
 I have a question about the build failure messages from Jenkins the past
few days. I have a patch that was approved to be merged for branch-2

[mattf] HDFS-3265. PowerPc Build error. Contributed by Kumar Ravi.

Although I was successful in building hadoop-common and hadoop-hdfs with
the above patch on an x86_64 platform running Sun JDK 1.6, there was the
following failure message that I saw on this mailing list:

+ /home/jenkins/tools/maven/latest/bin/mvn test -Pclover

Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

I have been unable to recreate this problem. I also notice there has been
at least 1 such build failure every day with exactly the same result.

I would appreciate any help in trying to understand this message so that I
can get my patch merged into branch-2.


Kumar Ravi
IBM Linux Technology Center
IBM Master Inventor

11501 Burnet Road,
Austin, TX 78758

Tel.: (512)286-8179

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