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The "Hive/AdminManual/MetastoreAdmin" page has been changed by PatChristopher.
The comment on this change is: grammar update, minor..


  === Introduction ===
- All the metadata for Hive tables and partitions are stored in Hive Metastore. 
Metadata is persisted using [[|JPOX]] ORM solution 
so any store that is supported by it. Most of the commercial relational 
databases and many open source datstores are supported. Any datastore that has 
JDBC driver can probably used.
+ All the metadata for Hive tables and partitions are stored in Hive Metastore. 
Metadata is persisted using [[|JPOX]] ORM solution 
so any store that is supported by it. Most of the commercial relational 
databases and many open source datstores are supported. Any datastore that has 
JDBC driver can probably be used.
  There are 3 different ways to setup metastore server using different Hive 
configurations. The relevant configuration parameters are

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