diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index ca80ed5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2008 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.timelineservice.reader;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
-import java.text.DateFormat;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.FlowActivityEntity;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.FlowRunEntity;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntities;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntity;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEntityType;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineEvent;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineMetric;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.timelineservice.TimelineMetric.Type;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.metrics.ApplicationMetricsConstants;
-import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.webapp.YarnJacksonJaxbJsonProvider;
-import org.junit.After;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig;
-import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig;
-import com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.HttpURLConnectionFactory;
-import com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.URLConnectionClientHandler;
-public class TestTimelineReaderWebServicesHBaseStorage {
-  private int serverPort;
-  private TimelineReaderServer server;
-  private static HBaseTestingUtility util;
-  private static long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
-  private static long dayTs =
-      TimelineStorageUtils.getTopOfTheDayTimestamp(ts);
-  @BeforeClass
-  public static void setup() throws Exception {
-    util = new HBaseTestingUtility();
-    Configuration conf = util.getConfiguration();
-    conf.setInt("hfile.format.version", 3);
-    util.startMiniCluster();
-    TimelineSchemaCreator.createAllTables(util.getConfiguration(), false);
-    loadData();
-  }
-  private static void loadData() throws Exception {
-    String cluster = "cluster1";
-    String user = "user1";
-    String flow = "flow_name";
-    String flowVersion = "CF7022C10F1354";
-    Long runid = 1002345678919L;
-    Long runid1 = 1002345678920L;
-    TimelineEntities te = new TimelineEntities();
-    TimelineEntity entity = new TimelineEntity();
-    String id = "application_1111111111_1111";
-    String type = TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION.toString();
-    entity.setId(id);
-    entity.setType(type);
-    Long cTime = 1425016501000L;
-    entity.setCreatedTime(cTime);
-    entity.addConfig("cfg2", "value1");
-    // add metrics
-    Set<TimelineMetric> metrics = new HashSet<>();
-    TimelineMetric m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("MAP_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    Map<Long, Number> metricValues =
-        ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)2, ts - 80000, 40);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)2, ts - 80000, 40);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("HDFS_BYTES_READ");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)31, ts - 80000, 57);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    entity.addMetrics(metrics);
-    TimelineEvent event = new TimelineEvent();
-    event.setId(ApplicationMetricsConstants.CREATED_EVENT_TYPE);
-    event.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    String expKey = "foo_event";
-    Object expVal = "test";
-    event.addInfo(expKey, expVal);
-    entity.addEvent(event);
-    TimelineEvent event11 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event11.setId(ApplicationMetricsConstants.FINISHED_EVENT_TYPE);
-    Long expTs = 1425019501000L;
-    event11.setTimestamp(expTs);
-    entity.addEvent(event11);
-    te.addEntity(entity);
-    // write another application with same metric to this flow
-    TimelineEntities te1 = new TimelineEntities();
-    TimelineEntity entity1 = new TimelineEntity();
-    id = "application_1111111111_2222";
-    type = TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION.toString();
-    entity1.setId(id);
-    entity1.setType(type);
-    cTime = 1425016501000L;
-    entity1.setCreatedTime(cTime);
-    entity1.addConfig("cfg1", "value1");
-    // add metrics
-    metrics.clear();
-    TimelineMetric m2 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m2.setId("MAP_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    metricValues = new HashMap<Long, Number>();
-    metricValues.put(ts - 100000, 5L);
-    metricValues.put(ts - 80000, 101L);
-    m2.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m2.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m2);
-    entity1.addMetrics(metrics);
-    TimelineEvent event1 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event1.setId(ApplicationMetricsConstants.CREATED_EVENT_TYPE);
-    event1.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    event1.addInfo(expKey, expVal);
-    entity1.addEvent(event1);
-    te1.addEntity(entity1);
-    String flow2 = "flow_name2";
-    String flowVersion2 = "CF7022C10F1454";
-    Long runid2 = 2102356789046L;
-    TimelineEntities te3 = new TimelineEntities();
-    TimelineEntity entity3 = new TimelineEntity();
-    id = "application_11111111111111_2223";
-    entity3.setId(id);
-    entity3.setType(type);
-    cTime = 1425016501037L;
-    entity3.setCreatedTime(cTime);
-    TimelineEvent event2 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event2.setId(ApplicationMetricsConstants.CREATED_EVENT_TYPE);
-    event2.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    event2.addInfo("foo_event", "test");
-    entity3.addEvent(event2);
-    te3.addEntity(entity3);
-    TimelineEntities te4 = new TimelineEntities();
-    TimelineEntity entity4 = new TimelineEntity();
-    id = "application_1111111111_2224";
-    entity4.setId(id);
-    entity4.setType(type);
-    cTime = 1425016501034L;
-    entity4.setCreatedTime(cTime);
-    TimelineEvent event4 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event4.setId(ApplicationMetricsConstants.CREATED_EVENT_TYPE);
-    event4.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    event4.addInfo("foo_event", "test");
-    entity4.addEvent(event4);
-    metrics.clear();
-    m2 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m2.setId("MAP_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)5L, ts - 80000, 101L);
-    m2.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m2.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m2);
-    entity4.addMetrics(metrics);
-    te4.addEntity(entity4);
-    TimelineEntities te5 = new TimelineEntities();
-    TimelineEntity entity5 = new TimelineEntity();
-    entity5.setId("entity1");
-    entity5.setType("type1");
-    entity5.setCreatedTime(1425016501034L);
-    // add some config entries
-    entity5.addConfigs(ImmutableMap.of("config_param1", "value1",
-        "config_param2", "value2", "cfg_param1", "value3"));
-    entity5.addInfo(ImmutableMap.of("info1", (Object)"cluster1",
-        "info2", 2.0, "info3", 35000, "info4", 36000));
-    metrics = new HashSet<>();
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("MAP_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)2, ts - 80000, 40);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("HDFS_BYTES_READ");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)31, ts - 80000, 57);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    entity5.addMetrics(metrics);
-    TimelineEvent event51 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event51.setId("event1");
-    event51.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity5.addEvent(event51);
-    TimelineEvent event52 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event52.setId("event2");
-    event52.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity5.addEvent(event52);
-    TimelineEvent event53 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event53.setId("event3");
-    event53.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity5.addEvent(event53);
-    TimelineEvent event54 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event54.setId("event4");
-    event54.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity5.addEvent(event54);
-    Map<String, Set<String>> isRelatedTo1 = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
-    isRelatedTo1.put("type2",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity21","entity22","entity23","entity24"));
-    isRelatedTo1.put("type4", Sets.newHashSet("entity41","entity42"));
-    isRelatedTo1.put("type1", Sets.newHashSet("entity14","entity15"));
-    isRelatedTo1.put("type3",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity31", "entity35", "entity32", "entity33"));
-    entity5.addIsRelatedToEntities(isRelatedTo1);
-    Map<String, Set<String>> relatesTo1 = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
-    relatesTo1.put("type2",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity21","entity22","entity23","entity24"));
-    relatesTo1.put("type4", Sets.newHashSet("entity41","entity42"));
-    relatesTo1.put("type1", Sets.newHashSet("entity14","entity15"));
-    relatesTo1.put("type3",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity31", "entity35", "entity32", "entity33"));
-    entity5.addRelatesToEntities(relatesTo1);
-    te5.addEntity(entity5);
-    TimelineEntity entity6 = new TimelineEntity();
-    entity6.setId("entity2");
-    entity6.setType("type1");
-    entity6.setCreatedTime(1425016501034L);
-    entity6.addConfigs(ImmutableMap.of("cfg_param3", "value1",
-        "configuration_param2", "value2", "config_param1", "value3"));
-    entity6.addInfo(ImmutableMap.of("info1", (Object)"cluster2",
-        "info2", 2.0, "info4", 35000));
-    metrics = new HashSet<>();
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)12, ts - 80000, 140);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("HDFS_BYTES_READ");
-    metricValues = ImmutableMap.of(ts - 100000, (Number)78, ts - 80000, 157);
-    m1.setType(Type.TIME_SERIES);
-    m1.setValues(metricValues);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    m1 = new TimelineMetric();
-    m1.setId("MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS");
-    m1.setType(Type.SINGLE_VALUE);
-    m1.addValue(ts - 100000, 122);
-    metrics.add(m1);
-    entity6.addMetrics(metrics);
-    TimelineEvent event61 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event61.setId("event1");
-    event61.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity6.addEvent(event61);
-    TimelineEvent event62 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event62.setId("event5");
-    event62.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity6.addEvent(event62);
-    TimelineEvent event63 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event63.setId("event3");
-    event63.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity6.addEvent(event63);
-    TimelineEvent event64 = new TimelineEvent();
-    event64.setId("event6");
-    event64.setTimestamp(cTime);
-    entity6.addEvent(event64);
-    Map<String, Set<String>> isRelatedTo2 = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
-    isRelatedTo2.put("type2",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity21","entity22","entity23","entity24"));
-    isRelatedTo2.put("type5", Sets.newHashSet("entity51","entity52"));
-    isRelatedTo2.put("type6", Sets.newHashSet("entity61","entity66"));
-    isRelatedTo2.put("type3", Sets.newHashSet("entity31"));
-    entity6.addIsRelatedToEntities(isRelatedTo2);
-    Map<String, Set<String>> relatesTo2 = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
-    relatesTo2.put("type2",
-        Sets.newHashSet("entity21","entity22","entity23","entity24"));
-    relatesTo2.put("type5", Sets.newHashSet("entity51","entity52"));
-    relatesTo2.put("type6", Sets.newHashSet("entity61","entity66"));
-    relatesTo2.put("type3", Sets.newHashSet("entity31"));
-    entity6.addRelatesToEntities(relatesTo2);
-    te5.addEntity(entity6);
-    HBaseTimelineWriterImpl hbi = null;
-    Configuration c1 = util.getConfiguration();
-    try {
-      hbi = new HBaseTimelineWriterImpl(c1);
-      hbi.init(c1);
-      hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, entity.getId(), te);
-      hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid, entity1.getId(), te1);
-      hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid1, entity4.getId(), 
-      hbi.write(cluster, user, flow2,
-          flowVersion2, runid2, entity3.getId(), te3);
-      hbi.write(cluster, user, flow, flowVersion, runid,
-          "application_1111111111_1111", te5);
-      hbi.flush();
-    } finally {
-      hbi.close();
-    }
-  }
-  @AfterClass
-  public static void tearDown() throws Exception {
-    util.shutdownMiniCluster();
-  }
-  @Before
-  public void init() throws Exception {
-    try {
-      Configuration config = util.getConfiguration();
-      config.setBoolean(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_ENABLED, true);
-      config.setFloat(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_VERSION, 2.0f);
-      config.set(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_WEBAPP_ADDRESS,
-          "localhost:0");
-      config.set(YarnConfiguration.RM_CLUSTER_ID, "cluster1");
-      config.set(YarnConfiguration.TIMELINE_SERVICE_READER_CLASS,
-          "" +
-              "HBaseTimelineReaderImpl");
-      config.setInt("hfile.format.version", 3);
-      server = new TimelineReaderServer();
-      server.init(config);
-      server.start();
-      serverPort = server.getWebServerPort();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-"Web server failed to start");
-    }
-  }
-  private static Client createClient() {
-    ClientConfig cfg = new DefaultClientConfig();
-    cfg.getClasses().add(YarnJacksonJaxbJsonProvider.class);
-    return new Client(new URLConnectionClientHandler(
-        new DummyURLConnectionFactory()), cfg);
-  }
-  private static ClientResponse getResponse(Client client, URI uri)
-      throws Exception {
-    ClientResponse resp =
-        client.resource(uri).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
-        .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(ClientResponse.class);
-    if (resp == null ||
-        resp.getClientResponseStatus() != ClientResponse.Status.OK) {
-      String msg = new String();
-      if (resp != null) {
-        msg = resp.getClientResponseStatus().toString();
-      }
-      throw new IOException("Incorrect response from timeline reader. " +
-          "Status=" + msg);
-    }
-    return resp;
-  }
-  private static class DummyURLConnectionFactory
-      implements HttpURLConnectionFactory {
-    @Override
-    public HttpURLConnection getHttpURLConnection(final URL url) throws 
IOException {
-      try {
-        return (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
-      } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) {
-        throw new IOException(e.getCause());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private static TimelineEntity newEntity(String type, String id) {
-    TimelineEntity entity = new TimelineEntity();
-    entity.setIdentifier(new TimelineEntity.Identifier(type, id));
-    return entity;
-  }
-  private static TimelineMetric newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type type,
-      String id, long ts, Number value) {
-    TimelineMetric metric = new TimelineMetric(type);
-    metric.setId(id);
-    metric.addValue(ts, value);
-    return metric;
-  }
-  private static boolean verifyMetricValues(Map<Long, Number> m1,
-      Map<Long, Number> m2) {
-    for (Map.Entry<Long, Number> entry : m1.entrySet()) {
-      if (!m2.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (m2.get(entry.getKey()).equals(entry.getValue())) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  private static boolean verifyMetrics(
-      TimelineMetric m, TimelineMetric... metrics) {
-    for (TimelineMetric metric : metrics) {
-      if (!metric.equals(m)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (!verifyMetricValues(metric.getValues(), m.getValues())) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  private static void verifyHttpResponse(Client client, URI uri,
-      Status status) {
-    ClientResponse resp =
-        client.resource(uri).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
-        .type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(ClientResponse.class);
-    assertNotNull(resp);
-    assertTrue("Response from server should have been " + status,
-        resp.getClientResponseStatus().equals(status));
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRun() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/" +
-          "1002345678919");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      FlowRunEntity entity = resp.getEntity(FlowRunEntity.class);
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals(3, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      TimelineMetric m1 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "HDFS_BYTES_READ", ts - 80000, 57L);
-      TimelineMetric m2 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 80000, 141L);
-      TimelineMetric m3 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 80000, 40L);
-      for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(verifyMetrics(metric, m1, m2, m3));
-      }
-      // Query without specifying cluster ID.
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/1002345678919");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entity = resp.getEntity(FlowRunEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals(3, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      m1 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "HDFS_BYTES_READ", ts - 80000, 57L);
-      m2 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 80000, 141L);
-      m3 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.SINGLE_VALUE,
-          "MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 80000, 40L);
-      for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(verifyMetrics(metric, m1, m2, m3));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRuns() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<FlowRunEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678919L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501000L)) ||
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678920")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678920L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501034L)));
-        assertEquals(0, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?limit=1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-            entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678920") &&
-            entity.getRunId() == 1002345678920L &&
-            entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501034L);
-        assertEquals(0, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "createdtimestart=1425016501030");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-            entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678920") &&
-            entity.getRunId() == 1002345678920L &&
-            entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501034L);
-        assertEquals(0, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "createdtimestart=1425016500999&createdtimeend=1425016501035");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678919L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501000L)) ||
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678920")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678920L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501034L)));
-        assertEquals(0, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "createdtimeend=1425016501030");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-             entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919") &&
-             entity.getRunId() == 1002345678919L &&
-             entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501000L);
-        assertEquals(0, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "fields=metrics");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Id, run id or start time does not match.",
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678919")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678919L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501000L) &&
-            (entity.getMetrics().size() == 3)) ||
-            ((entity.getId().equals("user1@flow_name/1002345678920")) &&
-            (entity.getRunId() == 1002345678920L) &&
-            (entity.getStartTime() == 1425016501034L) &&
-            (entity.getMetrics().size() == 1)));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRunsMetricsToRetrieve() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "metricstoretrieve=MAP_,HDFS_");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<FlowRunEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      int metricCnt = 0;
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP_") ||
-              metric.getId().startsWith("HDFS_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(3, metricCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs?" +
-          "metricstoretrieve=!(MAP_,HDFS_)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      metricCnt = 0;
-      for (FlowRunEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP1_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(1, metricCnt);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesByUID() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      // Query all flows.
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/flows");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<FlowActivityEntity> flowEntities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(flowEntities);
-      assertEquals(2, flowEntities.size());
-      List<String> listFlowUIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
-      for (FlowActivityEntity entity : flowEntities) {
-        String flowUID =
-            (String)entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-        listFlowUIDs.add(flowUID);
-        assertEquals(TimelineUIDConverter.FLOW_UID.encodeUID(
-            new TimelineReaderContext(entity.getCluster(), entity.getUser(),
-            entity.getFlowName(), null, null, null, null)), flowUID);
-        assertTrue((entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 2) ||
-            (entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name2") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 1));
-      }
-      // Query flowruns based on UID returned in query above.
-      List<String> listFlowRunUIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
-      for (String flowUID : listFlowUIDs) {
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/flow-uid/" + flowUID + "/runs");
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        Set<FlowRunEntity> frEntities =
-            resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowRunEntity>>(){});
-        assertNotNull(frEntities);
-        for (FlowRunEntity entity : frEntities) {
-          String flowRunUID =
-              (String)entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-          listFlowRunUIDs.add(flowRunUID);
-          assertEquals(TimelineUIDConverter.FLOWRUN_UID.encodeUID(
-              new TimelineReaderContext("cluster1", entity.getUser(),
-              entity.getName(), entity.getRunId(), null, null, null)),
-              flowRunUID);
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(3, listFlowRunUIDs.size());
-      // Query single flowrun based on UIDs' returned in query to get flowruns.
-      for (String flowRunUID : listFlowRunUIDs) {
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/run-uid/" + flowRunUID);
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        FlowRunEntity entity = resp.getEntity(FlowRunEntity.class);
-        assertNotNull(entity);
-      }
-      // Query apps based on UIDs' returned in query to get flowruns.
-      List<String> listAppUIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
-      for (String flowRunUID : listFlowRunUIDs) {
-        TimelineReaderContext context =
-            TimelineUIDConverter.FLOWRUN_UID.decodeUID(flowRunUID);
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/run-uid/" + flowRunUID + "/apps");
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        Set<TimelineEntity> appEntities =
-            resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-        assertNotNull(appEntities);
-        for (TimelineEntity entity : appEntities) {
-          String appUID =
-              (String)entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-          listAppUIDs.add(appUID);
-          assertEquals(TimelineUIDConverter.APPLICATION_UID.encodeUID(
-              new TimelineReaderContext(context.getClusterId(),
-              context.getUserId(), context.getFlowName(),
-              context.getFlowRunId(), entity.getId(), null, null)), appUID);
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(4, listAppUIDs.size());
-      // Query single app based on UIDs' returned in query to get apps.
-      for (String appUID : listAppUIDs) {
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/app-uid/" + appUID);
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-        assertNotNull(entity);
-      }
-      // Query entities based on UIDs' returned in query to get apps and
-      // a specific entity type(in this case type1).
-      List<String> listEntityUIDs = new ArrayList<String>();
-      for (String appUID : listAppUIDs) {
-        TimelineReaderContext context =
-            TimelineUIDConverter.APPLICATION_UID.decodeUID(appUID);
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/app-uid/" + appUID + "/entities/type1");
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-            resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-        assertNotNull(entities);
-        for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-          String entityUID =
-              (String)entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-          listEntityUIDs.add(entityUID);
-          assertEquals(TimelineUIDConverter.GENERIC_ENTITY_UID.encodeUID(
-              new TimelineReaderContext(context.getClusterId(),
-              context.getUserId(), context.getFlowName(),
-              context.getFlowRunId(), context.getAppId(), "type1",
-              entity.getId())), entityUID);
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(2, listEntityUIDs.size());
-      // Query single entity based on UIDs' returned in query to get entities.
-      for (String entityUID : listEntityUIDs) {
-        uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-            "timeline/entity-uid/" + entityUID);
-        resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-        TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-        assertNotNull(entity);
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/flow-uid/dummy:flow/runs");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/run-uid/dummy:flowrun");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      // Run Id is not a numerical value.
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/run-uid/some:dummy:flow:123v456");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/run-uid/dummy:flowrun/apps");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/app-uid/dummy:app");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/app-uid/dummy:app/entities/type1");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/entity-uid/dummy:entity");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testUIDQueryWithAndWithoutFlowContextInfo() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      String appUIDWithFlowInfo =
-          "cluster1!user1!flow_name!1002345678919!application_1111111111_1111";
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/"+
-          "timeline/app-uid/" + appUIDWithFlowInfo);
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      TimelineEntity appEntity1 = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(appEntity1);
-      assertEquals(
-          TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION.toString(), 
-      assertEquals("application_1111111111_1111", appEntity1.getId());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "app-uid/" + appUIDWithFlowInfo + "/entities/type1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities1 =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities1);
-      assertEquals(2, entities1.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities1) {
-        assertNotNull(entity.getInfo());
-        assertEquals(1, entity.getInfo().size());
-        String uid =
-            (String) entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-        assertNotNull(uid);
-        assertTrue(uid.equals(appUIDWithFlowInfo + "!type1!entity1") ||
-            uid.equals(appUIDWithFlowInfo + "!type1!entity2"));
-      }
-      String appUIDWithoutFlowInfo = "cluster1!application_1111111111_1111";
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/"+
-          "app-uid/" + appUIDWithoutFlowInfo);
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);;
-      TimelineEntity appEntity2 = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(appEntity2);
-      assertEquals(
-          TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION.toString(), 
-      assertEquals("application_1111111111_1111", appEntity2.getId());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "app-uid/" + appUIDWithoutFlowInfo + "/entities/type1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities2 =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities2);
-      assertEquals(2, entities2.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities2) {
-        assertNotNull(entity.getInfo());
-        assertEquals(1, entity.getInfo().size());
-        String uid =
-            (String) entity.getInfo().get(TimelineReaderManager.UID_KEY);
-        assertNotNull(uid);
-        assertTrue(uid.equals(appUIDWithoutFlowInfo + "!type1!entity1") ||
-            uid.equals(appUIDWithoutFlowInfo + "!type1!entity2"));
-      }
-      String entityUIDWithFlowInfo = appUIDWithFlowInfo + "!type1!entity1";
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/"+
-          "entity-uid/" + entityUIDWithFlowInfo);
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);;
-      TimelineEntity singleEntity1 = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(singleEntity1);
-      assertEquals("type1", singleEntity1.getType());
-      assertEquals("entity1", singleEntity1.getId());
-      String entityUIDWithoutFlowInfo =
-          appUIDWithoutFlowInfo + "!type1!entity1";
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/"+
-          "entity-uid/" + entityUIDWithoutFlowInfo);
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);;
-      TimelineEntity singleEntity2 = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(singleEntity2);
-      assertEquals("type1", singleEntity2.getType());
-      assertEquals("entity1", singleEntity2.getId());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testUIDNotProperlyEscaped() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      String appUID =
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/"+
-          "timeline/app-uid/" + appUID);
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlows() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<FlowActivityEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (FlowActivityEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue((entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 2) ||
-            (entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name2") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 1));
-      }
-      // Query without specifying cluster ID.
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/flows/");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-              "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?limit=1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      long firstFlowActivity =
-          TimelineStorageUtils.getTopOfTheDayTimestamp(1425016501000L);
-      DateFormat fmt = TimelineReaderWebServices.DATE_FORMAT.get();
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange="
-          + fmt.format(firstFlowActivity) + "-"
-          + fmt.format(dayTs));
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (FlowActivityEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue((entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 2) ||
-            (entity.getId().endsWith("@flow_name2") &&
-            entity.getFlowRuns().size() == 1));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=" +
-          fmt.format(dayTs + (4*86400000L)));
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=-" +
-          fmt.format(dayTs));
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=" +
-           fmt.format(firstFlowActivity) + "-");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=20150711:20150714");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=20150714-20150711");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=2015071129-20150712");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/flows?daterange=20150711-2015071243");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetApp() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111?" +
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("application_1111111111_1111", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals(3, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      TimelineMetric m1 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "HDFS_BYTES_READ", ts - 100000, 31L);
-      m1.addValue(ts - 80000, 57L);
-      TimelineMetric m2 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 100000, 2L);
-      m2.addValue(ts - 80000, 40L);
-      TimelineMetric m3 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 100000, 2L);
-      m3.addValue(ts - 80000, 40L);
-      for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(verifyMetrics(metric, m1, m2, m3));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-              "timeline/apps/application_1111111111_2222?userid=user1" +
-              "&fields=metrics&flowname=flow_name&flowrunid=1002345678919");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("application_1111111111_2222", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals(1, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      TimelineMetric m4 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-         "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 100000, 5L);
-      m4.addValue(ts - 80000, 101L);
-      for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(verifyMetrics(metric, m4));
-      }
-    } finally {
-        client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetAppWithoutFlowInfo() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111?" +
-          "fields=ALL");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("application_1111111111_1111", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals(3, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      TimelineMetric m1 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "HDFS_BYTES_READ", ts - 100000, 31L);
-      m1.addValue(ts - 80000, 57L);
-      TimelineMetric m2 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 100000, 2L);
-      m2.addValue(ts - 80000, 40L);
-      TimelineMetric m3 = newMetric(TimelineMetric.Type.TIME_SERIES,
-          "MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS", ts - 100000, 2L);
-      m3.addValue(ts - 80000, 40L);
-      for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(verifyMetrics(metric, m1, m2, m3));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntityWithoutFlowInfo() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1/entity1");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("entity1", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals("type1", entity.getType());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesWithoutFlowInfo() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests if specific configs and metrics are retrieve for getEntities call.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesDataToRetrieve() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?confstoretrieve=cfg_");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      int cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-          assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("cfg_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(2, cfgCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?confstoretrieve=cfg_,config_");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-          assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("cfg_") ||
-              configKey.startsWith("config_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(5, cfgCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?confstoretrieve=!(cfg_,config_)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-          assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("configuration_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(1, cfgCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricstoretrieve=MAP_");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      int metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(1, metricCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricstoretrieve=MAP1_,HDFS_");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP1_") ||
-              metric.getId().startsWith("HDFS_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(3, metricCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricstoretrieve=!(MAP1_,HDFS_)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP_") ||
-              metric.getId().startsWith("MAP11_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(2, metricCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricstoretrieve=!(MAP1_,HDFS_");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.BAD_REQUEST);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesConfigFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=config_param1%20eq%20value1%20OR%20" +
-          "config_param1%20eq%20value3");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=config_param1%20eq%20value1%20AND" +
-          "%20configuration_param2%20eq%20value2");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      // conffilters=(config_param1 eq value1 AND configuration_param2 eq
-      // value2) OR (config_param1 eq value3 AND cfg_param3 eq value1)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=(config_param1%20eq%20value1%20AND" +
-          "%20configuration_param2%20eq%20value2)%20OR%20(config_param1%20eq" +
-          "%20value3%20AND%20cfg_param3%20eq%20value1)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      int cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      assertEquals(0, cfgCnt);
-      // conffilters=(config_param1 eq value1 AND configuration_param2 eq
-      // value2) OR (config_param1 eq value3 AND cfg_param3 eq value1)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=(config_param1%20eq%20value1%20AND" +
-          "%20configuration_param2%20eq%20value2)%20OR%20(config_param1%20eq" +
-          "%20value3%20AND%20cfg_param3%20eq%20value1)&fields=CONFIGS");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      assertEquals(3, cfgCnt);
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=(config_param1%20eq%20value1%20AND" +
-          "%20configuration_param2%20eq%20value2)%20OR%20(config_param1%20eq" +
-          "%20value3%20AND%20cfg_param3%20eq%20value1)&confstoretrieve=cfg_," +
-          "configuration_");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      cfgCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        cfgCnt += entity.getConfigs().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-        for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-          assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("cfg_") ||
-              configKey.startsWith("configuration_"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(2, cfgCnt);
-      // Test for behavior when compare op is ne(not equals) vs ene
-      // (exists and not equals). configuration_param2 does not exist for
-      // entity1. For ne, both entity1 and entity2 will be returned. For ene,
-      // only entity2 will be returned as we are checking for existence too.
-      // conffilters=configuration_param2 ne value3
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=configuration_param2%20ne%20value3");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // conffilters=configuration_param2 ene value3
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?conffilters=configuration_param2%20ene%20value3");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesInfoFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      // infofilters=info1 eq cluster1 OR info1 eq cluster2
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=info1%20eq%20cluster1%20OR%20info1%20eq" 
-          "%20cluster2");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // infofilters=info1 eq cluster1 AND info4 eq 35000
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=info1%20eq%20cluster1%20AND%20info4%20" +
-          "eq%2035000");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      // infofilters=info4 eq 35000 OR info4 eq 36000
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=info4%20eq%2035000%20OR%20info4%20eq" +
-          "%2036000");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // infofilters=(info1 eq cluster1 AND info4 eq 35000) OR
-      // (info1 eq cluster2 AND info2 eq 2.0)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=(info1%20eq%20cluster1%20AND%20info4%20" 
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      int infoCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        infoCnt += entity.getInfo().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // Includes UID in info field even if fields not specified as INFO.
-      assertEquals(1, infoCnt);
-      // infofilters=(info1 eq cluster1 AND info4 eq 35000) OR
-      // (info1 eq cluster2 AND info2 eq 2.0)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=(info1%20eq%20cluster1%20AND%20info4%20" 
-          "eq%2035000)%20OR%20(info1%20eq%20cluster2%20AND%20info2%20eq%20" +
-          "2.0)&fields=INFO");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      infoCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        infoCnt += entity.getInfo().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // Includes UID in info field.
-      assertEquals(4, infoCnt);
-      // Test for behavior when compare op is ne(not equals) vs ene
-      // (exists and not equals). info3 does not exist for entity2. For ne,
-      // both entity1 and entity2 will be returned. For ene, only entity2 will
-      // be returned as we are checking for existence too.
-      // infofilters=info3 ne 39000
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=info3%20ne%2039000");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // infofilters=info3 ene 39000
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?infofilters=info3%20ene%2039000");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesMetricFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      // metricfilters=HDFS_BYTES_READ lt 60 OR HDFS_BYTES_READ eq 157
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=HDFS_BYTES_READ%20lt%2060%20OR%20" +
-          "HDFS_BYTES_READ%20eq%20157");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // metricfilters=HDFS_BYTES_READ lt 60 AND MAP_SLOT_MILLIS gt 40
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=HDFS_BYTES_READ%20lt%2060%20AND%20" +
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS%20gt%2040");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      // metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ lt 60 AND MAP_SLOT_MILLIS gt 40) OR
-      // (MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS ge 140 AND MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS le 122)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ%20lt%2060%20AND%20" +
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS%20gt%2040)%20OR%20(MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS%20ge" +
-          "%20140%20AND%20MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS%20le%20122)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      int metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      assertEquals(0, metricCnt);
-      // metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ lt 60 AND MAP_SLOT_MILLIS gt 40) OR
-      // (MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS ge 140 AND MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS le 122)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ%20lt%2060%20AND%20" +
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS%20gt%2040)%20OR%20(MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS%20ge" +
-          "%20140%20AND%20MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS%20le%20122)&fields=METRICS");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      assertEquals(3, metricCnt);
-      // metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ lt 60 AND MAP_SLOT_MILLIS gt 40) OR
-      // (MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS ge 140 AND MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS le 122)
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=(HDFS_BYTES_READ%20lt%2060%20AND%20" +
-          "MAP_SLOT_MILLIS%20gt%2040)%20OR%20(MAP1_SLOT_MILLIS%20ge" +
-          "%20140%20AND%20MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS%20le%20122)&metricstoretrieve=" +
-          "!(HDFS)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      metricCnt = 0;
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        metricCnt += entity.getMetrics().size();
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-        for (TimelineMetric metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-          assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP1"));
-        }
-      }
-      assertEquals(2, metricCnt);
-      // Test for behavior when compare op is ne(not equals) vs ene
-      // (exists and not equals). MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS does not exist for
-      // entity1. For ne, both entity1 and entity2 will be returned. For ene,
-      // only entity2 will be returned as we are checking for existence too.
-      // metricfilters=MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS ne 100
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS%20ne%20100");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // metricfilters=MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS ene 100
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?metricfilters=MAP11_SLOT_MILLIS%20ene%20100");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesEventFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?eventfilters=event1,event3");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?eventfilters=!(event1,event3)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      // eventfilters=!(event1,event3) OR event5,event6
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?eventfilters=!(event1,event3)%20OR%20event5,event6");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      //  eventfilters=(!(event1,event3) OR event5,event6) OR
-      // (event1,event2 AND (event3,event4))
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?eventfilters=(!(event1,event3)%20OR%20event5," +
-          "event6)%20OR%20(event1,event2%20AND%20(event3,event4))");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntitiesRelationFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1?isrelatedto=type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/entities/type1" +
-          "?isrelatedto=!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-      // isrelatedto=!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)OR 
-      // type6:entity61:entity66
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/entities/type1" +
-          "?isrelatedto=!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)%20OR%20" +
-          "type5:entity51,type6:entity61:entity66");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // isrelatedto=(!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)OR type5:
-      // entity51,type6:entity61:entity66) OR (type1:entity14,type2:entity21:
-      // entity22 AND (type3:entity32:entity35,type4:entity42))
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/entities/type1" +
-          "?isrelatedto=(!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)%20OR%20" +
-          "type5:entity51,type6:entity61:entity66)%20OR%20(type1:entity14," +
-          "type2:entity21:entity22%20AND%20(type3:entity32:entity35,"+
-          "type4:entity42))");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // relatesto=!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)OR type5:entity51,
-      // type6:entity61:entity66
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/entities/type1" +
-          "?relatesto=!%20(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22%20)%20OR%20" 
-          "type5:entity51,type6:entity61:entity66");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-      // relatesto=(!(type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)OR type5:entity51,
-      // type6:entity61:entity66) OR (type1:entity14,type2:entity21:entity22 
-      // (type3:entity32:entity35 , type4:entity42))
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/timeline/" +
-          "clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/entities/type1" +
-          "?relatesto=(!(%20type3:entity31,type2:entity21:entity22)%20OR%20" +
-          "type5:entity51,type6:entity61:entity66%20)%20OR%20(type1:entity14," 
-          "type2:entity21:entity22%20AND%20(type3:entity32:entity35%20,%20"+
-          "type4:entity42))");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue(entity.getId().equals("entity1") ||
-            entity.getId().equals("entity2"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tests if specific configs and metrics are retrieve for getEntity call.
-   */
-  @Test
-  public void testGetEntityDataToRetrieve() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1/entity2?confstoretrieve=cfg_,configuration_");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      TimelineEntity entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("entity2", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals("type1", entity.getType());
-      assertEquals(2, entity.getConfigs().size());
-      for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-        assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("configuration_") ||
-            configKey.startsWith("cfg_"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1/entity2?confstoretrieve=!(cfg_,configuration_)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("entity2", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals("type1", entity.getType());
-      assertEquals(1, entity.getConfigs().size());
-      for (String configKey : entity.getConfigs().keySet()) {
-        assertTrue(configKey.startsWith("config_"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1/entity2?metricstoretrieve=MAP1_,HDFS_");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("entity2", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals("type1", entity.getType());
-      assertEquals(2, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      for (TimelineMetric  metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP1_") ||
-            metric.getId().startsWith("HDFS_"));
-      }
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1111/" +
-          "entities/type1/entity2?metricstoretrieve=!(MAP1_,HDFS_)");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entity = resp.getEntity(TimelineEntity.class);
-      assertNotNull(entity);
-      assertEquals("entity2", entity.getId());
-      assertEquals("type1", entity.getType());
-      assertEquals(1, entity.getMetrics().size());
-      for (TimelineMetric  metric : entity.getMetrics()) {
-        assertTrue(metric.getId().startsWith("MAP11_"));
-      }
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRunApps() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/" +
-          "1002345678919/apps?fields=ALL");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Unexpected app in result",
-            (entity.getId().equals("application_1111111111_1111") &&
-            entity.getMetrics().size() == 3) ||
-            (entity.getId().equals("application_1111111111_2222") &&
-            entity.getMetrics().size() == 1));
-      }
-      // Query without specifying cluster ID.
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/1002345678919/apps");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(2, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/1002345678919/" +
-          "apps?limit=1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowApps() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps?" +
-          "fields=ALL");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(3, entities.size());
-      for (TimelineEntity entity : entities) {
-        assertTrue("Unexpected app in result",
-            (entity.getId().equals("application_1111111111_1111") &&
-            entity.getMetrics().size() == 3) ||
-            (entity.getId().equals("application_1111111111_2222") &&
-            entity.getMetrics().size() == 1) ||
-            (entity.getId().equals("application_1111111111_2224") &&
-            entity.getMetrics().size() == 1));
-      }
-      // Query without specifying cluster ID.
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(3, entities.size());
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps?limit=1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowAppsFilters() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      String entityType = TimelineEntityType.YARN_APPLICATION.toString();
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps?" +
-          "eventfilters=" + ApplicationMetricsConstants.FINISHED_EVENT_TYPE);
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      assertTrue("Unexpected app in result", entities.contains(
-          newEntity(entityType, "application_1111111111_1111")));
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps?" +
-          "metricfilters=HDFS_BYTES_READ%20ge%200");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      assertTrue("Unexpected app in result", entities.contains(
-          newEntity(entityType, "application_1111111111_1111")));
-      uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/apps?" +
-          "conffilters=cfg1%20eq%20value1");
-      resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      entities = resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(1, entities.size());
-      assertTrue("Unexpected app in result", entities.contains(
-          newEntity(entityType, "application_1111111111_2222")));
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRunNotPresent() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/" +
-          "1002345678929");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.NOT_FOUND);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowsNotPresent() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster2/flows");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<FlowActivityEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<FlowActivityEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetAppNotPresent() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster1/apps/application_1111111111_1378");
-      verifyHttpResponse(client, uri, Status.NOT_FOUND);
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowRunAppsNotPresent() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster2/users/user1/flows/flow_name/runs/" +
-          "1002345678919/apps");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testGetFlowAppsNotPresent() throws Exception {
-    Client client = createClient();
-    try {
-      URI uri = URI.create("http://localhost:"; + serverPort + "/ws/v2/" +
-          "timeline/clusters/cluster2/users/user1/flows/flow_name55/apps");
-      ClientResponse resp = getResponse(client, uri);
-      Set<TimelineEntity> entities =
-          resp.getEntity(new GenericType<Set<TimelineEntity>>(){});
-      assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, resp.getType());
-      assertNotNull(entities);
-      assertEquals(0, entities.size());
-    } finally {
-      client.destroy();
-    }
-  }
-  @After
-  public void stop() throws Exception {
-    if (server != null) {
-      server.stop();
-      server = null;
-    }
-  }

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