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The "UnknownHost" page has been changed by SteveLoughran:

mention unknown localhost

     a. The hostname in the configuration files (such as {{{core-site.xml}}}) 
is misspelled.
   1. The hostname in the configuration files (such as {{{core-site.xml}}}) is 
confused with the hostname of another service. For example, you are using the 
hostname of the YARN Resource Manager in the {{{fs.defaultFS}}} configuration 
option to define the namenode.
   1. A worker node thinks it has a given name which it reports to the NameNode 
and JobTracker, but that isn't the name that the network team gave it, so it 
isn't resolvable.
+  1. If it is happening in service startup, it means the hostname of that 
service (HDFS, YARN, etc) cannot be found in {{{/etc/hosts}}}; the service will 
fail to start as it cannot determine which network card/address to use.
   1. The calling machine is on a different subnet from the target machine, and 
short names are being used instead of fully qualified domain names (FQDNs).
   1. You are running in a cloud infrastructure and the destination machine is 
no longer there. It may have been deleted from the DNS records, or, due to some 
race condition, something is trying to talk to a host that hasn't been created 

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