On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 1:36 PM, Matt Foley <mfo...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
>>> lets fork this thread into the appropriate ML and discuss the practical,
> achievable
>>> steps that can be included into the release criteria of Hadoop 2.0.5-beta
> Seems to me common-dev is the appropriate ML,

Thanks. I'll stick to this thread then.

> and Arun has invited Jiras to include.
> Open a Jira with your suggested list, and we carry on the discussion from
> there.  Does that work?

But this is exactly my concern -- I don't have the list of JIRAs.
In fact, there's work that needs to be done to arrive at the
list of JIRAs that would be complete enough to give me
confidence that something like MAPREDUCE-5240 (I'll stick
to this example simply because I remember it by heart now ;-)).
What I'm saying is this -- if nobody is willing to do this work
outside of the very few folks who are part of Apache Bigtop
then I have very little confidence in this proposal actually
delivering on its promise of beta quality in Hadoop 2.0.5.

The question I'm asking is actually quite simple: does Hadoop
community believe in investing in doing this work to COME UP
with such a list? Or to ask it differently -- does the Hadoop
community value the feedback that such a work would provide
to a degree that it would be made part of the release criteria
for Hadoop 2.0.5-beta?

This is really a binary question as far as I can tell.


P.S. There's a second level of discussion which is -- what
exactly does that extra work entail -- but lets deal with
the basic question first.

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