To my knowledge, shuffle is already pluggable in 0.23 onwards, as long as
it is used only by mapreduce framework.

That's why Avner says : "In parallel, I'll try to *learn what exists* in
0.23". (Emphasize my own.)

That's why I was wondering about the insistence of committing to trunk

- Milind

Milind Bhandarkar
Greenplum Labs, EMC
(Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this email are those of the author, and
do not necessarily represent the views of any organization, past or
present, the author might be affiliated with.)

On 4/3/12 2:44 PM, "Aaron T. Myers" <> wrote:

>On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 2:37 PM, <> wrote:
>> What would be guideline for a new feature, such as
>>, which maintains
>> compatibility for 1.x, but is not relevant to trunk, because the
>> have completely diverged, so cannot be committed to trunk ?
>Are you sure this isn't relevant to trunk? The "target versions" field of
>that JIRA lists both 1.0.x and 0.24.0 (trunk.) In the latest comment on
>that JIRA, the author appears to intend to do this work for both trunk and
>"I want to have the described plugin-ability (desired with same interface)
>for all future versions of Hadoop (as mentioned in the Target Version/s
>field). <snip> On the first phase, I am focusing on the existing 1.0
>as I know it. In parallel, I'll try to learn what exists in 0.23"
>Aaron T. Myers
>Software Engineer, Cloudera

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