models in progess


Branch: refs/heads/reference-guide
Commit: 0c4b09aa031ab26cc64745dc376cf6e851b5e794
Parents: 73cf82c
Author: Michael Mosmann <>
Authored: Tue Feb 12 11:55:19 2013 +0100
Committer: Michael Mosmann <>
Committed: Tue Feb 12 11:55:19 2013 +0100

 .../src/documentation/source/models.rst            |    8 +++++---
 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/wicket-reference-guide/src/documentation/source/models.rst 
index e5d5be4..7dad2a3 100644
--- a/wicket-reference-guide/src/documentation/source/models.rst
+++ b/wicket-reference-guide/src/documentation/source/models.rst
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ The constructor for this page constructs a Label component. 
The first parameter
 .. includecode:: 
-The second parameter to the Label component's constructor is the model data 
for the Label, providing content that replaces any text inside the <span> tag 
to which the Label is associated. The model data passed to the Label 
constructor above is apparently a String. Internally Label creates a Model for 
the String. :ref:`Model<_models--model-label>` is a simple default 
implementation of IModel.
+The second parameter to the Label component's constructor is the model data 
for the Label, providing content that replaces any text inside the <span> tag 
to which the Label is associated. The model data passed to the Label 
constructor above is apparently a String. Internally Label creates a Model for 
the String. :ref:`Model<models--model-label>` is a simple default 
implementation of IModel.
 .. todo:: replace with real code
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ The data we gave to the model in the previous example, the 
string "Hello World",
 The model data is still a String, the value of person.getName() is set at the 
time the model is created. Recall that Java strings are immutable: this string 
will never change. Even if person.getName() would later return a different 
value, the model data is unchanged. So the page will still display the old 
value to the user even if it is reloaded. Models like this, whose values never 
change, are known as static models.
-In many cases the underlying data can change, and you want the user to see 
those changes. For example, the user might use a form to change a person's 
name. Models which can automatically reflect change are known as dynamic 
models. While the :ref:`Model<_models--model-label>` class is static, most of 
the other core Wicket model classes are dynamic.
+In many cases the underlying data can change, and you want the user to see 
those changes. For example, the user might use a form to change a person's 
name. Models which can automatically reflect change are known as dynamic 
models. While the :ref:`Model<models--model-label>` class is static, most of 
the other core Wicket model classes are dynamic.
 .. todo:: replace with real code
@@ -82,7 +82,9 @@ It's instructive to see how to make a dynamic model by 
subclassing Model.
 .. includecode:: 
-It would be inconvenient to have to do this for every component that needs a 
dynamic model. Instead, you can use the PropertyModel class or one of the other 
classes described below.
+It would be inconvenient to have to do this for every component that needs a 
dynamic model. Instead, you can use the 
:ref:`PropertyModel<models--propertymodel-label>` class or one of the other 
classes described below.
+.. _models--propertymodel-label:

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