diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f032539
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release - 2011-10-06
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HDFS-2202]( | Changes to 
balancer bandwidth should not require datanode restart. |  Major | balancer & 
mover, datanode | Eric Payne | Eric Payne |
+| [HDFS-1554]( | Append 0.20: 
New semantics for recoverLease |  Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HDFS-630]( | In 
DFSOutputStream.nextBlockOutputStream(), the client can exclude specific 
datanodes when locating the next block. |  Major | hdfs-client, namenode | 
Ruyue Ma | Cosmin Lehene |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7594]( | Support 
HTTP REST in HttpServer |  Major | . | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas 
Sze |
+| [HADOOP-7119]( | add 
Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication support to Hadoop JT/NN/DN/TT web-consoles 
|  Major | security | Alejandro Abdelnur | Alejandro Abdelnur |
+| [HADOOP-6889]( | Make RPC 
to have an option to timeout |  Major | ipc | Hairong Kuang | John George |
+| [HDFS-1520]( | HDFS 20 
append: Lightweight NameNode operation to trigger lease recovery |  Major | 
namenode | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HDFS-200]( | In HDFS, sync() 
not yet guarantees data available to the new readers |  Blocker | . | Tsz Wo 
Nicholas Sze | dhruba borthakur |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2777]( | 
Backport MAPREDUCE-220 to Hadoop 20 security branch |  Major | . | Jonathan 
Eagles | Amar Kamat |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7720]( | improve 
the to read in the hbase user and setup the configs |  
Major | conf | Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7707]( | improve 
config generator to allow users to specify proxy user, turn append on or off, 
turn webhdfs on or off |  Major | conf | Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7655]( | provide a 
small validation script that smoke tests the installed cluster |  Major | . | 
Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7472]( | RPC 
client should deal with the IP address changes |  Minor | ipc | Kihwal Lee | 
Kihwal Lee |
+| [HADOOP-7432]( | Back-port 
HADOOP-7110 to 0.20-security |  Major | . | Sherry Chen | Sherry Chen |
+| [HADOOP-7343]( | backport 
HADOOP-7008 and HADOOP-7042 to branch-0.20-security |  Minor | test | Thomas 
Graves | Thomas Graves |
+| [HADOOP-7314]( | Add 
support for throwing UnknownHostException when a host doesn't resolve |  Major 
| . | Jeffrey Naisbitt | Jeffrey Naisbitt |
+| [HDFS-1555]( | HDFS 20 
append: Disallow pipeline recovery if a file is already being lease recovered | 
 Major | . | Hairong Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HDFS-1211]( | 0.20 append: 
Block receiver should not log "rewind" packets at INFO level |  Minor | 
datanode | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1210]( | DFSClient 
should log exception when block recovery fails |  Trivial | hdfs-client | Todd 
Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1054]( | Remove 
unnecessary sleep after failure in nextBlockOutputStream |  Major | hdfs-client 
| Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-895]( | Allow 
hflush/sync to occur in parallel with new writes to the file |  Major | 
hdfs-client | dhruba borthakur | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-826]( | Allow a 
mechanism for an application to detect that datanode(s)  have died in the write 
pipeline |  Major | hdfs-client | dhruba borthakur | dhruba borthakur |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2981]( | 
Backport trunk fairscheduler to 0.20-security branch |  Major | 
contrib/fair-share | Matei Zaharia | Matei Zaharia |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2729]( | 
Reducers are always counted having "pending tasks" even if they can't be 
scheduled yet because not enough of their mappers have completed |  Major | . | 
Sherry Chen | Sherry Chen |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2494]( | 
Make the distributed cache delete entires using LRU priority |  Major | 
distributed-cache | Robert Joseph Evans | Robert Joseph Evans |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7724]( | should put proxy user info into the core-site.xml |  Major 
| . | Giridharan Kesavan | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7721]( | 
dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal expects the full hostname and does 
not replace \_HOST with the hostname |  Major | . | Arpit Gupta | Jitendra Nath 
Pandey |
+| [HADOOP-7715]( | see log4j 
Error when running mr jobs and certain dfs calls |  Major | conf | Arpit Gupta 
| Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7711]( | generated from templates has duplicate info |  Major | conf | 
Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7708]( | config 
generator does not update the properties file if on exists already |  Critical 
| conf | Arpit Gupta | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7691]( | hadoop 
deb pkg should take a diff group id |  Major | . | Giridharan Kesavan | Eric 
Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7684]( | 
jobhistory server and secondarynamenode should have init.d script |  Major | 
scripts | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7683]( | 
hdfs-site.xml template has properties that are not used in 20 |  Minor | . | 
Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7681]( | is missing properties for security audit and hdfs audit should 
be changed to info |  Minor | conf | Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HADOOP-7679]( | templates does not define mapred.jobsummary.logger |  Major | 
conf | Ramya Sunil | Ramya Sunil |
+| [HADOOP-7674]( | 
TestKerberosName fails in 20 branch. |  Major | . | Jitendra Nath Pandey | 
Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HADOOP-7658]( | to fix 
hadoop config template |  Major | . | Giridharan Kesavan | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7649]( | 
TestMapredGroupMappingServiceRefresh and TestRefreshUserMappings  fail after 
HADOOP-7625 |  Blocker | security, test | Kihwal Lee | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HADOOP-7645]( | HTTP auth 
tests requiring Kerberos infrastructure are not disabled on 
branch-0.20-security |  Blocker | security | Aaron T. Myers | Jitendra Nath 
Pandey |
+| [HADOOP-7644]( | Fix the 
delegation token tests to use the new style renewers |  Blocker | security | 
Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-7637]( | Fair 
scheduler configuration file is not bundled in RPM |  Major | build | Eric Yang 
| Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7633]( | should be added to the hadoop conf on deploy |  Major | conf | 
Arpit Gupta | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7631]( | In 
mapred-site.xml, stream.tmpdir is mapped to ${mapred.temp.dir} which is 
undeclared. |  Major | conf | Ramya Sunil | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7630]( | should have a property \*.period set to a default 
value foe metrics |  Major | conf | Arpit Gupta | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7626]( | Allow 
overwrite of HADOOP\_CLASSPATH and HADOOP\_OPTS |  Major | scripts | Eric Yang 
| Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7625]( | 
TestDelegationToken is failing in 205 |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen 
O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-7615]( | Binary 
layout does not put share/hadoop/contrib/\*.jar into the class path |  Major | 
scripts | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7610]( | 
/etc/profile.d does not exist on Debian |  Major | scripts | Eric Yang | Eric 
Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7603]( | Set 
default hdfs, mapred uid, and hadoop group gid for RPM packages |  Major | . | 
Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7602]( | 
wordcount, sort etc on har files fails with NPE |  Major | . | John George | 
John George |
+| [HADOOP-7599]( | Improve 
hadoop setup conf script to setup secure Hadoop cluster |  Major | scripts | 
Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7596]( | Enable 
jsvc to work with Hadoop RPM package |  Major | build | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [HADOOP-7539]( | merge 
hadoop archive goodness from trunk to .20 |  Major | . | John George | John 
George |
+| [HADOOP-7400]( | 
HdfsProxyTests fails when the and -Dbuild.test is set |  Major 
| build | Giridharan Kesavan | Giridharan Kesavan |
+| [HADOOP-6833]( | IPC leaks 
call parameters when exceptions thrown |  Blocker | . | Todd Lipcon | Todd 
Lipcon |
+| [HADOOP-6722]( | 
NetUtils.connect should check that it hasn't connected a socket to itself |  
Major | util | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-2411]( | with webhdfs 
enabled in secure mode the auth to local mappings are not being respected. |  
Major | webhdfs | Arpit Gupta | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2408]( | 
DFSClient#getNumCurrentReplicas is package private in 205 but public in 
branch-0.20-append |  Blocker | hdfs-client | stack | stack |
+| [HDFS-2405]( | hadoop dfs 
command with webhdfs fails on secure hadoop |  Critical | webhdfs | Arpit Gupta 
| Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2392]( | Dist with 
hftp is failing again |  Critical | namenode | Rajit Saha | Daryn Sharp |
+| [HDFS-2375]( | 
TestFileAppend4 fails in 0.20.205 branch |  Blocker | hdfs-client | Suresh 
Srinivas | Suresh Srinivas |
+| [HDFS-2373]( | Commands 
using webhdfs and hftp print unnecessary debug information on the console with 
security enabled |  Major | webhdfs | Arpit Gupta | Arpit Gupta |
+| [HDFS-2368]( | defaults 
created for web keytab and principal, these properties should not have defaults 
|  Major | . | Arpit Gupta | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2361]( | hftp is 
broken |  Critical | namenode | Rajit Saha | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2359]( | NPE found in 
Datanode log while Disk failed during different HDFS operation |  Major | 
datanode | Rajit Saha | Jonathan Eagles |
+| [HDFS-2358]( | NPE when the 
default filesystem's uri has no authority |  Major | namenode | Rajit Saha | 
Daryn Sharp |
+| [HDFS-2342]( | TestSleepJob 
and TestHdfsProxy broken after HDFS-2284 |  Blocker | build | Kihwal Lee | Tsz 
Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2333]( | HDFS-2284 
introduced 2 findbugs warnings on trunk |  Major | . | Ivan Kelly | Tsz Wo 
Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2331]( | Hdfs 
compilation fails |  Major | hdfs-client | Abhijit Suresh Shingate | Abhijit 
Suresh Shingate |
+| [HDFS-2328]( | hftp throws 
NPE if security is not enabled on remote cluster |  Critical | . | Daryn Sharp 
| Owen O'Malley |
+| [HDFS-2325]( | Fuse-DFS 
fails to build on Hadoop 20.203.0 |  Blocker | fuse-dfs, libhdfs | Charles Earl 
| Kihwal Lee |
+| [HDFS-2320]( | Make merged 
protocol changes from 0.20-append to 0.20-security compatible with previous 
releases. |  Major | datanode, hdfs-client, namenode | Suresh Srinivas | Suresh 
Srinivas |
+| [HDFS-2309]( | 
TestRenameWhileOpen fails in branch-0.20-security |  Major | . | Jitendra Nath 
Pandey | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2300]( | 
TestFileAppend4 and TestMultiThreadedSync fail on 20.append and 20-security. |  
Major | . | Jitendra Nath Pandey | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2259]( | DN web-UI 
doesn't work with paths that contain html |  Minor | datanode | Eli Collins | 
Eli Collins |
+| [HDFS-2190]( | NN fails to 
start if it encounters an empty or malformed fstime file |  Major | namenode | 
Aaron T. Myers | Aaron T. Myers |
+| [HDFS-2117]( | 
DiskChecker#mkdirsWithExistsAndPermissionCheck may return true even when the 
dir is not created |  Minor | datanode | Eli Collins | Eli Collins |
+| [HDFS-2053]( | Bug in 
INodeDirectory#computeContentSummary warning |  Minor | namenode | Michael Noll 
| Michael Noll |
+| [HDFS-1836]( | Thousand of 
CLOSE\_WAIT socket |  Major | hdfs-client | Dennis Cheung | Bharath Mundlapudi |
+| [HDFS-1779]( | After 
NameNode restart , Clients can not read partial files even after client invokes 
Sync. |  Major | datanode, namenode | Uma Maheswara Rao G | Uma Maheswara Rao G 
+| [HDFS-1346]( | DFSClient 
receives out of order packet ack |  Major | datanode, hdfs-client | Hairong 
Kuang | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HDFS-1260]( | 0.20: Block 
lost when multiple DNs trying to recover it to different genstamps |  Critical 
| . | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1218]( | 20 append: 
Blocks recovered on startup should be treated with lower priority during block 
synchronization |  Critical | datanode | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1207]( | 0.20-append: 
stallReplicationWork should be volatile |  Major | namenode | Todd Lipcon | 
Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1204]( | 0.20: Lease 
expiration should recover single files, not entire lease holder |  Major | . | 
Todd Lipcon | sam rash |
+| [HDFS-1202]( | 
DataBlockScanner throws NPE when updated before initialized |  Major | datanode 
| Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1197]( | Blocks are 
considered "complete" prematurely after commitBlockSynchronization or DN 
restart |  Major | datanode, hdfs-client, namenode | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1186]( | 0.20: DNs 
should interrupt writers at start of recovery |  Blocker | datanode | Todd 
Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1164]( | TestHdfsProxy 
is failing |  Major | contrib/hdfsproxy | Eli Collins | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1141]( | completeFile 
does not check lease ownership |  Blocker | namenode | Todd Lipcon | Todd 
Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1118]( | 
DFSOutputStream socket leak when cannot connect to DataNode |  Major | . | 
Zheng Shao | Zheng Shao |
+| [HDFS-988]( | saveNamespace 
race can corrupt the edits log |  Blocker | namenode | dhruba borthakur | Eli 
Collins |
+| [HDFS-724]( | Pipeline close 
hangs if one of the datanode is not responsive. |  Blocker | datanode, 
hdfs-client | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Hairong Kuang |
+| [HDFS-606]( | 
ConcurrentModificationException in invalidateCorruptReplicas() |  Major | 
namenode | Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HDFS-142]( | In 0.20, move 
blocks being written into a blocksBeingWritten directory |  Blocker | . | Raghu 
Angadi | dhruba borthakur |
+| [MAPREDUCE-3112]( | 
Calling hadoop cli inside mapreduce job leads to errors |  Major | 
contrib/streaming | Eric Yang | Eric Yang |
+| [MAPREDUCE-3081]( | 
Change the name format for hadoop core and vaidya jar to be 
hadoop-{core/vaidya}-{version}.jar in |  Major | contrib/vaidya | 
vitthal (Suhas) Gogate |  |
+| [MAPREDUCE-3076]( | 
TestSleepJob fails |  Blocker | test | Arun C Murthy | Arun C Murthy |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2915]( | 
LinuxTaskController does not work when JniBasedUnixGroupsNetgroupMapping or 
JniBasedUnixGroupsMapping is enabled |  Major | task-controller | Kihwal Lee | 
Kihwal Lee |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2852]( | 
Jira for YDH bug 2854624 |  Major | tasktracker | Eli Collins | Kihwal Lee |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2764]( | Fix 
renewal of dfs delegation tokens |  Major | . | Daryn Sharp | Owen O'Malley |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2705]( | 
tasks localized and launched serially by TaskLauncher - causing other tasks to 
be delayed |  Major | tasktracker | Thomas Graves | Thomas Graves |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2650]( | 
back-port MAPREDUCE-2238 to 0.20-security |  Major | . | Sherry Chen | Sherry 
Chen |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2610]( | 
Inconsistent API JobClient.getQueueAclsForCurrentUser |  Major | client | Joep 
Rottinghuis | Joep Rottinghuis |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2549]( | 
Potential resource leaks in, and |  Major | contrib/eclipse-plugin, contrib/streaming | Devaraj 
K | Devaraj K |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2489]( | 
Jobsplits with random hostnames can make the queue unusable |  Major | 
jobtracker | Jeffrey Naisbitt | Jeffrey Naisbitt |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2324]( | Job 
should fail if a reduce task can't be scheduled anywhere |  Major | . | Todd 
Lipcon | Robert Joseph Evans |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2187]( | map 
tasks timeout during sorting |  Major | . | Gianmarco De Francisci Morales | 
Anupam Seth |
+### TESTS:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HDFS-1252]( | 
TestDFSConcurrentFileOperations broken in 0.20-appendj |  Major | test | Todd 
Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1242]( | 0.20 append: 
Add test for appendFile() race solved in HDFS-142 |  Major | . | Todd Lipcon | 
Todd Lipcon |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HDFS-2404]( | webhdfs 
liststatus json response is not correct |  Major | webhdfs | Arpit Gupta | 
Suresh Srinivas |
+| [HDFS-2403]( | The renewer 
in NamenodeWebHdfsMethods.generateDelegationToken(..) is not used |  Major | . 
| Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2395]( | webhdfs api's 
should return a root element in the json response |  Critical | webhdfs | Arpit 
Gupta | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2385]( | Support 
delegation token renewal in webhdfs |  Major | webhdfs | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | 
Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2366]( | webhdfs 
throws a npe when ugi is null from getDelegationToken |  Major | webhdfs | 
Arpit Gupta | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2356]( | webhdfs: 
support case insensitive query parameter names |  Major | webhdfs | Tsz Wo 
Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2348]( | Support 
getContentSummary and getFileChecksum in webhdfs |  Major | webhdfs | Tsz Wo 
Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2340]( | Support 
getFileBlockLocations and getDelegationToken in webhdfs |  Major | webhdfs | 
Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2338]( | Configuration 
option to enable/disable webhdfs. |  Major | webhdfs | Jitendra Nath Pandey | 
Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [HDFS-2318]( | Provide 
authentication to webhdfs using SPNEGO |  Major | webhdfs | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze 
| Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-2317]( | Read access 
to HDFS using HTTP REST |  Major | . | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas 
Sze |
+| [HDFS-2284]( | Write Http 
access to HDFS |  Major | . | Sanjay Radia | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-1057]( | Concurrent 
readers hit ChecksumExceptions if following a writer to very end of file |  
Blocker | datanode | Todd Lipcon | sam rash |
+| [HDFS-561]( | Fix write 
pipeline READ\_TIMEOUT |  Major | datanode, hdfs-client | Kan Zhang | Kan Zhang 
+| [MAPREDUCE-2928]( | 
MR-2413 improvements |  Major | tasktracker | Eli Collins | Eli Collins |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2780]( | 
Standardize the value of token service |  Major | . | Daryn Sharp | Daryn Sharp 
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HDFS-1795]( | Port 
0.20-append changes onto 0.20-security-203 |  Major | . | Andrew Purtell |  |
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269401a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
features, and major improvements.
+* [HADOOP-7724]( | *Major* | 
** should put proxy user info into the core-site.xml**
+Fixed to put proxy user in core-site.xml.  (Arpit Gupta 
via Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7720]( | *Major* | 
**improve the to read in the hbase user and setup the 
+Added parameter for HBase user to setup config script. (Arpit Gupta via Eric 
+* [HADOOP-7715]( | *Major* | 
**see log4j Error when running mr jobs and certain dfs calls**
+Removed unnecessary security logger configuration. (Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7711]( | *Major* | 
** generated from templates has duplicate info**
+Fixed recursive sourcing of HADOOP\_OPTS environment variables (Arpit Gupta 
via Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7708]( | 
*Critical* | **config generator does not update the properties file if on 
exists already**
+Fixed to handle config file consistently.  (Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7707]( | *Major* | 
**improve config generator to allow users to specify proxy user, turn append on 
or off, turn webhdfs on or off**
+Added toggle for, webhdfs and hadoop proxy user to setup 
config script. (Arpit Gupta via Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7691]( | *Major* | 
**hadoop deb pkg should take a diff group id**
+Fixed conflict uid for install packages. (Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7684]( | *Major* | 
**jobhistory server and secondarynamenode should have init.d script**
+Added init.d script for jobhistory server and secondary namenode. (Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7681]( | *Minor* | 
** is missing properties for security audit and hdfs audit 
should be changed to info**
+HADOOP-7681. Fixed security and hdfs audit log4j properties
+(Arpit Gupta via Eric Yang)
+* [HADOOP-7655]( | *Major* | 
**provide a small validation script that smoke tests the installed cluster**
+Committed to trunk and v23, since code reviewed by Eric.
+* [HADOOP-7603]( | *Major* | 
**Set default hdfs, mapred uid, and hadoop group gid for RPM packages**
+Set hdfs uid, mapred uid, and hadoop gid to fixed numbers (201, 202, and 123, 
+* [HADOOP-7119]( | *Major* | 
**add Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication support to Hadoop JT/NN/DN/TT 
+Adding support for Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication to the Hadoop 
+* [HDFS-2358]( | *Major* | 
**NPE when the default filesystem's uri has no authority**
+Give meaningful error message instead of NPE.
+* [HDFS-2338]( | *Major* | 
**Configuration option to enable/disable webhdfs.**
+Added a conf property dfs.webhdfs.enabled for enabling/disabling webhdfs.
+* [HDFS-2318]( | *Major* | 
**Provide authentication to webhdfs using SPNEGO**
+Added two new conf properties dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.principal and 
dfs.web.authentication.kerberos.keytab for the SPNEGO servlet filter.
+* [HDFS-2202]( | *Major* | 
**Changes to balancer bandwidth should not require datanode restart.**
+New dfsadmin command added: [-setBalancerBandwidth \<bandwidth\>] where 
bandwidth is max network bandwidth in bytes per second that the balancer is 
allowed to use on each datanode during balacing.
+This is an incompatible change in 0.23.  The versions of ClientProtocol and 
DatanodeProtocol are changed.
+* [HDFS-1554]( | *Major* | 
**Append 0.20: New semantics for recoverLease**
+Change recoverLease API to return if the file is closed or not. It also change 
the semantics of recoverLease to start lease recovery immediately.
+* [HDFS-630]( | *Major* | **In 
DFSOutputStream.nextBlockOutputStream(), the client can exclude specific 
datanodes when locating the next block.**
+**WARNING: No release note provided for this incompatible change.**
+* [MAPREDUCE-3112]( | 
*Major* | **Calling hadoop cli inside mapreduce job leads to errors**
+Removed inheritance of certain server environment variables (HADOOP\_OPTS and 
HADOOP\_ROOT\_LOGGER) in task attempt process.
+* [MAPREDUCE-3081]( | 
*Major* | **Change the name format for hadoop core and vaidya jar to be 
hadoop-{core/vaidya}-{version}.jar in**
+contrib/vaidya/bin/ script fixed to use appropriate jars and classpath
+* [MAPREDUCE-2777]( | 
*Major* | **Backport MAPREDUCE-220 to Hadoop 20 security branch**
+Adds cumulative cpu usage and total heap usage to task counters. This is a 
backport of MAPREDUCE-220 and MAPREDUCE-2469.
+* [MAPREDUCE-2764]( | 
*Major* | **Fix renewal of dfs delegation tokens**
+Generalizes token renewal and canceling to a common interface and provides a 
plugin interface for adding renewers for new kinds of tokens. Hftp changed to 
store the tokens as HFTP and renew them over http.
+* [MAPREDUCE-2494]( | 
*Major* | **Make the distributed cache delete entires using LRU priority**
+Added config option mapreduce.tasktracker.cache.local.keep.pct to the 
TaskTracker.  It is the target percentage of the local distributed cache that 
should be kept in between garbage collection runs.  In practice it will delete 
unused distributed cache entries in LRU order until the size of the cache is 
less than mapreduce.tasktracker.cache.local.keep.pct of the maximum cache size. 
 This is a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0.  The default is 0.95.
+* [MAPREDUCE-2187]( | 
*Major* | **map tasks timeout during sorting**
+I just committed this. Thanks Anupam!
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop Changelog
+## Release 0.20.3 - Unreleased
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-6701]( |  
Incorrect exit codes for "dfs -chown", "dfs -chgrp" |  Minor | fs | Ravi 
Phulari | Ravi Phulari |
+| [HADOOP-6382]( | publish 
hadoop jars to apache mvn repo. |  Major | build | Giridharan Kesavan | 
Giridharan Kesavan |
+| [HDFS-132]( | Namenode in 
Safemode reports to Simon non-zero number of deleted files during startup |  
Minor | namenode | Hairong Kuang | Suresh Srinivas |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7240]( | Update 
eclipse .classpath template |  Major | . | Aaron T. Myers | Aaron T. Myers |
+| [HADOOP-6882]( | Update 
the patch level of Jetty |  Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HDFS-1013]( | Miscellaneous 
improvements to HTML markup for web UIs |  Minor | . | Todd Lipcon | Eugene 
Koontz |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1832]( | 
Support for file sizes less than 1MB in DFSIO benchmark. |  Major | benchmarks 
| Konstantin Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1734]( | 
Un-deprecate the old MapReduce API in the 0.20 branch |  Blocker | 
documentation | Tom White | Todd Lipcon |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7116]( | raise 
contrib junit test jvm memory size to 512mb |  Major | test | Owen O'Malley | 
Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-6928]( | Fix 
BooleanWritable comparator in 0.20 |  Major | io | Owen O'Malley | Johannes 
Zillmann |
+| [HADOOP-6923]( | Native 
Libraries do not load if a different platform signature is returned from 
org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName |  Major | native | Stephen Watt | Stephen 
Watt |
+| [HADOOP-6881]( | The 
efficient comparators aren't always used except for BytesWritable and Text |  
Major | . | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [HADOOP-6833]( | IPC leaks 
call parameters when exceptions thrown |  Blocker | . | Todd Lipcon | Todd 
Lipcon |
+| [HADOOP-6760]( | WebServer 
shouldn't increase port number in case of negative port setting caused by 
Jetty's race |  Major | . | Konstantin Boudnik | Konstantin Boudnik |
+| [HADOOP-6724]( | IPC 
doesn't properly handle IOEs thrown by socket factory |  Major | ipc | Todd 
Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HADOOP-6702]( | Incorrect 
exit codes for "dfs -chown", "dfs -chgrp"  when input is given in wildcard 
format. |  Minor | fs | Ravi Phulari | Ravi Phulari |
+| [HDFS-1836]( | Thousand of 
CLOSE\_WAIT socket |  Major | hdfs-client | Dennis Cheung | Bharath Mundlapudi |
+| [HDFS-1543]( | Reduce dev. 
cycle time by moving system testing artifacts from default build and push to 
maven for HDFS |  Major | . | Arun C Murthy | Luke Lu |
+| [HDFS-1406]( | TestCLI fails 
on Ubuntu with default /etc/hosts |  Minor | . | Todd Lipcon | Konstantin 
Boudnik |
+| [HDFS-1404]( | TestNodeCount 
logic incorrect in branch-0.20 |  Minor | namenode, test | Todd Lipcon | Todd 
Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1377]( | Quota bug for 
partial blocks allows quotas to be violated |  Blocker | namenode | Eli Collins 
| Eli Collins |
+| [HDFS-1258]( | Clearing 
namespace quota on "/" corrupts FS image |  Blocker | namenode | Aaron T. Myers 
| Aaron T. Myers |
+| [HDFS-1240]( | TestDFSShell 
failing in branch-20 |  Critical | test | Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-1041]( | DFSClient 
does not retry in getFileChecksum(..) |  Major | hdfs-client | Tsz Wo Nicholas 
Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [HDFS-955]( | 
FSImage.saveFSImage can lose edits |  Blocker | namenode | Todd Lipcon | 
Konstantin Shvachko |
+| [HDFS-909]( | Race condition 
between rollEditLog or rollFSImage ant FSEditsLog.write operations  corrupts 
edits log |  Blocker | namenode | Cosmin Lehene | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-908]( | 
TestDistributedFileSystem fails with Wrong FS on weird hosts |  Minor | test | 
Todd Lipcon | Todd Lipcon |
+| [HDFS-727]( | bug setting 
block size hdfsOpenFile |  Blocker | libhdfs | Eli Collins | Eli Collins |
+| [HDFS-15]( | Rack replication 
policy can be violated for over replicated blocks |  Critical | . | Hairong 
Kuang | Jitendra Nath Pandey |
+| [MAPREDUCE-2262]( | 
Capacity Scheduler unit tests fail with class not found |  Major | 
capacity-sched | Owen O'Malley | Owen O'Malley |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1880]( | 
"java.lang.ArithmeticException: Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact 
representable decimal result." while running "hadoop jar 
hadoop-0.20.1+169.89-examples.jar pi 4 30" |  Minor | examples | Victor 
Pakhomov | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1522]( | 
FileInputFormat may change the file system of an input path |  Blocker | . | 
Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze | Tsz Wo Nicholas Sze |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1407]( | 
Invalid example in the documentation of 
org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Mapper,Reducer} |  Trivial | documentation | 
Benoit Sigoure | Benoit Sigoure |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1372]( | 
ConcurrentModificationException in JobInProgress |  Blocker | jobtracker | 
Amareshwari Sriramadasu | Dick King |
+| [MAPREDUCE-1280]( | 
Eclipse Plugin does not work with Eclipse Ganymede (3.4) |  Major | . | Aaron 
Kimball | Alex Kozlov |
+| [MAPREDUCE-118]( | 
Job.getJobID() will always return null |  Blocker | client | Amar Kamat | 
Amareshwari Sriramadasu |
+### TESTS:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-6637]( | Benchmark 
overhead of RPC session establishment |  Major | benchmarks | Konstantin 
Shvachko | Konstantin Shvachko |
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+### OTHER:
+| JIRA | Summary | Priority | Component | Reporter | Contributor |
+|:---- |:---- | :--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |
+| [HADOOP-7372]( | Remove 
ref of 20.3 release from branch-0.20 CHANGES.txt |  Major | documentation | Eli 
Collins | Eli Collins |
+| [HDFS-1286]( | Dry entropy 
pool on Hudson boxes causing test timeouts |  Major | test | Todd Lipcon | 
Konstantin Boudnik |
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new file mode 100644
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Apache Hadoop  0.20.3 Release Notes
+These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, 
features, and major improvements.
+* [HADOOP-6701]( | *Minor* | 
** Incorrect exit codes for "dfs -chown", "dfs -chgrp"**
+Commands chmod, chown and chgrp now returns non zero exit code and an error 
message on failure instead of returning zero.
+* [HADOOP-6382]( | *Major* | 
**publish hadoop jars to apache mvn repo.**
+The hadoop jars are renamed  from previous hadoop-\<version\>-\<name\>.jar to 
hadoop-\<name\>-\<version\>.jar. Applications and documentation need to be 
updated to use the new file naming scheme.
+* [HDFS-132]( | *Minor* | 
**Namenode in Safemode reports to Simon non-zero number of deleted files during 
+With this incompatible change, under metrics context "dfs", the record name 
"FSDirectory" is no longer available. The metrics "files\_deleted" from the 
deleted record "FSDirectory" is now available in metrics context "dfs", record 
name "namenode" with the metrics name "FilesDeleted".

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