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The "Hbase/FAQ" page has been changed by DougMeil:

- There is some overlap on this page with the FAQ section in the HBase book 
(, but this page will continue to exist.  
However, the intent is to refer to the HBase book where ever possible and not 
have this FAQ be a separate source of critical documentation.
+ There is some overlap on this page with the FAQ section in the HBase book 
+ == Frequently Asked Questions ==
+  * [[Hbase/FAQ_General|FAQ for General HBase Questions]]
+  * [[Hbase/FAQ_Design|FAQ for HBase Design Questions]]
+  * [[Hbase/FAQ_Operations|FAQ for HBase Operations and Troubleshooting 
- == Questions ==
-  1. [[#1|When would I use HBase?]]
-  1. [[#2|Can someone give an example of basic API-usage going against hbase?]]
-  1. [[#3|What other hbase-like applications are there out there?]]
-  1. [[#4|Can I fix OutOfMemoryExceptions in hbase?]]
-  1. [[#5|How do I enable hbase DEBUG-level logging?]]
-  1. [[#6|Why do I see " many open files)" in my 
-  1. [[#7|What can I do to improve hbase performance?]]
-  1. [[#8|How do I access HBase from my Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP/etc. 
-  1. [[#9|What ports does HBase use?]]
-  1. [[#10|Why is HBase ignoring HDFS client configuration such as 
-  1. [[#11|Can I change the regionserver behavior so it, for example, orders 
keys other than lexicographically, etc.?]]
-  1. [[#12|Can I safely move the master from node A to node B?]]
-  1. [[#13|Can I safely move the hbase rootdir in hdfs?]]
-  1. [[#14|Can HBase development be done on windows?]]
-  1. [[#15|Please explain HBase version numbering?]]
-  1. [[#16|What version of Hadoop do I need to run HBase?]]
-  1. [[#17|Any other troubleshooting pointers for me?]]
-  1. [[#18|Are there any schema design examples?]]
-  1. [[#19|How do I add/remove a node?]]
-  1. [[#20|Why do servers have start codes?]]
-  1. [[#21|What is the maximum recommended cell size?]]
-  1. [[#22|Why can't I iterate through the rows of a table in reverse order?]]
- == Answers ==
+ == See Also ==
+  * The Apache HBase Book is the main repository of HBase documentation.
+  * [[|Apache HBase Book]]
+    * [[|HBase Architecture]]
+    * [[|HBase Configuration]]
+    * [[|HBase Performance]]
+    * [[|HBase Troubleshooting]]
+    * [[|HBase Schema Design]]
- '''1. <<Anchor(1)>> When would I use HBase?'''
- See [[|Bryan Duxbury's post]] on this topic.
- '''2. <<Anchor(2)>> Can someone give an example of basic API-usage going 
against hbase?'''
- See the Data Model section in the HBase Book:
- See the [[Hbase|wiki home page]] for sample code accessing HBase from other 
than java.
- '''3. <<Anchor(3)>> What other hbase-like applications are there out there?'''
- Broadly speaking, there are many.  One place to start your search is here 
- '''4. <<Anchor(4)>> Can I fix OutOfMemoryExceptions in hbase?'''
- Out-of-the-box, hbase uses a default of 1G heap size.  Set the 
''HBASE_HEAPSIZE'' environment variable in ''${HBASE_HOME}/conf/'' 
if your install needs to run with a larger heap.  ''HBASE_HEAPSIZE'' is like 
''HADOOP_HEAPSIZE'' in that its value is the desired heap size in MB.  The 
surrounding '-Xmx' and 'm' needed to make up the maximum heap size java option 
are added by the hbase start script (See how ''HBASE_HEAPSIZE'' is used in the 
''${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase'' script for clarification).
- '''5. <<Anchor(5)>> How do I enable hbase DEBUG-level logging?'''
- Either add the following line to your file -- 
'''' -- and restart your cluster or, 
if running a post-0.15.x version, you can set DEBUG via the UI by clicking on 
the 'Log Level' link (but you need set 'org.apache.hadoop.hbase' to DEBUG 
without the 'log4j.logger' prefix).
- '''6. <<Anchor(6)>> Why do I see " many open 
files)" in my logs?'''
- See the Troubleshooting section in the HBase Book
- '''7. <<Anchor(7)>> What can I do to improve hbase performance?'''
- See the Performance section in the HBase book
- Also, see [[PerformanceTuning|Performance Tuning]] on the wiki home page
- '''8. <<Anchor(8)>> How do I access Hbase from my Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP/etc. 
- See non-java access on [[Hbase|HBase wiki home page]]
- '''9. <<Anchor(9)>> What ports does HBase use?'''
- Not counting the ports used by hadoop -- hdfs and mapreduce -- by default, 
hbase runs the master and its informational http server at 60000 and 60010 
respectively and regionservers at 60020 and their informational http server at 
60030.  ''${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-default.xml'' lists the default values of 
all ports used.  Also check ''${HBASE_HOME}/conf/hbase-site.xml'' for 
site-specific overrides.
- '''10. <<Anchor(10)>> Why is HBase ignoring HDFS client configuration such as 
- If you have made HDFS client configuration on your hadoop cluster, HBase will 
not see this configuration unless you do one of the following:
-  * Add a pointer to your ''HADOOP_CONF_DIR'' to ''CLASSPATH'' in 
'''' or symlink your hadoop-site.xml from the hbase conf directory.
-  * Add a copy of ''hadoop-site.xml'' to ''${HBASE_HOME}/conf'', or
-  * If only a small set of HDFS client configurations, add them to 
- The first option is the better of the three since it avoids duplication.
- '''11. <<Anchor(11)>> Can I change the regionserver behavior so it, for 
example, orders keys other than lexicographically, etc.?'''
-   No.  See [[|HBASE-605]]
- '''12. <<Anchor(12)>> Can I safely move the master from node A to node B?'''
-   Yes.  HBase must be shutdown.  Edit your hbase-site.xml configuration 
across the cluster setting hbase.master to point at the new location.
- '''13. <<Anchor(13)>> Can I safely move the hbase rootdir in hdfs?'''
-   Yes.  HBase must be down for the move.  After the move, update the 
hbase-site.xml across the cluster and restart.
- '''14. <<Anchor(14)>> Can HBase development be done on windows?'''
- See the the Getting Started section in the HBase Book:
- '''15. <<Anchor(15)>> Please explain HBase version numbering?'''
- See [[|HBase Versions since 
0.20.x]].  The below is left in place for the historians.
- Originally HBase lived under src/contrib in Hadoop Core.  The HBase version 
was that of the hosting Hadoop.  The last HBase version that bundled under 
contrib was part of Hadoop 0.16.1 (March of 2008).
- The first HBase Hadoop subproject release was versioned 0.1.0.  Subsequent 
releases went at least as far as 0.2.1 (September 2008).
- In August of 2008, consensus had it that since HBase depends on a particular 
Hadoop Core version, the HBase major+minor versions would from now on mirror 
that of the Hadoop Core version HBase depends on.  The first HBase release to 
take on this new versioning regimine was 0.18.0 HBase; HBase 0.18.0 depends on 
Hadoop 0.18.x.
- Sorry for any confusion caused.
- '''16. <<Anchor(16)>> What version of Hadoop do I need to run HBase?'''
- Different versions of HBase require different versions of Hadoop.  Consult 
the table below to find which version of Hadoop you will need:
- ||'''HBase Release Number'''||'''Hadoop Release Number'''||
- ||0.1.x||0.16.x||
- ||0.2.x||0.17.x||
- ||0.18.x||0.18.x||
- ||0.19.x||0.19.x||
- ||0.20.x||0.20.x||
- Releases of Hadoop can be found 
[[|here]].  We recommend using the 
most recent version of Hadoop possible, as it will contain the most bug fixes.
- Note that HBase-0.2.x can be made to work on Hadoop-0.18.x.  HBase-0.2.x 
ships with Hadoop-0.17.x, so to use Hadoop-0.18.x you must recompile 
Hadoop-0.18.x, remove the Hadoop-0.17.x jars from HBase, and replace them with 
the jars from Hadoop-0.18.x.
- Also note that after HBase-0.2.x, the HBase release numbering schema will 
change to align with the Hadoop release number on which it depends.
- '''17. <<Anchor(17)>> Any other troubleshooting pointers for me?'''
- See the troubleshooting section in the HBase book
- Also, see 
[[|Troubleshooting]] page.
- '''18. <<Anchor(18)>> Are there any Schema Design examples?'''
- See 
 Schema Design -- Case Studies]] by Evan(Qingyan) Liu or the following text 
taken from Jonathan Gray's mailing list posts.
- - There's a very big difference between storage of relational/row-oriented 
databases and column-oriented databases. For example, if I have a table of 
'users' and I need to store friendships between these users... In a relational 
database my design is something like:
- Table: users(pkey = userid) Table: friendships(userid,friendid,...) which 
contains one (or maybe two depending on how it's impelemented) row for each 
- In order to lookup a given users friend, SELECT * FROM friendships WHERE 
userid = 'myid';
- The cost of this relational query continues to increase as a user adds more 
friends. You also begin to have practical limits. If I have millions of users, 
each with many thousands of potential friends, the size of these indexes grow 
exponentially and things get nasty quickly. Rather than friendships, imagine 
I'm storing activity logs of actions taken by users.
- In a column-oriented database these things scale continuously with minimal 
difference between 10 users and 10,000,000 users, 10 friendships and 10,000 
- Rather than a friendships table, you could just have a friendships column 
family in the users table. Each column in that family would contain the ID of a 
friend. The value could store anything else you would have stored in the 
friendships table in the relational model. As column families are stored 
together/sequentially on a per-row basis, reading a user with 1 friend versus a 
user with 10,000 friends is virtually the same. The biggest difference is just 
in the shipping of this information across the network which is unavoidable. In 
this system a user could have 10,000,000 friends. In a relational database the 
size of the friendship table would grow massively and the indexes would be out 
of control.
- '''Q: Can you please provide an example of "good de-normalization" in HBase 
and how its held consistent (in your friends example in a relational db, there 
would be a cascadingDelete)? As I think of the users table: if I delete an user 
with the userid='123', do I have to walk through all of the other users 
column-family "friends" to guaranty consistency?! Is de-normalization in HBase 
only used to avoid joins? Our webapp doesn't use joins at the moment anyway.'''
- You lose any concept of foreign keys. You have a primary key, that's it. No
- secondary keys/indexes, no foreign keys.
- It's the responsibility of your application to handle something like deleting 
a friend and cascading to the friendships. Again, typical small web apps are 
far simpler to write using SQL, you become responsible for some of the things 
that were once handled for you.
- Another example of "good denormalization" would be something like storing a 
users "favorite pages". If we want to query this data in two ways: for a given 
user, all of his favorites. Or, for a given favorite, all of the users who have 
it as a favorite. Relational database would probably have tables for users, 
favorites, and userfavorites. Each link would be stored in one row in the 
userfavorites table. We would have indexes on both 'userid' and 'favoriteid' 
and could thus query it in both ways described above. In HBase we'd probably 
put a column in both the users table and the favorites table, there would be no 
link table.
- That would be a very efficient query in both architectures, with relational 
performing better much better with small datasets but less so with a large 
- Now asking for the favorites of these 10 users. That starts to get tricky in 
HBase and will undoubtedly suffer worse from random reading. The flexibility of 
SQL allows us to just ask the database for the answer to that question. In a
- small dataset it will come up with a decent solution, and return the results 
to you in a matter of milliseconds. Now let's make that userfavorites table a 
few billion rows, and the number of users you're asking for a couple thousand. 
The query planner will come up with something but things will fall down and it 
will end up taking forever. The worst problem will be in the index bloat. 
Insertions to this link table will start to take a very long time. HBase will 
perform virtually the same as it did on the small table, if not better because 
of superior region distribution.
- '''Q:[Michael Dagaev] How would you design an Hbase table for many-to-many 
association between two entities, for example Student and Course?'''
- I would define two tables:
- Student: student id student data (name, address, ...) courses (use course ids 
as column qualifiers here)
- Course: course id course data (name, syllabus, ...) students (use student ids 
as column qualifiers here)
- Does it make sense? 
- A[Jonathan Gray] : 
- Your design does make sense.
- As you said, you'd probably have two column-families in each of the Student 
and Course tables. One for the data, another with a column per student or 
- For example, a student row might look like:
- Student :
- id/row/key = 1001 
- data:name = Student Name 
- data:address = 123 ABC St 
- courses:2001 = (If you need more information about this association, for 
example, if they are on the waiting list) 
- courses:2002 = ...
- This schema gives you fast access to the queries, show all classes for a 
student (student table, courses family), or all students for a class (courses 
table, students family). 
- '''19. <<Anchor(19)>> How do I add/remove a node?'''
- For removing nodes, see the section on decommissioning nodes in the HBase 
- Adding and removing nodes works the same way in HBase and Hadoop. To add a 
new node, do the following steps:
-  1. Edit $HBASE_HOME/conf/regionservers on the Master node and add the new 
-  2. Setup the new node with needed software, permissions.
-  3. On that node run $HBASE_HOME/bin/ start regionserver
-  4. Confirm it worked by looking at the Master's web UI or in that region 
server's log.
- Removing a node is as easy, first issue "stop" instead of start then remove 
the address from the regionservers file. 
- For Hadoop, use the same kind of script (starts with hadoop-*), their process 
names (datanode, tasktracker), and edit the slaves file. Removing datanodes is 
tricky, please review the dfsadmin command before doing it.
- '''20. <<Anchor(20)>> Why do servers have start codes?'''
- If a region server crashes and recovers, it cannot be given work until its 
lease times out. If the lease is identified only by an IP address and port 
number, then that server can't do any progress until the lease times out. A 
start code is added so that the restarted server can begin doing work 
immediately upon recovery. For more, see
- '''21. <<Anchor(21)>> What is the maximum recommended cell size?'''
- A rough rule of thumb, with little empirical validation, is to keep the data 
in HDFS and store pointers to the data in HBase if you expect the cell size to 
be consistently above 10 MB. If you do expect large cell values and you still 
plan to use HBase for the storage of cell contents, you'll want to increase the 
block size and the maximum region size for the table to keep the index size 
reasonable and the split frequency acceptable.
- '''22. <<Anchor(22)>> Why can't I iterate through the rows of a table in 
reverse order?'''
- Because of the way 
 works: for efficiency, column values are put on disk with the length of the 
value written first and then the bytes of the actual value written second. To 
navigate through these values in reverse order, these length values would need 
to be stored twice (at the end as well) or in a side file. A robust secondary 
index implementation is the likely solution here to ensure the primary use case 
remains fast.

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