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The "Hive/Roadmap" page has been changed by NamitJain.


   * [[|semijoin]]
   * [[|UDTF]]
   * [[|Support for Create Table as 
Select (is available on trunk and versions later than 0.4.0)]]
+  * [[|Using sort and bucketing 
properties to optimize queries]]
+  * UNIQUE JOINS - that support a different semantics than the outer joins
+  * TypedBytes for user scripts
+  * [[Hive/ViewDev|Views]] for changing table names/columns without breaking 
existing queries [big]
+  * [[|Bucketed Map Join]]
  == Features working on now ==
   * Hive CLI improvement/Error messages:
@@ -23, +28 @@

    * Bucketed Medium/Percentile
    * GraphViz for graphing operator tree
    * Multiple-partition inserts [big]
-   * [[Hive/ViewDev|Views]] for changing table names/columns without breaking 
existing queries [big]
    * GenericUDTF
   * Performance
-   * TypedBytes for user scripts
+   * [[|Sort Merge Join]]
   * Hive Freeway
    * Allow Hive partition locations to be file/files.
@@ -37, +41 @@

  == More long-term Features (yet to be prioritized) ==
   * Support for Indexes
-  * UNIQUE JOINS - that support a different semantics than the outer joins
   * Support for Insert Appends
-  * Using sort and bucketing properties to optimize queries
   * Support for IN, exists and correlated subqueries
   * More native types - Enums, timestamp
   * Passing schema to scripts through an environment variable

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