cross-posting this from cdh-users group where it received little interest:

is there a bug in SequenceFile.sync()?  This is from cdh4.3.0:

    /** Seek to the next sync mark past a given position.*/
    public synchronized void sync(long position) throws IOException {
      if (position+SYNC_SIZE >= end) {

      if (position < headerEnd) {
        // seek directly to first record;                                         <====
should this not call seek (ie instead?
        // note the sync marker "seen" in the header
        syncSeen = true;

the problem is that when you sync to the start of a compressed file, the
noBufferedKeys and valuesDecompressed isn't reset so a block read isn't
triggered.  When you subsequently call next() you're potentially getting
keys from the buffer which still contains keys from the previous position
of the file.

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