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The "HowToReleasePostMavenization" page has been changed by ThomasGraves:

          1. Update {{{releasenotes.html}}} {{{
  mv releasenotes.$(vers).html 
  }}} Note that the script generates a set of notes for HDFS, HADOOP, 
MAPREDUCE, and YARN too, but only common is linked from the html documentation 
so the indavidual ones are ignored for now.
-         1. Update the version number in the pom files on trunk to X.Y.N 
{{{mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.ZN}}} where ''N'' is one greater than the 
release being made.
+         1. Update the version number in the pom files on trunk to X.Y.N 
{{{mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Z.N}}} where ''N'' is one greater than the 
release being made.
          1. Update the {{{project.version}}} number in 
{{{hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/test/aop/build/aop.xml}}} on trunk to 
          1. Update the {{{symlink link}}} number in 
 on trunk to X.Y.N.
        1. Commit these changes. {{{

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