Nexus issues are resolved, and the Nexus staging repository for Hadoop
1.2.0-rc1 properly uploaded.  Thanks for your patience.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Matt Foley <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have posted the signed tarballs for Hadoop 1.2.0-rc1 at
>  Release notes are at:  
> releasenotes_1.2.0-rc1.html<>
> I'm having a little trouble with Nexus (it seems to have forgotten I
> exist) but am working on that and will post to Nexus as soon as possible.
> In the meantime, unless there are objections, I'd like to start the vote.
> Please review this release candidate and vote it for release.  Vote will
> end
> in seven days as usual, at 11:30am PDT on Monday 13 May.
> Best regards,
> --Matt
> (release manager)

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