Project Rhino

As the Apache Hadoop ecosystem extends into new markets and sees new use cases 
with security and compliance challenges, the benefits of processing sensitive 
and legally protected data with Hadoop must be coupled with protection for 
private information that limits performance impact. Project 
Rhino<> is our open source effort 
to enhance the existing data protection capabilities of the Hadoop ecosystem to 
address these challenges, and contribute the code back to Apache.

The core of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem as it is commonly understood is:

- Core: A set of shared libraries
- HDFS: The Hadoop filesystem
- MapReduce: Parallel computation framework
- ZooKeeper: Configuration management and coordination
- HBase: Column-oriented database on HDFS
- Hive: Data warehouse on HDFS with SQL-like access
- Pig: Higher-level programming language for Hadoop computations
- Oozie: Orchestration and workflow management
- Mahout: A library of machine learning and data mining algorithms
- Flume: Collection and import of log and event data
- Sqoop: Imports data from relational databases

These components are all separate projects and therefore cross cutting concerns 
like authN, authZ, a consistent security policy framework, consistent 
authorization model and audit coverage are loosely coordinated. Some security 
features expected by our customers, such as encryption, are simply missing. Our 
aim is to take a full stack view and work with the individual projects toward 
consistent concepts and capabilities, filling gaps as we go.

Our initial goals are:

1) Framework support for encryption and key management

There is currently no framework support for encryption or key management. We 
will add this support into Hadoop Core and integrate it across the ecosystem.

2) A common authorization framework for the Hadoop ecosystem

Each component currently has its own authorization engine. We will abstract the 
common functions into a reusable authorization framework with a consistent 
interface. Where appropriate we will either modify an existing engine to work 
within this framework, or we will plug in a common default engine. Therefore we 
also must normalize how security policy is expressed and applied by each 
component. Core, HDFS, ZooKeeper, and HBase currently support simple access 
control lists (ACLs) composed of users and groups. We see this as a good 
starting point. Where necessary we will modify components so they each offer 
equivalent functionality, and build support into others.

3) Token based authentication and single sign on

Core, HDFS, ZooKeeper, and HBase currently support Kerberos authentication at 
the RPC layer, via SASL. However this does not provide valuable attributes such 
as group membership, classification level, organizational identity, or support 
for user defined attributes. Hadoop components must interrogate external 
resources for discovering these attributes and at scale this is problematic. 
There is also no consistent delegation model. HDFS has a simple delegation 
capability, and only Oozie can take limited advantage of it. We will implement 
a common token based authentication framework to decouple internal user and 
service authentication from external mechanisms used to support it (like 

4) Extend HBase support for ACLs to the cell level

Currently HBase supports setting access controls at the table or column family 
level. However, many use cases would benefit from the additional capability to 
do this on a per cell basis. In fact for many users dealing with sensitive 
information the ability to do this is crucial.

5) Improve audit logging

Audit messages from various Hadoop components do not use a unified or even 
consistently formatted format. This makes analysis of logs for verifying 
compliance or taking corrective action difficult. We will build a common audit 
logging facility as part of the common authorization framework work. We will 
also build a set of common audit log processing tools for transforming them to 
different industry standard formats, for supporting compliance verification, 
and for triggering responses to policy violations.

Current JIRAs:

As part of this ongoing effort we are contributing our work to-date against the 
JIRAs listed below. As you may appreciate, the goals for Project Rhino covers a 
number of different Apache projects, the scope of work is significant and 
likely to only increase as we get additional community input. We also 
appreciate that there may be others in the Apache community that may be working 
on some of this or are interested in contributing to it. If so, we look forward 
to partnering with you in Apache to accelerate this effort so the Apache 
community can see the benefits from our collective efforts sooner. You can also 
find a more detailed version of this announcement at Project 

Please feel free to reach out to us by commenting on the JIRAs below:

HBASE-6222: Add per-KeyValue 

HADOOP-9331: Hadoop crypto codec framework and crypto codec 
implementations<> and related 

MAPREDUCE-5025: Key Distribution and Management for supporting crypto codec in 
Map Reduce<> and related 

HBASE-7544: Transparent table/CF 

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