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Minor fixes to guide documentation


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 77602c0deba29966e17beba8451de6046e5e6acc
Parents: 05a1741
Author: Tim Fleming <>
Authored: Sat Feb 18 00:15:28 2017 -0600
Committer: Tim Fleming <>
Committed: Sat Feb 18 00:15:28 2017 -0600

 wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/contributing.adoc        | 4 ++--
 wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_1.adoc | 6 +++---
 wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_2.adoc | 6 +++---
 wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_3.adoc | 4 ++--
 wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_4.adoc | 4 ++--
 5 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/contributing.adoc 
index 61c220b..fab207f 100644
--- a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/contributing.adoc
+++ b/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/contributing.adoc
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ git clone
 * To preview your changes run _mvn clean package -P guide_ in the 
`wicket/wicket-user-guide` folder (in eclipse use a run configuration)
-* Navigate to _wicket/wicket-user-guide/target/guide/8.x_ and open one of the 
following files a browser / pdf viewer:
+* Navigate to _wicket/wicket-user-guide/target/guide/8.x_ and open one of the 
following files in a browser / pdf viewer:
 ** _guide/single.html_ (single page version)
 ** _guide/single.pdf_ (single page pdf version)
 * Create a ticket in Apache Wicket's[JIRA]
-* *Commit and push the changes* to your forked Apacke Wicket's GIT repository 
and *create a pull request* on github
+* *Commit and push the changes* to your forked Apache Wicket's GIT repository 
and *create a pull request* on github
 *Thank you!*
diff --git a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_1.adoc 
index 1922670..54f33c9 100644
--- a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_1.adoc
+++ b/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_1.adoc
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ...but we all hate spaghetti code! That's why in the first half of the 2000s 
we have seen the birth of so many web frameworks. Their mission was to separate 
our business code from presentation layer (like JSP pages).
-Some of theme (like Struts, Spring MVC, Velocity, etc...) have become widely 
adopted and they made the MVC pattern very popular among developers.
-However, none of these frameworks offers a real object-oriented (OO) 
abstraction for web pages and we still have to take care of web-related tasks 
such as HTTP request/response handling, URLs mapping, storing data into user 
session and so on.
+Some of them (like Struts, Spring MVC, Velocity, etc...) have become widely 
adopted and they made the MVC pattern very popular among developers.
+However, none of these frameworks offers a real object-oriented (OO) 
abstraction for web pages and we still have to take care of web-related tasks 
such as HTTP request/response handling, URL mapping, storing data into user 
sessions and so on.
-The biggest limit of MVC frameworks is that they don't do much to overcome the 
impedance mismatch between the stateless nature of HTTP protocol and the need 
of our web applications of handling a (very complex) state.
+The biggest limit of MVC frameworks is that they don't do much to overcome the 
impedance mismatch between the stateless nature of HTTP protocol and the need 
for our web applications to handle (a very complex) state.
 To overcome these limits developers have started to adopt a new generation of 
component oriented web frameworks designed to provide a completely different 
approach to web development.
diff --git a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_2.adoc 
index 62c908f..b1a95f6 100644
--- a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_2.adoc
+++ b/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_2.adoc
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-Component oriented frameworks differ from classic web frameworks in that they 
build a model of requested page on the server side and the HTML sent back to 
the client is generated according to this model. You can think of the model as 
if it was an “inverse” JavaScript DOM, meaning that:
+Component oriented frameworks differ from classic web frameworks in that they 
build a model of requested pages on the server side and the HTML sent back to 
the client is generated according to this model. You can think of the model as 
if it was an “inverse” JavaScript DOM, meaning that:
-1. is built on server-side
-2. is built before HTML is sent to client
+1. it is built on the server-side
+2. it is built before HTML is sent to the client
 3. HTML code is generated using this model and not vice versa.
diff --git a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_3.adoc 
index 5e69458..5a198ff 100644
--- a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_3.adoc
+++ b/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_3.adoc
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-At this point some people may still wonder why OOP is so important also for 
web development and what benefits it can bring to developers.
+At this point some people may still wonder why OOP is so important for web 
development and what benefits it can bring to developers.
 Let's quickly review the main advantages that this paradigm can offer us:
 * *Web pages are objects*: web pages are not just text files sent back to the 
client. They are object instances and we can harness OOP to design web pages 
and their components. With Wicket we can also apply inheritance to HTML markup 
in order to build a consistent graphic layout for our applications (we will see 
markup inheritance in <<layout.adoc#_here_comes_the_inheritance,chapter 4.2>>).
-* *We don't have to worry about application's state*: pages and components can 
be considered stateful entities. They are Java objects and they can keep a 
state inside them and reference other objects. We can stop worrying about 
keeping track of user data stored inside the _HttpSession_ and we can start 
managing them in a natural and transparent way.
+* *We don't have to worry about an application's state*: pages and components 
can be considered stateful entities. They are Java objects and they can keep a 
state inside them and reference other objects. We can stop worrying about 
keeping track of user data stored inside the _HttpSession_ and we can start 
managing them in a natural and transparent way.
 * *Testing web applications is much easier*: since pages and components are 
pure objects, you can use JUnit to test their behavior and to ensure that they 
render as expected. Wicket has a set of utility classes for unit testing that 
simulate user interaction with web pages, hence we can write acceptance tests 
using just JUnit without any other test framework (unit testing is covered in 
 <<_test_driven_development_with_wicket,chapter 23>>).
diff --git a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_4.adoc 
index e27362b..d46846a 100644
--- a/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_4.adoc
+++ b/wicket-user-guide/src/main/asciidoc/whyLearn/whyLearn_4.adoc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Wicket is not the only component oriented framework available 
in the Java ecosys
 * *Wicket is just about Java and good old HTML*: almost all web frameworks 
force users to adopt special tags or to use server side code inside HTML 
markup. This is clearly in contrast with the concept of separation between 
presentation and business logic and it leads to a more confusing code in our 
pages. In Wicket we don't have to take care of generating HTML inside the page 
itself, and we won't need to use any tag other than standard HTML tags. All we 
have to do is to attach our components (Java instances) to the HTML tags using 
a simple tag attribute called _wicket:id_ (we will shortly see how to use it).
-* *With Wicket we can easily use JavaBeans and[POJO] in our web tier*: one 
of the most annoying and error-prone task in web development is collecting user 
input through a form and keeping form fields updated with previously inserted 
values. This usually requires a huge amount of code to extract input from 
request parameters (which are strings), parse them to Java types and store them 
into some kind of variable. And this is just half of the work we have to do as 
we must implement the inverse path (load data from Java to the web 
form).Moreover, most of the times our forms will use a JavaBean or a POJO as 
backing object, meaning that we must manually map form fields with the 
corresponding object fields and vice versa. Wicket comes with an intuitive and 
flexible mechanism that does this mapping for us without any configuration 
overhead (using a convention over configuration approach) and in a transparent 
-<<_wicket_models_and_forms,Chapter 10>> will introduce the concept of Wicket 
model and we will learn how to harness this entity with forms.
+* *With Wicket we can easily use JavaBeans and[POJO] in our web tier*: one 
of the most annoying and error-prone tasks in web development is collecting 
user input through a form and keeping form fields updated with previously 
inserted values. This usually requires a huge amount of code to extract input 
from request parameters (which are strings), parse them to Java types and store 
them into some kind of variable. And this is just half of the work we have to 
do as we must implement the inverse path (load data from Java to the web form). 
Moreover, most times our forms will use a JavaBean or a POJO as a backing 
object, meaning that we must manually map form fields with the corresponding 
object fields and vice versa. Wicket comes with an intuitive and flexible 
mechanism that does this mapping for us without any configuration overhead 
(using a convention over configuration approach) and in a transparent way.
+<<_wicket_models_and_forms,Chapter 10>> will introduce a Wicket model concept 
and we will learn how to harness this entity with forms.
 * *No complex XML needed*: Wicket was designed to minimize the amount of 
configuration files needed to run our applications. No XML file is required 
except for the standard deployment descriptor web.xml (unless you are using 
Servlet 3 or a later version. See 
<<whyLearn.adoc#_component_oriented_frameworks_an_overview,Chapter 4>> for more 

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