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The "GitAndHadoop" page has been changed by SteveLoughran.
The comment on this change is: ant clean-cache.


  This Ant target not only builds the JAR files, it copies it to the local 
{{{${user.home}/.m2}}} directory, where it will be picked up by the "internal" 
resolver. You can check that this is taking place by running {{{ant 
ivy-report}}} on a project and seeing where it gets its dependencies.
+ '''Warning:''' it's easy for old JAR versions to get cached and picked up. 
You will notice this early if something in hadoop-hdfs or hadoop-mapreduce 
doesn't compile, but if you are unlucky things do compile, just not work as 
your updates are not picked up. Run {{{ant clean-cache}} to fix this 
  === Testing ===
- Each project comes with lots of tests; run {{{ant test}}} to run them. If you 
have made changes to the build and tests fail, it may be that the tests never 
worked on your machine. Build and test the unmodified source first. Then keep 
an eye on both the main source and any branch you make. A good way to do this 
is to give a Continuous Integration server such as Hudson this job: checking 
out, building and testing both branches.
+ Each project comes with lots of tests; run {{{ant test}}} to run the all, 
{{{ant test-core}}} for the core tests. If you have made changes to the build 
and tests fail, it may be that the tests never worked on your machine. Build 
and test the unmodified source first. Then keep an eye on both the main source 
and any branch you make. A good way to do this is to give a Continuous 
Integration server such as Hudson this job: checking out, building and testing 
both branches.
  Remember, the way Git works, your machine's own repository is something that 
other machines can fetch from. So in theory, you could set up a Hudson server 
on another machine (or VM) and have it pull and test against your local code. 
You will need to run it on a separate machine to avoid your own builds and 
tests from interfering with the Hudson runs.

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