
JarResourceLoader. The loaders are set-up such that the FileResourceLoader is 
consulted first, then the ClasspathResourceLoader, and finally the 
JarResourceLoader. This would allow you to qickly drop a template into the file 
template area to replace on of the templates found in the classpath (usually 
via a jar) without having to rebuild the jar.
+    :::properties
     # specify three resource loaders to use

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/developer-guide.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/developer-guide.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/developer-guide.mdtext Tue Jun 
26 10:02:24 2018
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ When using Velocity in an application pr
 In code, using the singleton pattern via the 
`` class, this looks like
+    :::java
     import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
     import org.apache.velocity.Template;
@@ -129,6 +130,7 @@ Developers have two options for using th
 This is the legacy pattern, where there is only one instance of the Velocity 
engine in the JVM (or web application, depending) that is shared by all. This 
is very convenient as it allows localized configuration and sharing of 
resources.  For example, this is a very appropriate model for use in a Servlet 
2.2+ compliant web application as each web application can have its own 
instance of Velocity, allowing that web application's servlet to share 
resources like templates, a logger, etc. The singleton is accessable via the 
`` class, and and example of use:
+    :::java
     import org.apache.velocity.Template;
@@ -156,6 +158,7 @@ This is the legacy pattern, where there
 New in version 1.2, the separate instance allows you to create, configure and 
use as many instances of Velocity as you wish in the same JVM (or web 
application.)  This is useful when you wish to support separate configurations, 
such as template directories, loggers, etc in the same application.  To use 
separate instances, use the `` class.  An 
example, which parallels the above singleton example, looks like:
+    :::java
     import org.apache.velocity.Template;
@@ -203,6 +206,7 @@ VelocityContext is suitable for all gene
 Using VelocityContext is as simple as using a normal Java Hashtable class. 
While the interface contains other useful methods, the two main methods you 
will use are
+    :::java
     public Object put(String key, Object value);
     public Object get(String key);
@@ -224,6 +228,7 @@ In the case of the `Iterator` and `Enume
 There are good reasons to use the `java.util.Iterator` interface directly 
(large data sets via JDBC, for example), but if it can be avoided, it might be 
better to use something else. By 'directly' , we meant doing something like:
+    :::java
     Vector v = new Vector();
@@ -232,6 +237,7 @@ There are good reasons to use the `java.
 where the Iterator itself is placed into the context. Instead, if you simply 
+    :::java
     context.put("words", v );
 then all would be fine: Velocity would figure out that Vector implement 
Collection (via List), and therefore will find the `iterator()` method, and use 
that to get a 'fresh' Iterator for its use each time it needs to.  With just a 
plain Iterator (the first snippet above...), once velocity has used it in a 
`#foreach()`, Velocity has no way of getting a new one to use for the next 
`#foreach()` it is used in.  The result is no output from any subsequent 
`#foreach()` blocks using that reference.
@@ -242,6 +248,7 @@ This above isn't meant to give the impre
 Not all classes are instantiable.  Classes like `java.lang.Math` do not 
provide any public constructor, and yet may contain useful static methods. In 
order to access these static methods from a template, you can simply add the 
class itself to the context:
+    :::java
     context.put("Math", Math.class);
 This will allow you to call any public static method in `java.lang.Math` on 
the `$Math` reference in the template.
@@ -252,6 +259,7 @@ An innovative feature of Velocity's cont
 This is best illustrated by an example:
+    :::java
     VelocityContext context1 = new VelocityContext();
@@ -283,11 +291,13 @@ There are two common situations where th
 When a template author calls a method of an object placed into the context by 
Java code.
+    :::velocity
     #set($myarr = ["a","b","c"] )
     $ $myarr )
 When a template adds objects to the context, the Java code can access those 
objects after the merge process is complete.
+    :::velocity
     #set($myarr = ["a","b","c"] )
     #set( $foo = 1 )
     #set( $bar = "bar")
@@ -326,6 +336,7 @@ Velocity contains an application utility
 The Velocity runtime engine is a singleton instance that provides resource, 
logging and other services to all Velocity users running in the same JVM. 
Therefore, the runtime engine is initialized only once.  You can attempt to 
initialize Velocity more than once, but only the first initialization will 
apply.  The rest of the attempts will be ignored.  The Velocity utility class 
currently provides five methods used in configuration of the runtime engine.
 The five configuration methods are:
 + `setProperty( String key, Object o )`
     Sets the property `key` with the value `o`. The value is typically a 
String, but in special cases can also be a comma-separated list of values (in a 
single String, ex."foo, bar, woogie") as well as other things that will arise.
@@ -378,6 +389,7 @@ Once the runtime is initialized, you can
 Once we know about these basic helpers, it is easy to write a Java program 
that uses Velocity.  Here it is:
+    :::java
     import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
@@ -421,6 +433,7 @@ When we run this program, and have the t
 where the template we used, testtemplate.vm, is
+    :::velocity
     Hi!  This $name from the $project project.
 That's all there is to it!  Note that we didn't have to use both 
`mergeTemplate()` and `evaluate()` in our program.  They are both included 
there for demonstration purposes. You will probably use only one of the 
methods, but depending on you application requirements,  you are free to do 
what you wish.
@@ -459,6 +472,7 @@ While the above example used the default
 If we wanted to use a different directory than the current directory to load 
our template from, we could do something like this:
+    :::java
     import java.util.Properties;
@@ -478,6 +492,7 @@ If we wanted to use a different director
 And the same if you want to use a VelocityEngine object rather than the 
singleton engine:
+    :::java
     import java.util.Properties;
@@ -838,12 +853,14 @@ This feature was designed for applicatio
 The Application Attribute API is very simple.  From the application layer, 
there is a method of the `VelocityEngine` and the `Velocity` classes:
+    :::java
     public void setApplicationAttribute( Object key, Object value );
 through which an application can store on Object under an application (or 
internal component) specified key.  There are no restrictions on the key or the 
value.  The value for a key may be set at any time - it is not required that 
this be set before init() is called.
 Internal components can access the key-value pairs if they have access to the 
object via the `RuntimeServices` interface, using the method
+    :::java
     public Object getApplicationAttribute( Object key );
 Note that internal components cannot set the value of the key, just get it. if 
the internal component must communicate information to the application layer, 
it must do so via the Object passed as the value.
@@ -860,6 +877,7 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 > The `IncludeEventHandler` can be used to modify the template that is 
 > included in a page with `#include` or `#parse`.  For example, this may be 
 > used to make all includes relative to the current directory or to prevent 
 > access to unauthorized resources. Multiple `IncludeEventHandler`'s may be 
 > chained, with the return value of the final call used as the name of the 
 > template to retrieve.
+>     :::java
 >     public IncludeEventHandler extends EventHandler
 >     {
 >         public String includeEvent( Context context,
@@ -867,7 +885,7 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 >                                     String currentResourcePath, 
 >                                     String directiveName );
 >     }
 > Available implementations include:
 > + ``
@@ -876,7 +894,8 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 ### ``
 > Normally, when a template contains a bad reference an error message is 
 > logged and (unless it is part of a `#set` or `#if`), the reference is 
 > included verbatim in a page.  With the `InvalidReferenceEventHandler` this 
 > behavior can be changed.  Substitute values can be inserted, invalid 
 > references may be logged, or an exception can be thrown.  Multiple 
 > `InvalidReferenceEventHandler`'s may be chained.  The exact manner in which 
 > chained method calls behave will differ per method.  (See the javadoc for 
 > the details).
+>     :::java
 >     public InvalidReferenceEventHandler extends EventHandler
 >     {
 >         public Object invalidGetMethod( Context context, 
@@ -904,7 +923,8 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 ### ``
 > When a user-supplied method throws an exception, the 
 > `MethodExceptionEventHandler` is invoked with the Class, method name and 
 > thrown Exception.  The handler can either return a valid Object to be used 
 > as the return value of the method call or throw the passed-in or new 
 > Exception, which will be wrapped and propogated to the user as a 
 > `MethodInvocationException`.  While `MethodExceptionEventHandler`'s can be 
 > chained only the first handler is actually called -- all others are ignored.
+>     :::java
 >     public interface MethodExceptionEventHandler extends EventHandler
 >     {
 >         public Object methodException( Context context,
@@ -921,11 +941,12 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 ### ``
 > A `ReferenceInsertionEventHandler` allows the developer to intercept each 
 > write of a reference ($foo) value to the output stream and modify that 
 > output.  Multiple `ReferenceInsertionEventHandler`'s may be chained with 
 > each step potentially altering the inserted reference.
+>     :::java
 >     public interface  ReferenceInsertionEventHandler extends EventHandler
 >     {
 >         public Object referenceInsert( Context context,
-                                         String reference, 
+>                                        String reference, 
 >                                        Object value  );
 >     }
@@ -940,11 +961,12 @@ All event handler interfaces available i
 You may register event handlers in either of two manners.  The easiest way to 
register event handlers is to specify them in  (Event 
handlers configured in this manner are referred to as "global" event handlers). 
 For example, the following property will escape HTML entities in any inserted 
+    :::properties
     eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class =
 Most event handler interfaces will also permit event handlers to be chained 
together.  Such a chain may be in a comma separated list or as additional lines 
with a property/value pair. For example, the following event handler properties 
install two `ReferenceInsertionEventHandler`'s.  The first will apply to 
references starting with "msg" (for example `$msgText`) and will escape HTML 
entities (e.g. turning `&` into `&`).  The second will escape all 
references starting with "sql" (for example `$sqlText`) according to SQL 
escaping rules. (note that in these examples, the first two properties given 
relate to the event handler configuration while the second two properties are 
used by the specific event handler implementation).
+    :::properties
     eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class =
     eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class =
     eventhandler.escape.html.match = /msg.*/
@@ -954,6 +976,7 @@ Event handlers may also be attached to a
 The following code shows how to register an event handler with an 
EventCartridge and a context.
+    :::java
@@ -1351,6 +1374,7 @@ You can provide a custom conversion hand
 You can also provide custom 
objects that handle a conversion towards a specific type:
+    :::java
     package mypackage;
     import java.util.Date;
@@ -1397,6 +1421,7 @@ Velocity's flexibility and simple templa
 Generally, the pattern for dealing with XML in Velocity is to use something 
like [JDOM]( to process your XML into a data structure 
with convenient Java access.  Then, you produce templates that access data 
directly out of the XML document - directly though the JDOM tree.  For example, 
start with an XML document such as:
+    ::xml
         <title>Developer's Guide</title>
@@ -1406,7 +1431,7 @@ Generally, the pattern for dealing with
 Now make a little Java program that includes code similar to:
-    <div class="source"><pre>
+    :::java
     SAXBuilder builder;
@@ -1429,6 +1454,7 @@ Now make a little Java program that incl
 Now, make a regular Velocity template:
+    :::html+velocity
         The document title is
@@ -1443,6 +1469,7 @@ One real advantage of styling XML data i
 One issue that arises with XML and Velocity is how to deal with XML entities. 
One technique is to combine the use of Velocimacros when you need to render an 
entity into the output stream:
+    :::html+velocity
     ## first, define the Velocimacro somewhere
     #macro(xenc $sometext)$tools.escapeEntities($sometext)#end
@@ -1454,6 +1481,7 @@ One issue that arises with XML and Veloc
 where the escapeEntities() is a method that does the escaping for you. Another 
trick would be to create an encoding utility that takes the context as a 
constructor parameter and only implements a method:
+    :::java
     public String get(String key)
         Object obj = context.get(key)
@@ -1464,12 +1492,14 @@ where the escapeEntities() is a method t
 Put it into the context as "xenc". Then you can use it as:
+    :::html+velocity
 This takes advantage of Velocity's introspection process - it will try to call 
get("sometext") on the $xenc object in the Context - then the xenc object can 
then get the value from the Context, encode it, and return it.
 Alternatively, since Velocity makes it easy to implement custom Context 
objects, you could implement your own context which always applies the encoding 
to any string returned. Be careful to avoid rendering the output of method 
calls directly, as they could return objects or strings (which might need 
encoding). Place them first into the context with a #set() directive and the 
use that, for example:
+    :::html+velocity
     #set( $sometext = $jdomElement.getText() )
@@ -1483,12 +1513,12 @@ This section is a brief illustration of
 Hello World example:
+    :::java
     // get script manager, create a new Velocity script engine factory and get 
an engine from it
     ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
     manager.registerEngineName("velocity", new VelocityScriptEngineFactory());
     ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("velocity");
     String script = "Hello $world";
     Writer writer = new StringWriter();

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/getting-started.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/getting-started.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/getting-started.mdtext Tue Jun 
26 10:02:24 2018
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ Our API documentation is available [onli
 If you would like to create a full set of detailed API documentation for 
Velocity, go to the `build` directory and run:
+    :::shell
     ant javadocs
 The docs will be found in the `/bin/apidocs/` directory.

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/source-repository.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/source-repository.mdtext 
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/source-repository.mdtext Tue Jun 
26 10:02:24 2018
@@ -13,22 +13,26 @@ The following is a link to the online so
 The source can be checked out anonymously from SVN with this command:
+    :::shell
     $ svn checkout 
 ## Developer access
 Everyone can access the Subversion repository via HTTP, but Committers must 
checkout the Subversion repository via HTTPS.
+    :::shell
     $ svn checkout 
 To commit changes to the repository, execute the following command to commit 
your changes (svn will prompt you for your password)
+    :::shell
     $ svn commit --username your-username -m "A message"
 ## Access from behind a firewall
 For those users who are stuck behind a corporate firewall which is blocking 
HTTP access to the Subversion repository, you can try to access it via the 
developer connection:
+    :::shell
     $ svn checkout 
 ## Access through a proxy
@@ -39,6 +43,7 @@ There are comments in the file explainin
 Example: Edit the 'servers' file and add something like:
+    :::properties
     http-proxy-host =
     http-proxy-port = 3128

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/user-guide.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/user-guide.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/user-guide.mdtext Tue Jun 26 
10:02:24 2018
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ You meet with software engineers at your
 You could embed the following VTL statement in the web page:
+    :::html+velocity
         Hello $customer.Name!
@@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ The Velocity Template Language (VTL) is
 VTL uses *references* to embed dynamic content in a web site, and a variable 
is one type of reference. Variables are one type of reference that can refer to 
something defined in the Java code, or it can get its value from a VTL 
*statement* in the web page itself. Here is an example of a VTL statement that 
could be embedded in an HTML document:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $a = "Velocity" )
 This VTL statement, like all VTL statements, begins with the *#* character and 
contains a directive: *set*. When an online visitor requests your web page, the 
Velocity Templating Engine will search through your web page to find all *#* 
characters, then determine which mark the beginning of VTL statements, and 
which of the *#* characters that have nothing to do with VTL.
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ In the example above, *#set* is used to
 Once a value has been assigned to a variable, you can reference the variable 
anywhere in your HTML document. In the following example, a value is assigned 
to *$foo* and later referenced.
+    :::html+velocity
       #set( $foo = "Velocity" )
@@ -88,24 +91,27 @@ To make statements containing VTL direct
 Comments allows descriptive text to be included that is not placed into the 
output of the template engine. Comments are a useful way of reminding yourself 
and explaining to others what your VTL statements are doing, or any other 
purpose you find useful. Below is an example of a comment in VTL.
+    :::velocity
     ## This is a single line comment.
 A single line comment begins with *##* and finishes at the end of the line. If 
you're going to write a few lines of commentary, there's no need to have 
numerous single line comments. Multi-line comments, which begin with *#** and 
end with **#*, are available to handle this scenario.
+    :::velocity
     This is text that is outside the multi-line comment.
     Online visitors can see it.
       Thus begins a multi-line comment. Online visitors won't
       see this text because the Velocity Templating Engine will
       ignore it.
     Here is text outside the multi-line comment; it is visible.
 Here are a few examples to clarify how single line and multi-line comments 
+    :::velocity
     This text is visible. ## This text is not.
     This text is visible.
     This text is visible. #* This text, as part of a multi-line
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ Here are a few examples to clarify how s
 There is a third type of comment, the VTL comment block, which may be used to 
store any sort of extra information you want to track in the template (e.g. 
javadoc-style author and versioning information):
+    :::velocity
       This is a VTL comment block and
       may be used to store such information
@@ -139,6 +146,7 @@ The shorthand notation of a variable con
 Here are some examples of valid variable references in the VTL:
+    :::velocity
@@ -147,6 +155,7 @@ Here are some examples of valid variable
 When VTL references a variable, such as *$foo*, the variable can get its value 
from either a *set* directive in the template, or from the Java code. For 
example, if the Java variable *$foo* has the value *bar* at the time the 
template is requested, *bar* replaces all instances of *$foo* on the web page. 
Alternatively, if I include the statement
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = "bar" )
 The output will be the same for all instances of *$foo* that follow this 
@@ -155,6 +164,7 @@ The output will be the same for all inst
 The second flavor of VTL references are properties, and properties have a 
distinctive format. The shorthand notation consists of a leading *$* character 
followed a VTL Identifier, followed by a dot character (".") and another VTL 
Identifier. These are examples of valid property references in the VTL:
+    :::velocity
@@ -164,6 +174,7 @@ Take the first example, *$customer.Addre
 A method is defined in the Java code and is capable of doing something useful, 
like running a calculation or arriving at a decision. Methods are references 
that consist of a leading "$" character followed a VTL Identifier, followed by 
a VTL *Method Body*. A VTL Method Body consists of a VTL Identifier followed by 
an left parenthesis character ("("), followed by an optional parameter list, 
followed by right parenthesis character (")"). These are examples of valid 
method references in the VTL:
+    :::velocity
     $page.setTitle( "My Home Page" )
@@ -175,37 +186,36 @@ VTL Properties can be used as a shorthan
 The shorthand notation can be used for the following Methods
+    :::velocity
 We might expect these methods to return the names of planets belonging to the 
sun, feed our earthworm, or get a photograph from an album. Only the long 
notation works for the following Methods.
+    :::velocity
     $sun.getPlanet( ["Earth", "Mars", "Neptune"] )
     ## Can't pass a parameter list with $sun.Planets
     ## Velocity assumes I mean $sisyphus.getRock()
     $book.setTitle( "Homage to Catalonia" )
     ## Can't pass a parameter
 All array references are treated as if they are fixed-length lists. This means 
that you can call java.util.List methods and properties on array references.  
So, if you have a reference to an array (let's say this one is a String[] with 
three values), you can do:
+    :::velocity
     $myarray.isEmpty() or $myarray.empty
     $myarray.set(1, 'test')
 Velocity also supports vararg methods. A method like `azpublic void 
setPlanets(String... planets)` or even just `public void setPlanets(String[] 
planets)` can now accept any number of arguments when called in a template.
+    :::velocity
     $sun.setPlanets('Earth', 'Mars', 'Neptune')
     ## Will just pass in an empty, zero-length array
@@ -235,6 +245,7 @@ The final value resulting from each and
 Using the notation of the form `$foo[0]` can be used to access a given index 
of an object.  This form is synonymous with calling the get(Object) method on a 
given object i.e, `$foo.get(0)`, and provides essentially a syntactic shorthand 
for such operations. Since this simply calls the get method all of the 
following are valid uses:
+    :::velocity
     $foo[0]       ## $foo takes in an Integer look up
     $foo[$i]      ## Using another reference as the index   
     $foo["bar"]   ## Passing a string where $foo may be a Map
@@ -243,12 +254,14 @@ The bracketed syntax also works with Jav
 The bracketed syntax is valid anywhere `.get` is valid, for example:
+    :::velocity
 A reference can also be set using index notation, for example:
+    :::velocity
     #set($foo[0] = 1)
     #set($[1] = 3)
     #set($map["apple"] = "orange")
@@ -259,6 +272,7 @@ The specified element is set with the gi
 Shorthand notation for references was used for the examples listed above, but 
there is also a formal notation for references, which is demonstrated below:
+    :::velocity
@@ -267,10 +281,12 @@ In almost all cases you will use the sho
 Suppose you were constructing a sentence on the fly where *$vice* was to be 
used as the base word in the noun of a sentence. The goal is to allow someone 
to choose the base word and produce one of the two following results: "Jack is 
a pyromaniac." or "Jack is a kleptomaniac.". Using the shorthand notation would 
be inadequate for this task. Consider the following example:
+    :::velocity
     Jack is a $vicemaniac.
 There is ambiguity here, and Velocity assumes that *$vicemaniac*, not *$vice*, 
is the Identifier that you mean to use. Finding no value for *$vicemaniac*, it 
will return *$vicemaniac*. Using formal notation can resolve this problem.
+    :::velocity
     Jack is a ${vice}maniac.
 Now Velocity knows that *$vice*, not *$vicemaniac*, is the reference. Formal 
notation is often useful when references are directly adjacent to text in a 
@@ -279,16 +295,19 @@ Now Velocity knows that *$vice*, not *$v
 When Velocity encounters an undefined reference, its normal behavior is to 
output the image of the reference. For example, suppose the following reference 
appears as part of a VTL template.
+    :::html+velocity
     <input type="text" name="email" value="$email"/>
 When the form initially loads, the variable reference *$email* has no value, 
but you prefer a blank text field to one with a value of "$email". Using the 
quiet reference notation circumvents Velocity's normal behavior; instead of 
using *$email* in the VTL you would use *$!email*. So the above example would 
look like the following:
+    :::html+velocity
     <input type="text" name="email" value="$!email"/>
 Now when the form is initially loaded and *$email* still has no value, an 
empty string will be output instead of "$email".
 Formal and quiet reference notation can be used together, as demonstrated 
+    :::html+velocity
     <input type="text" name="email" value="$!{email}"/>
 ## Strict Reference Mode
@@ -299,6 +318,7 @@ With this setting references are require
 In the following examples $bar is defined but $foo is not, and all these 
statements will throw an exception:
+    :::velocity
     $foo                         ## Exception
     #set($bar = $foo)            ## Exception
     #if($foo == $bar)#end        ## Exception
@@ -306,12 +326,14 @@ In the following examples $bar is define
 Also, The following statements show examples in which Velocity will throw an 
exception when attempting to call methods or properties that do not exist. In 
these examples $bar contains an object that defines a property 'foo' which 
returns a string, and 'retnull' which returns null.
+    :::velocity
     $bar.bogus          ## $bar does not provide property bogus, Exception
     $      ## $ does not provide property bogus, Exception
     $bar.retnull.bogus  ## cannot call a property on null, Exception</pre>
 In general strict reference behavior is true for all situations in which 
references are used except for a special case within the #if directive.  If a 
reference is used within a #if or #elseif directive without any methods or 
properties, and if it is not being compared to another value, then undefined 
references are allowed.  This behavior provides an easy way to test if a 
reference is defined before using it in a template.  In the following example 
where $foo is not defined the statements will not throw an exception.
+    :::velocity
     #if ($foo)#end                  ## False
     #if ( ! $foo)#end               ## True
     #if ($foo && $      ## False and $ will not be evaluated
@@ -322,6 +344,7 @@ Strict mode requires that comparisons of
 References that Velocity attempts to render but evaluate to null will cause an 
Exception.  To simply render nothing in this case the reference can be preceded 
by '$!' instead of '$', similar to non strict mode.  Keep in mind this is 
different from the reference not existing in the context which will always 
throw an exception when attempting to render it in strict mode.  For example, 
below $foo has a value of null in the context
+    :::velocity
     this is $foo    ## throws an exception because $foo is null
     this is $!foo   ## renders to "this is " without an exception
     this is $!bogus ## bogus is not in the context so throws an exception
@@ -330,6 +353,7 @@ References that Velocity attempts to ren
 Now that you are familiar with references, you can begin to apply them 
effectively in your templates. Velocity references take advantage of some Java 
principles that template designers will find easy to use. For example:
+    :::velocity
@@ -358,16 +382,19 @@ References allow template designers to g
 Directives always begin with a `#`.  Like references, the name of the 
directive may be bracketed by a `{` and a `}` symbol.  This is useful with 
directives that are immediately followed by text.  For example the following 
produces an error:
+    :::velocity
     #if($a==1)true enough#elseno way!#end
 In such a case, use the brackets to separate `#else` from the rest of the line.
+    :::velocity
     #if($a==1)true enough#{else}no way!#end
 ### Set
 The *#set* directive is used for setting the value of a reference. A value can 
be assigned to either a variable reference or a property reference, and this 
occurs in brackets, as demonstrated:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $primate = "monkey" )
     #set( $customer.Behavior = $primate )
@@ -383,6 +410,7 @@ The left hand side (LHS) of the assignme
 These examples demonstrate each of the aforementioned types:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $monkey = $bill ) ## variable reference
     #set( $monkey.Friend = "monica" ) ## string literal
     #set( $monkey.Blame = $whitehouse.Leak ) ## property reference
@@ -397,6 +425,7 @@ Similarly, for the Map example, the elem
 The RHS can also be a simple arithmetic expression:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $value = $foo + 1 )
     #set( $value = $bar - 1 )
     #set( $value = $foo * $bar )
@@ -404,6 +433,7 @@ The RHS can also be a simple arithmetic
 If the RHS is a property or method reference that evaluates to *null*, it will 
<b>not</b> be assigned to the LHS. Depending on how Velocity is configured, it 
is usually not possible to remove an existing reference from the context via 
this mechanism. (Note that this can be permitted by changing one of the 
Velocity configuration properties). This can be confusing for newcomers to 
Velocity.  For example:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $result = $query.criteria("name") )
     The result of the first query is $result
@@ -418,6 +448,7 @@ If *$query.criteria("name")* returns the
 This tends to confuse newcomers who construct *#foreach* loops that attempt to 
*#set* a reference via a property or method reference, then immediately test 
that reference with an *#if* directive.  For example:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $criteria = ["name", "address"] )
     #foreach( $criterion in $criteria )
@@ -434,6 +465,7 @@ In the above example, it would not be wi
 One solution to this would be to pre-set *$result* to *false*.  Then if the 
*$query.criteria()* call fails, you can check.
+    :::velocity
     #set( $criteria = ["name", "address"] )
     #foreach( $criterion in $criteria )
@@ -453,6 +485,7 @@ Unlike some of the other Velocity direct
 When using the *#set* directive, string literals that are enclosed in double 
quote characters will be parsed and rendered, as shown:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $directoryRoot = "www" )
     #set( $templateName = "index.vm" )
     #set( $template = "$directoryRoot/$templateName" )
@@ -464,6 +497,7 @@ The output will be
 However, when the string literal is enclosed in single quote characters, it 
will not be parsed:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = "bar" )
     #set( $blargh = '$foo' )
@@ -478,6 +512,7 @@ By default, this feature of using single
 Alternately, the *#[[*don't parse me!*]]#* syntax allows the template designer 
to easily use large chunks of uninterpreted and unparsed content in VTL code.  
This can be especially useful in place of <a 
href="#EscapingVTLDirectives">escaping</a> multiple directives or escaping 
sections which have content that would otherwise be invalid (and thus 
unparseable) VTL.
+    :::velocity
     #foreach ($woogie in $boogie)
       nothing will happen to $woogie
@@ -496,6 +531,7 @@ Renders as:
 The *#if* directive in Velocity allows for text to be included when the web 
page is generated, on the conditional that the if statement is true. For 
+    :::velocity
     #if( $foo )
@@ -515,6 +551,7 @@ The content between the *#if* and the *#
 An *#elseif* or *#else* element can be used with an *#if* element. Note that 
the Velocity Templating Engine will stop at the first expression that is found 
to be true. In the following example, suppose that *$foo* has a value of 15 and 
*$bar* has a value of 6.
+    :::velocity
     #if( $foo < 10 )
         **Go North**
     #elseif( $foo == 10 )
@@ -531,6 +568,7 @@ In this example, *$foo* is greater than
 Velocity uses the equivalent operator to determine the relationships between 
variables. Here is a simple example to illustrate how the equivalent operator 
is used.
+    :::velocity
     #set ($foo = "deoxyribonucleic acid")
     #set ($bar = "ribonucleic acid")
@@ -544,6 +582,7 @@ Note that the semantics of *==* are slig
 Velocity has logical AND, OR and NOT operators as well. Below are examples 
demonstrating the use of the logical AND, OR and NOT operators.
+    :::velocity
     ## logical AND
     #if( $foo && $bar )
@@ -554,6 +593,7 @@ The *#if()* directive will only evaluate
 Logical OR operators work the same way, except only one of the references need 
evaluate to true in order for the entire expression to be considered true. 
Consider the following example.
+    :::velocity
     ## logical OR
     #if( $foo || $bar )
@@ -564,6 +604,7 @@ If *$foo* is true, the Velocity Templati
 With logical NOT operators, there is only one argument :
+    :::velocity
     ##logical NOT
     #if( !$foo )
@@ -576,6 +617,7 @@ There are text versions of all logical o
 One more useful note.  When you wish to include text immediately following a 
*#else* directive you will need to use curly brackets immediately surrounding 
the directive to differentiate it from the following text. (Any directive can 
be delimited by curly brackets, although this is most useful for *#else*).
+    :::velocity
     #if( $foo == $bar)it's true!#{else}it's not!#end
 ### Loops
@@ -584,6 +626,7 @@ One more useful note.  When you wish to
 The *#foreach* element allows for looping. For example:
+    :::html+velocity
     #foreach( $product in $allProducts )
@@ -596,6 +639,7 @@ The contents of the *$allProducts* varia
 Lets say that *$allProducts* is a Hashtable. If you wanted to retrieve the key 
values for the Hashtable as well as the objects within the Hashtable, you can 
use code like this:
+    :::html+velocity
     #foreach( $key in $allProducts.keySet() )
         <li>Key: $key -> Value: $allProducts.get($key)</li>
@@ -604,6 +648,7 @@ Lets say that *$allProducts* is a Hashta
 Velocity provides an easy way to get the loop counter so that you can do 
something like the following:
+    :::html+velocity
     #foreach( $customer in $customerList )
@@ -612,6 +657,7 @@ Velocity provides an easy way to get the
 Velocity also now provides an easy way to tell if you are on the last 
iteration of a loop:
+    :::velocity
     #foreach( $customer in $customerList )
         $customer.Name#if( $foreach.hasNext ),#end
@@ -620,11 +666,13 @@ If you want a zero-based index of the #f
 It's possible to set a maximum allowed number of times that a loop may be 
executed. By default there is no max (indicated by a value of 0 or less), but 
this can be set to an arbitrary number in the `` file.  This 
is useful as a fail-safe.
+    :::properties
     # The maximum allowed number of loops.
     directive.foreach.maxloops = -1
 If you want to stop looping in a foreach from within your template, you can 
now use the #break directive to stop looping at any time:
+    :::velocity
     ## list first 5 customers only
     #foreach( $customer in $customerList )
         #if( $foreach.count > 5 )
@@ -637,10 +685,12 @@ If you want to stop looping in a foreach
 The *#include* script element allows the template designer to import a local 
file, which is then inserted into the location where the *#include* directive 
is defined. The contents of the file are not rendered through the template 
engine. For security reasons, the file to be included may only be under 
+    :::velocity
     #include( "one.txt" )
 The file to which the *#include* directive refers is enclosed in quotes. If 
more than one file will be included, they should be separated by commas.
+    :::velocity
     #include( "one.gif","two.txt","three.htm" )
 The file being included need not be referenced by name; in fact, it is often 
preferable to use a variable instead of a filename. This could be useful for 
targeting output according to criteria determined when the page request is 
submitted. Here is an example showing both a filename and a variable.
@@ -651,12 +701,14 @@ The file being included need not be refe
 The *#parse* script element allows the template designer to import a local 
file that contains VTL. Velocity will parse the VTL and render the template 
+    :::velocity
     #parse( "me.vm" )
 Like the *#include* directive, *#parse* can take a variable rather than a 
template. Any templates to which *#parse* refers must be included under 
TEMPLATE_ROOT. Unlike the *#include* directive, *#parse* will only take a 
single argument.
 VTL templates can have *#parse* statements referring to templates that in turn 
have *#parse* statements. By default set to 10, the *directive.parse.max.depth* 
line of the `` allows users to customize maximum number of 
*#parse* referrals that can occur from a single template. (Note: If the 
*directive.parse.max.depth* property is absent from the `` 
file, Velocity will set this default to 10.) Recursion is permitted, for 
example, if the template `dofoo.vm` contains the following lines:
+    :::velocity
     Count down.
     #set( $count = 8 )
     #parse( "parsefoo.vm" )
@@ -664,6 +716,7 @@ VTL templates can have *#parse* statemen
 It would reference the template `parsefoo.vm`, which might contain the 
following VTL:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $count = $count - 1 )
     #if( $count > 0 )
@@ -690,6 +743,7 @@ The *#evaluate* directive can be used to
 The example below will display `abc`.
+    :::velocity
     #set($source1 = "abc")
     #set($select = "1")
     #set($dynamicsource = "$source$select")
@@ -703,6 +757,7 @@ The *#define* directive lets one assign
 The example below will display `Hello World!`.
+    :::velocity
     #define( $block )Hello $who#end
     #set( $who = 'World!' )
@@ -711,28 +766,33 @@ The example below will display `Hello Wo
 The *#macro* script element allows template designers to define a repeated 
segment of a VTL template. Velocimacros are very useful in a wide range of 
scenarios both simple and complex. This Velocimacro, created for the sole 
purpose of saving keystrokes and minimizing typographic errors, provides an 
introduction to the concept of Velocimacros.
+    :::html+velocity
     #macro( d )
 The Velocimacro being defined in this example is *d*, and it can be called in 
a manner analogous to any other VTL directive:
+    :::velocity
 When this template is called, Velocity would replace *#d()* with a row 
containing a single, empty data cell.  If we want to put something in that 
cell, we can alter the macro to allow for a body:
+    :::html+velocity
     #macro( d )
 Now, if we call the macro just a bit differently, using #@ before the name and 
providing a body and #end to the call, then Velocity will render the body when 
it gets to the $!bodyContent:
+    :::velocity
 You can still call the macro as you did before, and since we used the silent 
reference notation for the body reference ($!bodyContent instead of 
$bodyContent), it will still render a row with a single, empty data cell.
 A Velocimacro can also take any number of arguments -- even zero arguments, as 
demonstrated in the first example, is an option -- but when the Velocimacro is 
invoked, it must be called with the same number of arguments with which it was 
defined. Many Velocimacros are more involved than the one defined above. Here 
is a Velocimacro that takes two arguments, a color and an array.
+    :::html+velocity
     #macro( tablerows $color $somelist )
     #foreach( $something in $somelist )
         <tr><td bgcolor=$color>$something</td></tr>
@@ -743,6 +803,7 @@ The Velocimacro being defined in this ex
 Anything that can be put into a VTL template can go into the body of a 
Velocimacro. The *tablerows* Velocimacro is a *foreach* statement. There are 
two *#end* statements in the definition of the *#tablerows* Velocimacro; the 
first belongs to the *#foreach*, the second ends the Velocimacro definition.
+    :::html+velocity
     #set( $greatlakes = ["Superior","Michigan","Huron","Erie","Ontario"] )
     #set( $color = "blue" )
@@ -751,6 +812,7 @@ Anything that can be put into a VTL temp
 Notice that *$greatlakes* takes the place of *$somelist*. When the 
*#tablerows* Velocimacro is called in this situation, the following output is 
+    :::html
         <tr><td bgcolor="blue">Superior</td></tr>
         <tr><td bgcolor="blue">Michigan</td></tr>
@@ -763,6 +825,7 @@ Velocimacros can be defined *inline* in
 Were the *#tablerows($color $list)* Velocimacro defined in a Velocimacros 
template library, this macro could be used on any of the regular templates. It 
could be used many times and for many different purposes. In the template 
`mushroom.vm` devoted to all things fungi, the *#tablerows* Velocimacro could 
be invoked to list the parts of a typical mushroom:
+    :::html+velocity
     #set( $parts = ["volva","stipe","annulus","gills","pileus"] )
     #set( $cellbgcol = "#CC00FF" )
@@ -771,6 +834,7 @@ Were the *#tablerows($color $list)* Velo
 When fulfilling a request for `mushroom.vm`, Velocity would find the 
*#tablerows* Velocimacro in the template library (defined in the 
`` file) and generate the following output:
+    :::html+
         <tr><td bgcolor="#CC00FF">volva</td></tr>
         <tr><td bgcolor="#CC00FF">stipe</td></tr>
@@ -793,6 +857,7 @@ Velocimacros can take as arguments any o
 When passing references as arguments to Velocimacros, please note that 
references are passed 'by name'. This means that their value is 'generated' at 
each use inside the Velocimacro.  This feature allows you to pass references 
with method calls and have the method called at each use.  For example, when 
calling the following Velocimacro as shown
+    :::velocity
     #macro( callme $a )
         $a $a $a
@@ -805,6 +870,7 @@ At first glance, this feature appears su
 If you need to circumvent this feature, you can always just get the value from 
the method as a new reference and pass that :
+    :::velocity
     #set( $myval = $ )
     #callme( $myval )
@@ -837,6 +903,7 @@ There is no problem writing "I bought a
 Cases may arise where you do not want to have a reference rendered by 
Velocity. *Escaping* special characters is the best way to output VTL's special 
characters in these situations, and this can be done using the backslash ( *\* 
) character <i>when those special characters are part of a valid VTL 
+    :::velocity
     #set( $email = "foo" )
@@ -844,6 +911,7 @@ If Velocity encounters  a reference in y
 Suppose that *$email* is defined (for example, if it has the value *foo*), and 
that you want to output *$email*. There are a few ways of doing this, but the 
simplest is to use the escape character. Here is a demonstration:
+    :::velocity
     ## The following line defines $email in this template:
     #set( $email = "foo" )
@@ -856,6 +924,7 @@ renders as
 If, for some reason, you need a backslash before either line above, you can do 
the following:
+    :::velocity
     ## The following line defines $email in this template:
     #set( $email = "foo" )
@@ -868,6 +937,7 @@ which renders as
 Note that the *\* character bind to the *$* from the left. The bind-from-left 
rule causes *\\\$email* to render as *\$email*. Compare these examples to those 
in which *$email* is not defined.
+    :::velocity
@@ -882,6 +952,7 @@ renders as
 Notice Velocity handles references that are defined differently from those 
that have not been defined. Here is a set directive that gives *$foo* the value 
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = "gibbous" )
     $moon = $foo
@@ -891,15 +962,18 @@ The output will be: *$moon = gibbous* --
 Sometimes Velocity has trouble parsing your template when it encounters an 
"invalid reference" that you never intended to be a reference at all. 
*Escaping* special characters is, again, the best way to handle these 
situations, but in these situations, the backslash will likely fail you.  
Instead of simply trying to escape the problematic `$` or `#`, you should 
probably just replace this:
+    :::velocity
 with something like this
+    :::velocity
     #set( $D = '$' )
 You can, of course, put your `$` or `#` string directly into the context from 
your java code (e.g. `context.put("D","$");`) to avoid the extra #set() 
directive in your template(s).  Or, if you are using 
[VelocityTools](/tools/devel), you can just use the EscapeTool like this:
+    :::velocity
 Escaping of both valid and invalid VTL directives is handled in much the same 
manner; this is described in more detail in the Directives section.
@@ -908,6 +982,7 @@ Escaping of both valid and invalid VTL d
 VTL directives can be escaped with the backslash character ("\") in a manner 
similar to valid VTL references.
+    :::velocity
     ## #include( "a.txt" ) renders as <contents of a.txt>
     #include( "a.txt" )
@@ -919,6 +994,7 @@ VTL directives can be escaped with the b
 Extra care should be taken when escaping VTL directives that contain multiple 
script elements in a single directive (such as in an if-else-end statements). 
Here is a typical VTL if-statement:
+    :::velocity
     #if( $jazz )
         Vyacheslav Ganelin
@@ -929,6 +1005,7 @@ If *$jazz* is true, the output is
 If *$jazz* is false, there is no output. Escaping script elements alters the 
output. Consider the following case:
+    :::velocity
     \#if( $jazz )
         Vyacheslav Ganelin
@@ -941,7 +1018,8 @@ This causes the directives to be escaped
 Suppose backslashes precede script elements that are legitimately escaped:
-    v\\#if( $jazz )
+    :::velocity
+    \\#if( $jazz )
        Vyacheslav Ganelin
@@ -958,6 +1036,7 @@ If *$jazz* is false, the output is
 Note that things start to break if script elements are not properly escaped.
+    :::velocity
     \\\#if( $jazz )
         Vyacheslave Ganelin
@@ -968,6 +1047,7 @@ Here the *#if* is escaped, but there is
 Although VTL in this user guide is often displayed with newlines and 
whitespaces, the VTL shown below
+    :::velocity
     #set( $imperial = ["Munetaka","Koreyasu","Hisakira","Morikune"] )
     #foreach( $shogun in $imperial )
@@ -975,10 +1055,12 @@ Although VTL in this user guide is often
 is equally valid as the following snippet that Geir Magnusson Jr. posted to 
the Velocity user mailing list to illustrate a completely unrelated point:
+    :::velocity
     Send me #set($foo=["$10 and ","a pie"])#foreach($a in $foo)$a#end please.
 Velocity's default behaviour is to gobble up excess whitespace. The preceding 
directive can be written as:
+    :::velocity
     Send me
     #set( $foo = ["$10 and ","a pie"] )
     #foreach( $a in $foo )
@@ -988,6 +1070,7 @@ Velocity's default behaviour is to gobbl
 or as
+    :::velocity
     Send me
     #set($foo       = ["$10 and ","a pie"])
                      #foreach           ($a in $foo )$a
@@ -1001,6 +1084,7 @@ In each case the output will be the same
 Velocity has a handful of built-in mathematical functions that can be used in 
templates with the *set* directive. The following equations are examples of 
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, respectively:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = $bar + 3 )
     #set( $foo = $bar - 4 )
     #set( $foo = $bar * 6 )
@@ -1008,16 +1092,19 @@ Velocity has a handful of built-in mathe
 When a division operation is performed between two integers, the result will 
be an integer, as the fractional portion is discarded. Any remainder can be 
obtained by using the modulus (*%*) operator.
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = $bar % 5 )
 ### Range Operator
 The range operator can be used in conjunction with *#set* and *#foreach* 
statements. Useful for its ability to produce an object array containing 
integers, the range operator has the following construction:
+    :::velocity
 Both *n* and *m* must either be or produce integers. Whether *m* is greater 
than or less than *n* will not matter; in this case the range will simply count 
down. Examples showing the use of the range operator as provided below:
+    :::velocity
     First example:
     #foreach( $foo in [1..5] )
@@ -1059,6 +1146,7 @@ Web page designers concerned with making
 When a reference is silenced with the *!* character and the *!* character 
preceded by an *\* escape character, the reference is handled in a special way. 
Note the differences between regular escaping, and the special case where *\* 
precedes *!* follows it:
+    :::velocity
     #set( $foo = "bar" )
@@ -1074,6 +1162,7 @@ This renders as:
 Contrast this with regular escaping, where *\* precedes *$*:
+    :::velocity
@@ -1101,15 +1190,18 @@ No.  A directive isn't a valid argument
 *However...*, there are things you can do. One easy solution is to take 
advantage of the fact that 'doublequote' (") renders its contents. So you could 
do something like
+    :::velocity
     #set($stuff = "#bold('hello')" )
     #center( $stuff )
 You can save a step...
+    :::velocity
     #center( "#bold( 'hello' )" )
 Please note that in the latter example the arg is evaluated <i>inside</i> the 
VM, not at the calling level.  In other words, the argument to the VM is passed 
in in its entirety and evaluated within the VM it was passed into. This allows 
you to do things like :
+    :::velocity
     #macro( inner $foo )
       inner : $foo
@@ -1130,15 +1222,17 @@ because the evaluation of the "#inner($b
 This is an intentional and jealously guarded feature - args are passed 'by 
name' into VMs, so you can hand VMs things like stateful references such as
+    :::html+velocity
     #macro( foo $color )
-      <tr bgcolor=$color><td>Hi</td></tr>
-      <tr bgcolor=$color><td>There</td></tr>
+      <tr bgcolor="$color"><td>Hi</td></tr>
+      <tr bgcolor="$color"><td>There</td></tr>
     #foo( $bar.rowColor() )
 And have rowColor() called repeatedly, rather than just once.  To avoid that, 
invoke the method outside of the VM, and pass the value into the VM.
+    :::velocity
     #set($color = $bar.rowColor())
     #foo( $color )
@@ -1180,6 +1274,7 @@ To do concatenation of references in VTL
 In the regular 'schmoo' of a template (when you are mixing it in with regular 
content) :
+    :::velocity
     #set( $size = "Big" )
     #set( $name = "Ben" )
@@ -1187,6 +1282,7 @@ In the regular 'schmoo' of a template (w
 and the output will render as 'The clock is BigBen'. For more interesting 
cases, such as when you want to concatenate strings to pass to a method, or to 
set a new reference, just do
+    :::velocity
     #set( $size = "Big" )
     #set( $name = "Ben" )
@@ -1196,12 +1292,13 @@ and the output will render as 'The clock
 Which will result in the same output. As a final example, when you want to mix 
in 'static' strings with your references, you may need to use 'formal 
references' :
-      #set( $size = "Big" )
-      #set( $name = "Ben" )
+    :::velocity
+    #set( $size = "Big" )
+    #set( $name = "Ben" )
-      #set($clock = "${size}Tall$name" )
+    #set($clock = "${size}Tall$name" )
-      The clock is $clock.
+    The clock is $clock.
 Now the output is 'The clock is BigTallBen'. The formal notation is needed so 
the parser knows you mean to use the reference '$size' versus '$sizeTall' which 
it would if the '{}' weren't there.

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/vtl-reference.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/vtl-reference.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/vtl-reference.mdtext Tue Jun 26 
10:02:24 2018
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ Notes:
 1. The == operator can be used to compare numbers, strings, objects of the 
same class, or objects of different classes.  In the last case (when objects 
are of different classes), the toString() method is called on each object and 
the resulting Strings are compared.
 2. You can also use brackets to delimit directives.  This is especially useful 
when text immediately follows an `#else` directive.
+        :::velocity
         #if($foo == $bar)it's true!#{else}it's not!#end
 ### #foreach - Loops through a list of objects
@@ -143,14 +144,16 @@ Examples of the #foreach(), omitting the
 Velocity provides an easy way to get the loop counter so that you can do 
something like the following:
+    :::html+velocity
     #foreach( $customer in $customerList )
-Additionally, the maximum allowed number of loop iterations can be controlled 
engine-wide (an ability introduced in Velocity 1.5). By default, there is no 
+Additionally, the maximum allowed number of loop iterations can be controlled 
engine-wide with ``. By default, there is no limit:
+    :::properties
     # The maximum allowed number of loops.
     directive.foreach.maxloops = -1
@@ -251,10 +254,12 @@ Usage:
 Once defined, the VM is used like any other VTL directive in a template.
+    :::velocity
     #vmname( $arg1 $arg2 )
 **Except**, that when you wish to call a VM with a body, then you must prefix 
the name of the VM with @.  The content of that body may be referenced in the 
macro definition via $!bodyContent as many or few times as you like.
+    :::velocity
     #@vmname( $arg1 $arg2 ) here is the body#end
 VMs can be defined in one of two places:
@@ -270,12 +275,14 @@ Comments are not rendered at runtime.
+    :::velocity
     ## This is a comment.**
 ### Multi Line Comments
+    :::velocity
       This is a multiline comment.
       This is the second line.
@@ -288,6 +295,7 @@ Unparsed content is rendered at runtime,
+    :::velocity
     This has invalid syntax that would normally need 

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/webapps.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/webapps.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/2.0/webapps.mdtext Tue Jun 26 
10:02:24 2018
@@ -37,17 +37,19 @@ The simplest replacement for FileResourc
 If you are using the VelocityViewServlet, then it is automatically configured 
and ready to use the WebappResourceLoader. So if you want to change the 
configured path(s), you need only add a line like the following to your
+    :::properties
 If you need to set the WebappResourceLoader up on your own, then you can make 
your properties something like this:
+    :::properties
 You will **also need to put the ServletContext into your VelocityEngine's 
application attributes** before initializing that Engine. This is how the 
WebappResourceLoader knows how to find templates.
+    :::java
 ### Changing Object State - Don't!
@@ -56,10 +58,12 @@ Velocity provides the ability to call an
 For example, the following code safely calls the size() method of a list and 
displays the result.
+    :::velocity
     There are $users.size() currently logged in.
 An example of an unsafe operation concerns a financial web page with an object 
in the context that calculates data year by year.  The method 
calculateNextYear() calculates data for the next year and advances an internal 
+    :::velocity
     2005 data: $
     2006 data: $
@@ -78,6 +82,7 @@ Any user-entered text that contains spec
 However, Velocity provides the ability to specify a 
`ReferenceInsertionEventHandler` which will alter the value of a reference 
before it is inserted into the page. Specifically, you can configure the 
`EscapeHtmlReference` handler into your `` file to escape 
all references (optionally) matching a regular expression. The following 
example will escape HTML entities in any reference that starts with "msg" (e.g. 
+    :::properties
     eventhandler.referenceinsertion.class =
     eventhandler.escape.html.match = /msg.*/
@@ -87,6 +92,7 @@ Note that other kinds of escaping are so
 Since a web application is running on a central server, that typically has 
multiple users and confidential resources, care must be taken to make certain 
that the web application is secure.  Most standard web security principles 
apply to a web application built with Velocity.  A few specific issues (such as 
system configuration, more on cross-site scripting, and method introspection) 
are written up in this article on [Building Secure Applications with 
Velocity]( In 
particular, you may want to prevent template designers from including 
"dangerous" reflection-related methods by specifying the `SecureUberspector` to 
get/set properties and execute method calls.
+    :::properties
     runtime.introspector.uberspect = 
 ### Logging
@@ -105,10 +111,12 @@ For more information, consult the [Veloc
 2. Build the Velocity Tools jar and the "simple" example by typing:
+        :::shell
         ant example.simple
 3.Take a look at the "examples" directory. You will see a file "index.vm".  
Here's an excerpt:
+        :::html+velocity
         I'm a velocity template.
@@ -133,6 +141,7 @@ For more information, consult the [Veloc
 You can copy any additional velocity files into this same directory.  In 
`examples/WEB-INF` you will see a file "tools.xml".  This specifies a list of 
"Tools" that are automatically included in the context.
+        :::xml
             <data type="boolean" key="xhtml" value="true"/>
             <data type="boolean" key="isSimple" value="true"/>
@@ -149,6 +158,7 @@ You can copy any additional velocity fil
 And finally the web.xml file specifies the name of the servlet and location of
+        :::xml

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/build.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/build.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/build.mdtext Tue Jun 26 
10:02:24 2018
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ To build Velocity we require [Maven](htt
 In each case below, it is assumed that you were successful in [checking out 
the sources from Subversion](/download.cgi#source-code-repository):
+    :::shell
     svn checkout 
     cd velocity
     mvn install    

Modified: velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/configuration.mdtext
--- velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/configuration.mdtext (original)
+++ velocity/site/cms/trunk/content/engine/devel/configuration.mdtext Tue Jun 
26 10:02:24 2018
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ The following resource management config
 > To illustrate, here is an example taken right from the default Velocity 
 > properties, showing how setting up the FileResourceLoader is managed
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -295,15 +296,18 @@ Configuring the resource loaders for Vel
 The first step in configuring one or more resource loaders is do 'declare' 
them by name to Velocity.  Use the property `resource.loader` and list one or 
more loader names. You can use anything you want - these names are used to 
associate configuration properties with a given loader.
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
 That entry declares that we will have a resource loader known as 'file'. The 
next thing to do is to set the important properties.  The most critical is to 
declare the class to use as the loader:
+    :::properties
     file.resource.loader.class = 
 In this case, we are telling velocity that we are setting up
 a resource loadercalled 'file', and are using the class 
`org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader` to be the 
class to use. The next thing we do is set the properties important to this 
+    :::properties
     file.resource.loader.path = /opt/templates
     file.resource.loader.cache = true
     file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2
@@ -314,6 +318,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Do-nothing Default Configuration: ** As the name says, there is nothing you 
have to do or configure to get the default configuration.  This configuration 
uses the FileResourceLoader with the current directory as the default resource 
path, and caching is off.  As a properties set, this is expressed as:
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -324,6 +329,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Multiple Template Path Configuration: ** This configuration uses the 
FileResourceLoader with several directories as 'nodes' on the template search 
path. We also want to use caching, and have the templates checked for changes 
in 10 second intervals.  As a properties set, this is expressed as:
+    :::properties
     resource.loader = file
     file.resource.loader.description = Velocity File Resource Loader
@@ -334,6 +340,7 @@ Those are the basics.  What follows are
 **Multiple Loader Configuration :**  This configuration sets up three loaders 
at the same time, the FileResourceLoader, the ClasspathResourceLoader, and the 
JarResourceLoader. The loaders are set-up such that the FileResourceLoader is 
consulted first, then the ClasspathResourceLoader, and finally the 
JarResourceLoader. This would allow you to qickly drop a template into the file 
template area to replace on of the templates found in the classpath (usually 
via a jar) without having to rebuild the jar.
+    :::properties
     # specify three resource loaders to use

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