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The "Hive/PartitionedViews" page has been changed by JohnSichi.


  Likewise, suppose you have view V2 which selects from T1 (with no WHERE 
clause) and is partitioned on C2.  Then a query such as SELECT * FROM V2 WHERE 
C2=3 will fail; even though the view partition column is constrained, there is 
no predicate on the underlying T1's partition column C1.
+ = View Definition Changes =
+ Currently, changing a view definition requires dropping the view and 
recreating it.  This implies dropping and recreating all existing partitions as 
well, which could be very expensive.
+ This implies that followup support for 
[[|CREATE OR REPLACE]] is very 
important, and that it needs to preserve existing partitions (after validating 
that they are still compatible with the new view definition).

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