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The "FrontPage" page has been changed by capatana.


   * [[|Heart]], a Planet-Scale RDF Data Store and a 
Distributed Processing Engine
   * [[|Mahout]], scalable Machine Learning 
algorithms using Hadoop
   * [[|Live Hadoop]] A 
three-node, distributed Hadoop cluster running on an !OpenSolaris live CD
-  * 
 Engine integration]] Oracle Grid Engine product documentation on the built-in 
Hadoop integration
+  * 
 Engine integration]] Oracle Grid Engine product documentation on the built-in 
Hadoop integration * [[|casino 
   * [[|SGE Integration]] A 
guide on tight-integration of Hadoop on Sun Grid Engine
   * [[|Hadoop 
Tutorial Series]] Learning progressively important core Hadoop concepts with 
hands-on experiments using the Cloudera Virtual Machine
   * [[|Pydoop]] A Python MapReduce and HDFS API 
for Hadoop.

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