Migrate-1.4 has been edited by Igor Vaynberg (May 22, 2008).

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1.4 is the current development release.

Migrating to Wicket 1.4

Bookmarkable URL

Getting and building it

http://wicket.apache.org/building-from-svn.html describes how to get and build Wicket 1.4.x.

Snapshots can be found in this maven repository and has version 1.4-SNAPSHOT:

JDK 1.5

Minimum Java version is now 1.5.

Spring Support

Spring Modules

wicket-spring and wicket-spring-annot modules have been merged. If your project depends on wicket-spring-annot simply replace it with a dependency on wicket-spring.


SpringWebApplication has been deprecated in favor of SpringBean annotation. See SpringWebApplication javadoc for how to setup SpringBean based injection.

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