Author: gkesavan
Date: Tue May 28 18:20:01 2013
New Revision: 1487030

HADOOP-9573. Fix test-patch script to work with the enhanced PreCommit-Admin 
script. Contributed by Giridharan Kesavan


Modified: hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt
--- hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt (original)
+++ hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/CHANGES.txt Tue May 28 18:20:01 2013
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Release 1.3.0 - unreleased
     is PREpended instead of APpended. (Chris Nauroth and harsh via harsh)
+    HADOOP-9573. Fix test-patch script to work with the enhanced
+    PreCommit-Admin script.(Giridharan Kesavan)
     MAPREDUCE-5047. keep.failed.task.files=true causes job failure on 

Modified: hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/build.xml
--- hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/build.xml (original)
+++ hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/build.xml Tue May 28 18:20:01 2013
@@ -164,12 +164,10 @@
   <property name="jdiff.stable.javadoc" 
-  <property name="scratch.dir" value="${user.home}/tmp"/>
-  <property name="svn.cmd" value="svn"/>
-  <property name="grep.cmd" value="grep"/>
-  <property name="patch.cmd" value="patch"/>
   <property name="make.cmd" value="make"/>
+  <property name="jiranum" value=""/>
+  <property name="attachid" value=""/>
+  <property name="patch.dir" value="/tmp/${Name}${jiranum}"/>
   <property name="" value="${build.dir}/jsvc.${os.arch}" />
   <property name="jsvc.install.dir" value="${dist.dir}/libexec" /> 
   <exec executable="sh" outputproperty="os-name">
@@ -2293,39 +2291,23 @@
 <target name="test-patch" depends="patch.check,findbugs.check,forrest.check">
   <exec executable="bash" failonerror="true">
     <arg value="${basedir}/src/test/bin/"/>
-    <arg value="DEVELOPER"/>
-    <arg value="${patch.file}"/>
-    <arg value="${scratch.dir}"/>
-    <arg value="${svn.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${grep.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${patch.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${findbugs.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${forrest.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${basedir}"/>
-  </exec>
+    <arg line="${basedir}/src/test/bin/"/>
+    <arg line="--patch-dir=${patch.dir} --patch-file=${patch.file}"/>
+    <arg line="--findbugs-home ${findbugs.home} --forrest-home 
+    <arg line="--eclipse-home ${eclipse.home}"/>
+ </exec>
-<target name="hudson-test-patch" depends="findbugs.check,forrest.check">
+<target name="jenkins-test-patch" depends="findbugs.check,forrest.check">
   <exec executable="bash" failonerror="true">
-    <arg value="${basedir}/src/test/bin/"/>
-    <arg value="HUDSON"/>
-    <arg value="${scratch.dir}"/>
-    <arg value="${support.dir}"/>
-    <arg value="${ps.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${wget.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${jiracli.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${svn.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${grep.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${patch.cmd}"/>
-    <arg value="${findbugs.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${forrest.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${eclipse.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${python.home}"/>
-    <arg value="${basedir}"/>
-    <arg value="${trigger.url}"/>
-    <arg value="${jira.passwd}"/>
+    <arg line="${basedir}/src/test/bin/"/>
+    <arg line="--patch-dir ${patch.dir} --jira-cli ${jiracli.cmd}"/>
+    <arg line="--findbugs-home ${findbugs.home} --forrest-home 
+    <arg line="--eclipse-home ${eclipse.home} --jira-password ${jira.passwd}"/>
+    <arg line="--issue-num ${jiranum} --attach-id ${attachid} --jenkins true"/>
   <condition property="ant-eclipse.jar.exists">
     <available file="${build.dir}/lib/ant-eclipse-1.0-jvm1.2.jar"/>

Modified: hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/src/test/bin/
--- hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/src/test/bin/ (original)
+++ hadoop/common/branches/branch-1/src/test/bin/ Tue May 28 
18:20:01 2013
@@ -10,647 +10,522 @@
 #   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 #   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #   limitations under the License.
+  ulimit -n 1024
+  ### Setup some variables.  
+  ### Read variables from properties file
+  BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
+  . ${BASEDIR}/../
+  BASEDIR=$(cd ${BASEDIR};pwd)/../../../ 
+  DATE_CMD='date +"%m-%d-%Y:%T"'
+  CURL_OPTS="-s --connect-timeout 10 --retry 2 --retry-delay 2"
+  usage() {
+     echo "
+     usage : $0 <options>
+       Required Options:
+         --patch-dir             patch dir
+         --findbugs-home         path to findbugs home
+         --forrest-home          path to forrest home
+         --eclipse-home          path to eclipse home
+        Optional Options:
+         --jenkins               set jenkins mode
+         --patch-file            pass the patch file in developer mode
+        Required Options when set to jenkins mode:
+         --jira-cli              path to jira cli tools 
+         --jira-password         jira access password
+         --issue-num             issue number to test
+         --attach-id             patch attachment id to test
+      "
+      exit 1
+  }
-#set -x
-ulimit -n 1024
+  echo_banner() {
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    echo 
+    echo 
+    echo " ${*} "   
+    echo 
+    echo 
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+  }
-### Setup some variables.  
-### JOB_NAME, SVN_REVISION, and BUILD_NUMBER are set by Hudson if it is run by 
patch process
-### Read variables from properties file
-. `dirname $0`/../
-parseArgs() {
-  case "$1" in
-    HUDSON)
-      ### Set HUDSON to true to indicate that this script is being run by 
-      HUDSON=true
-      if [[ $# != 16 ]] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: usage $0 HUDSON <PATCH_DIR> <SUPPORT_DIR> <PS_CMD> 
-        cleanupAndExit 0
-      fi
-      PATCH_DIR=$2
-      SUPPORT_DIR=$3
-      PS=$4
-      WGET=$5
-      JIRACLI=$6
-      SVN=$7
-      GREP=$8
-      PATCH=$9
-      FINDBUGS_HOME=${10}
-      FORREST_HOME=${11}
-      ECLIPSE_HOME=${12}
-      PYTHON_HOME=${13}
-      BASEDIR=${14}
-      TRIGGER_BUILD_URL=${15}
-      JIRA_PASSWD=${16}
-      ### Retrieve the defect number
-      if [ ! -e $PATCH_DIR/defectNum ] ; then
-        echo "Could not determine the patch to test.  Exiting."
-        cleanupAndExit 0
-      fi
-      defect=`cat $PATCH_DIR/defectNum`
-      if [ -z "$defect" ] ; then
-        echo "Could not determine the patch to test.  Exiting."
-        cleanupAndExit 0
-      fi
-      ECLIPSE_PROPERTY="-Declipse.home=$ECLIPSE_HOME"
-      PYTHON_PROPERTY="-Dpython.home=$PYTHON_HOME"
+  parseArgs() {
+  OPTS=$(getopt \
+    -n $0 \
+    -o '' \
+    -l 'patch-dir:' \
+    -l 'jira-cli:' \
+    -l 'findbugs-home:' \
+    -l 'forrest-home:' \
+    -l 'eclipse-home:' \
+    -l 'jira-password:' \
+    -l 'issue-num:' \
+    -l 'attach-id:' \
+    -l 'patch-file:' \
+    -l 'jenkins:' \
+    -- "$@")
+  if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+      usage
+  fi
+  eval set -- "$OPTS"
+  while true ; do 
+    case "$1" in 
+      --patch-dir)
+      PATCH_DIR=${2} ; shift 2
-      ### Set HUDSON to false to indicate that this script is being run by a 
-      HUDSON=false
-      if [[ $# != 9 ]] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: usage $0 DEVELOPER <PATCH_FILE> <SCRATCH_DIR> <SVN_CMD> 
-        cleanupAndExit 0
+      --jira-cli)
+      JIRA_CLI=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --findbugs-home)
+      FINDBUGS_HOME=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --forrest-home)
+      FORREST_HOME=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --eclipse-home)
+      ECLIPSE_HOME=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --jira-password)
+      JIRA_PASSWORD=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --issue-num)
+      ISSUE_NUM=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --attach-id)
+      ATTACH_ID=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --patch-file)
+      PATCH_FILE=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --jenkins)
+      JENKINS=${2} ; shift 2
+      ;;
+      --)
+      shift ; break
+      ;;
+      *) 
+      echo "Unknows option: $1"
+      usage
+      exit 1
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  [[ -n $JENKINS ]] && echo "Jenkins mode" && \
+    [[ -z "$PATCH_DIR" || -z "$JIRA_CLI" || -z "$FINDBUGS_HOME" \
+         || -z "$FORREST_HOME" || -z "$ECLIPSE_HOME" || -z "$JIRA_PASSWORD" \
+         || -z "$ISSUE_NUM" || -z "$ATTACH_ID" ]] \
+         && echo "Required Args Missing" && usage
+  [[ -z $JENKINS ]] && echo "Developer mode"  && \
+    [[ -z "$PATCH_FILE" || -z "$PATCH_DIR" || -z "$FINDBUGS_HOME" \
+         || -z "$FORREST_HOME" || -z "$ECLIPSE_HOME" ]] \
+         && echo "Required Args Missing" && usage
+   [[ ! -d "$PATCH_DIR" ]] && mkdir -p "$PATCH_DIR"
+   SVN=$(which svn 2> /dev/null)
+   GIT=$(which git 2> /dev/null)
+   [[ -d './.git' && -n $GIT ]] && GITPROJECT="true" && REVISION=$($GIT 
rev-parse --short HEAD)
+   [[ -d './.svn' && -n $SVN ]] && SVNPROJECT="true" && REVISION=$(svnversion)
+   [[ -z $GITPROJECT && -z $SVNPROJECT ]] && echo "neither git nor an svn 
project" && exit 1
+   CURL=$(which curl 2> /dev/null)
+   GREP=$(which grep 2> /dev/null)
+   PATCH=$(which patch 2> /dev/null)
+   [[ -z $CURL ]] && echo "curl not in path" && exit 1
+   [[ -z $PATCH ]] && echo "patch not in path" && exit 1
+   [[ -z $GREP ]] && echo "grep not in path" && exit 1
+   [[ -z $JENKINS ]] && JENKINS="false" 
+   PATCH_URL=${JIRA_URL}/secure/attachment/${ATTACH_ID}/
+   ANT_CMD="$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion=${VERSION}"
+  }
+  ### Cleanup files
+  cleanupAndExit () {
+    local result=$1
+    if [[ $JENKINS == "true" ]] ; then
+      if [ -e "$PATCH_DIR" ] ; then
+        mv $PATCH_DIR $BASEDIR
-      ### PATCH_FILE contains the location of the patchfile
-      PATCH_FILE=$2 
-      if [[ ! -e "$PATCH_FILE" ]] ; then
-        echo "Unable to locate the patch file $PATCH_FILE"
+    fi
+    echo_banner "    Finished build."
+    exit $result
+  }
+  checkout () {
+    echo_banner "Testing patch for ${PROJECT}-${ISSUE_NUM}."
+    ### When run by a developer, if the workspace contains modifications, do 
not continue
+    if [[ -n $GITPROJECT ]] ; then 
+      status=$($GIT status)
+      [[ $JENKINS == "false" ]] && [[ -n "$status" ]] && [[ $(echo $status | 
$GREP -c '(working directory clean)') -eq 0 ]] && \
+        echo "Local modification found $status" && cleanupAndExit 1
+        (cd $BASEDIR ; $GIT clean -fdx ; $GIT reset --hard )
+    fi
+    if [[ -n $SVNPROJECT ]] ; then 
+      status=$($SVN stat)
+      [[ $JENKINS == "false" ]] && [[ -n "$status" ]] && \
+        echo "Local modification found $status" && cleanupAndExit 1
+      (cd $BASEDIR ; $SVN revert -R ; rm -rf $($SVN status) ; $SVN up)
+    fi
+    return $?
+  }
+  setup () {
+    ### Download latest patch file (ignoring .htm and .html) when run from 
patch process
+    if [[ $JENKINS = "true" ]] ; then
+      $CURL $CURL_OPTS -o $PATCH_DIR/jira 
+      if [[ `$GREP -c 'Patch Available' $PATCH_DIR/jira` == 0 ]] ; then
+        echo "${PROJECT}-${ISSUE_NUM} is not \"Patch Available\".  Exiting."
         cleanupAndExit 0
-      PATCH_DIR=$3
-      ### Check if $PATCH_DIR exists. If it does not exist, create a new 
-      if [[ ! -e "$PATCH_DIR" ]] ; then
-       mkdir "$PATCH_DIR"
-       if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then 
-         echo "$PATCH_DIR has been created"
-       else
-         echo "Unable to create $PATCH_DIR"
-         cleanupAndExit 0
-       fi
-      fi
-      SVN=$4
-      GREP=$5
-      PATCH=$6
-      FORREST_HOME=$8
-      BASEDIR=$9
-      ### Obtain the patch filename to append it to the version number
-      defect=`basename $PATCH_FILE` 
-      ;;
-    *)
-      echo "ERROR: usage $0 HUDSON [args] | DEVELOPER [args]"
-      cleanupAndExit 0
-      ;;
-  esac
-checkout () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Testing patch for ${defect}."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  ### When run by a developer, if the workspace contains modifications, do not 
-  status=`$SVN stat`
-  if [[ $HUDSON == "false" ]] ; then
-    if [[ "$status" != "" ]] ; then
-      echo "ERROR: can't run in a workspace that contains the following 
-      echo "$status"
-      cleanupAndExit 1
-    fi
-  else   
-    cd $BASEDIR
-    $SVN revert -R .
-    rm -rf `$SVN status`
-    $SVN update
-  fi
-  return $?
-setup () {
-  ### Download latest patch file (ignoring .htm and .html) when run from patch 
-  if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-    $WGET -q -O $PATCH_DIR/jira$defect
-    if [[ `$GREP -c 'Patch Available' $PATCH_DIR/jira` == 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "$defect is not \"Patch Available\".  Exiting."
-      cleanupAndExit 0
-    fi
-    relativePatchURL=`$GREP -o '"/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*' 
$PATCH_DIR/jira | $GREP -v -e 'htm[l]*$' | sort | tail -1 | $GREP -o 
-    patchURL="${relativePatchURL}";
-    patchNum=`echo $patchURL | $GREP -o '[0-9]*/' | $GREP -o '[0-9]*'`
-    echo "$defect patch is being downloaded at `date` from"
-    echo "$patchURL"
-    $WGET -q -O $PATCH_DIR/patch $patchURL
-    VERSION=${SVN_REVISION}_${defect}_PATCH-${patchNum}
-    JIRA_COMMENT="Here are the results of testing the latest attachment 
-  $patchURL
-  against trunk revision ${SVN_REVISION}."
-    ### Copy in any supporting files needed by this process
-    cp -r $SUPPORT_DIR/lib/* ./lib
-    #PENDING: cp -f $SUPPORT_DIR/etc/checkstyle* ./src/test
-  ### Copy the patch file to $PATCH_DIR
-  else
-    VERSION=PATCH-${defect}
-    cp $PATCH_FILE $PATCH_DIR/patch
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "Patch file $PATCH_FILE copied to $PATCH_DIR"
+      echo " [`$DATE_CMD`] Downloaded $PATCH_URL"
+      [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "$PATCH_URL download failed" && cleanupAndExit 1
+      JIRA_COMMENT="Here are the results of testing 
+    $patchURL
+    against revision ${REVISION}"
-      echo "Could not copy $PATCH_FILE to $PATCH_DIR"
-      cleanupAndExit 0
+      cp $PATCH_FILE $PATCH_DIR/patch
+      [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Could not copy $PATCH_FILE to $PATCH_DIR" && 
cleanupAndExit 1
+      echo "Patch file $PATCH_FILE copied to $PATCH_DIR"
-  fi
-  ### exit if warnings are NOT defined in the properties file
-  if [ -z "$OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS" ] || [[ -z "$OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS" ]] || [[ 
-  echo "Please define the following properties in file"
-  cleanupAndExit 1
-  fi
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo " Pre-build trunk to verify trunk stability and javac warnings" 
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  ### Do not call releaseaudit when run by a developer
-  ### if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-    ### echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1"
-    ### $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/trunkReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1
-  ### fi
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" 
clean tar > $PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess= clean tar > 
$PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    echo "Trunk compilation is broken?"
+    ### exit if warnings are NOT defined in the properties file
+    if [ -z "$OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS" ] || [[ -z "$OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS" ]] || [[ 
+    echo "Please define the following properties in file"
     cleanupAndExit 1
-  fi
+    fi
+    echo_banner " Pre-build codebase to verify stability and javac warnings" 
+    ### Do not call releaseaudit when run by a developer
+    if [[ $JENKINS = "true" ]] ; then
+      echo "$ANT_CMD -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -D${PROJECT}PatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/currentReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1"
+      $ANT_CMD -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -D${PROJECT}PatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/currentReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1
+    fi
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -Djavac.args=-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess= clean tar > 
$PATCH_DIR/currentJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1"
+    $ANT_CMD -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess= clean  tar > 
$PATCH_DIR/currentJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1
+    [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "compilation is broken?" && cleanupAndExit 1
+  }
+  ### Check for @author tags in the patch
+  checkAuthor () {
+    echo_banner "    Checking there are no @author tags in the patch."
+    authorTags=`$GREP -c -i '@author' $PATCH_DIR/patch`
+    echo "There appear to be $authorTags @author tags in the patch."
+    if [[ $authorTags != 0 ]] ; then
-### Check for @author tags in the patch
-checkAuthor () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Checking there are no @author tags in the patch."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  authorTags=`$GREP -c -i '@author' $PATCH_DIR/patch`
-  echo "There appear to be $authorTags @author tags in the patch."
-  if [[ $authorTags != 0 ]] ; then
+      -1 @author.  The patch appears to contain $authorTags @author tags which 
the Hadoop community has agreed to not allow in code contributions."
+      return 1
+    fi
-    -1 @author.  The patch appears to contain $authorTags @author tags which 
the Hadoop community has agreed to not allow in code contributions."
-    return 1
-  fi
-    +1 @author.  The patch does not contain any @author tags."
-  return 0
-### Check for tests in the patch
-checkTests () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Checking there are new or changed tests in the patch."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  testReferences=`$GREP -c -i '/test' $PATCH_DIR/patch`
-  echo "There appear to be $testReferences test files referenced in the patch."
-  if [[ $testReferences == 0 ]] ; then
-    if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-      patchIsDoc=`$GREP -c -i 'title="documentation' $PATCH_DIR/jira`
-      if [[ $patchIsDoc != 0 ]] ; then
-        echo "The patch appears to be a documentation patch that doesn't 
require tests."
-    +0 tests included.  The patch appears to be a documentation patch that 
doesn't require tests."
-        return 0
+      +1 @author.  The patch does not contain any @author tags."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Check for tests in the patch
+  checkTests () {
+    echo_banner "    Checking there are new or changed tests in the patch."
+    testReferences=`$GREP -c -i '/test' $PATCH_DIR/patch`
+    echo "There appear to be $testReferences test files referenced in the 
+    if [[ $testReferences == 0 ]] ; then
+      if [[ $JENKINS == "true" ]] ; then
+        patchIsDoc=`$GREP -c -i 'title="documentation' $PATCH_DIR/jira`
+        if [[ $patchIsDoc != 0 ]] ; then
+          echo "The patch appears to be a documentation patch that doesn\'t 
require tests."
+      +0 tests included.  The patch appears to be a documentation patch that 
doesn't require tests."
+          return 0
+        fi
+      -1 tests included.  The patch doesn't appear to include any new or 
modified tests.
+                          Please justify why no tests are needed for this 
+      return 1
-    -1 tests included.  The patch doesn't appear to include any new or 
modified tests.
-                        Please justify why no tests are needed for this patch."
-    return 1
-  fi
-    +1 tests included.  The patch appears to include $testReferences new or 
modified tests."
-  return 0
+      +1 tests included.  The patch appears to include $testReferences new or 
modified tests."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Attempt to apply the patch
+  applyPatch () {
+    echo_banner "    Applying patch."
+    $PATCH -t -l -E -p0 < $PATCH_DIR/patch
+    [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && $PATCH -t -l -E -p1 < $PATCH_DIR/patch
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-### Attempt to apply the patch
-applyPatch () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Applying patch."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  $PATCH -E -p0 < $PATCH_DIR/patch
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+      -1 patch.  The patch command could not apply the patch."
+      return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+  }
-    -1 patch.  The patch command could not apply the patch."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-### Check there are no javadoc warnings
-checkJavadocWarnings () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Determining number of patched javadoc warnings."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean 
javadoc | tee $PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean javadoc 
| tee $PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt
-  javadocWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javadoc\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "There appear to be $javadocWarnings javadoc warnings generated by the 
patched build."
+  ### Check there are no javadoc warnings
+  checkJavadocWarnings () {
+    echo_banner "    Determining number of patched javadoc warnings."
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean javadoc | tee 
+    $ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= clean javadoc | tee 
+    javadocWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javadoc\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavadocWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    echo "There appear to be $javadocWarnings javadoc warnings generated by 
the patched build."
-  ### if current warnings greater than OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS
-  if [[ $javadocWarnings > $OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS ]] ; then
+    ### if current warnings greater than OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS
+    if [[ $javadocWarnings > $OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS ]] ; then
-    -1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool appears to have generated `expr 
$(($javadocWarnings-$OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS))` warning messages."
-    return 1
-  fi
-    +1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages."
-return 0
-### Check there are no changes in the number of Javac warnings
-checkJavacWarnings () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Determining number of patched javac warnings."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint 
-Xmaxwarns 1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} 
-DHadoopPatchProcess= tar > $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 
1000" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
tar > $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+      -1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool appears to have generated `expr 
$(($javadocWarnings-$OK_JAVADOC_WARNINGS))` warning messages."
+      return 1
+    fi
-    -1 javac.  The patch appears to cause tar ant target to fail."
-    return 1
-  fi
+      +1 javadoc.  The javadoc tool did not generate any warning messages."
+  return 0
+  }
-  ### Compare trunk and patch javac warning numbers
-  if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt ]] ; then
-    trunkJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/trunkJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
-    patchJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
-    echo "There appear to be $trunkJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings 
before the patch and $patchJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings after applying 
the patch."
-    if [[ $patchJavacWarnings != "" && $trunkJavacWarnings != "" ]] ; then
-      if [[ $patchJavacWarnings -gt $trunkJavacWarnings ]] ; then
+  ### Check there are no changes in the number of Javac warnings
+  checkJavacWarnings () {
+    echo_banner "    Determining number of patched javac warnings."
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -Djavac.args=-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= tar > 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1"
+    $ANT_CMD -Djavac.args="-Xlint -Xmaxwarns 1000" 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= tar > 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt 2>&1
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    -1 javac.  The applied patch generated $patchJavacWarnings javac compiler 
warnings (more than the trunk's current $trunkJavacWarnings warnings)."
-        return 1
-      fi
+      -1 javac.  The patch appears to cause tar ant target to fail."
+      return 1
-  fi
-    +1 javac.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac 
compiler warnings."
-  return 0
+    ### Compare current codebase and patch javac warning numbers
+    if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt ]] ; then
+      currentJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/currentJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
+      patchJavacWarnings=`$GREP -o '\[javac\] [0-9]* warning' 
$PATCH_DIR/patchJavacWarnings.txt | awk '{total += $2} END {print total}'`
+      echo "There appear to be $currentJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings 
before the patch and $patchJavacWarnings javac compiler warnings after applying 
the patch."
+      if [[ $patchJavacWarnings != "" && $currentJavacWarnings != "" ]] ; then
+        if [[ $patchJavacWarnings -gt $currentJavacWarnings ]] ; then
-### Check there are no changes in the number of release audit (RAT) warnings
-checkReleaseAuditWarnings () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Determining number of patched release audit warnings."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > 
$PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} 
-DHadoopPatchProcess= releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 
-  ### Compare trunk and patch release audit warning numbers
-  if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt ]] ; then
-    patchReleaseAuditWarnings=`$GREP -c '\!?????' 
-    echo ""
-    echo ""
-    echo "There appear to be $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS release audit warnings 
before the patch and $patchReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings after 
applying the patch."
-    if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings != "" && $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS != "" 
]] ; then
-      if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings -gt $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS ]] ; then
+      -1 javac.  The applied patch generated $patchJavacWarnings javac 
compiler warnings (more than the current $currentJavacWarnings warnings)."
-    -1 release audit.  The applied patch generated $patchReleaseAuditWarnings 
release audit warnings (more than the trunk's current $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS 
-        $GREP '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt > 
-        echo "Lines that start with ????? in the release audit report indicate 
files that do not have an Apache license header." >> 
-        JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Release audit warnings: 
-        return 1
+          return 1
+        fi
-  fi
-    +1 release audit.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of 
release audit warnings."
-  return 0
-### Check there are no changes in the number of Checkstyle warnings
-checkStyle () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Determining number of patched checkstyle warnings."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= checkstyle
-  JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Checkstyle results:$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/trunk/build/test/checkstyle-errors.html
-  ### TODO: calculate actual patchStyleErrors
-#  patchStyleErrors=0
-#  if [[ $patchStyleErrors != 0 ]] ; then
-#    -1 checkstyle.  The patch generated $patchStyleErrors code style errors."
-#    return 1
-#  fi
-#    +1 checkstyle.  The patch generated 0 code style errors."
-  return 0
-### Check there are no changes in the number of Findbugs warnings
-checkFindbugsWarnings () {
-  findbugs_version=`${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/findbugs -version`
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Determining number of patched Findbugs warnings."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" 
-Dfindbugs.home=${FINDBUGS_HOME} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} 
-DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -Dfindbugs.home=${FINDBUGS_HOME} 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs
-  if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
-    -1 findbugs.  The patch appears to cause Findbugs (version 
${findbugs_version}) to fail."
-    return 1
-  fi
-JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Findbugs warnings:$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER/artifact/trunk/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html
-  cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/*.xml $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml
-  $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo -timestamp "01/01/2000" \
-    $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
-    $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml
-  findbugsWarnings=`$FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/filterBugs -first "01/01/2000" 
$PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
-    $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml | /usr/bin/awk 
'{print $1}'`
-  $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/convertXmlToText -html \
-    $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
-    $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html
-  cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html 
-  cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml 
-  ### if current warnings greater than OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS
-  if [[ $findbugsWarnings > $OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS ]] ; then
+      +1 javac.  The applied patch does not increase the total number of javac 
compiler warnings."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Check there are no changes in the number of release audit (RAT) warnings
+  checkReleaseAuditWarnings () {
+    echo_banner  " Determining number of patched release audit warnings."
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1"
+    ${ANT_CMD} -Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
releaseaudit > $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt 2>&1
+    ### Compare current and patch release audit warning numbers
+    if [[ -f $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt ]] ; then
+      patchReleaseAuditWarnings=`$GREP -c '\!?????' 
+      echo ""
+      echo ""
+      echo "There appear to be $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS release audit 
warnings before the patch and $patchReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings 
after applying the patch."
+      if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings != "" && $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS != 
"" ]] ; then
+        if [[ $patchReleaseAuditWarnings -gt $OK_RELEASEAUDIT_WARNINGS ]] ; 
+      -1 release audit.  The applied patch generated 
$patchReleaseAuditWarnings release audit warnings (more than the current 
+          $GREP '\!?????' $PATCH_DIR/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt > 
+          echo "Lines that start with ????? in the release audit report 
indicate files that do not have an Apache license header." >> 
+          JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Release audit warnings: 
+          return 1
+        fi
+      fi
+    fi
-    -1 findbugs.  The patch appears to introduce `expr 
$(($findbugsWarnings-$OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS))` new Findbugs (version 
${findbugs_version}) warnings."
-    return 1
-  fi
-    +1 findbugs.  The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs (version 
${findbugs_version}) warnings."
-  return 0
+      +1 release audit.  The applied patch does not increase the total number 
of release audit warnings."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Check there are no changes in the number of Findbugs warnings
+      checkFindbugsWarnings () {
+        findbugs_version=`${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/findbugs -version`
+        echo_banner "    Determining number of patched Findbugs warnings."
+        echo "$ANT_CMD -Dfindbugs.home=${FINDBUGS_HOME} 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs"
+        $ANT_CMD -Dfindbugs.home=${FINDBUGS_HOME} 
-Dforrest.home=${FORREST_HOME} -DHadoopPatchProcess= findbugs
+        if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
+        -1 findbugs.  The patch appears to cause Findbugs \(version 
${findbugs_version}\) to fail."
+          return 1
+        fi
+      JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Findbugs warnings: 
+        cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/*.xml 
+        $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo -timestamp "01/01/2000" \
+          $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
+          $PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml
+        findbugsWarnings=`$FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/filterBugs -first "01/01/2000" 
$PATCH_DIR/patchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
+          $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml | awk 
'{print $1}'`
+        $FINDBUGS_HOME/bin/convertXmlToText -html \
+          $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml \
+          $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html
+        cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.html 
+        cp $BASEDIR/build/test/findbugs/newPatchFindbugsWarnings.xml 
+        ### if current warnings greater than OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS
+        if [[ $findbugsWarnings > $OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS ]] ; then
+        -1 findbugs.  The patch appears to introduce `expr 
$(($findbugsWarnings-$OK_FINDBUGS_WARNINGS))` new Findbugs (version 
${findbugs_version}) warnings."
+          return 1
+        fi
-### Run the test-core target
-runCoreTests () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Running core tests."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt
-  $PS auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $2}' | 
/usr/bin/xargs -t -I {} /bin/kill -9 {} > /dev/null
+        +1 findbugs.  The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs (version 
${findbugs_version}) warnings."
+        return 0
+      }
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
-Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes 
-Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME create-c++-configure docs tar test-core"
-  $ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" -DHadoopPatchProcess= 
-Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes 
-Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME create-c++-configure docs tar test-core
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    failed_tests=`grep -l "<failure" build/test/*.xml | sed -e 
"s|build/test/TEST-|                  |g" | sed -e "s|\.xml||g"`
+  ### Run the test-core target
+  runCoreTests () {
+    echo_banner "    Running core tests."
+    ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt
+    ps auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -I {} 
kill -9 {} > /dev/null
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml 
-Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes -Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME 
create-c++-configure test-core"
+    $ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml 
-Dtest.output=yes -Dcompile.c++=yes -Dforrest.home=$FORREST_HOME 
create-c++-configure test-core
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+      failed_tests=`grep -l "<failure" build/test/*.xml | sed -e 
"s|build/test/TEST-|                  |g" | sed -e "s|\.xml||g"`
+      -1 core tests.  The patch failed these core unit tests:
+      $failed_tests"
+      return 1
+    fi
-    -1 core tests.  The patch failed these core unit tests:
-    $failed_tests"
-    return 1
-  fi
+      +1 core tests.  The patch passed core unit tests."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Run the test-contrib target
+  runContribTests () {
+    echo_banner "    Running contrib tests."
+    ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt
+    ps -auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -t -I {} 
kill -9 {} > /dev/null
+    echo "$ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml 
-Dtest.output=yes test-contrib"
+    $ANT_CMD -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml 
-Dtest.output=yes test-contrib
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    +1 core tests.  The patch passed core unit tests."
-  return 0
-### Run the test-contrib target
-runContribTests () {
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Running contrib tests."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  ### Kill any rogue build processes from the last attempt
-  $PS -auxwww | $GREP HadoopPatchProcess | /usr/bin/nawk '{print $2}' | 
/usr/bin/xargs -t -I {} /bin/kill -9 {} > /dev/null
-  echo "$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -Dversion="${VERSION}" $ECLIPSE_PROPERTY 
$PYTHON_PROPERTY -DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml 
-Dtest.output=yes test-contrib"
-DHadoopPatchProcess= -Dtest.junit.output.format=xml -Dtest.output=yes 
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+      -1 contrib tests.  The patch failed contrib unit tests."
+      return 1
+    fi
-    -1 contrib tests.  The patch failed contrib unit tests."
-    return 1
-  fi
-    +1 contrib tests.  The patch passed contrib unit tests."
-  return 0
+      +1 contrib tests.  The patch passed contrib unit tests."
+    return 0
+  }
+  ### Submit a comment to the defect's Jira
+  submitJiraComment () {
+    local result=$1
+    ### Do not output the value of JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER when run by a developer
+    if [[  $JENKINS == "false" ]] ; then
+    fi
+    if [[ $result == 0 ]] ; then
+      comment="+1 overall.  $JIRA_COMMENT
-### Submit a comment to the defect's Jira
-submitJiraComment () {
-  local result=$1
-  ### Do not output the value of JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER when run by a developer
-  if [[  $HUDSON == "false" ]] ; then
-  fi
-  if [[ $result == 0 ]] ; then
-    comment="+1 overall.  $JIRA_COMMENT
+    else
+      comment="-1 overall.  $JIRA_COMMENT
-  else
-    comment="-1 overall.  $JIRA_COMMENT
+    fi
+    ### Output the test result to the console
+    echo "
-  fi
-  ### Output the test result to the console
-  echo "
+  $comment"  
+    if [[ $JENKINS == "true" ]] ; then
+      echo_banner "    Adding comment to Jira."
-  if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-    echo ""
-    echo ""
-    echo 
-    echo 
-    echo "    Adding comment to Jira."
-    echo 
-    echo 
-    echo ""
-    echo ""
+      ### Update Jira with a comment
+      export USER=jenkins
+      $JIRA_CLI -s ${JIRA_URL} login hadoopqa $JIRA_PASSWD
+      $JIRA_CLI -s ${JIRA_URL} comment ${PROJECT}-${ISSUE_NUM} "$comment"
+      $JIRA_CLI -s ${JIRA_URL} logout
+    fi
+  }
-    ### Update Jira with a comment
-    export USER=hudson
-    $JIRACLI -s login hadoopqa $JIRA_PASSWD
-    $JIRACLI -s comment $defect "$comment"
-    $JIRACLI -s logout
-  fi
-### Cleanup files
-cleanupAndExit () {
-  local result=$1
-  if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-    if [ -e "$PATCH_DIR" ] ; then
-    fi
+  parseArgs $@
+  checkout
+  [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && cleanupAndExit 1
+  setup
+  checkAuthor
+  RESULT=$?
+  checkTests
+  (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
+  applyPatch
+  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
+    submitJiraComment 1
+    cleanupAndExit 1
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "    Finished build."
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo "======================================================================"
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  exit $result
-This message is automatically generated."
-### Check if arguments to the script have been specified properly or not
-parseArgs $@
-if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-  if [[ $RESULT != 0 ]] ; then
-    ### Resubmit build.
-    exit 100
+  checkJavadocWarnings
+  (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+  checkJavacWarnings
+  (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+  checkStyle
+  (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+  checkFindbugsWarnings
+  (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+  ### Do not call these when run by a developer 
+  if [[ $JENKINS == "true" ]] ; then
+    checkReleaseAuditWarnings
+    (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+    runCoreTests
+    (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
+    runContribTests
+    (( RESULT = $RESULT + $? ))
-(( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-  submitJiraComment 1
-  cleanupAndExit 1
-(( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-(( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-(( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-(( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-### Do not call these when run by a developer 
-if [[ $HUDSON == "true" ]] ; then
-  ### checkReleaseAuditWarnings
-  ### (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  runCoreTests
-  (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  runContribTests
-  (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-submitJiraComment $RESULT
-cleanupAndExit $RESULT
+  JIRA_COMMENT_FOOTER="Test results\:$BUILD_URL/testReport/\"
+  submitJiraComment $RESULT
+  cleanupAndExit $RESULT

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