HADOOP-8934. Shell command ls should include sort options (Jonathan Allen via 
aw) (missed file)

(cherry picked from commit 576459801c4e21effc4e3bca796527896b6e4f4b)

Project: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/repo
Commit: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/commit/df6d242e
Tree: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/tree/df6d242e
Diff: http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/diff/df6d242e

Branch: refs/heads/branch-2
Commit: df6d242e2866311fe1e20dffc6d6077003978228
Parents: 3d0e2e5
Author: Allen Wittenauer <a...@apache.org>
Authored: Mon Feb 9 12:54:25 2015 -0800
Committer: Akira Ajisaka <aajis...@apache.org>
Committed: Tue May 19 17:39:12 2015 +0900

 .../java/org/apache/hadoop/fs/shell/TestLs.java | 1308 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1308 insertions(+)

diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66403db
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.PrintStream;
+import java.net.URI;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FilterFileSystem;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclEntry;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.AclStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.mockito.InOrder;
+ * JUnit test class for {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.shell.Ls}
+ *
+ */
+public class TestLs {
+  private static Configuration conf;
+  private static FileSystem mockFs;
+  private static final Date NOW = new Date();
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setup() throws IOException {
+    conf = new Configuration();
+    conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "mockfs:///");
+    conf.setClass("fs.mockfs.impl", MockFileSystem.class, FileSystem.class);
+    mockFs = mock(FileSystem.class);
+  }
+  @Before
+  public void resetMock() throws IOException {
+    reset(mockFs);
+    AclStatus mockAclStatus = mock(AclStatus.class);
+    when(mockAclStatus.getEntries()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<AclEntry>());
+    when(mockFs.getAclStatus(any(Path.class))).thenReturn(mockAclStatus);
+  }
+  // check that default options are correct
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsNone() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -d option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsDirectory() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-d");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertFalse(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -h option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsHuman() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-h");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertTrue(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -R option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsRecursive() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-R");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertTrue(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -r option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsReverse() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-r");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -S option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsSize() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-S");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the -t option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsMtime() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the precedence of the -t and -S options
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsMtimeSize() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    options.add("-S");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check the precedence of the -t, -S and -r options
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsMtimeSizeReverse() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    options.add("-S");
+    options.add("-r");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertFalse(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // chheck the -u option is recognised
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsAtime() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-u");
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertTrue(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertTrue(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check all options is handled correctly
+  @Test
+  public void processOptionsAll() throws IOException {
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-d"); // directory
+    options.add("-h"); // human readable
+    options.add("-R"); // recursive
+    options.add("-r"); // reverse order
+    options.add("-t"); // time order
+    options.add("-S"); // size order
+    options.add("-u"); // show atime
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    assertFalse(ls.isDirRecurse());
+    assertTrue(ls.isHumanReadable());
+    assertFalse(ls.isRecursive()); // -d overrules -R
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderReverse());
+    assertFalse(ls.isOrderSize()); // -t overrules -S
+    assertTrue(ls.isOrderTime());
+    assertTrue(ls.isUseAtime());
+  }
+  // check listing of a single file
+  @Test
+  public void processPathFile() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile = new TestFile("testDir", "testFile");
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testfile.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check listing of multiple files
+  @Test
+  public void processPathFiles() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDir01", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDir02", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDir03", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDir04", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDir05", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDir06", "testFile06");
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testfile01.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testfile02.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testfile03.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testfile04.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testfile05.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testfile06.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check listing of a single directory
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirectory() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check listing of multiple directories
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirectories() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testDir01 = new TestFile("", "testDirectory01");
+    testDir01.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir01.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03);
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile06");
+    TestFile testDir02 = new TestFile("", "testDirectory02");
+    testDir02.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir02.addContents(testfile04, testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir01.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testDir02.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 3 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 3 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check the default ordering
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderDefault() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    // add contents in non-lexigraphic order to show they get sorted
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile03, testfile05, testfile02,
+        testfile04, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check reverse default ordering
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderDefaultReverse() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    // add contents in non-lexigraphic order to show they get sorted
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile03, testfile05, testfile02,
+        testfile04, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-r");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check mtime ordering (-t option); most recent first in line with unix
+  // convention
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderMtime() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file mtime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check reverse mtime ordering (-t -r options)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderMtimeReverse() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file mtime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    options.add("-r");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check multiple directories are order independently
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirsOrderMtime() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory01", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory02", "testFile06");
+    // set file mtime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    TestFile testDir01 = new TestFile("", "testDirectory01");
+    testDir01.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir01.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03);
+    TestFile testDir02 = new TestFile("", "testDirectory02");
+    testDir02.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir02.addContents(testfile04, testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir01.getPathData());
+    pathData.add(testDir02.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 3 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 3 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check mtime ordering with large time gaps between files (checks integer
+  // overflow issues)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderMtimeYears() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file mtime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 0);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + Integer.MAX_VALUE + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 0);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + Integer.MIN_VALUE + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check length order (-S option)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderLength() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file length in different order to file names
+    long length = 1234567890;
+    testfile01.setLength(length + 10);
+    testfile02.setLength(length + 30);
+    testfile03.setLength(length + 20);
+    testfile04.setLength(length + 60);
+    testfile05.setLength(length + 50);
+    testfile06.setLength(length + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-S");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check reverse length order (-S -r options)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderLengthReverse() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file length in different order to file names
+    long length = 1234567890;
+    testfile01.setLength(length + 10);
+    testfile02.setLength(length + 30);
+    testfile03.setLength(length + 20);
+    testfile04.setLength(length + 60);
+    testfile05.setLength(length + 50);
+    testfile06.setLength(length + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-S");
+    options.add("-r");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check length ordering with large size gaps between files (checks integer
+  // overflow issues)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderLengthLarge() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file length in different order to file names
+    long length = 1234567890;
+    testfile01.setLength(length + 3l * Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile02.setLength(length + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile03.setLength(length + 2l * Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile04.setLength(length + 4l * Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile05.setLength(length + 2l * Integer.MAX_VALUE);
+    testfile06.setLength(length + 0);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-S");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineMtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check access time display (-u option)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirectoryAtime() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-u");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check access time order (-u -t options)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderAtime() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file atime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile02.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile03.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile05.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile06.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    // set file mtime in different order to atime
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    options.add("-u");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check reverse access time order (-u -t -r options)
+  @Test
+  public void processPathDirOrderAtimeReverse() throws IOException {
+    TestFile testfile01 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile01");
+    TestFile testfile02 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile02");
+    TestFile testfile03 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile03");
+    TestFile testfile04 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile04");
+    TestFile testfile05 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile05");
+    TestFile testfile06 = new TestFile("testDirectory", "testFile06");
+    // set file atime in different order to file names
+    testfile01.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile02.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile03.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile05.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile06.setAtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    // set file mtime in different order to atime
+    testfile01.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 60);
+    testfile02.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 50);
+    testfile03.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 20);
+    testfile04.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 30);
+    testfile05.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 10);
+    testfile06.setMtime(NOW.getTime() + 40);
+    TestFile testDir = new TestFile("", "testDirectory");
+    testDir.setIsDir(true);
+    testDir.addContents(testfile01, testfile02, testfile03, testfile04,
+        testfile05, testfile06);
+    LinkedList<PathData> pathData = new LinkedList<PathData>();
+    pathData.add(testDir.getPathData());
+    PrintStream out = mock(PrintStream.class);
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    ls.out = out;
+    LinkedList<String> options = new LinkedList<String>();
+    options.add("-t");
+    options.add("-u");
+    options.add("-r");
+    ls.processOptions(options);
+    String lineFormat = TestFile.computeLineFormat(pathData);
+    ls.processArguments(pathData);
+    InOrder inOrder = inOrder(out);
+    inOrder.verify(out).println("Found 6 items");
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile01.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile03.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile02.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile06.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile05.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    inOrder.verify(out).println(testfile04.formatLineAtime(lineFormat));
+    verifyNoMoreInteractions(out);
+  }
+  // check the deprecated flag isn't set
+  @Test
+  public void isDeprecated() {
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    boolean actual = ls.isDeprecated();
+    boolean expected = false;
+    assertEquals("Ls.isDeprecated", expected, actual);
+  }
+  // check there's no replacement command
+  @Test
+  public void getReplacementCommand() {
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    String actual = ls.getReplacementCommand();
+    String expected = null;
+    assertEquals("Ls.getReplacementCommand", expected, actual);
+  }
+  // check the correct name is returned
+  @Test
+  public void getName() {
+    Ls ls = new Ls();
+    String actual = ls.getName();
+    String expected = "ls";
+    assertEquals("Ls.getName", expected, actual);
+  }
+  // test class representing a file to be listed
+  static class TestFile {
+    private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat(
+        "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+    private static final boolean DEFAULT_ISDIR = false;
+    private static final String DEFAULT_MODE = "750";
+    private static final int DEFAULT_REPLICATION = 3;
+    private static final String DEFAULT_OWNER = "test_owner";
+    private static final String DEFAULT_GROUP = "test_group";
+    private static final long DEFAULT_LENGTH = 1234567890L;
+    private static final long DEFAULT_MTIME = NOW.getTime() - 86400000;
+    private static final long DEFAULT_ATIME = NOW.getTime() + 86400000;
+    private static final long DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE = 64L * 1024 * 1024;
+    private String dirname;
+    private String filename;
+    private boolean isDir;
+    private FsPermission permission;
+    private int replication;
+    private String owner;
+    private String group;
+    private long length;
+    private long mtime;
+    private long atime;
+    private long blocksize;
+    private ArrayList<FileStatus> contents = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
+    private Path path = null;
+    private FileStatus fileStatus = null;
+    private PathData pathData = null;
+    public TestFile(String dirname, String filename) {
+      setDirname(dirname);
+      setFilename(filename);
+      setIsDir(DEFAULT_ISDIR);
+      setPermission(DEFAULT_MODE);
+      setReplication(DEFAULT_REPLICATION);
+      setOwner(DEFAULT_OWNER);
+      setGroup(DEFAULT_GROUP);
+      setLength(DEFAULT_LENGTH);
+      setMtime(DEFAULT_MTIME);
+      setAtime(DEFAULT_ATIME);
+      setBlocksize(DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE);
+    }
+    public void setDirname(String dirname) {
+      this.dirname = dirname;
+    }
+    public void setFilename(String filename) {
+      this.filename = filename;
+    }
+    public void setIsDir(boolean isDir) {
+      this.isDir = isDir;
+    }
+    public void setPermission(String mode) {
+      setPermission(new FsPermission(mode));
+    }
+    public void setPermission(FsPermission permission) {
+      this.permission = permission;
+    }
+    public void setReplication(int replication) {
+      this.replication = replication;
+    }
+    public void setOwner(String owner) {
+      this.owner = owner;
+    }
+    public void setGroup(String group) {
+      this.group = group;
+    }
+    public void setLength(long length) {
+      this.length = length;
+    }
+    public void setMtime(long mtime) {
+      this.mtime = mtime;
+    }
+    public void setAtime(long atime) {
+      this.atime = atime;
+    }
+    public void setBlocksize(long blocksize) {
+      this.blocksize = blocksize;
+    }
+    public void addContents(TestFile... contents) {
+      for (TestFile testFile : contents) {
+        this.contents.add(testFile.getFileStatus());
+      }
+    }
+    private String getDirname() {
+      return this.dirname;
+    }
+    private String getFilename() {
+      return this.filename;
+    }
+    private String getPathname() {
+      return getDirname() + "/" + getFilename();
+    }
+    private boolean isDir() {
+      return this.isDir;
+    }
+    private boolean isFile() {
+      return !this.isDir();
+    }
+    private FsPermission getPermission() {
+      return this.permission;
+    }
+    private int getReplication() {
+      return this.replication;
+    }
+    private String getOwner() {
+      return this.owner;
+    }
+    private String getGroup() {
+      return this.group;
+    }
+    private long getLength() {
+      return this.length;
+    }
+    private long getMtime() {
+      return this.mtime;
+    }
+    private long getAtime() {
+      return this.atime;
+    }
+    private long getBlocksize() {
+      return this.blocksize;
+    }
+    private FileStatus[] getContents() {
+      return this.contents.toArray(new FileStatus[0]);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a formated output line based on the given format mask, file
+     * status and file name.
+     *
+     * @param lineFormat
+     *          format mask
+     * @param fileStatus
+     *          file status
+     * @param fileName
+     *          file name
+     * @return formated line
+     */
+    private String formatLineMtime(String lineFormat) {
+      return String.format(lineFormat, (isDir() ? "d" : "-"), getPermission(),
+          (isFile() ? getReplication() : "-"), getOwner(), getGroup(),
+          String.valueOf(getLength()),
+          DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(getMtime())), getPathname());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a formated output line based on the given format mask, file
+     * status and file name.
+     *
+     * @param lineFormat
+     *          format mask
+     * @param fileStatus
+     *          file status
+     * @param fileName
+     *          file name
+     * @return formated line
+     */
+    private String formatLineAtime(String lineFormat) {
+      return String.format(lineFormat, (isDir() ? "d" : "-"), getPermission(),
+          (isFile() ? getReplication() : "-"), getOwner(), getGroup(),
+          String.valueOf(getLength()),
+          DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(getAtime())), getPathname());
+    }
+    public FileStatus getFileStatus() {
+      if (fileStatus == null) {
+        Path path = getPath();
+        fileStatus = new FileStatus(getLength(), isDir(), getReplication(),
+            getBlocksize(), getMtime(), getAtime(), getPermission(),
+            getOwner(), getGroup(), path);
+      }
+      return fileStatus;
+    }
+    public Path getPath() {
+      if (path == null) {
+        if ((getDirname() != null) && (!getDirname().equals(""))) {
+          path = new Path(getDirname(), getFilename());
+        } else {
+          path = new Path(getFilename());
+        }
+      }
+      return path;
+    }
+    public PathData getPathData() throws IOException {
+      if (pathData == null) {
+        FileStatus fileStatus = getFileStatus();
+        Path path = getPath();
+        when(mockFs.getFileStatus(eq(path))).thenReturn(fileStatus);
+        pathData = new PathData(path.toString(), conf);
+        if (getContents().length != 0) {
+          when(mockFs.listStatus(eq(path))).thenReturn(getContents());
+        }
+      }
+      return pathData;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute format string based on maximum column widths. Copied from
+     * Ls.adjustColumnWidths as these tests are more interested in proving
+     * regression rather than absolute format.
+     *
+     * @param items
+     *          to find the max field width for each column
+     */
+    public static String computeLineFormat(LinkedList<PathData> items) {
+      int maxRepl = 3, maxLen = 10, maxOwner = 0, maxGroup = 0;
+      for (PathData item : items) {
+        FileStatus stat = item.stat;
+        maxRepl = maxLength(maxRepl, stat.getReplication());
+        maxLen = maxLength(maxLen, stat.getLen());
+        maxOwner = maxLength(maxOwner, stat.getOwner());
+        maxGroup = maxLength(maxGroup, stat.getGroup());
+      }
+      StringBuilder fmt = new StringBuilder();
+      fmt.append("%s%s "); // permission string
+      fmt.append("%" + maxRepl + "s ");
+      // Do not use '%-0s' as a formatting conversion, since it will throw a
+      // a MissingFormatWidthException if it is used in String.format().
+      // 
+      fmt.append((maxOwner > 0) ? "%-" + maxOwner + "s " : "%s");
+      fmt.append((maxGroup > 0) ? "%-" + maxGroup + "s " : "%s");
+      fmt.append("%" + maxLen + "s ");
+      fmt.append("%s %s"); // mod time & path
+      return fmt.toString();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Return the maximum of two values, treating null as 0
+     *
+     * @param n
+     *          integer to be compared
+     * @param value
+     *          value to be compared
+     * @return maximum of the two inputs
+     */
+    private static int maxLength(int n, Object value) {
+      return Math.max(n, (value != null) ? String.valueOf(value).length() : 0);
+    }
+  }
+  static class MockFileSystem extends FilterFileSystem {
+    Configuration conf;
+    MockFileSystem() {
+      super(mockFs);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf) {
+      this.conf = conf;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Path makeQualified(Path path) {
+      return path;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Configuration getConf() {
+      return conf;
+    }
+  }

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