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The "Distributions and Commercial Support" page has been changed by 

    * [[|HVE]] - Hadoop 
Virtual Extensions to make Hadoop virtualization-aware 
    * [[|Serengeti]] - enable the rapid 
deployment of an Apache Hadoop cluster
+  * [[|WANdisco]] is a committed member & sponsor of 
the Apache Software community and has active committers on several projects 
including Apache Hadoop.
+   WANdisco provides:
+   * [[|WANdisco Distro (WDD)]] a fully 
tested, 100% open source production-ready platform powered by Apache Hadoop.
+   * [[|Apache Hadoop Support:]] support 
for Apache Hadoop for end users and technology vendors.
+   * [[|WANdisco Non-Stop 
NameNode:]] WANdisco's patented replication technology turns the NameNode into 
an active-active shared-nothing cluster that delivers optimum performance, 
scalability, and availability on a 24-by-7 basis without any downtime or data 
+   * [[|WANdisco Hadoop 
Console:]] a comprehensive wizard-driven management dashboard that enables any 
Linux administrator to fully deploy, manage and monitor a Hadoop Big Bata 
implementation without HBase or HDFS expertise.
+   * [[|WANdisco S3-HDFS:]] Supports migration 
from Amazon to private in-house clouds.

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