Modified: wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/resources.html
--- wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/resources.html (original)
+++ wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/resources.html Thu Feb 12 
18:54:52 2015
@@ -174,31 +174,34 @@ function addJsClass() {
                     <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_4"><strong>15.4</strong><span>Adding resources to page header 
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_5"><strong>15.5</strong><span>Resource dependencies</span></a>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_6"><strong>15.6</strong><span>Aggregate multiple resources 
with resource bundles</span></a>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_6"><strong>15.6</strong><span>Resource dependencies</span></a>
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_7"><strong>15.7</strong><span>Put JavaScript inside page 
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_7"><strong>15.7</strong><span>Aggregate multiple resources 
with resource bundles</span></a>
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_8"><strong>15.8</strong><span>Header contributors 
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_8"><strong>15.8</strong><span>Put JavaScript inside page 
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_9"><strong>15.9</strong><span>Custom resources</span></a>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_9"><strong>15.9</strong><span>Header contributors 
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_10"><strong>15.10</strong><span>Mounting resources</span></a>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_10"><strong>15.10</strong><span>Custom resources</span></a>
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_11"><strong>15.11</strong><span>Shared resources</span></a>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_11"><strong>15.11</strong><span>Mounting resources</span></a>
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_12"><strong>15.12</strong><span>Customizing resource 
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_12"><strong>15.12</strong><span>Shared resources</span></a>
-                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#resources_13"><strong>15.13</strong><span>Customizing resource 
+                    </div>
+                    <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
@@ -264,7 +267,16 @@ Package resources can be localized follo
-<h2 id="resources_5">15.5 Resource dependencies</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_5">15.5 Context-relative resources</h2>
+In web applications, it's quite common to have one or more root context 
folders containing css/js files. These resources are normally referenced with 
an absolute path inside link/script tags:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>&#60;script src=<span 
+&#60;link type=<span class="java&#45;quote">"text/css"</span> rel=<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"stylesheet"</span> href=<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/css/themes/style.css"</span> /&#62;</pre></div><p 
class="paragraph"/>To handle this kind of resources from code we can use 
resource reference class 
 To build a new instance of this class we must specify the root context path of 
the resource we want to use:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="paragraph"/>By default when our application runs in DEPLOYMENT mode 
<code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> will automatically load the 
minified version of the specified resource using 'min' as postfix. In the 
example above it will load '/misc/js/jscrip
 t.min.js'. We can force  <code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> to 
always use the not-minified resource passing an additional flag to class 
constructor:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//it will always use 
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/js/jscript.js"</span>, <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">false</span>);</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>The 
minified postfix can be customized with an optional string parameter:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//it will use 
'/misc/js/jscript.minified.js' in DEPLOYMENT mode
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/js/jscript.js"</span>, <span 
class="paragraph"/><code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> is usually 
used with the header item classes we have seen before in this chapter to create 
entries for the page header section.<p class="paragraph"/><h3>Picture 
files</h3><p class="paragraph"/>For picture files Wicket provides a specific 
component with class 
<code>org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.ContextImage</code> which is meant to 
be used with tag &#60;img&#62;<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>//build the component specifying its id and picture's context 
+ContextImage image = <span class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> 
ContextImage(<span class="java&#45;quote">"myPicture"</span>, <span 
+<h2 id="resources_6">15.6 Resource dependencies</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Class <code>ResourceReference</code> allows to specify 
the resources it depends on overriding method <code>getDependencies()</code>. 
The method returns an iterator over the set of <code>HeaderItems</code> that 
must be rendered before the resource referenced by 
<code>ResourceReference</code> can be used. This can be really helpful when our 
resources are JavaScript or CSS libraries that in turn depend on other 
libraries.<p class="paragraph"/>For example we can use this method to ensure 
that a custom reference to JQueryUI library will find JQuery already loaded in 
the page:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>Url jqueyuiUrl = 
class="paragraph"/>UrlResourceReference jqueryuiRef = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> UrlResourceReference(jqueyuiUrl)&#123;
@@ -276,7 +288,7 @@ Package resources can be localized follo
 &#125;;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Please note that in the code above we 
have built a resource reference using a URL to the desired library instead of a 
package resource holding the physical file.<p class="paragraph"/>The same 
method <code>getDependencies()</code> is defined also for class 
-<h2 id="resources_6">15.6 Aggregate multiple resources with resource 
+<h2 id="resources_7">15.7 Aggregate multiple resources with resource 
 One of the best practices to make our web application faster and reduce its 
latency is to reduce the number of requests to the server to load page 
resources like JavaScript or CSS files. To achieve this goal some 
JavaScript-based build tools (like Grunt) allow to merge multiple files used in 
a page into a single file that can be loaded in a single request. Wicket 
provides class <code>org.apache.wicket.ResourceBundles</code> to aggregate 
multiple resource references into a single one. A resource bundle can be 
declared during application initialization listing all the resources that 
compose it:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>@Override
 <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init() &#123;
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">super</span>.init();<p class="paragraph"/>  
@@ -291,7 +303,7 @@ A specific resource reference can not be
-<h2 id="resources_7">15.7 Put JavaScript inside page body</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_8">15.8 Put JavaScript inside page body</h2>
 Some web developers prefer to put their &#60;script&#62; tags at the end of 
page body instead of inside the &#60;head&#62; tags:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>&#60;html&#62;<p class="paragraph"/>&#60;head&#62;
 //no &#60;script&#62; tag here&#8230;
 &#60;/head&#62;<p class="paragraph"/>&#60;body&#62;
@@ -333,7 +345,7 @@ The following code is taken from the App
     &#125;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Looking at the code above you can 
note that our page adds two script to the header section: the first is an 
instance of <code>JavaScriptHeaderItem</code> and will be rendered in the 
<code>HeaderResponseContainer</code> while the second will follow the usual 
behavior and will be rendered inside &#60;head&#62; tag.<p 
class="paragraph"/><p class="paragraph"/>
-<h2 id="resources_8">15.8 Header contributors positioning</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_9">15.9 Header contributors positioning</h2>
 Starting from version 6.15.0 we can specify where header contributors must be 
rendered inside &#60;head&#62; tag using the placeholder tag 
<code>&#60;wicket:header-items/&#62;</code>:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
   &#60;meta chartset=<span class="java&#45;quote">"UTF&#45;8"</span>/&#62;
@@ -342,7 +354,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
-<h2 id="resources_9">15.9 Custom resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_10">15.10 Custom resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>In Wicket the best way to add dynamic functionalities to 
our application (such as csv export, a pdf generated on the fly, etc...) is 
implementing a custom resource. In this paragraph as example of custom resource 
we will build a basic RSS feeds generator which can be used to publish feeds on 
our site (project CustomResourceMounting). Instead of generating a RSS feed by 
hand we will use Rome framework and its utility classes.<p 
class="paragraph"/>As hinted above in paragraph 13.1, class 
<code>AbstractResource</code> can be used as base class to implement new 
resources. This class defines abstract method <code>newResourceResponse</code> 
which is invoked when the resource is requested. The following is the code of 
our RSS feeds generator:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre><span 
class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> class RSSProducerResource <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">extends</span> AbstractResource &#123;<p 
class="paragraph"/>  @Override
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">protected</span> ResourceResponse 
newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) &#123;
     ResourceResponse resourceResponse = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ResourceResponse();
@@ -367,7 +379,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
 &#125;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Method 
<code>newResourceResponse</code> returns an instance of 
<code>ResourceResponse</code> representing the response generated by the custom 
resource. Since RSS feeds are based on XML, in the code above we have set the 
type of the response to text/xml and the text encoding to utf-8.<p 
class="paragraph"/>To specify the content that will be returned by our resource 
we must also provide an implementation of inner class 
<code>WriteCallback</code> which is responsible for writing content data to 
response's output stream. In our project we used class SyndFeedOutput from Rome 
framework to write our feed to response. Method <code>getFeed()</code> is just 
an utility method that generates a sample RSS feed (which is an instance of 
interface <code>com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed</code>).<p 
class="paragraph"/>Now that we have our custom resource in place, we can use it 
in the home page of the project. The easiest way to make a resource available 
 to users is to expose it with link component <code>ResourceLink</code>:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>add(<span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ResourceLink(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"rssLink"</span>, <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> RSSProducerResource()));</pre></div><p 
class="paragraph"/>In the next paragraphs we will see how to register a 
resource at application-level and how to mount it to an arbitrary URL.
-<h2 id="resources_10">15.10 Mounting resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_11">15.11 Mounting resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Just like pages also resources can be mounted to a 
specific path. Class <code>WebApplication</code> provides method 
<code>mountResource</code> which is almost identical to <code>mountPage</code> 
seen in paragraph 8.6.1:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>@Override
 <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init() &#123;
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">super</span>.init();
@@ -393,7 +405,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
-<h2 id="resources_11">15.11 Shared resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_12">15.12 Shared resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Resources can be added to a global registry in order to 
share them at application-level. Shared resources are identified by an 
application-scoped key and they can be easily retrieved at a later time using 
reference class <code>SharedResourceReference</code>. The global registry can 
be accessed with <code>Application</code>'s method 
<code>getSharedResources</code>. In the following excerpt of code (taken again 
from project <code>CustomResourceMounting</code>) we register an instance of 
our custom RSS feeds producer as application-shared resource:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//init application's method
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init()&#123;
@@ -407,7 +419,7 @@ Remember that we can get the URL of a re
-<h2 id="resources_12">15.12 Customizing resource loading</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_13">15.13 Customizing resource loading</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Wicket loads application's resources delegating this 
task to a resource locator represented by interface 
 To retrieve or modify the current resource locator we can use the getter and 
setter methods defined by setting interface <code>IResourceSettings</code>:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//init application's method
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init()&#123;   
@@ -425,7 +437,7 @@ By default, if resource files can not be
-<h2 id="resources_13">15.13 Summary</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_14">15.14 Summary</h2>
 In this chapter we have learnt how to manage resources with the built-in 
mechanism provided by Wicket. With this mechanism we handle resources from Java 
code and Wicket will automatically take care of generating a valid URL for 
them. We have also seen how resources can be bundled as package resources with 
a component that depends on them to make it self-contained.<p 
class="paragraph"/>Then, in the second part of the chapter, we have built a 
custom resource and we have learnt how to mount it to an arbitrary URL and how 
to make it globally available as shared resource.<p class="paragraph"/>Finally, 
in the last part of the paragraph we took a peek at the mechanism provided by 
the framework to customize the locations where the resource-lookup algorithm 
searches for resources. 
@@ -456,7 +468,7 @@ In this chapter we have learnt how to ma
 <div id="footer">
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Modified: wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/security.html
--- wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/security.html (original)
+++ wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/security.html Thu Feb 12 
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@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ implementation of <code>ICryptFactory</c
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--- wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/single.html (original)
+++ wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/single.html Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 
@@ -320,23 +320,25 @@ function addJsClass(el) {
                             <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_4"><strong>15.4</strong><span>Adding resources to page header 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_6"><strong>15.6</strong><span>Aggregate multiple resources 
with resource bundles</span></a></div>
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_7"><strong>15.7</strong><span>Put JavaScript inside page 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_7"><strong>15.7</strong><span>Aggregate multiple resources 
with resource bundles</span></a></div>
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_8"><strong>15.8</strong><span>Header contributors 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_8"><strong>15.8</strong><span>Put JavaScript inside page 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_9"><strong>15.9</strong><span>Custom resources</span></a></div>
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_9"><strong>15.9</strong><span>Header contributors 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_12"><strong>15.12</strong><span>Customizing resource 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
-                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
href="#resources_13"><strong>15.13</strong><span>Customizing resource 
+                            <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:10px"><a 
                             <div class="toc-item" style="margin-left:0px"><a 
href="#jsintegration"><strong>16</strong><span>An example of integration with 
@@ -2630,7 +2632,16 @@ Package resources can be localized follo
-<h2 id="resources_5">15.5 Resource dependencies</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_5">15.5 Context-relative resources</h2>
+In web applications, it's quite common to have one or more root context 
folders containing css/js files. These resources are normally referenced with 
an absolute path inside link/script tags:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>&#60;script src=<span 
+&#60;link type=<span class="java&#45;quote">"text/css"</span> rel=<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"stylesheet"</span> href=<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/css/themes/style.css"</span> /&#62;</pre></div><p 
class="paragraph"/>To handle this kind of resources from code we can use 
resource reference class 
 To build a new instance of this class we must specify the root context path of 
the resource we want to use:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="paragraph"/>By default when our application runs in DEPLOYMENT mode 
<code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> will automatically load the 
minified version of the specified resource using 'min' as postfix. In the 
example above it will load '/misc/js/jscrip
 t.min.js'. We can force  <code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> to 
always use the not-minified resource passing an additional flag to class 
constructor:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//it will always use 
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/js/jscript.js"</span>, <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">false</span>);</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>The 
minified postfix can be customized with an optional string parameter:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//it will use 
'/misc/js/jscript.minified.js' in DEPLOYMENT mode
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ContextRelativeResourceReference(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"/misc/js/jscript.js"</span>, <span 
class="paragraph"/><code>ContextRelativeResourceReference</code> is usually 
used with the header item classes we have seen before in this chapter to create 
entries for the page header section.<p class="paragraph"/><h3>Picture 
files</h3><p class="paragraph"/>For picture files Wicket provides a specific 
component with class 
<code>org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.ContextImage</code> which is meant to 
be used with tag &#60;img&#62;<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>//build the component specifying its id and picture's context 
+ContextImage image = <span class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> 
ContextImage(<span class="java&#45;quote">"myPicture"</span>, <span 
+<h2 id="resources_6">15.6 Resource dependencies</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Class <code>ResourceReference</code> allows to specify 
the resources it depends on overriding method <code>getDependencies()</code>. 
The method returns an iterator over the set of <code>HeaderItems</code> that 
must be rendered before the resource referenced by 
<code>ResourceReference</code> can be used. This can be really helpful when our 
resources are JavaScript or CSS libraries that in turn depend on other 
libraries.<p class="paragraph"/>For example we can use this method to ensure 
that a custom reference to JQueryUI library will find JQuery already loaded in 
the page:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>Url jqueyuiUrl = 
class="paragraph"/>UrlResourceReference jqueryuiRef = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> UrlResourceReference(jqueyuiUrl)&#123;
@@ -2642,7 +2653,7 @@ Package resources can be localized follo
 &#125;;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Please note that in the code above we 
have built a resource reference using a URL to the desired library instead of a 
package resource holding the physical file.<p class="paragraph"/>The same 
method <code>getDependencies()</code> is defined also for class 
-<h2 id="resources_6">15.6 Aggregate multiple resources with resource 
+<h2 id="resources_7">15.7 Aggregate multiple resources with resource 
 One of the best practices to make our web application faster and reduce its 
latency is to reduce the number of requests to the server to load page 
resources like JavaScript or CSS files. To achieve this goal some 
JavaScript-based build tools (like Grunt) allow to merge multiple files used in 
a page into a single file that can be loaded in a single request. Wicket 
provides class <code>org.apache.wicket.ResourceBundles</code> to aggregate 
multiple resource references into a single one. A resource bundle can be 
declared during application initialization listing all the resources that 
compose it:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>@Override
 <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init() &#123;
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">super</span>.init();<p class="paragraph"/>  
@@ -2657,7 +2668,7 @@ A specific resource reference can not be
-<h2 id="resources_7">15.7 Put JavaScript inside page body</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_8">15.8 Put JavaScript inside page body</h2>
 Some web developers prefer to put their &#60;script&#62; tags at the end of 
page body instead of inside the &#60;head&#62; tags:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
class="code"><pre>&#60;html&#62;<p class="paragraph"/>&#60;head&#62;
 //no &#60;script&#62; tag here&#8230;
 &#60;/head&#62;<p class="paragraph"/>&#60;body&#62;
@@ -2699,7 +2710,7 @@ The following code is taken from the App
     &#125;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Looking at the code above you can 
note that our page adds two script to the header section: the first is an 
instance of <code>JavaScriptHeaderItem</code> and will be rendered in the 
<code>HeaderResponseContainer</code> while the second will follow the usual 
behavior and will be rendered inside &#60;head&#62; tag.<p 
class="paragraph"/><p class="paragraph"/>
-<h2 id="resources_8">15.8 Header contributors positioning</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_9">15.9 Header contributors positioning</h2>
 Starting from version 6.15.0 we can specify where header contributors must be 
rendered inside &#60;head&#62; tag using the placeholder tag 
<code>&#60;wicket:header-items/&#62;</code>:<p class="paragraph"/><div 
   &#60;meta chartset=<span class="java&#45;quote">"UTF&#45;8"</span>/&#62;
@@ -2708,7 +2719,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
-<h2 id="resources_9">15.9 Custom resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_10">15.10 Custom resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>In Wicket the best way to add dynamic functionalities to 
our application (such as csv export, a pdf generated on the fly, etc...) is 
implementing a custom resource. In this paragraph as example of custom resource 
we will build a basic RSS feeds generator which can be used to publish feeds on 
our site (project CustomResourceMounting). Instead of generating a RSS feed by 
hand we will use Rome framework and its utility classes.<p 
class="paragraph"/>As hinted above in paragraph 13.1, class 
<code>AbstractResource</code> can be used as base class to implement new 
resources. This class defines abstract method <code>newResourceResponse</code> 
which is invoked when the resource is requested. The following is the code of 
our RSS feeds generator:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre><span 
class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> class RSSProducerResource <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">extends</span> AbstractResource &#123;<p 
class="paragraph"/>  @Override
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">protected</span> ResourceResponse 
newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) &#123;
     ResourceResponse resourceResponse = <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ResourceResponse();
@@ -2733,7 +2744,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
 &#125;</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Method 
<code>newResourceResponse</code> returns an instance of 
<code>ResourceResponse</code> representing the response generated by the custom 
resource. Since RSS feeds are based on XML, in the code above we have set the 
type of the response to text/xml and the text encoding to utf-8.<p 
class="paragraph"/>To specify the content that will be returned by our resource 
we must also provide an implementation of inner class 
<code>WriteCallback</code> which is responsible for writing content data to 
response's output stream. In our project we used class SyndFeedOutput from Rome 
framework to write our feed to response. Method <code>getFeed()</code> is just 
an utility method that generates a sample RSS feed (which is an instance of 
interface <code>com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed</code>).<p 
class="paragraph"/>Now that we have our custom resource in place, we can use it 
in the home page of the project. The easiest way to make a resource available 
 to users is to expose it with link component <code>ResourceLink</code>:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>add(<span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> ResourceLink(<span 
class="java&#45;quote">"rssLink"</span>, <span 
class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> RSSProducerResource()));</pre></div><p 
class="paragraph"/>In the next paragraphs we will see how to register a 
resource at application-level and how to mount it to an arbitrary URL.
-<h2 id="resources_10">15.10 Mounting resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_11">15.11 Mounting resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Just like pages also resources can be mounted to a 
specific path. Class <code>WebApplication</code> provides method 
<code>mountResource</code> which is almost identical to <code>mountPage</code> 
seen in paragraph 8.6.1:<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>@Override
 <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init() &#123;
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">super</span>.init();
@@ -2759,7 +2770,7 @@ Starting from version 6.15.0 we can spec
-<h2 id="resources_11">15.11 Shared resources</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_12">15.12 Shared resources</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Resources can be added to a global registry in order to 
share them at application-level. Shared resources are identified by an 
application-scoped key and they can be easily retrieved at a later time using 
reference class <code>SharedResourceReference</code>. The global registry can 
be accessed with <code>Application</code>'s method 
<code>getSharedResources</code>. In the following excerpt of code (taken again 
from project <code>CustomResourceMounting</code>) we register an instance of 
our custom RSS feeds producer as application-shared resource:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//init application's method
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init()&#123;
@@ -2773,7 +2784,7 @@ Remember that we can get the URL of a re
-<h2 id="resources_12">15.12 Customizing resource loading</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_13">15.13 Customizing resource loading</h2>
 <p class="paragraph"/>Wicket loads application's resources delegating this 
task to a resource locator represented by interface 
 To retrieve or modify the current resource locator we can use the getter and 
setter methods defined by setting interface <code>IResourceSettings</code>:<p 
class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>//init application's method
   <span class="java&#45;keyword">public</span> void init()&#123;   
@@ -2791,7 +2802,7 @@ By default, if resource files can not be
-<h2 id="resources_13">15.13 Summary</h2>
+<h2 id="resources_14">15.14 Summary</h2>
 In this chapter we have learnt how to manage resources with the built-in 
mechanism provided by Wicket. With this mechanism we handle resources from Java 
code and Wicket will automatically take care of generating a valid URL for 
them. We have also seen how resources can be bundled as package resources with 
a component that depends on them to make it self-contained.<p 
class="paragraph"/>Then, in the second part of the chapter, we have built a 
custom resource and we have learnt how to mount it to an arbitrary URL and how 
to make it globally available as shared resource.<p class="paragraph"/>Finally, 
in the last part of the paragraph we took a peek at the mechanism provided by 
the framework to customize the locations where the resource-lookup algorithm 
searches for resources. 
@@ -4855,7 +4866,7 @@ and attach it to a ticket in Apache Wick
         <div id="footer">
 Copyright &copy; 2013-2014 — <a href=""; 
target="_blank">The Apache Software Foundation</a> 
-                      — <b style="color:#E8590A !important;">(Generated on: 
+                      — <b style="color:#E8590A !important;">(Generated on: 

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,37 +1,48 @@
-Just like pages also resources can be mounted to a specific path. Class 
@WebApplication@ provides method @mountResource@ which is almost identical to 
@mountPage@ seen in paragraph 8.6.1:
+In Wicket the best way to add dynamic functionalities to our application (such 
as csv export, a pdf generated on the fly, etc...) is implementing a custom 
resource. In this paragraph as example of custom resource we will build a basic 
RSS feeds generator which can be used to publish feeds on our site (project 
CustomResourceMounting). Instead of generating a RSS feed by hand we will use 
Rome framework and its utility classes. 
+As hinted above in paragraph 13.1, class @AbstractResource@ can be used as 
base class to implement new resources. This class defines abstract method 
@newResourceResponse@ which is invoked when the resource is requested. The 
following is the code of our RSS feeds generator:
-public void init() {
-  super.init();
-  //resource mounted to path /foo/bar
-  ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference("rssProducer"){
-     RSSReaderResource rssResource = new RSSReaderResource();
-     @Override
-     public IResource getResource() {
-       return rssResource;
-  }};
-  mountResource("/foo/bar", resourceReference);
+public class RSSProducerResource extends AbstractResource {
+  @Override
+  protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) {
+    ResourceResponse resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse();
+    resourceResponse.setContentType("text/xml");
+    resourceResponse.setTextEncoding("utf-8");
+    resourceResponse.setWriteCallback(new WriteCallback()
+    {
+      @Override
+      public void writeData(Attributes attributes) throws IOException
+      {
+        OutputStream outputStream = attributes.getResponse().getOutputStream();
+        Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
+        SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput();
+            try {
+          output.output(getFeed(), writer);
+        } catch (FeedException e) {
+          throw new WicketRuntimeException("Problems writing feed to 
+        }
+      }      
+    });
+    return resourceResponse;
+  }
+  // method getFeed()...
-With the configuration above (taken from project @CustomResourceMounting@) 
every request to /foo/bar will be served by the custom resource built in the 
previous paragraph. 
+Method @newResourceResponse@ returns an instance of @ResourceResponse@ 
representing the response generated by the custom resource. Since RSS feeds are 
based on XML, in the code above we have set the type of the response to 
text/xml and the text encoding to utf-8.
+To specify the content that will be returned by our resource we must also 
provide an implementation of inner class @WriteCallback@ which is responsible 
for writing content data to response's output stream. In our project we used 
class SyndFeedOutput from Rome framework to write our feed to response. Method 
@getFeed()@ is just an utility method that generates a sample RSS feed (which 
is an instance of interface @com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed@).
-Parameter placeholders are supported as well:
+Now that we have our custom resource in place, we can use it in the home page 
of the project. The easiest way to make a resource available to users is to 
expose it with link component @ResourceLink@: 
-public void init() {
-  super.init();
-  //resource mounted to path /foo with a required indexed parameter
-  ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference("rssProducer"){
-     RSSReaderResource rssResource = new RSSReaderResource();
-     @Override
-     public IResource getResource() {
-       return rssResource;
-  }};
-  mountResource("/bar/${baz}", resourceReference);
\ No newline at end of file
+add(new ResourceLink("rssLink", new RSSProducerResource()));
+In the next paragraphs we will see how to register a resource at 
application-level and how to mount it to an arbitrary URL.
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,33 +1,37 @@
-Resources can be added to a global registry in order to share them at 
application-level. Shared resources are identified by an application-scoped key 
and they can be easily retrieved at a later time using reference class 
@SharedResourceReference@. The global registry can be accessed with 
@Application@'s method @getSharedResources@. In the following excerpt of code 
(taken again from project @CustomResourceMounting@) we register an instance of 
our custom RSS feeds producer as application-shared resource:
+Just like pages also resources can be mounted to a specific path. Class 
@WebApplication@ provides method @mountResource@ which is almost identical to 
@mountPage@ seen in paragraph 8.6.1:
-  //init application's method
-  @Override
-  public void init(){
-    RSSProducerResource rssResource = new RSSProducerResource();
-    // ...
-    getSharedResources().add("globalRSSProducer", rssResource);    
-  }
+public void init() {
+  super.init();
+  //resource mounted to path /foo/bar
+  ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference("rssProducer"){
+     RSSReaderResource rssResource = new RSSReaderResource();
+     @Override
+     public IResource getResource() {
+       return rssResource;
+  }};
+  mountResource("/foo/bar", resourceReference);
-Now to use an application-shared resource we can simply retrieve it using 
class @SharedResourceReference@ and providing the key previously used to 
register the resource:
+With the configuration above (taken from project @CustomResourceMounting@) 
every request to /foo/bar will be served by the custom resource built in the 
previous paragraph. 
-add(new ResourceLink("globalRssLink", new 
-The URL generated for application shared resources follows the same pattern 
seen for package resources:
+Parameter placeholders are supported as well:
-The last segment of the URL is the key of the resource while the previous 
segment contains the scope of the resource. For application-scoped resources 
the scope is always the fully qualified name of class @Application@. This 
should not be surprising since global resources are visible at application 
level (i.e. the scope is the application).
-Package resources are also application-shared resources but they don't need to 
be explicitly registered.
-Remember that we can get the URL of a resource reference using method 
@urlFor(ResourceReference resourceRef, PageParameters params )@ available with 
both class @RequestCycle@ and class @Component@.
\ No newline at end of file
+public void init() {
+  super.init();
+  //resource mounted to path /foo with a required indexed parameter
+  ResourceReference resourceReference = new ResourceReference("rssProducer"){
+     RSSReaderResource rssResource = new RSSReaderResource();
+     @Override
+     public IResource getResource() {
+       return rssResource;
+  }};
+  mountResource("/bar/${baz}", resourceReference);
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,45 +1,33 @@
-Wicket loads application's resources delegating this task to a resource 
locator represented by interface 
@org.apache.wicket.core.util.resource.locator.IResourceStreamLocator@. To 
retrieve or modify the current resource locator we can use the getter and 
setter methods defined by setting interface @IResourceSettings@:
+Resources can be added to a global registry in order to share them at 
application-level. Shared resources are identified by an application-scoped key 
and they can be easily retrieved at a later time using reference class 
@SharedResourceReference@. The global registry can be accessed with 
@Application@'s method @getSharedResources@. In the following excerpt of code 
(taken again from project @CustomResourceMounting@) we register an instance of 
our custom RSS feeds producer as application-shared resource:
   //init application's method
-  public void init(){   
-    //get the resource locator 
-    getResourceSettings().getResourceStreamLocator();
-    //set the resource locator    
-    getResourceSettings().setResourceStreamLocator(myLocator);
+  public void init(){
+    RSSProducerResource rssResource = new RSSProducerResource();
+    // ...
+    getSharedResources().add("globalRSSProducer", rssResource);    
-The default locator used by Wicket is class @ResourceStreamLocator@ which in 
turn tries to load a requested resource using a set of implementations of 
interface @IResourceFinder@. This interface defines method @find(Class class, 
String pathname)@ which tries to resolve a resource corresponding to the given 
class and path.
-The default implementation of @IResourceFinder@ used by Wicket is 
@ClassPathResourceFinder@ which searches for resources into the application 
class path. This is the implementation we have used so far in our examples. 
However some developers may prefer storing markup files and other resources in 
a separate folder rather than placing them side by side with Java classes. 
-To customize resource loading we can add further resource finders to our 
application in order to extend the resource-lookup algorithm to different 
locations. Wicket already comes with two other implementations of 
IResourceFinder designed to search for resources into a specific folder on the 
file system. The first is class @Path@ and it's defined in package 
@org.apache.wicket.util.file@. The constructor of this class takes in input an 
arbitrary folder that can be expressed as a string path or as an instance of 
Wicket utility class @Folder@ (in package @org.apache.wicket.util.file@). The 
second implementation of interface @IResourceFinder@ is class 
@WebApplicationPath@ which looks into a folder placed inside webapp's root path 
(but not inside folder WEB-INF).
-Project CustomFolder4MarkupExample uses @WebApplicationPath@ to load the 
markup file and the resource bundle for its home page from a custom folder. The 
folder is called markupFolder and it is placed in the root path of the webapp. 
The following picture illustrates the file structure of the project:
-As we can see in the picture above, we must preserve the package structure 
also in the custom folder used as resource container. The code used inside 
application class to configure  WebApplicationPath is the following:
+Now to use an application-shared resource we can simply retrieve it using 
class @SharedResourceReference@ and providing the key previously used to 
register the resource:
-public void init()
-       getResourceSettings().getResourceFinders().add(
-                       new WebApplicationPath(getServletContext(), 
+add(new ResourceLink("globalRssLink", new 
-Method getResourceFinders() defined by setting interface IResourceSettings 
returns the list of  resource finders defined in our application. The 
constructor of WebApplicationPath takes in input also an instance of standard 
interface javax.servlet.ServletContext which can be retrieved with 
WebApplication's method getServletContext().
+The URL generated for application shared resources follows the same pattern 
seen for package resources:
-By default, if resource files can not be found inside application classpath, 
Wicket will search for them inside “resources” folder. You may have noted 
this folder in the previous picture. It is placed next to the folder “java” 
containing our source files:
+The last segment of the URL is the key of the resource while the previous 
segment contains the scope of the resource. For application-scoped resources 
the scope is always the fully qualified name of class @Application@. This 
should not be surprising since global resources are visible at application 
level (i.e. the scope is the application).
-This folder can be used to store resource files without writing any 
configuration code.
+Package resources are also application-shared resources but they don't need to 
be explicitly registered.
+Remember that we can get the URL of a resource reference using method 
@urlFor(ResourceReference resourceRef, PageParameters params )@ available with 
both class @RequestCycle@ and class @Component@.
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,5 +1,45 @@
-In this chapter we have learnt how to manage resources with the built-in 
mechanism provided by Wicket. With this mechanism we handle resources from Java 
code and Wicket will automatically take care of generating a valid URL for 
them. We have also seen how resources can be bundled as package resources with 
a component that depends on them to make it self-contained.
-Then, in the second part of the chapter, we have built a custom resource and 
we have learnt how to mount it to an arbitrary URL and how to make it globally 
available as shared resource.
-Finally, in the last part of the paragraph we took a peek at the mechanism 
provided by the framework to customize the locations where the resource-lookup 
algorithm searches for resources. 
+Wicket loads application's resources delegating this task to a resource 
locator represented by interface 
@org.apache.wicket.core.util.resource.locator.IResourceStreamLocator@. To 
retrieve or modify the current resource locator we can use the getter and 
setter methods defined by setting interface @IResourceSettings@:
+  //init application's method
+  @Override
+  public void init(){   
+    //get the resource locator 
+    getResourceSettings().getResourceStreamLocator();
+    //set the resource locator    
+    getResourceSettings().setResourceStreamLocator(myLocator);
+  }
+The default locator used by Wicket is class @ResourceStreamLocator@ which in 
turn tries to load a requested resource using a set of implementations of 
interface @IResourceFinder@. This interface defines method @find(Class class, 
String pathname)@ which tries to resolve a resource corresponding to the given 
class and path.
+The default implementation of @IResourceFinder@ used by Wicket is 
@ClassPathResourceFinder@ which searches for resources into the application 
class path. This is the implementation we have used so far in our examples. 
However some developers may prefer storing markup files and other resources in 
a separate folder rather than placing them side by side with Java classes. 
+To customize resource loading we can add further resource finders to our 
application in order to extend the resource-lookup algorithm to different 
locations. Wicket already comes with two other implementations of 
IResourceFinder designed to search for resources into a specific folder on the 
file system. The first is class @Path@ and it's defined in package 
@org.apache.wicket.util.file@. The constructor of this class takes in input an 
arbitrary folder that can be expressed as a string path or as an instance of 
Wicket utility class @Folder@ (in package @org.apache.wicket.util.file@). The 
second implementation of interface @IResourceFinder@ is class 
@WebApplicationPath@ which looks into a folder placed inside webapp's root path 
(but not inside folder WEB-INF).
+Project CustomFolder4MarkupExample uses @WebApplicationPath@ to load the 
markup file and the resource bundle for its home page from a custom folder. The 
folder is called markupFolder and it is placed in the root path of the webapp. 
The following picture illustrates the file structure of the project:
+As we can see in the picture above, we must preserve the package structure 
also in the custom folder used as resource container. The code used inside 
application class to configure  WebApplicationPath is the following:
+public void init()
+       getResourceSettings().getResourceFinders().add(
+                       new WebApplicationPath(getServletContext(), 
+Method getResourceFinders() defined by setting interface IResourceSettings 
returns the list of  resource finders defined in our application. The 
constructor of WebApplicationPath takes in input also an instance of standard 
interface javax.servlet.ServletContext which can be retrieved with 
WebApplication's method getServletContext().
+By default, if resource files can not be found inside application classpath, 
Wicket will search for them inside “resources” folder. You may have noted 
this folder in the previous picture. It is placed next to the folder “java” 
containing our source files:
+This folder can be used to store resource files without writing any 
configuration code.
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+In this chapter we have learnt how to manage resources with the built-in 
mechanism provided by Wicket. With this mechanism we handle resources from Java 
code and Wicket will automatically take care of generating a valid URL for 
them. We have also seen how resources can be bundled as package resources with 
a component that depends on them to make it self-contained.
+Then, in the second part of the chapter, we have built a custom resource and 
we have learnt how to mount it to an arbitrary URL and how to make it globally 
available as shared resource.
+Finally, in the last part of the paragraph we took a peek at the mechanism 
provided by the framework to customize the locations where the resource-lookup 
algorithm searches for resources. 

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,25 +1,37 @@
+In web applications, it's quite common to have one or more root context 
folders containing css/js files. These resources are normally referenced with 
an absolute path inside link/script tags:
+<script src="/misc/js/jscript.js"></script>
+<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/misc/css/themes/style.css" />
+To handle this kind of resources from code we can use resource reference class 
@org.apache.wicket.request.resource.ContextRelativeResourceReference@. To build 
a new instance of this class we must specify the root context path of the 
resource we want to use:
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = new 
+By default when our application runs in DEPLOYMENT mode 
@ContextRelativeResourceReference@ will automatically load the minified version 
of the specified resource using 'min' as postfix. In the example above it will 
load '/misc/js/jscript.min.js'. We can force  
@ContextRelativeResourceReference@ to always use the not-minified resource 
passing an additional flag to class constructor:
-Class @ResourceReference@ allows to specify the resources it depends on 
overriding method @getDependencies()@. The method returns an iterator over the 
set of @HeaderItems@ that must be rendered before the resource referenced by 
@ResourceReference@ can be used. This can be really helpful when our resources 
are JavaScript or CSS libraries that in turn depend on other libraries.
+//it will always use '/misc/js/jscript.js'
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = new 
ContextRelativeResourceReference("/misc/js/jscript.js", false); 
-For example we can use this method to ensure that a custom reference to 
JQueryUI library will find JQuery already loaded in the page: 
+The minified postfix can be customized with an optional string parameter:
-Url jqueyuiUrl = Url.parse(""; + 
-UrlResourceReference jqueryuiRef = new UrlResourceReference(jqueyuiUrl){
-       @Override
-       public Iterable<? extends HeaderItem> getDependencies() {
-               Application application = Application.get();
-               ResourceReference jqueryRef = 
-                                             getJQueryReference();
-               return 
-       }
+//it will use '/misc/js/jscript.minified.js' in DEPLOYMENT mode
+ContextRelativeResourceReference resource = new 
ContextRelativeResourceReference("/misc/js/jscript.js", "minified"); 
-Please note that in the code above we have built a resource reference using a 
URL to the desired library instead of a package resource holding the physical 
+@ContextRelativeResourceReference@ is usually used with the header item 
classes we have seen before in this chapter to create entries for the page 
header section.
+h3. Picture files
-The same method @getDependencies()@ is defined also for class @HeaderItem@.
\ No newline at end of file
+For picture files Wicket provides a specific component with class 
@org.apache.wicket.markup.html.image.ContextImage@ which is meant to be used 
with tag <img>
+//build the component specifying its id and picture's context path
+ContextImage image = new ContextImage("myPicture", "/misc/imgs/mypic.png"); 

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-One of the best practices to make our web application faster and reduce its 
latency is to reduce the number of requests to the server to load page 
resources like JavaScript or CSS files. To achieve this goal some 
JavaScript-based build tools (like Grunt) allow to merge multiple files used in 
a page into a single file that can be loaded in a single request. Wicket 
provides class @org.apache.wicket.ResourceBundles@ to aggregate multiple 
resource references into a single one. A resource bundle can be declared during 
application initialization listing all the resources that compose it:
+Class @ResourceReference@ allows to specify the resources it depends on 
overriding method @getDependencies()@. The method returns an iterator over the 
set of @HeaderItems@ that must be rendered before the resource referenced by 
@ResourceReference@ can be used. This can be really helpful when our resources 
are JavaScript or CSS libraries that in turn depend on other libraries.
+For example we can use this method to ensure that a custom reference to 
JQueryUI library will find JQuery already loaded in the page: 
-public void init() {
-  super.init();
-  getResourceBundles().addJavaScriptBundle(WicketApplication.class,
-                "jqueryUiJs",
-                jqueryJsReference,
-                jqueryUiJsReference);
-  getResourceBundles().addCssBundle(WicketApplication.class,
-                 "jqueryUiCss",
-                jqueryCssReference,
-                jqueryUiCssReference);
+Url jqueyuiUrl = Url.parse(""; + 
+UrlResourceReference jqueryuiRef = new UrlResourceReference(jqueyuiUrl){
+       @Override
+       public Iterable<? extends HeaderItem> getDependencies() {
+               Application application = Application.get();
+               ResourceReference jqueryRef = 
+                                             getJQueryReference();
+               return 
+       }
-To declare a new resource bundle we need to provide a _scope_ class 
(@WicketApplication.class@ in our example) and an unique name. Now, when one of 
the resources included in the bundle is requested, the entire bundle is 
rendered instead.
+Please note that in the code above we have built a resource reference using a 
URL to the desired library instead of a package resource holding the physical 
-A specific resource reference can not be shared among different resource 
bundles (i.e. it can be part of only one bundle).
+The same method @getDependencies()@ is defined also for class @HeaderItem@.
\ No newline at end of file

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,103 +1,25 @@
-Some web developers prefer to put their <script> tags at the end of page body 
instead of inside the <head> tags:
+One of the best practices to make our web application faster and reduce its 
latency is to reduce the number of requests to the server to load page 
resources like JavaScript or CSS files. To achieve this goal some 
JavaScript-based build tools (like Grunt) allow to merge multiple files used in 
a page into a single file that can be loaded in a single request. Wicket 
provides class @org.apache.wicket.ResourceBundles@ to aggregate multiple 
resource references into a single one. A resource bundle can be declared during 
application initialization listing all the resources that compose it:
-//no <script> tag here...
-//one or more <script> tags at the end of the body
-In Wicket we can achieve this result providing a custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ to a our application and using Wicket tag 
<wicket:container/> to indicate where we want to render our scripts inside the 
page. Interface @IHeaderResponseDecorator@ defines method @IHeaderResponse 
decorate(IHeaderResponse response)@ which allows to decorate or add 
funtionalities to Wicket @IHeaderResponse@. Our custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ can be registered in the application with method 
@setHeaderResponseDecorator@. Anytime Wicket creates an instance of 
@IHeaderResponse@, it will call the registered @IHeaderResponseDecorator@ to 
decorate the header response.
-In the example project @ScriptInsideBody@ we can find a custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ that renders CSS into the usual <head> tag and put 
JavaScricpt header items into a specific container (tag <wicket:container/>)
-Wicket already comes with class @JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse@ 
which wraps a @IHeaderResponse@ and renders in a given container all the 
instances of @JavaScriptHeaderItem@.
-The following code is taken from the Application class of the project:
-    //...
-    @Override
-    public void init()
-    {
-       setHeaderResponseDecorator(new 
-    }
-     /**
-     * Decorates an original IHeaderResponse and renders all javascript items
-     * (JavaScriptHeaderItem), to a specific container in the page.
-     */
-    static class JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator implements 
-    {
-        private String bucketName;
-        public JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator(String bucketName) {
-            this.bucketName = bucketName;
-        }
-        @Override
-        public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
-            return new JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse(response, 
-        }
-    }
-As you can see in the code above the "bucket" that will contain JavaScript 
tags is called @"footer-container"@. To make a use of it the developer have to 
add a special component called @HeaderResponseContainer@ in his page:
-add(new HeaderResponseContainer("someId", "filterName"));
-Please note that @HeaderResponseContainer@'s needs also a name for the 
corresponding header response's filter. The markup of our page will look like 
-//no <script> tag here...
-<!-- here we will have our JavaScript tags -->
-<wicket:container wicket:id="someId"/> 
-The code of the home page is the following:
-   public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
-        super(parameters);
-        add(new HeaderResponseContainer("footer-container", 
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
-        response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new 
-                "javasciptLibrary.js")));
-        response.render(OnEventHeaderItem.forScript("'logo'", "click", 
"alert('Clicked me!')"));
-    }
-Looking at the code above you can note that our page adds two script to the 
header section: the first is an instance of @JavaScriptHeaderItem@ and will be 
rendered in the @HeaderResponseContainer@ while the second will follow the 
usual behavior and will be rendered inside <head> tag.
+public void init() {
+  super.init();
+  getResourceBundles().addJavaScriptBundle(WicketApplication.class,
+                "jqueryUiJs",
+                jqueryJsReference,
+                jqueryUiJsReference);
+  getResourceBundles().addCssBundle(WicketApplication.class,
+                 "jqueryUiCss",
+                jqueryCssReference,
+                jqueryUiCssReference);
+To declare a new resource bundle we need to provide a _scope_ class 
(@WicketApplication.class@ in our example) and an unique name. Now, when one of 
the resources included in the bundle is requested, the entire bundle is 
rendered instead.
+A specific resource reference can not be shared among different resource 
bundles (i.e. it can be part of only one bundle).

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,15 +1,103 @@
-Starting from version 6.15.0 we can specify where header contributors must be 
rendered inside <head> tag using the placeholder tag @<wicket:header-items/>@: 
+Some web developers prefer to put their <script> tags at the end of page body 
instead of inside the <head> tags:
-  <meta chartset="UTF-8"/>
-  <wicket:header-items/>
-  <script src="my-monkey-patch-of-wicket-ajax.js"></script>
+//no <script> tag here...
+//one or more <script> tags at the end of the body
+In Wicket we can achieve this result providing a custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ to a our application and using Wicket tag 
<wicket:container/> to indicate where we want to render our scripts inside the 
page. Interface @IHeaderResponseDecorator@ defines method @IHeaderResponse 
decorate(IHeaderResponse response)@ which allows to decorate or add 
funtionalities to Wicket @IHeaderResponse@. Our custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ can be registered in the application with method 
@setHeaderResponseDecorator@. Anytime Wicket creates an instance of 
@IHeaderResponse@, it will call the registered @IHeaderResponseDecorator@ to 
decorate the header response.
+In the example project @ScriptInsideBody@ we can find a custom 
@IHeaderResponseDecorator@ that renders CSS into the usual <head> tag and put 
JavaScricpt header items into a specific container (tag <wicket:container/>)
+Wicket already comes with class @JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse@ 
which wraps a @IHeaderResponse@ and renders in a given container all the 
instances of @JavaScriptHeaderItem@.
+The following code is taken from the Application class of the project:
+    //...
+    @Override
+    public void init()
+    {
+       setHeaderResponseDecorator(new 
+    }
+     /**
+     * Decorates an original IHeaderResponse and renders all javascript items
+     * (JavaScriptHeaderItem), to a specific container in the page.
+     */
+    static class JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator implements 
+    {
+        private String bucketName;
+        public JavaScriptToBucketResponseDecorator(String bucketName) {
+            this.bucketName = bucketName;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public IHeaderResponse decorate(IHeaderResponse response) {
+            return new JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse(response, 
+        }
+    }
+As you can see in the code above the "bucket" that will contain JavaScript 
tags is called @"footer-container"@. To make a use of it the developer have to 
add a special component called @HeaderResponseContainer@ in his page:
+add(new HeaderResponseContainer("someId", "filterName"));
+Please note that @HeaderResponseContainer@'s needs also a name for the 
corresponding header response's filter. The markup of our page will look like 
+//no <script> tag here...
+<!-- here we will have our JavaScript tags -->
+<wicket:container wicket:id="someId"/> 
+The code of the home page is the following:
+   public HomePage(final PageParameters parameters) {
+        super(parameters);
+        add(new HeaderResponseContainer("footer-container", 
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
+        response.render(JavaScriptHeaderItem.forReference(new 
+                "javasciptLibrary.js")));
+        response.render(OnEventHeaderItem.forScript("'logo'", "click", 
"alert('Clicked me!')"));
+    }
+Looking at the code above you can note that our page adds two script to the 
header section: the first is an instance of @JavaScriptHeaderItem@ and will be 
rendered in the @HeaderResponseContainer@ while the second will follow the 
usual behavior and will be rendered inside <head> tag.
-With the code above all header contributions done by using IHeaderResponse in 
your Java code or the special @<wicket:head>@ tag will be put between the 
<meta> and <script> elements, i.e. in the place of @<wicket:header-items/>@.
-This way you can make sure that some header item is always before or after the 
header items managed by Wicket.
-@<wicket:header-items/>@ can be used only in the page's <head> element and 
there could be at most one instance of it.

 Thu Feb 12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -1,48 +1,15 @@
+Starting from version 6.15.0 we can specify where header contributors must be 
rendered inside <head> tag using the placeholder tag @<wicket:header-items/>@: 
-In Wicket the best way to add dynamic functionalities to our application (such 
as csv export, a pdf generated on the fly, etc...) is implementing a custom 
resource. In this paragraph as example of custom resource we will build a basic 
RSS feeds generator which can be used to publish feeds on our site (project 
CustomResourceMounting). Instead of generating a RSS feed by hand we will use 
Rome framework and its utility classes. 
-As hinted above in paragraph 13.1, class @AbstractResource@ can be used as 
base class to implement new resources. This class defines abstract method 
@newResourceResponse@ which is invoked when the resource is requested. The 
following is the code of our RSS feeds generator:
-public class RSSProducerResource extends AbstractResource {
-  @Override
-  protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) {
-    ResourceResponse resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse();
-    resourceResponse.setContentType("text/xml");
-    resourceResponse.setTextEncoding("utf-8");
-    resourceResponse.setWriteCallback(new WriteCallback()
-    {
-      @Override
-      public void writeData(Attributes attributes) throws IOException
-      {
-        OutputStream outputStream = attributes.getResponse().getOutputStream();
-        Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
-        SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput();
-            try {
-          output.output(getFeed(), writer);
-        } catch (FeedException e) {
-          throw new WicketRuntimeException("Problems writing feed to 
-        }
-      }      
-    });
-    return resourceResponse;
-  }
-  // method getFeed()...
+  <meta chartset="UTF-8"/>
+  <wicket:header-items/>
+  <script src="my-monkey-patch-of-wicket-ajax.js"></script>
-Method @newResourceResponse@ returns an instance of @ResourceResponse@ 
representing the response generated by the custom resource. Since RSS feeds are 
based on XML, in the code above we have set the type of the response to 
text/xml and the text encoding to utf-8.
+With the code above all header contributions done by using IHeaderResponse in 
your Java code or the special @<wicket:head>@ tag will be put between the 
<meta> and <script> elements, i.e. in the place of @<wicket:header-items/>@.
-To specify the content that will be returned by our resource we must also 
provide an implementation of inner class @WriteCallback@ which is responsible 
for writing content data to response's output stream. In our project we used 
class SyndFeedOutput from Rome framework to write our feed to response. Method 
@getFeed()@ is just an utility method that generates a sample RSS feed (which 
is an instance of interface @com.sun.syndication.feed.synd.SyndFeed@).
-Now that we have our custom resource in place, we can use it in the home page 
of the project. The easiest way to make a resource available to users is to 
expose it with link component @ResourceLink@: 
-add(new ResourceLink("rssLink", new RSSProducerResource()));
+This way you can make sure that some header item is always before or after the 
header items managed by Wicket.
-In the next paragraphs we will see how to register a resource at 
application-level and how to mount it to an arbitrary URL.
\ No newline at end of file
+@<wicket:header-items/>@ can be used only in the page's <head> element and 
there could be at most one instance of it.

Modified: wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/src/docs/guide/toc.yml
--- wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/src/docs/guide/toc.yml (original)
+++ wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/src/docs/guide/toc.yml Thu Feb 
12 18:54:52 2015
@@ -113,15 +113,16 @@ resources:
   resources_2: Resource references
   resources_3: Package resources
   resources_4: Adding resources to page header section
-  resources_5: Resource dependencies
-  resources_6: Aggregate multiple resources with resource bundles
-  resources_7: Put JavaScript inside page body
-  resources_8: Header contributors positioning
-  resources_9: Custom resources
-  resources_10: Mounting resources
-  resources_11: Shared resources
-  resources_12: Customizing resource loading
-  resources_13: Summary
+  resources_5: Context-relative resources
+  resources_6: Resource dependencies
+  resources_7: Aggregate multiple resources with resource bundles
+  resources_8: Put JavaScript inside page body
+  resources_9: Header contributors positioning
+  resources_10: Custom resources
+  resources_11: Mounting resources
+  resources_12: Shared resources
+  resources_13: Customizing resource loading
+  resources_14: Summary
   title: An example of integration with JavaScript
   jsintegration_1: What we want to do...

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--- wicket/common/site/trunk/_site/guide/guide/testing.html (original)
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@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ formTester.submit(<span class="java&#45;
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@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Wicket is not the only component oriente
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