diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9830a80
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.metrics;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileContext;
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerState;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntityType;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.AsyncDispatcher;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.Dispatcher;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.event.DrainDispatcher;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.RMContext;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMApp;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppImpl;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppMetrics;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmapp.RMAppState;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer;
+import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.timeline.TimelineUtils;
+import org.junit.AfterClass;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+public class TestSystemMetricsPublisherForV2 {
+  /**
+   * is the folder where the FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl writes the entities
+   */
+  protected static File testRootDir = new File("target",
+      TestSystemMetricsPublisherForV2.class.getName() + "-localDir")
+      .getAbsoluteFile();
+  private static SystemMetricsPublisher metricsPublisher;
+  private static DrainDispatcher dispatcher = new DrainDispatcher();
+  private static final String DEFAULT_FLOW_VERSION = "1";
+  private static final long DEFAULT_FLOW_RUN = 1;
+  private static ConcurrentMap<ApplicationId, RMApp> rmAppsMapInContext;
+  private static RMTimelineCollectorManager rmTimelineCollectorManager;
+  @BeforeClass
+  public static void setup() throws Exception {
+    if (testRootDir.exists()) {
+      //cleanup before hand
+      FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext().delete(
+          new Path(testRootDir.getAbsolutePath()), true);
+    }
+    RMContext rmContext = mock(RMContext.class);
+    rmAppsMapInContext = new ConcurrentHashMap<ApplicationId, RMApp>();
+    when(rmContext.getRMApps()).thenReturn(rmAppsMapInContext);
+    rmTimelineCollectorManager = new RMTimelineCollectorManager(rmContext);
+    when(rmContext.getRMTimelineCollectorManager()).thenReturn(
+        rmTimelineCollectorManager);
+    Configuration conf = getTimelineV2Conf();
+    rmTimelineCollectorManager.init(conf);
+    rmTimelineCollectorManager.start();
+    metricsPublisher = new SystemMetricsPublisher(rmContext) {
+      @Override
+      Dispatcher createDispatcher(
+          TimelineServicePublisher timelineServicePublisher) {
+        return dispatcher;
+      }
+    };
+    metricsPublisher.init(conf);
+    metricsPublisher.start();
+  }
+  @AfterClass
+  public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
+    if (testRootDir.exists()) {
+      FileContext.getLocalFSFileContext().delete(
+          new Path(testRootDir.getAbsolutePath()), true);
+    }
+    if (rmTimelineCollectorManager != null) {
+      rmTimelineCollectorManager.stop();
+    }
+    if (metricsPublisher != null) {
+      metricsPublisher.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  private static Configuration getTimelineV2Conf() {
+    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
+    conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_ENABLED, true);
+    conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.SYSTEM_METRICS_PUBLISHER_ENABLED, true);
+    conf.setInt(
+    conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_PUBLISH_CONTAINER_METRICS_ENABLED,
+        true);
+    try {
+      conf.set(FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl.TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_DIR_ROOT,
+          testRootDir.getCanonicalPath());
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+      e.printStackTrace();
+      Assert
+          .fail("Exception while setting the TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_DIR_ROOT 
+    }
+    return conf;
+  }
+  @Test
+  public void testSystemMetricPublisherInitialization() {
+    @SuppressWarnings("resource")
+    SystemMetricsPublisher metricsPublisher =
+        new SystemMetricsPublisher(mock(RMContext.class));
+    try {
+      Configuration conf = getTimelineV2Conf();
+      conf.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.RM_PUBLISH_CONTAINER_METRICS_ENABLED,
+          false);
+      metricsPublisher.init(conf);
+      assertFalse(
+          "Default configuration should not publish container Metrics from RM",
+          metricsPublisher.isPublishContainerMetrics());
+      metricsPublisher.stop();
+      metricsPublisher = new SystemMetricsPublisher(mock(RMContext.class));
+      conf = getTimelineV2Conf();
+      metricsPublisher.init(conf);
+      assertTrue("Expected to publish container Metrics from RM",
+          metricsPublisher.isPublishContainerMetrics());
+      assertTrue(
+          "MultiThreadedDispatcher expected when container Metrics is not 
+          metricsPublisher.getDispatcher() instanceof MultiThreadedDispatcher);
+    } finally {
+      metricsPublisher.stop();
+    }
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 1000000)
+  public void testPublishApplicationMetrics() throws Exception {
+    ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(0, 1);
+    RMApp app = createAppAndRegister(appId);
+    metricsPublisher.appCreated(app, app.getStartTime());
+    metricsPublisher.appACLsUpdated(app, "user1,user2", 4L);
+    metricsPublisher.appFinished(app, RMAppState.FINISHED, 
+    dispatcher.await();
+    String outputDirApp =
+        getTimelineEntityDir(app) + "/" + TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION
+            + "/";
+    File entityFolder = new File(outputDirApp);
+    Assert.assertTrue(entityFolder.isDirectory());
+    // file name is <entityId>.thist
+    String timelineServiceFileName =
+        appId.toString()
+            + FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl.TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_EXTENSION;
+    File appFile = new File(outputDirApp, timelineServiceFileName);
+    Assert.assertTrue(appFile.exists());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Expected 3 events to be published", 3,
+        getNumOfNonEmptyLines(appFile));
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 10000)
+  public void testPublishAppAttemptMetrics() throws Exception {
+    ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(0, 1);
+    RMApp app = rmAppsMapInContext.get(appId);
+    if (app == null) {
+      app = createAppAndRegister(appId);
+    }
+    ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId =
+        ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId, 1);
+    RMAppAttempt appAttempt = createRMAppAttempt(appAttemptId);
+    metricsPublisher.appAttemptRegistered(appAttempt, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L);
+    when(app.getFinalApplicationStatus()).thenReturn(
+        FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED);
+    metricsPublisher.appAttemptFinished(appAttempt, RMAppAttemptState.FINISHED,
+        app, Integer.MAX_VALUE + 2L);
+    dispatcher.await();
+    String outputDirApp =
+        getTimelineEntityDir(app) + "/"
+            + TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION_ATTEMPT + "/";
+    File entityFolder = new File(outputDirApp);
+    Assert.assertTrue(entityFolder.isDirectory());
+    // file name is <entityId>.thist
+    String timelineServiceFileName =
+        appAttemptId.toString()
+            + FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl.TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_EXTENSION;
+    File appFile = new File(outputDirApp, timelineServiceFileName);
+    Assert.assertTrue(appFile.exists());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Expected 2 events to be published", 2,
+        getNumOfNonEmptyLines(appFile));
+  }
+  @Test(timeout = 10000)
+  public void testPublishContainerMetrics() throws Exception {
+    ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.newInstance(0, 1);
+    RMApp app = rmAppsMapInContext.get(appId);
+    if (app == null) {
+      app = createAppAndRegister(appId);
+    }
+    ContainerId containerId =
+        ContainerId.newContainerId(ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(
+            appId, 1), 1);
+    RMContainer container = createRMContainer(containerId);
+    metricsPublisher.containerCreated(container, container.getCreationTime());
+    metricsPublisher.containerFinished(container, container.getFinishTime());
+    dispatcher.await();
+    String outputDirApp =
+        getTimelineEntityDir(app) + "/"
+            + TimelineEntityType.YARN_CONTAINER + "/";
+    File entityFolder = new File(outputDirApp);
+    Assert.assertTrue(entityFolder.isDirectory());
+    // file name is <entityId>.thist
+    String timelineServiceFileName =
+        containerId.toString()
+            + FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl.TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_EXTENSION;
+    File appFile = new File(outputDirApp, timelineServiceFileName);
+    Assert.assertTrue(appFile.exists());
+    Assert.assertEquals("Expected 2 events to be published", 2,
+        getNumOfNonEmptyLines(appFile));
+  }
+  private RMApp createAppAndRegister(ApplicationId appId) {
+    RMApp app = createRMApp(appId);
+    // some stuff which are currently taken care in RMAppImpl
+    rmAppsMapInContext.putIfAbsent(appId, app);
+    AppLevelTimelineCollector collector = new AppLevelTimelineCollector(appId);
+    rmTimelineCollectorManager.putIfAbsent(appId, collector);
+    return app;
+  }
+  private long getNumOfNonEmptyLines(File entityFile) throws IOException {
+    BufferedReader reader = null;
+    String strLine;
+    long count = 0;
+    try {
+      reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(entityFile));
+      while ((strLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
+        if (strLine.trim().length() > 0)
+          count++;
+      }
+    } finally {
+      reader.close();
+    }
+    return count;
+  }
+  private String getTimelineEntityDir(RMApp app) {
+    String outputDirApp =
+        testRootDir.getAbsolutePath()+"/"
+            + FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl.ENTITIES_DIR
+            + "/"
+            + YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_RM_CLUSTER_ID
+            + "/"
+            + app.getUser()
+            + "/"
+            + TimelineUtils.generateDefaultFlowIdBasedOnAppId(app
+                .getApplicationId()) + "/" + DEFAULT_FLOW_VERSION + "/"
+            + DEFAULT_FLOW_RUN + "/" + app.getApplicationId();
+    return outputDirApp;
+  }
+  private static RMApp createRMApp(ApplicationId appId) {
+    RMApp app = mock(RMAppImpl.class);
+    when(app.getApplicationId()).thenReturn(appId);
+    when(app.getName()).thenReturn("test app");
+    when(app.getApplicationType()).thenReturn("test app type");
+    when(app.getUser()).thenReturn("testUser");
+    when(app.getQueue()).thenReturn("test queue");
+    when(app.getSubmitTime()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L);
+    when(app.getStartTime()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 2L);
+    when(app.getFinishTime()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 3L);
+    when(app.getDiagnostics()).thenReturn(
+        new StringBuilder("test diagnostics info"));
+    RMAppAttempt appAttempt = mock(RMAppAttempt.class);
+    when(appAttempt.getAppAttemptId()).thenReturn(
+        ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId, 1));
+    when(app.getCurrentAppAttempt()).thenReturn(appAttempt);
+    when(app.getFinalApplicationStatus()).thenReturn(
+        FinalApplicationStatus.UNDEFINED);
+    when(app.getRMAppMetrics()).thenReturn(
+        new RMAppMetrics(null, 0, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE));
+    when(app.getApplicationTags()).thenReturn(Collections.<String> emptySet());
+    return app;
+  }
+  private static RMAppAttempt createRMAppAttempt(
+      ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId) {
+    RMAppAttempt appAttempt = mock(RMAppAttempt.class);
+    when(appAttempt.getAppAttemptId()).thenReturn(appAttemptId);
+    when(appAttempt.getHost()).thenReturn("test host");
+    when(appAttempt.getRpcPort()).thenReturn(-100);
+    Container container = mock(Container.class);
+    when(container.getId()).thenReturn(
+        ContainerId.newContainerId(appAttemptId, 1));
+    when(appAttempt.getMasterContainer()).thenReturn(container);
+    when(appAttempt.getDiagnostics()).thenReturn("test diagnostics info");
+    when(appAttempt.getTrackingUrl()).thenReturn("test tracking url");
+    when(appAttempt.getOriginalTrackingUrl()).thenReturn(
+        "test original tracking url");
+    return appAttempt;
+  }
+  private static RMContainer createRMContainer(ContainerId containerId) {
+    RMContainer container = mock(RMContainer.class);
+    when(container.getContainerId()).thenReturn(containerId);
+    when(container.getAllocatedNode()).thenReturn(
+        NodeId.newInstance("test host", -100));
+    when(container.getAllocatedResource()).thenReturn(
+        Resource.newInstance(-1, -1));
+    when(container.getAllocatedPriority()).thenReturn(Priority.UNDEFINED);
+    when(container.getCreationTime()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L);
+    when(container.getFinishTime()).thenReturn(Integer.MAX_VALUE + 2L);
+    when(container.getDiagnosticsInfo()).thenReturn("test diagnostics info");
+    when(container.getContainerExitStatus()).thenReturn(-1);
+    when(container.getContainerState()).thenReturn(ContainerState.COMPLETE);
+    Container mockContainer = mock(Container.class);
+    when(container.getContainer()).thenReturn(mockContainer);
+    when(mockContainer.getNodeHttpAddress())
+      .thenReturn("http://localhost:1234";);
+    return container;
+  }
diff --git 
index ee1515d..34a6b7c 100644
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl extends 
     = "/tmp/timeline_service_data";
-  private static final String ENTITIES_DIR = "entities";
+  public static final String ENTITIES_DIR = "entities";
   /** Default extension for output files */
   public static final String TIMELINE_SERVICE_STORAGE_EXTENSION = ".thist";
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public class FileSystemTimelineWriterImpl extends 
     return response;
-  private void write(String clusterId, String userId, String flowName,
+  private synchronized void write(String clusterId, String userId, String 
       String flowVersion, long flowRun, String appId, TimelineEntity entity,
       TimelineWriteResponse response) throws IOException {
     PrintWriter out = null;

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