Responses inline:

On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:04 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:

> But there's a bit of bad news too (or at least the news that need to
> be triaged). At
> this point I don't know whether the Hadoop code is to blame or the
> tests/components
> themselves -- all I know is that these tests passed with Hadoop 2.0.5-alpha:
>   1. HDFS append integration tests failed:
>       It seems that there's some incompatibility between the client code
>       that was compiled against Hadoop 2.0.5 (as part of Bigtop 0.6.0 release)
>       and the current Hadoop 2.1.0.

This is well known, we need to recompile against hadoop-2.1.0-beta.

>    2. Quite a few Sqoop tests ended up failing because of what seems
> like AM not
>    realizing that one of the tasks exited and waiting for it to
> timeout. In the end
>    the task is getting killed like this:
>         AttemptID:attempt_1371348647940_0030_m_000000_2 Timed out
> after 600 secsContainer killed by the ApplicationMaster.
>     but it takes a VERY long time (on the task side the log is
> attached bellow).

Essentially, this is a Sqoop error - we could investigate why it took 600s, but 
doesn't look like a blocker to me.

We'll probably need another 2.1.1-beta anyway...

>     3. There's a couple of Hive tests (out of more than a dozen) that
> failed in a pretty odd way
>          (scroll to the very bottom of every page to see the excpetion):
>         What's peculiar here is that nothing has failed *before* or
> *after* these particular
>         tests. Hence I don't think that the state of the cluster
> deployment is to blame.

Both errors seemed to be related to Hive unit tests failing since 
MiniHDFSCluster didn't come up:

Job Submission failed with exception 
/user/jenkins/.staging/job_1371348647940_0308/job.split could only be 
replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 4 datanode(s) 
running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

>      4. All of the Mahout tests failed with the following:
>          This odd, and as I said -- all I know at this point is that
> the very same
>           tests running the very same Mahout pass with Hadoop 2.0.5-alpha.

Again, this is related to fact that we need to recompile Mahout against 
2.1.0-beta - in particular this was due to the compatibility work done via 
MAPREDUCE-5156 (part of MAPREDUCE-5108).


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