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The "HarmonyHdfs" page has been changed by GuillermoCabrera.


New page:
= Hadoop hdfs on Harmony/Harmony Select 6 =

Although these instructions look very similar to Hadoop common, there are some 
subtle changes. The build process is done without building native libraries as 
there are some issues we describe below. Under scripts and patches below there 
are currently 24 failures for this project, out of which 9 fail because of an 
explicit call that is made in the test case to sun/reflect from the 
[[|mockito]] project.

=== Environment Setup ===

 1. Download missing dependencies: Apache Forrest, Xerces-C++ Parser, Apache 
Ant, Apache Maven, Java JRE 5.0 (Needed by Apache Forrest)
 2. Download ecj jar from the 
 build]] (this particular build contains a fix to bug affecting build process), 
place it in `$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/lib` and add to
 3. Add tools.jar from `$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/lib` to 
`$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/jre/lib/boot`. Then, add entry of tools.jar into in `$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/jre/lib/boot`
 4. Create a jar file (sun-javadoc.jar) in `$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/jre/lib/boot` 
containing all javadoc related classes from SUN JDK 1.6. Then add entry of 
sun-javadoc.jar into in 
 5. Download Hadoop common {{{
 % svn checkout h 
ttp:// hdfs
 6. Download patches and place in appropriate directory (refer to script)
 7. Download, modify and run build script

=== Testing ===

 1. Copy swing.jar from Harmony 6 into Harmony Select's `jre/lib/ext` (Ivy 
requires swing to run testing framework)
 2. Copy rmi.jar from Harmony 6 into Harmony Select's `jre/lib/boot` and add 
entry into ``
 3. Comment out the line `xmlsec-1.4.3/commons-logging.jar` in Harmony Select's 
 4. Copy native libraries (libhdfs.*) from Apache Hadoop 0.21.0 release into 
`/hdfs/build/c++/Linux-x86-32/lib` and `/hdfs/build/c++/lib`
 5. Create a jar file (sunExtra.jar) in `$HARMONY_HOME/hdk/jdk/jre/lib/boot` 
containing all the sun/reflect and sun/misc classes from SUN JDK 1.6. Then add 
entry of sunExtra.jar into
 6. Create soft link to from in Harmony Select's 
 7. Download, modify and run test script

=== Patches ===

 * [[| HDFS-1494]]

=== Build Script ===

# !/bin/sh
export SUBPROJECT=common
export VERSION=0.21.0
export PATCH_DIR=/home/harmony/Hadoop-Patches/Harmony/$VERSION-$SUBPROJECT
#Folder containing a clean version of Hadoop common needed to install patches
export PRISTINE=/home/harmony/Hadoop-Versions/pristine
export HADOOP_INSTALL=/home/harmony/Hadoop-Versions/hadoop-$VERSION
export FORREST_INSTALL=/home/harmony/Test-Dependencies/apache-forrest-0.8
export XERCES_INSTALL=/home/harmony/Test-Dependencies/xerces-c_2_8_0
export ANT_HOME=/home/harmony/Test-Dependencies/apache-ant-1.8.1
#Java 5 required by Forrest
export JAVA5=/home/harmony/Java-Versions/ibm-java2-i386-50/jre
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin

#clean (Clean targets are necessary to apply patches)
echo "Cleaning and Copying From Pristine"

# Apply Patches
echo "Applying Patches"

# Remove TestFiHFlush because of HDFS-1421
echo "Deleting TestFiHFlush Test Case"
rm src/test/aop/org/apache/hadoop/hdfs/

patch -p0 < $PATCH_DIR/HDFS-1494.patch

# Clean, Build and Run the Core (Non-Contrib) Unit Tests
echo "Starting Build"
ant -Dversion=$VERSIONBUILD -Dxercescroot=$XERCES_INSTALL 
-Dforrest.home=$FORREST_INSTALL -Djava5.home=$JAVA5 mvn-install 
-Dresolvers=internal > 

=== Test Script ===
The following script only runs (does not compile) all of the tests in the 
test-core target. By running this script it is assumed that you already built 
Hadoop common with another JDK.
# !/bin/sh
export SUBPROJECT=hdfs
export VERSION=0.21.0
export HADOOP_INSTALL=/home/harmony/Hadoop-Versions/hadoop-$VERSION
export ANT_HOME=/home/harmony/Test-Dependencies/apache-ant-1.8.1
export PATH=$PATH:$ANT_HOME/bin


echo "Testing Hadoop hdfs"
ant -Dversion=$VERSIONBUILD run-test-core-nocompile 
run-test-hdfs-fault-inject-nocompile -Dresolvers=internal > 
/home/harmony/Test-Scripts/Hadoop-$VERSION/HSTest-$SUBPROJECT.out 2>&1

Note: To run a single test case, you need to add the -Dtestcase=testClass 
property to the ant execution line.

=== Issues ===

==== Building Native ====

To build using native libraries, you need the following additions to your build 
export CFLAGS=-m32
export CXXFLAGS=-m32

Also, please note the guidelines when trying to build native libraries, 
Libraries Guide]]

 * javah is not available in Harmony 6. You need to copy tools.jar from Sun 
into Harmony and add to the file
 * Even with the created soft link ( to there are 
still issues where the configure script in `common/src/native` cannont find 

==== Others ====

 * There are two test cases (`TestArrayFile` and `TestMapFile`) that crash 
during testing, but succeed when run individually.
 * TestSaslRPC reports `Unable to find SASL client implementation`

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